Are test sources handled differently by CMake? - c++

I am building an application with CMake, which produces libraries and executables, in text mode and GUI mode (Qt5), and out course unit testing.
I have the experience, that if I modify any but the test sources, and want to run, CMake builds first new executable(s). If I modify any of the test sources,
CMakes runs the old executable immediately, so I need to compile explicitly the new tester before running it. The tests are in a separate subdirectory, the structure is similar to that of the other components, the sources are defined by a
set(MY_SRCS list of individual sources)
Any idea, what could cause that difference? (although it is a nuance).

The make test target generated by CTest only executes the tests you added using add_test(), it does not build them. As it does not build them, it also does not check for changes in source files.
You can solve this issue by adding a custom target (e.g. make check) that first builds your tests and then executes them: CMake & CTest : make test doesn't build tests.
Not sure if this answers the question, since you do not specify how you create and execute your unit tests.


Testing our CMake Modules

We created multiple additional functions for CMake. They became quite a lot, and we need to (unit) test them.
There are simple ones, that are only variable bases like:
function(join_list LIST GLUE)
These can be tested with a custom CMake Script, that checks the results.
For this we also wrote a set of assert-macros.
This becomes way harder when the functions are target based:
function(target_my_custom_property_set TARGET VALUE)
We need a multiple CMakeLists.txt Files that need to be configured. Configuration must succeed or fail with specified messages. Also the result files must be checked.
I wonder, is there an easier way? Is there a existing framework? How does Kitware test the shipped modules?
ctest is the framework for running all sorts of tests. There are many tests for cmake that get run as part of the CMake Testing Process. These tests are part of the source code in the Tests folder and are part of CMakeLists.txt.
The specific tests you want to look at are located in the RunCMake folder. These tests utilize RunCMake.cmake. A good example is the tests in message. What these tests do is utilize execute_process to capture the output from cmake and compare the output from the cmake configure step to the contents for a file with the expected output. The return value from cmake is also returned and can be tested.
You don't specify what "results files" are. There are examples that are more complicated that the perform a configuration and build and scan some files to verify there contents.
It may be easier if you separate out checking messages in a failed configure vs a failed build vs a passing configure and build and a specific output message.

Autotools: How to run a single test using make check?

I'm currently working on a project that uses autotools to generate a makefile. As usual, this makefile supports make check, to run the entire test suite. However, I'm working on a small part of the program, where only a few unit tests apply. Is it possible, using make check, to run a single unit test or a selection of unit tests, instead of the entire suite?
Evan VanderZee suggests that it depends on the directory structure, so let me explain a bit more about the directory structure. The directory structure for this project is pretty flat. Most source files are in the src/ directory, with some grouped in a subdirectory under src/. The unit tests are in src/tests. None of the source directories contain a Makefile. There is only a makefile (generated by configure) at the top level.
If you are using Automake's TESTS variable to list the tests that make check runs, then there is an easy shortcut: make check TESTS='name-of-test1 name-of-test2' The TESTS variable passed on the command line overrides the one in the Makefile.
Alternatively, export TESTS='names-of-tests'; make -e check to take the value of TESTS from the environment.
If you are not using TESTS but instead check-local or some other target, then this won't work.
The answer to that depends on the specific makefiles you are using. If the tests have a directory structure, you can often navigate to a subdirectory and run make check in the subdirectory.
Since you explained later that your directory structure is flat, it is hard to say without actually seeing some of the makefile. If you know the name of the executable that is created for the specific test you want to run, you might be able to run make name_of_test to build the test that you want to run. This will not run the test, it will only build it. The test may reside in the test directory after it is built. After this you can go into the test directory and run the test in the typical way you would run an executable, but if the test depends on libraries, you may need to tell the test where to find those libraries, perhaps by adding some libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
If this is something you would want to do often, the makefile can probably be modified to support running the specific tests that you want to run. Typically this would involve editing a or and then reconfiguring, but I don't have enough information yet to advise what edits you would need to make.

Does build include running Unit Tests?

I used work on Java. I was using Ant/Maven for making the build process easier.
I used to write the unit tests in the JUnit framework. When I say build all unit test area lso used to run.
So there means, Build includes the compiling the source code and running the unit test against that compiled source code.
Now I started working with C++ on new project in Visual C++. Here, When I say build, Only source is compiled and linked with libs. But unit test are not ran.
So, now I got confused with actual definition of build process.
Does build process includes running tests also? Or it is just compiling and linking of source code?
Ant and Maven "know" about unit tests. If an executable is marked as test, it will be run during the build process.
Visual Studio, AFAIK, does not have this concept. Even if an executable is written using some *Unit framework, Visual Studio will build it but not run it (by default). It is possible to run tests during the build process, but you need to add a post-build step to the test program's project to run the executable.
Disclaimer: The last version I used was VS 2003.NET; things might have improved (or gotten worse) since then.
Nowadays, I use the build tool with the greatest flexibility: make. In the project I'm currently working on, there's a build target named 'all' which builds every executable and test program, a target named 'check' which runs every test program (and builds them if needed), a target named 'coverage' which computes code coverage, and a target named 'run' which does all of the above. This way I get to choose what to run.
I hope that you can see from this that "what does the build process include" depends on how the build system is set up. There isn't a universally defined concept of "build process".

Is it possible to perform unit testing on dll's methods without an executable during build process?

I have 63 DLL's with various C++ methods in each. I want to validate the output of some of the methods with fixed input values. I'm wondering if it is possible to do unit testing in the DLL itself during compilation build process.
So, the compilation build of DLL gives the results of the Unit Testing in the Output window of Visual Studio.
I know that I can validate this scenario by creating executable file and calling the methods. But, is it possible without executable file?
As others have said - testing "during compilation" does not make sense, so I'm assuming you mean testing during the build process, which is different and of course possible using post build steps etc.
You don't specify which version of Visual Studio you use, but if you have VS2012, there is an MSDN article that describes exactly how to do what you describe. See the link for the full instructions, I've attached a partial screenshot below
Taking your question verbatim, the answer is "no", because you can't test a DLL when you haven't even finished compiling it. Also, you need some kind of executable to load that DLL, so either you load it with a scripting language (Python with ctypes comes to mind) or you create an executable.
Calling that from a post-compile step in Visual Studio, as suggested by shivakumar is probably the only way to get the results into the output window. I personally prefer running this from an external build script, but I'm also cross-compiling a lot and I can't run things from a post-compile step there. This also makes it easier to debug the unit tests when something fails.
You have to wait compilation to complete so that there are no compilation error in the code.
In the post-build event you can add batch files which will run your unit test modules and validate the binaries generated after compilation.
You are asking for a thing that does not make sense. When you say "compiling" that means a very specific thing: invoking the compiler, before invoking the linker. But C++ code (and C++ unit tests) do not work like that. The compiler must finish compiling both your production code and your tests, and the object files must then be linked into libraries, executables, or both. A test framework must then execute the test code which calls your production code in order to get results. None of these steps are optional in C++.
Instead, you probably intended to ask if you could run the unit tests as part of the build (not compile). And the answer to that is an emphatic "yes!"
I'm guessing that your solution is likely structured into 63 or more individual DLL projects. For each production DLL you are going to test, such as Foo.DLL, I recommend you add a new FooTest project, with the unit test code added to the FooTest project. In FooTest, create a project dependency upon the Foo project, which will force FooTest to build after building Foo. In the FooTest project you would have two kinds of code modules: classes containing your unit tests, and a FooTest.cpp that would house the main() entrypoint of the FooTest.EXE program, invoking the testing framework, and outputting the results to the console.
Create your FooTest.cpp so that it's a console program. If you format your test executable's output so that it matches the output of the Visual Studio compiler, as in "filename.cpp(lineNo) : error: description of failure", Visual Studio will automatically navigate to the file and line if you click on it. Unit test frameworks such as CppUnit may already have a "CompilerOutputter" class that will properly format the output to match your compiler's errors.
In your FooTest project, you also need to set the input to the FooTest linker so that it can link in the production code you are trying to test. In the properties of the FooTest project, go to the Linker/Input tab and add the path to your Foo project's OBJ files to the Additional Dependencies. The line I use looks like this: $(SolutionDir)Foo\Debug\obj*.obj
In the Build Events properties of the FooTest project, invoke your new FooTest.EXE as a post-build step. Then, every time you click build, your code will be built and your unit tests will be executed. The project dependency will ensure that if you change your Foo code, you will compile, link, and execute the FooTest tests. And the console output ensures that your test results will appear as clickable output in your IDE.
You could create 63 separate unit test executables, or you could create one all-encompassing unit test executable. That's entirely your choice. If you are looking to make the builds and links happen quicker, you will probably want to have the separate executables; even though it's a bit more individual configuration work, you do it only once, and after that you retain the benefits of quick builds for small changes.
Now you're ready to do some serious coding.

Running Nested Tests with CTest

I have a small, but non-trivial project, which for architectural reasons is built as three separete projects, they are inter-dependent, so unless I'm particularly focused, or improving test-coverage having spotted a hole, it makes sense for me to work from the proejct root.
The layout is as such:
A word on the architecture, libmyproject is the real meat of my application, it's built this way because a CLI is a horrible way to ship code to end-users, as a library, it is also used from C# and Objective-C applications. (and all that works as expected)
The libmyotherproject is some platform specific support code, not directly connected to libmyproject, it has a few unit tests.
The vlc-plugin isn't important here, except to show that not everything in /src/*/ has unit tests.
My workflow is typically to hack on the CLI app until something useful crops up, and then refactor it into the library, and make sure it's portable.
When I'm working in /src/*/build/, typically running cmake ../ && make && ctest --output-on-failure, everything works.
When I'm working in /build, and run cmake, the individual components are built correctly (using add_subdirectories()) from CMake, but CTest does not recursively find the tests.
The documentation for CTest is a little unhelpful in what you should do:
ctest [options]
The "ctest" executable is the CMake test driver program. CMake-generated build trees created for
projects that use the ENABLE_TESTING and ADD_TEST commands have testing support. This program will
run the tests and report results.
I would have expected since the ADD_TEST() calls live in /src/libmyotherproject/tests/CMakeLists.txt, that they would be run? (They are at least compiled when I run cmake from /build/)
I hope I have been able to provide enough informaton, thank you.
in your top level CMakeLists.txt file before you make any add_subdirectory calls.
That will call enable_testing for you, and also set things up if you ever want to run a ctest dashboard script on the project to send results to a CDash server.