Qt creator run app on Mac OSX - c++

I just installed Qt creator on OSX and after compiling my first program (nothing fancy, just "hello world"), I tried to run it. It opened a terminal without my hello world, just saying "press enter to close".
I read similar topics of Stackoverflow on this matter like this one :
Console input with Qt Creator
I did the two steps ("Run in Terminal" which was already checked by default and set the path to xterm "/usr/x11/bin/xterm -e", I checked that I had indeed xterm at this path after installing x11). But unfortunately, when I run my program, in the app output of Qt creator, I just have the message :
and then nothing else happens, no terminal. Has someone already faced this problem?
Thanks in advance


Mac Terminal Wont Open When I'm Using QT Creator Anymore

Before I updated both QT and Xcode on my mac, my computer just stopped opening up the terminal when I went to run my code. It had worked for months and is still enabled as my default on QT. I Tried uninstalling and reinstalling both QT and Xcode, but my terminal still will not open when I run the code. When I disable terminal as my default, I can see my output at the bottom of my screen in QT, but I would like it to open in terminal. Any suggestions?
Someone on https://forum.qt.io found the solution, thank's so much to him !
A .dmg archive with a corrected QtCreator version 7.0.1 from the snapshot downloads is available here: https://download.qt.io/snapshots/qtcreator_qt5/7.0/7.0.1/134/
After installation, the terminal opens correctly

No output from heob in a Qt application using Qt Creator

I would like to use heob to check my app for memory leaks. This is what i tried: I opened the project "analogclock" from the examples collection in qtcreator. After that i have chosen "Analyze" and "Heob" from the drop down menu. After choosing the heob path and a click on the ok button, the application starts and a console window "heob32" is displayed. But now nothing happens. Just the word "kill" is displayed in the console window. I canĀ“t see any output and if i close the analogclock app i get the message: "heob: cannot create target process". Can anyone help me further to get useful output from heob?
What OS are you using and what heob did you install?
You need to download and install heob separately from Creator. Creator just installs a link without heob itself. Have you done this? Are you really running on a 32-bit system (there is a heob64 in case you are using a modern OS).
Did you configure your heob installation in Qt Creator correctly?
Can you run heob from the commandline with reasonable behaviour?

qt crashes on opening

I am trying to get qt set up on my computer to make a gui for a c++ program. I installed it with no issues but it will not open. I open qt community an it opens a plugin loader and closes. Watching it from task manager it has multiple cmd sub processes open, a clangbackend.exe then a windows problem reporting processes starts and everything closes. I've tried rebooting and reinstalling. I'm on windows.
Original Thread
Try running this command in cmd.exe (command prompt):
c:\pathto\qtcreator -noload Welcome -noload QmlDesigner -noload QmlProfiler
ps: replace pathto with the path to the qt creator bin. ex = if your path to qt creator bin is, C://Program Files/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/bin, so the command looks like,
c:\Program Files\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\qtcreator -noload Welcome -noload QmlDesigner -noload QmlProfiler
If this opens Qt Creator, go to help menu->About Plugins and disable "Welcome" permanantly.
If the solution above doesn't work try disabling your antivirus software like McAffee.

C++ Eclipse: stdin in different console than stdout

I encountered a strange of Eclipse on Linux.
I have a simple C++ console program that prints some messages to stdout (cout) which is displayed in a console named "Default [C/C++ Application] ApplicationName" where "ApplicationName" is the name of my executable.
When I try to read a character with getchar() this console does not react to any input.
I have to switch the console to another console named: "Default [C/C++ Application] gdb" where I can enter a message which is then read by getchar().
So it looks like stdin and stdout is routed to different consoles during debug. If running the App without debugger from a Console Window outside of Eclipse everything works fine.
How can I make Eclipse use the same console for input and output.
I now installed the latest version of Eclipse Keppler and the problem still exists.
I am using ubuntu 12 and eclipse kepler and program it using same console for input and output. I have tested it with and without GDB.
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Version: Kepler Service Release 1
Build id: 20130919-0819
Mine is Indigo on Linux Mint. It was the version that I got when istalled from the "App-Store".
Will try to install the new Version. Thanks.

Error in basic C++ program running in Netbeans IDE with Cygwin

I recently started learning C++ and I installed Netbeans IDE 6.9.1 and also the Cygwin compiler packages and configured them, and added Cygwin to my environment variable PATH like the instructions told me to.
I wrote a basic "Hello World" program and when I press Ctrl+F5 to "Debug Main Project" it seems to build fine but the black console/command prompt window flashes then disappears.
Then when I go to Run > Run Main Project, it builds and then a command prompt window pops up with the directory to "sh.exe" in its title.
I took a screenshot of the error message:
Does anyone know why this is happening and why I can't get the program to run properly even in debug?
Notice that in the screenshot I switched over to the MinGW tools because I thought maybe Cygwin was the problem, but the same error still occurs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
"No such file or directory" in the error message is the key. When you run the project, it wants to access a file which is not there. Make sure that the paths are set up correctly.