Standard method to import and use animations in OpenGL [closed] - opengl

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am about to hire a 3D artist to work on some animated models that will end up filling a 3D world made with OpenGL. What is the standard way of exporting animated models? If there's no standard way, could you list some options? I can't find any exhaustive reference about this subject.
Also, is it equivalent if he will use 3DSmax, Maya or Blender, in terms of what is going to be possible to achieve and the complexity to achieve it with OpenGL?

Assimp library can handle a lot of 3D model formats. Like in the comment section was mentioned, there is no standard way. Their are a plenty of 3D model formats out there. This tutorial series is a good start learning OpenGL. Tutorial 22 and 38 is about 3D model loading and animation.


How to render text in OpenGL menu-system smartly? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to make a simple windowing system in an OpenGL app. Rendering menus with text-boxes, buttons, check-boxes, etc. How do I render this smartly?
So far I have 2 ideas:
In each frame I render every character of the menu to the screen.
I keep the menu/window in a texture, and render only this texture each frame. (and only update the parts of the texture that have changed.)
What are the downsides of each?
Start with the first bullet, then maybe implement the second bullet later as an optimization. The second bullet is sometimes known as "framebuffer caching". Note that Dear ImGui (a very popular GUI library that can use OpenGL for rendering) does not bother with framebuffer caching.
If you decide to implement framebuffer caching, the work you did in the beginning will not be wasted, since you will use it to update the cache.

Vulkan advanced render design [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've finally managed to make it through the basic concepts of vulkan and have some knowledge of primary/secondary commandbuffers, renderpasses etc. Now I was wondering how one would design a more advanced render engine(not like the simples ones from the samples)?
Let me ask it more specifically:
If I would want to render a small village(a few houses) containing some villagers, which are animated using skeletal animation, how would the design approach look like? Would you create two Renderer classes, one for the villagers, one for the houses, each generating a secondary commandbuffer for each object? And if so, how would one make proper use of multithreading? And if, lets say, every villager has its own pipeline(different textures, bonelayouts, etc), how would one manage those?
Edit: I'm not searching for "the render engine", I just want to know how one could make effective use of multithreading then rendering a scene with different "types" of models(NPCs, houses, terrain).

How to handle backbuffer in Direct3D11? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Recently,i want to learn a book named Tricks of 3D Games Programming Gurus.It used DDraw to implement a soft render engine.But DDraw is to old.I want to use Direct3D11 to do the same things.So i got the texture of the main backbuffer,and update it.But it didn't work,what should i do?
You don't have direct access to the true frontbuffer/backbuffer even with DirectDraw on modern platforms.
If you want to do all your rendering into a block of CPU memory without using the GPU, then your best bet for fast presentation is to use a Direct3D 11 texture with D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC, and then do a simple full-screen quad render of that texture onto the presentation backbuffer. For that step, you can look at DirectX Tool Kit and the SpriteBatch class.
That said, performance wise this is likely to be pretty poor because you are doing everything on the CPU and the GPU is basically doing nothing 99% of the time.

Loading 3d model into OpenGL scene [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to load and store 3d models in my project and render them in an OpenGL scene. I can choose type of models to be exported. dwg, max, step and some other formats are available. Just found that OpenGL is low-level API and does not contain any facilities to parse 3d model files. I'm looking for some library/API to translate a 3d file structure into OpenGL primitives (or some other raw data) and store them back in a file with specified format.
For example I would like to load a step file, rotate and scale some objects, and then save modified file.
I think that Assimp could be what you are looking for:
C++ 3ds loader:

Best way to learn about Direct X [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to begin looking at Direct X, but don't just want to try and throw myself into it. What are some good resources to get ones feet wet?
I highly recommend Toymaker's tutorials. Helped me greatly when I was first starting out with DX and was just as good as a reference later on.
The other thing to do would to set up some small projects that use DX that increase in difficulty as you go. If you'd like a starter list (from easy to hard):
Compiling using DX libraries (I always remeber having trouble linking the libraries correctly in Visual Studio).
Change background colour.
See a model on-screen.
Moving the model with input.
A camera.
Apply a texture to your model.
Add multiple models to your scene.
Add lighting.
Create your a simple rectangle model and display a texture on it.
Get comfortable with all that and then have a look at shaders, advanced lighting and animation.
There are quite a few books on directX, but there is so much freely available information on the web these days, I would just jump right in there.
A good place to start is just to do a youtube search for DirectX Tutorials. In my opinion, this is a fun and interesting way to get started learning a new dev skill.