Salesforce lightning Input with list doesn't work - list

I'm trying use input with datalist in a lightning component and doesn't seem to work. I've looked around and can't seem to find anything that says i can't. So basically,
<input list="acctlist"/>
<datalist id="acctlist">
<option value="somevalue">
does not work. I want to have an input in a form that a user can type but also able to select from a list returned from the controller. Is there a workaround that would be as simple or is this the following route the best i got.

The list attribute of input tag is not compatible with lightning component.
When you deploy the components, the attribute is removed.
If you want to use input with datalist, you need to add the attribute in Renderer.js.
<input aura:id="acctlistInput" />
<datalist id="acctlist">
<option value="somevalue" />
afterRender : function(component, helper) {
var acctlistInputCmp = component.find("acctlistInput");
var acctlistInput = acctlistInputCmp.getElement();
acctlistInput.setAttribute("list", "acctlist");
return this.superAfterRender();


Call function through livewire with the value of a custom data-attribute as a parameter

I have a select input which, using livewire, calls a function whenever the selection changes. According to the documentation you can use $ to get to the selected value, however I want to send a different attribute value (myvalue) to my function.
<!-- this doesnt work -->
<select wire:onchange="myfunction($">
<option value="1" data-myvalue="12345">
I got it working using Alpine.js but it seems odd that I need another framework to do so.
<!-- this does work, but requires alpine.js -->
<select x-data='{}' #change="$'myfunction',$el.options[$el.selectedIndex].dataset.myvalue)">
<option value="1" data-myvalue="12345">
Is there a pure livewire solution to this?
Your first code snippet is practically there already. The documentation you linked, in which $event is described, even shows why your code snippet doesn't work:
Your code uses wire:onchange, but Livewire checks for wire:change.
With your example though, you could also use wire:model="foo" and hook into the updatedFoo($newValue) function.
See the lifecycle hooks doc

How to preselect an option in an embedded HTML form?

I try to preselect an option of a select in an embedded HTML form in Camunda Tasklist, but always the first option is preselected.
I followed Binding to a Process Variable:
Binding to a Process Variable
A select box can be bound to a process variable using the cam-variable-name directive:
<select cam-variable-name="foo" cam-variable-type="String">
I read also CAM-3173:
select box doesn't show the correct option
If I set the value of variable by a select box on the start form, the next task form didn't show the option that has been choosen in the start form. It uses the same select box.
but I use Camunda 7.9 and the problem is fixed since version 7.2.3.
<select cam-variable-name="variable" cam-variable-type="String">
<option value="option1">option1</option>
<option value="option2">option2</option>
option1 is preselected. I checked the process variable before entering the user task and it contains option2.
What did I wrong? If the bug still exists, is there any work-around?
I found a work-around, see Camunda Reference:
Implementing Custom Fields
The following is a small usage example which combines some of the features explained so far. It uses custom JavaScript to implement a custom interaction with a form field which does not use any cam-variable-* directives.
It shows how custom scripting can be used for
declaring a variable to be fetched from the backend,
writing the variable’s value to a form field,
reading the value upon submit.
The above example uses jQuery for interacting with the HTML controls. If you use AngularJS, you can also populate the $scope in the variables-fetched callback and read the values from the $scope in the submit callback:
My changed HTML:
<script cam-script type="text/form-script">
camForm.on('form-loaded', function() {
camForm.on('variables-fetched', function() {
$scope.variable = camForm.variableManager.variable('variable');
camForm.on('submit', function() {
camForm.variableManager.variableValue('variable', $scope.variable);
<select data-ng-model="variable">
<option value="option1">option1</option>
<option value="option2">option2</option>

Ember: Is there a way to pass a model through a select dropdown?

I am creating a dropdown menu which is populated with cities. When a user selects a city from the dropdown, I would like to pass a city model to my "selectChange" action handler. The problem is that the model is always passed as a string:
<select class="{{b}}__select" onchange={{action "selectChange" value=target.value}}>
{{#each itinerary.cities as |city|}}
<option value={{city}}>
I could pass the id and then fetch the model from that, but if I could just get this working it would be so much easier. Thanks!
Unless something changed a lot in Ember in the last versions, its select tag support it's pretty poorly.
I recommend you to take a look at some Ember select addon, like ember-power-select or emberx-select.
I think the first one is the most popular.

Ember: concat attributeBinding, how to?

I need to concat several variables to create one attribute, for an example I have a set of RadioButtons which may appear several times on the page - dynamically, first the view can be displayed severl time, other thing is that they are placed in each loop so they can appear several times per view.
So I can't use static name attribute, but I should concat if with several parts, for an exampe result should look like:
<input name="view1_row0" value="0"> No
<input name="view1_row0" value="1"> Yes
<!-- next row in view1 -->
<input name="view1_row1" value="0"> No
<input name="view1_row1" value="1"> Yes
<!-- next row in view2 -->
<input name="view2_row0" value="0"> No
<input name="view2_row0" value="1"> Yes
etc... I can easily get the parent's view's ID and/or index of the loop with view._parentView.contentIndex but I have no idea how to concat them in one binding, the pseudo code would look like this:
{{view Ember.RadioButton nameBinding=view.parentView.elementId + "_row" + view._parentView.contentIndex selectionBinding="someVal" value="0"}}
But it of course throws the error at + sign. Is there any way to resolve that ?
Why not pass them in as separate bindings and the concatenate them in a custom implementation of Ember.RadioButton?
{{view App.MyRadioButton elementIdBinding="view.parentView.elementId" contentIndexBinding="view._parentView.contentIndex" selectionBinding="someVal" value="0"}}
and then in App.MyRadioButton (which extends Ember.RadioButton)
name: function() {
return this.get('elementId') + '_row' + this.get('contentIndex');
}.property('elementId', 'contentIndex')
Alternatively you might also be able to do that in your controller.

Tabular form validation without submitting

In APEX 3.2, I want to be able to run JavaScript validations to check the data entered and display the appropriate message above each row in the tabular form.
I'm not sure how this would work given that it is a tabular form and the user will be able to add/delete rows.
Appreciate any ideas or suggestions.
Okay, doing some javascript validations on tabular forms is a bit complex, and you need to know what you're doing.
First off, you will need to know the ids or names of the elements you wish to check. As you may know, elements in tabular forms are stored in arrays in apex on submit, and are accessed through apex_application.g_f01/g_f02/...
This is reflected in the html code, and the generated elements also have the attribute 'name' set to the column they belong to. The id also holds the column, plus the rowindex. Warning though, this id is only generated like this when the item is created 'implicitly', ie you did not write your query with apex_item calls (apex_item.textbox(...)).
Another but is that only fields of which the state is saved will have an array column defined. An item which you'd only show as 'display only', will not be generated with an input tag, and will just be held as text in a td tag.
All by all, when you know that, the next steps should be straightforward enough. Take a look at the page source, and take a note of the elements you wish to target. For example, i went for the job field.
<tr class="highlight-row">
<td headers="CHECK$01" class="data"><label for="f01_0003" class="hideMeButHearMe">Select Row</label><input type="checkbox" name="f01" value="3" class="row-selector" id="f01_0003" /></td>
<td headers="EMPNO_DISPLAY" class="data">7782</td>
<td headers="ENAME" class="data"><label for="f03_0003" class="hideMeButHearMe">Ename</label><input type="text" name="f03" size="12" maxlength="2000" value="CLARK" id="f03_0003" /></td>
<td headers="JOB" class="data"><label for="f04_0003" class="hideMeButHearMe">Job</label><input type="text" name="f04" size="12" maxlength="2000" value="MANAGER" id="f04_0003" /></td>
<td headers="HIREDATE" class="data"><label for="f05_0003" class="hideMeButHearMe">Hiredate</label><span style="white-space: nowrap;"><input type="text" id="f05_0003" name="f05" maxlength="2000" size="12" value="09-JUN-81" autocomplete="off"></span></td>
<td headers="SAL" class="data">
<label for="f06_0003" class="hideMeButHearMe">Sal</label><input type="text" name="f06" size="16" maxlength="2000" value="2450" id="f06_0003" />
<input type="hidden" name="f02" value="7782" id="f02_0003" />
<input type="hidden" id="fcs_0003" name="fcs" value="19BD045E01D6BA148B4DEF9DDC8B21B7">
<input type="hidden" id="frowid_0003" name="frowid" value="AAuDjIABFAAAACTAAC" />
<input type="hidden" id="fcud_0003" name="fcud" value="U" />
In the javascript section of the page i then added the following 2 functions.
validate_job does the validation of just one field, the element elJob. The validation i used is just very basic, it's up to you to determine just how complex you want it.
If you want to reference other fields in the same row here, you can do several things: extract the rowindex from the id, if you have it. If it doesn't hold the it, get the parent TR, and then use .children("input[name='f##'") to get an input element in the same row. Or if you need the value of an item which does not save state at all, you'll need to get the TR element, and then find the TD which contains the element you need through the headers attribute, which holds the column name.
function validate_job(elJob){
var sJob = $v(elJob).toUpperCase();
//do your validations for the field job here
alert("invalid value!");
//depends what you want to do now:
//keep the focus on this element? Set a flag an error occured? Store the error?
return false;
} else {
alert("value ok");
Call bind_validations onload. If you allow rows to be created, bind a click event to the addrow button and call bind_validations.
function bind_validations(){
//f01 : row selector
//f03 : ename
//f04 : job
//f05 : hiredate
//f06 : sal
//each input element with attribute name with value f04
//blur event is when the user leaves the field, fe tab out, or even click apply changes
//much like how when-validate-item behaved in forms
Just a proper warning though. I've used javascript validations in some apps so far, but i knew they were only going to be used by a small number of people, and then only internally. It was only one field, with some validations. I made the cursor refocus on the field when the validation failed, so they couldn't jump to the next record and change that aswell. Either a valid value was given, or they reloaded the page or canceled the action. Set up like this, they can't press apply changes either, as the blur event would also fire, validating the field.
When your audience is larger, it gets a bit more iffy: what i javascript is disabled? What if they find some way around? Wizzkids?
I still like the immediate feedback it gives, but in a more critical environment i'd also use the server-side validations. To do this, you need a validation of the type "function returning error text". Check out this page for an example, or this one for some usefull tips (at least for pre 4.0!). Also: apex 4.1 really improves a lot on tabular form validations! ;)