Problems to parse from IloBoolVarArray to Bool in CPLEX - c++

I have a IloBoolVarArray in a MIP problem. When the solver has finished, I parse this variables to double but sometimes I get values very small as 1.3E-008 instead 0. My question is: Why? Is it a parsing problem only? Internally the solver has used this value, so is not the result trustworthy?
Thanks a lot.

CPLEX works with double precision floating point data internally. It has a tolerance parameter EpInt. If a variable x has values
0 <= x <= EpInt, or
1-EpInt <= x <= 1
Then CPLEX considers the value to be binary. The default value for EpInt is 10^-6, so your seeing solution values of 10^-8 is consistent with default behavior of CPLEX. Unless you really need exact integer values, then you should account for this when you pull solutions from CPLEX. One particularly bad thing you could do in C++ is
IloBoolVar x(env);
// ...
int bad_value = cplex.getValue(x); // BAD
int ok_value = cplex.getValue(x) + 0.5; // OK
Here, bad_value could be set to 0 even if the CPLEX solution has an effective value of 1. That's because CPLEX could have a value of 0.999999 which would be truncated to 0. The second assignment will reliably store the solution.
In the latest version of CPLEX, you can set the EpInt to 0 which will make CPLEX only consider only 0.0 and 1.0 as binary. If you do really need exact values of 0 or 1, then you should keep in mind the domains CPLEX is designed to work. If you are trying to use it to solve cryptology problems for example, you might not get good results, even with small instances.


How to optimize nonlinear funtion with some constraint in c++

I want to find a variable in C++ that allows a given nonlinear formula to have a maximum value in a constraint.
It is to calculate the maximum value of the formula below in the given constraint in C++.
You can also use the library.(e.g. Nlopt)
formula : ln(1+ax+by+c*z)
a, b, c are numbers input by the user
x, y, z are variables to be derived
variable constraint is that x, y, z are positive and x+y+z<=1
This can actually be transformed into a linear optimization problem.
max ln(1+ax+by+cz) <--> max (ax+by+cz) s.t. ax+by+cz > -1
This means that it is a linear optimization problem (with one more constraint) that you can easily handle with whatever C++ methods together with your Convex Optimization knowledge.
Reminders to write a good code:
Check the validity of input value.
Since the input value can be negative, you need to consider this circumstance which can yield different results.
This problem seems to be Off Topic on SO.
If it is your homework, it is for your own good to write the code yourself. Besides, we do not have enough time to write that for you.
This should have been a comment if I had more reputation.

Residual values such as 4e^-14 randomly appearing in Cplex LP model solution: How can I get rid of them?

While the result of the my linear programming model in Cplex seems to make sense, the q variable sometimes randomly (at least to me it seems random) shows tiny values such as 4e^-14. This doesn't have an effect on the decision variable but is still very irritating as I am not sure if something in my model isn't correct. You can see the results of the q variable with the mini residuals here: Results q variable. These residuals only started appearing in my model once I introduced binary variables.
q is defined as: dexpr float q [t in Years, i in Options] = (c[i] * (a[t+s[i]][i]-a[t+s[i]-1][i]));
a is a decision variable
This is a constraint q is subject to: q[i][t] == a[i] * p[i]* y[t][i])
Since y is a binary variable, q should either be the value of a[i] * p[i] or 0. This is why I am very irritated with the residual values.
Does anybody have any idea why these values appear and how to get rid of them? I have already spent a lot of time on this problem and no idea how to solve it.
Things I noticed while trying to solve it:
Turning all the input variables into integer variables doesn't change
Turning q into an integer variable solves the problem, but ruins the model since a[i][t] needs to be a float variable
Adding a constraint making q >= 0 does not eliminate the negative residual values such as -4e^-14
Adding a constraint making q = 0 for a specific t helps eliminate the residual values there, but of course also ruins the model
Thank you very much for your help!
This is a tolerance issue. MIP solvers such as Cplex have a bunch of them. The ones in play here are integer feasibility tolerance (epint) and the feasibility tolerance (eprhs). You can tighten them, but I usually leave them as they are. Sometimes it helps to round results before printing them or just use fewer digits in the formatting of the output.

Enumerate some extreme points near optimum solution

I am looking for a simple way to obtain a lot of "good" solutions in a LP problem (not MIP) with CPLEX, and not only (one of the) optimal basic solution(s). By "good" solutions I mean that the corresponding objective values are not so far from the real optimal value. Such pool of solutions could help the decision-maker...
More precisely, given a certain polyedron Ax<=b with x>=0 and an objective function z=cx I want to maximize, after running the LP, I can obtain the optimal value z*. Then I want to enumerate all the extreme points of the polyhedron given by the set of constraints
Ax <= b
cx >= z* - epsilon
x >= 0
when epsilon is a given tolerance.
I know that CPLEX offers way to generate solution pool (see here), but it will not function because this method is for MIP : it enumerates all the solutions of an IP (or one solution for every given set of fixed integer variables if the problem is a MIP).
An interesting efficient way is to visit the adjacent solutions of the optimal basic solution, i.e. all the adjacent extreme points : if I suppose the polyhedron is not degenerative, for each pair of basic variable x_B and non-basic variable x_N, I compute the basic solution obtained when x_B leaves the basis and x_N enters in the basis. Then I throw the solutions with cx < z*-epsilon, and for the others I repeat the procedure. [I know that I could improve this algorithm, but this is the general idea].
The routine CPPXpivot of the Callable Library could help to do this pivoting operation, but I did not find an equivalent in the C++ API (concert technology). Does someone know if such an equivalent exist, or could propose me an other way to answer my original problem ?
Thanks a lot :) !
Rémi L.
There is one interesting way to make this suitable for use with the Cplex solution pool. Use binary variables to encode the current basis, e.g. basis[k] = 0 meaning nonbasic and basis[k] = 1 indicating variable (or row) k is basic. Of course we have sum(k, basis[k]) = m (number of rows). Finally we have x[k] <= basis[k] * upperbound[k] (i.e. if nonbasic then zero -- assuming positive variables). When we add this to the LP model we end up with a MIP and can enumerate (all or some, optimal or near optimal) bases using the Cplex solution pool. See here and here.

Handling large digit number variables in object-oriented C++

I am working on numerical analysis using a solver (the programming is based on object-oriented C++) compiled with double precision, and my unit is 64-bits. My problem is that when the solver computes a large number - say -1.45 to the power 21, to take an actual example - and stacks it in the allocated memory by passing this value to an existing variable, it is converted to 0. So of course, when I later use this variable in a division I get a segmentation fault. I do not understand how this process works, and because I use the DP, I do not see how to fix the issue. Could anyone give me a hand with this matter please ?
In case it helps: I just ran a test where I state a=-1.45e+21, and "print" the value which is returned correctly by the solver. But when I do not use the "e" exponent and enter the full value (with 19 zeros) I get 0 in return. So I guess the issue/limitation comes from the number of digits, any ideas ?? Thanks !
Edit: I post a summary of the steps I go through to compute one of the variables which poses an issue. The others being similarly defined.
First I initialise the field pointer lists:
PtrList<volScalarField> fInvFluids(fluidRegions.size());
Where the class of volScalarField is just an array of double. Then I populate the field pointer lists:
new volScalarField
After this, I set the field regions:
volScalarField& fInv = fInvFluids[i];
And finally I compute the value:
// Info<< " ** Calculating fInv **\n";
fInv = gT*pow(pow(T/Tlambda, 5.7)*(1 - pow(T/Tlambda, 5.7)), 3);
Where T is field variable and Tlambda a scalar value defined at run time.
A double variable probably can't hold 19 zeroes either. A (decimal) digit takes more than 3 bits, so 19 zeroes will take at least 57 bits. A double typically has a mantissa which is only 53 bits.
However, that doesn't sound like the problem you have. In C++ code, expressions have a type as well. 1 is not the same as 1.0. The first is an int and the second a double. While you can convert an int to double, they're not the same. An int most likely can hold values up to 2 billion , but formally it may have a limit as low as 32767. The solution to your problem might be as simple as adding a twentieth zero : 100000000000000000000.0 making it a double.

Another way to calculate double type variables in c++?

Short version of the question: overflow or timeout in current settings when calculating large int64_t and double, anyway to avoid these?
Test case:
If only demand is 80,000,000,000, solved with correct result. But if it's 800,000,000,000, returned incorrect 0.
If input has two or more demands (means more inequalities need to be calculated), smaller value will also cause incorrectness. e.g., three equal demands of 20,000,000,000 will cause the problem.
I'm using COIN-OR CLP linear programming solver to solve some network flow problems. I use int64_t when representing the link bandwidth. But CLP uses double most of time and cannot transfer to other types easily.
When the values of the variables are not that large (typically smaller than 10,000,000,000) and the constraints (inequalities) are relatively few, it will give the solution I want it to. But if either of the above factors increases, the tool will stop and return a 0 value solution. I think the reason is the calculation complexity is over its maximum, so program breaks at some trivial point (it uses LP simplex method).
The inequality is some kind of:
totalFlowSum <= usePercentage * demand
I changed it to
totalFlowSum - usePercentage * demand <= 0
Since totalFLowSum and demand are very large int64_t, usePercentage is double, if the constraints like this are too many (several or even more), or if the demand is larger than 100,000,000,000, the returned solution will be wrong.
Is there any way to correct this, like increase the break threshold or avoid this level of calculation magnitude?
Decrease some accuracy is acceptable. I have a possible solution is that 1,000 times smaller on inputs and 1,000 time larger on outputs. But this is kind of naïve and may cause too much code modification in the program.
I have changed the formulation to
totalFlowSum / demand - usePercentage <= 0
but the problem still exists.
Update 2:
I divided usePercentage by 1000, making its coefficient from 1 to 0.001, it worked. But if I also divide totalFlowSum/demand by 1000 simultaneously, still no result. I don't know why...
I changed the rhs of equalities from 0 to 0.1, the problem is then solved! Since the inputs are very large, 0.1 offset won't impact the solution at all.
I think the reason is that previous coeffs are badly scaled, so the complier failed to find an exact answer.