Header set Content-Security-Policy not handling multiple domains correctly - xss

I'm trying to protect from XSS attacks under Apache setting the following directive:
Header set Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self' code.jquery.com;"
to only allow the jquery.com CDN which is quite handy.
However the directive keeps giving me in Firefox the following:
The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource at self
("script-src http://www.website.com http://code.jquery.com").

This is a formatting mistake.
instead of "code.jquery.com" type in the url containing the http://
like this: http://code.jquery.com
A useful tip: you can use wildcard * for domain name prefix if you need it
like this: http://*.jquery.com, or *.jquery.com

it's not good answer in my opinion, we can read on https://content-security-policy.com/
that :
Allow Google Analytics, Google AJAX CDN and Same Origin
script-src 'self' www.google-analytics.com ajax.googleapis.com;
so there's no https://ajax.googleapis.com, it's just domain name.
Correct answer is - add script-src block:
Header set Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self' code.jquery.com; script-src 'self' code.jquery.com;"


Prevent "clickjacking" aka "UI redress attack" through AWS security web services

It is possible to prevent Clickjacking or "UI redress attack" through any of AWS security services like WAF or CloudFront?
It is known that certain security HTTP headers can be added to user requests that would instruct browsers to enforce certain security measures as follows,
Strict Transport Security
These can be configured at the back end code level, however, I would like to know if one desire not to set these parameters at the application level, can this be done at the AWS level using any of their security gateway services like WAF or CloudFront?
You can take some actions at the Server level by adding headers in response mentioned in below link:
Clickjacking Defense Cheat Sheet
Secure Apache from Clickjacking with X-FRAME-OPTIONS
EDIT: This has a similar answer here:
For those that come along now, you can use Lambda#Edge to add HSTS headers as well as other "frame-buster" headers like x-frame-options and referrer-policy.
This is quite cheap, working out to about 30 cents per million requests.
This link from the AWS networking and content delivery blog describes how to do this in detail.
It is too long to repeat the entire contents here but essentially it describes the following process flow:
Here is how the process works:
Viewer navigates to website.
Before CloudFront serves content from the cache it will trigger any Lambda function associated with the Viewer Request trigger for that behavior.
CloudFront serves content from the cache if available, otherwise it goes to step 4.
Only after CloudFront cache ‘Miss’, Origin Request trigger is fired for that behavior.
S3 Origin returns content.
After content is returned from S3 but before being cached in CloudFront, Origin Response trigger is fired.
After content is cached in CloudFront, Viewer Response trigger is fired and is the final step before viewer receives content.
Viewer receives content.
Once again, in case the blog linked to disappears, the below code is a sample to add security headers via Lambda (remembering this is to be run by CloudFront using Lambda#Edge integration):
'use strict';
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
//Get contents of response
const response = event.Records[0].cf.response;
const headers = response.headers;
//Set new headers
headers['strict-transport-security'] = [{key: 'Strict-Transport-Security', value: 'max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload'}];
headers['content-security-policy'] = [{key: 'Content-Security-Policy', value: "default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; object-src 'none'"}];
headers['x-content-type-options'] = [{key: 'X-Content-Type-Options', value: 'nosniff'}];
headers['x-frame-options'] = [{key: 'X-Frame-Options', value: 'DENY'}];
headers['x-xss-protection'] = [{key: 'X-XSS-Protection', value: '1; mode=block'}];
headers['referrer-policy'] = [{key: 'Referrer-Policy', value: 'same-origin'}];
//Return modified response
callback(null, response);

Set domain cookie in HTTPoison (Elixir)

Ok, so my new problem in Elixir is that I can't set the explicit domain while creating cookies.
In this case:
HTTPoison.get("httpbin.org/cookies", [{"User-agent", #userAgent}], hackney: [
cookie: "cookie1=1 cookie2=2"] ) do
When I create a cookie it will store a domain like .httpbin.org but for dummy reason I need to set domain value like httpbin.org (without previous dot) .
I tried also with:
HTTPoison.get("httpbin.org/cookies", [{"User-agent", #userAgent}], hackney: [
cookie: "cookie1=1 domain=httpbin.org cookie2=2"] ) do
But of course the syntax expects domain as a cookie name and httpbin.org as a cookie value.
Thank you!
What's the reason you want to remove the dot in the beginning? It's optional and it should match the entire domain with/without the dot.
How do browser cookie domains work?
Also, I think the domain attribute would be for the Set-Cookie header returned from HTTP server rather than requesting from the client. The httpbin (https://httpbin.org/cookies/set) returns the Set-Cookie header, but it doesn't specify domain attribute (just Path=/). It would be taken as .httpbin.org by clients like browsers.
iex(25)> response = HTTPoison.get!("https://httpbin.org/cookies/set?k2=v2&k1=v1")
%HTTPoison.Response{body: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n<title>Redirecting...</title>\n<h1>Redirecting...</h1>\n<p>You should be redirected automatically to target URL: /cookies. If not click the link.",
headers: [{"Server", "nginx"}, {"Date", "Fri, 18 Dec 2015 23:49:46 GMT"},
{"Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"}, {"Content-Length", "223"},
{"Connection", "keep-alive"}, {"Location", "/cookies"},
{"Set-Cookie", "k2=v2; Path=/"}, {"Set-Cookie", "k1=v1; Path=/"},
{"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"},
{"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"}], status_code: 302}
iex(26)> :hackney.cookies(response.headers)
[{"k1", [{"k1", "v1"}, {"Path", "/"}]}, {"k2", [{"k2", "v2"}, {"Path", "/"}]}]
Sorry if I'm missing the point.

ExtJS 5 application + Django rest framework CORS error when changing URL of store

I am developing a ExtJS application that uses a Django-rest-framework service. I am using CORS headers to allow fetching the data from the service (https://github.com/OttoYiu/django-cors-headers).
What happens is that at a point in time I want to change the URL from the store. And when I do that I get the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load The request was redirected to '', which is disallowed for cross-origin requests that require preflight.
In the settings.oy I define the following properties for the CORS
This works fine when I use URLs to list all the elements in my database, however when I change the store for another URL I get the error above. Also the link works fine in the browser.
The store url change is made this way:
var store = Ext.getStore(storeName);
The difference between the views, is that the two that work on the application are viewsets, while the other is just a generic list
class Example1viewset(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
API endpoing that allows metabolites to be viewed.
queryset = examples1.objects.all()
serializer_class = Example1Serializer
class Example1SearchList(generics.ListAPIView):
serializer_class = Example1Serializer
def get_queryset(self):
queryset = Example.objects.all()
if 'attr' in self.kwargs:
queryset = queryset.filter(Q(attribute1__contains=self.kwargs['attr']) | Q(attribute2__contains=self.kwargs['abbr']))
return queryset
Like I mentioned both examples work fine in the browser (even accessing through other computers in the network), however in the application when changing the URL of the store I get the CORS error. Does anyone has any idea why this is happening?
Thank you.
Just for clarification, the problem is not in changing the url of the store. As I tried to set those urls as defaults, but they are not working when accessing from the application.
My urls.py file:
router = routers.DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'example', views.Example1ViewSet)
# Wire up our API using automatic URL routing.
# Additionally, we include login URLs for the browsable API.
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^', include(router.urls)),
url(r'^reacsearch/(?P<attr>.+)/$', Example1SearchList.as_view()),
url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework'))
Can it be that the problem is related with the fact that I am not adding the search list to the router?
Problem solved since I was trying to fetch data from a different domain. I changed the type of store to jsonp in Extjs, and I also allowed my rest service to render data as jsonp.
Just a reminder if anyone comes accross this same problem, it is necessary to add ?format=jsonp to the store url:
Since it looks like an alternate solution was found, I'll explain what the issue appeared to be as well as why the alternative works.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load first url. The request was redirected to 'second url', which is disallowed for cross-origin requests that require preflight.
The issue here is that you are telling Django to enforce the trailing slash, which makes it automatically redirect urls without a trailing slash to urls with a trailing slash, assuming that one exists. This is why, as stated in the error, the request was redirected to the second url, which you can tell has the missing trailing slash. This is controlled by the APPEND_SLASH Django setting which is True by default.
The problem is that when CORS is doing a preflight request, which is what allows it to determine if the request can be made, there must be a valid response at the requested URL. Because you are redirecting the request, the preflight request fails and you're stuck without your information.
You can fix this by adding the trailing slash in your code. There appear to be a few solutions for doing this with ext, but I personally can't recommend a specific one. You can also manually set the url to use the trailing slash, which sounds like what you were doing previously.
Or you can use JSONP...
You've found the alternative solution, which is to use JSONP to make the request instead of relying on CORS. This gets around the preflight issue and works in all major browsers, but there are some drawbacks to consider. You can find more information on CORS vs JSONP by looking around.
You're going to need CORS if you want to push any changes to your API, as JSONP only supports GET requests. There are other advantages, such as the ability to abort requests, that also comes with CORS.

Django errors about HTTP_HOST from domain an extra dot after it

I'm all over the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting in Django. It has been set on all my production sites for a while now but one site in particular has been throwing out weird debug emails. The site works fine (for me) but about once a week I'll get an email along the lines of:
SuspiciousOperation: Invalid HTTP_HOST header
(you may need to set ALLOWED_HOSTS): thepcspy.com.
GET:<QueryDict: {}>,
POST:<QueryDict: {}>,
'HTTP_HOST': 'thepcspy.com.',
'SERVER_NAME': 'thepcspy.com',
Notice the full stop after the domain in the error and in HTTP_HOST. As far as I can see in my nginx config, there isn't anything that could add an extra dot after the name on HTTP_HOST (note that SERVER_NAME is correct). What on earth is going on here?
Should I just write this off as somebody intentionally trying to break my server?
The final dot makes it a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). This issue is noted precisely in the Django docs on the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/settings/#allowed-hosts
If you want to also allow the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), which some browsers can send in the Host header, you must explicitly add another ALLOWED_HOSTS entry that includes a trailing period.

Cross-Domain Cookies

I have two webapps WebApp1 and WebApp2 in two different domains.
I am setting a cookie in WebApp1 in the HttpResponse.
How to read the same cookie from HttpRequest in WebApp2?
I know it sounds weird because cookies are specific to a given domain, and we can't access them from different domains; I've however heard of CROSS-DOMAIN cookies which can be shared across multiple webapps. How to implement this requirement using CROSS-DOMAIN cookies?
Note: I am trying this with J2EE webapps
Yes, it is absolutely possible to get the cookie from domain1.example by domain2.example. I had the same problem for a social plugin of my social network, and after a day of research I found the solution.
First, on the server side you need to have the following headers:
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://origin.domain:port");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, *");
Within the PHP-file you can use $_COOKIE[name]
Second, on the client side:
Within your AJAX request you need to include 2 parameters
crossDomain: true
xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }
type: "get",
url: link,
crossDomain: true,
dataType: 'json',
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
As other people say, you cannot share cookies, but you could do something like this:
centralize all cookies in a single domain, let's say cookiemaker.example
when the user makes a request to example.com you redirect him to cookiemaker.example
cookiemaker.example redirects him back to example.com with the information you need
Of course, it's not completely secure, and you have to create some kind of internal protocol between your apps to do that.
Lastly, it would be very annoying for the user if you do something like that in every request, but not if it's just the first.
But I think there is no other way.
As far as I know, cookies are limited by the "same origin" policy. However, with CORS you can receive and use the "Server B" cookies to establish a persistent session from "Server A" on "Server B".
Although, this requires some headers on "Server B":
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://server-a.example.com
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
And you will need to send the flag "withCredentials" on all the "Server A" requests (ex: xhr.withCredentials = true;)
You can read about it here:
There's no such thing as cross domain cookies. You could share a cookie between foo.example.com and bar.example.com but never between example.com and example2.com and that's for security reasons.
The smartest solution is to follow facebook's path on this. How does facebook know who you are when you visit any domain? It's actually very simple:
The Like button actually allows Facebook to track all visitors of the external site, no matter if they click it or not. Facebook can do that because they use an iframe to display the button. An iframe is something like an embedded browser window within a page. The difference between using an iframe and a simple image for the button is that the iframe contains a complete web page – from Facebook. There is not much going on on this page, except for the button and the information about how many people have liked the current page.
So when you see a like button on cnn.com, you are actually visiting a Facebook page at the same time. That allows Facebook to read a cookie on your computer, which it has created the last time you’ve logged in to Facebook.
A fundamental security rule in every browser is that only the website that has created a cookie can read it later on. And that is the advantage of the iframe: it allows Facebook to read your Facebook-cookie even when you are visiting a different website. That’s how they recognize you on cnn.com and display your friends there.
Cross-domain cookies are not allowed (i.e. site A cannot set a cookie on site B).
But once a cookie is set by site A, you can send that cookie even in requests from site B to site A (i.e. cross-domain requests):
XMLHttpRequest from a different domain cannot set cookie values for their own domain unless withCredentials is set to true before making the request. The third-party cookies obtained by setting withCredentials to true will still honor same-origin policy and hence can not be accessed by the requesting script through document.cookie or from response headers.
Make sure to do these things:
When setting the cookie in a response
The Set-Cookie response header includes SameSite=None if the requests are cross-site (note a request from www.example.dev to static.example.dev is actually a same-site request, and can use SameSite=Strict)
The Set-Cookie response header should include the Secure attribute if served over HTTPS; as seen here and here
When sending/receiving the cookie:
The request is made with withCredentials: true, as mentioned in other answers here and here, including the original request whose response sets the cookie set in the first place
For the fetch API, this attribute is credentials: 'include', vs withCredentials: true
For jQuery's ajax method, note you may need to supply argument crossDomain: true
The server response includes cross-origin headers like Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, and Access-Control-Allow-Methods
As #nabrown points out: "Note that the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" cannot be the wildcard (*) value if you use the withCredentials: true" (see #nabrown's comment which explains one workaround for this.
In general:
Your browser hasn't disabled 3rd-party cookies. (* see below)
Things that you don't need (just use the above):
domain attribute in the Set-Cookie; you can choose a root domain (i.e. a.example.com can set a cookie with a domain value of example.com, but it's not necessary; the cookie will still be sent to a.example.com, even if sent from b.other-site.example
For the cookie to be visible in Chrome Dev Tools, "Application" tab; if the value of cookie HttpOnly attribute is true, Chrome won't show you the cookie value in the Application tab (it should show the cookie value when set in the initial request, and sent in subsequent responses where withCredentials: true)
Notice the difference between "path" and "site" for Cookie purposes. "path" is not security-related; "site" is security-related:
Servers can set a Path attribute in the Set-Cookie, but it doesn't seem security related:
Note that path was intended for performance, not security. Web pages having the same origin still can access cookie via document.cookie even though the paths are mismatched.
The SameSite attribute, according to example.dev article, can restrict or allow cross-site cookies; but what is a "site"?
It's helpful to understand exactly what 'site' means here. The site is the combination of the domain suffix and the part of the domain just before it. For example, the www.example.dev domain is part of the example.dev site...
This means a request to static.example.dev from www.example.dev, is a sameSite request (the only difference in the URLs is in the subdomains).
The public suffix list defines this, so
it's not just top-level domains like .com but also includes services
like github.io
This means a request to your-project.github.io from my-project.github.io, is a a cross-site request (these URLs are at different domains, because github.io is the domain suffix; the domains your-project vs my-project are different; hence different sites)
This means what's to the left of the public suffix; is the subdomain (but the subdomain is a part of the host; see the BONUS reply in this answer)
www is the subdomain in www.example.dev; same site as static.example.dev
your-project is the domain in your-project.github.io; separate site as my-project.github.io
In this URL https://www.example.com:8888/examples/index.html, remember these parts:
the "protocol": https://
the "scheme": https
the "port": 8888
the "domain name" aka location.hostname: www.example.com
the "domain suffix" aka "top-level domain" (TLD): com
the "domain": example
the "subdomain": www (the subdomain could be single-level (like www) or multi-level (like foo.bar in foo.bar.example.com)
the "site" (as in "cross-site" if another URL had a different "site" value): example.com
"site" = "domain" + "domain suffix" = example.com
the "path": /examples/index.html
Useful links:
Anatomy of a URL
Same-Origin cookie policy and URL anatomy
SameSite cookies explained
Secure cross-domain cookies for HTTP | Journal of Internet Services and Applications | Full Text
Web Security 1: Same-Origin and Cookie Policy
Set-Cookie - HTTP | MDN
(Be careful; I was testing my feature in Chrome Incognito tab; according to my chrome://settings/cookies; my settings were "Block third party cookies in Incognito", so I can't test Cross-site cookies in Incognito.)
You cannot share cookies across domains. You can however allow all subdomains to have access. To allow all subdomains of example.com to have access, set the domain to .example.com.
It's not possible giving other.example access to example.com's cookies though.
Do what Google is doing. Create a PHP file that sets the cookie on all 3 domains. Then on the domain where the theme is going to set, create a HTML file that would load the PHP file that sets cookie on the other 2 domains. Example:
<p>Please wait.....</p>
<img src="http://domain2.example/setcookie.php?theme=whateveryourthemehere" />
<img src="http://domain3.example/setcookie.php?theme=whateveryourthemehere" />
Then add an onload callback on body tag. The document will only load when the images completely load that is when cookies are set on the other 2 domains. Onload Callback:
function loadComplete(){
window.location="http://domain1.example";//URL of domain1
<body onload="loadComplete()">
We set the cookies on the other domains using a PHP file like this:
setcookie("theme", $_GET['theme'], time()+3600);
Now cookies are set on the three domains.
You can attempt to push the cookie val to another domain using an image tag.
Your mileage may vary when trying to do this because some browsers require you to have a proper P3P Policy on the WebApp2 domain or the browser will reject the cookie.
If you look at plus.google.com p3p policy you will see that their policy is:
CP="This is not a P3P policy! See http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=151657 for more info."
that is the policy they use for their +1 buttons to these cross domain requests.
Another warning is that if you are on https make sure that the image tag is pointing to an https address also otherwise the cookies will not set.
There's a decent overview of how Facebook does it here on nfriedly.com
There's also Browser Fingerprinting, which is not the same as a cookie, but serves a like purpose in that it helps you identify a user with a fair degree of certainty. There's a post here on Stack Overflow that references upon one method of fingerprinting
I've created an NPM module, which allows you to share locally-stored data across domains:
By using an iframe hosted on Domain A, you can store all of your user data on Domain A, and reference that data by posting requests to the Domain A iframe.
Thus, Domains B, C, etc. can inject the iframe and post requests to it to store and access the desired data. Domain A becomes the hub for all shared data.
With a domain whitelist inside of Domain A, you can ensure only your dependent sites can access the data on Domain A.
The trick is to have the code inside of the iframe on Domain A which is able to recognize which data is being requested. The README in the above NPM module goes more in depth into the procedure.
Hope this helps!
Since it is difficult to do 3rd party cookies and also some browsers won't allow that.
You can try storing them in HTML5 local storage and then sending them with every request from your front end app.
One can use invisible iframes to get the cookies. Let's say there are two domains, a.example and b.example. For the index.html of domain a.example one can add (notice height=0 width=0):
<iframe height="0" id="iframe" src="http://b.example" width="0"></iframe>
That way your website will get b.example cookies assuming that http://b.example sets the cookies.
The next thing would be manipulating the site inside the iframe through JavaScript. The operations inside iframe may become a challenge if one doesn't own the second domain. But in case of having access to both domains referring the right web page at the src of iframe should give the cookies one would like to get.
Along with #Ludovic(approved answer) answers we need to check one more option when getting set-cookies header,
set-cookie: SESSIONID=60B2E91C53B976B444144063; Path=/dev/api/abc; HttpOnly
Check for Path attribute value also. This should be the same as your API starting context path like below
or use below value when not sure about context path
function GetOrder(status, filter) {
var isValid = true; //isValidGuid(customerId);
if (isValid) {
var refundhtmlstr = '';
//varsURL = ApiPath + '/api/Orders/Customer/' + customerId + '?status=' + status + '&filter=' + filter;
varsURL = ApiPath + '/api/Orders/Customer?status=' + status + '&filter=' + filter;
type: "GET",
//url: ApiPath + '/api/Orders/Customer/' + customerId + '?status=' + status + '&filter=' + filter,
url: ApiPath + '/api/Orders/Customer?status=' + status + '&filter=' + filter,
dataType: "json",
crossDomain: true,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
success: function (data) {
var htmlStr = '';
if (data == null || data.Count === 0) {
htmlStr = '<div class="card"><div class="card-header">Bu kriterlere uygun sipariş bulunamadı.</div></div>';
else {
$('#ReturnPolicyBtnUrl').attr('href', data.ReturnPolicyBtnUrl);
var groupedData = data.OrderDto.sort(function (x, y) {
return new Date(y.OrderDate) - new Date(x.OrderDate);
groupedData = _.groupBy(data.OrderDto, function (d) { return toMonthStr(d.OrderDate) });
localStorage['orderData'] = JSON.stringify(data.OrderDto);
$.each(groupedData, function (key, val) {
var sortedData = groupedData[key].sort(function (x, y) {
return new Date(y.OrderDate) - new Date(x.OrderDate);
htmlStr += '<div class="card-header">' + key + '</div>';
$.each(sortedData, function (keyitem, valitem) {
//Date Convertions
if (valitem.StatusDesc != null) {
valitem.StatusDesc = valitem.StatusDesc;
var date = valitem.OrderDate;
date = date.substring(0, 10).split('-');
date = date[2] + '.' + date[1] + '.' + date[0];
htmlStr += '<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12 col-sm-12 card-item clearfix ">' +
//'<div class="card-item-head"><span class="order-head">Sipariş No: <a href="ViewOrderDetails.html?CustomerId=' + customerId + '&OrderNo=' + valitem.OrderNumber + '" >' + valitem.OrderNumber + '</a></span><span class="order-date">' + date + '</span></div>' +
'<div class="card-item-head"><span class="order-head">Sipariş No: <a href="ViewOrderDetails.html?OrderNo=' + valitem.OrderNumber + '" >' + valitem.OrderNumber + '</a></span><span class="order-date">' + date + '</span></div>' +
'<div class="card-item-head-desc">' + valitem.StatusDesc + '</div>' +
'<div class="card-item-body">' +
'<div class="slider responsive">';
var i = 0;
$.each(valitem.ItemList, function (keylineitem, vallineitem) {
var imageUrl = vallineitem.ProductImageUrl.replace('{size}', 200);
htmlStr += '<div><img src="' + imageUrl + '" alt="' + vallineitem.ProductName + '"><span class="img-desc">' + ProductNameStr(vallineitem.ProductName) + '</span></div>';
htmlStr += '</div>' +
'</div>' +
$.each(data.OrderDto, function (key, value) {
if (value.IsSAPMigrationflag === true) {
refundhtmlstr = '<div class="notify-reason"><span class="note"><B>Notification : </B> Geçmiş siparişleriniz yükleniyor. Lütfen kısa bir süre sonra tekrar kontrol ediniz. Teşekkürler. </span></div>';
error: function () {
console.log("System Failure");
Include UI origin and set Allow Credentials to true
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="http://burada.com" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" value="true" />
Three main kinds of browser-based storage:
session storage
local storage
cookie storage
Secure cookies - are used by encrypted websites to offer protection from any possible threats from a hacker.
access cookie - document.cookie. This means that this cookie is exposed and can be exploited through cross-site scripting. The saved cookie values can be seen through the browser console.
As a precaution, you should always try to make your cookies inaccessible on the client-side using JavaScript.
HTTPonly - ensures that a cookie is not accessible using the JavaScript code. This is the most crucial form of protection against cross-scripting attacks.
A secure attribute - ensures that the browser will reject cookies unless the connection happens over HTTPS.
sameSite attribute improves cookie security and avoids privacy leaks.
sameSite=Lax - It is set to Lax (sameSite = Lax) meaning a cookie is only set when the domain in the URL of the browser matches the domain of the cookie, thus eliminating third party’s domains. This will restrict cross-site sharing even between different domains that the same publisher owns. we need to include SameSite=None to avoid the new default of Lax:
Note: There is a draft spec that requires that the Secure attribute be set to true when the SameSite attribute has been set to 'none'. Some web browsers or other clients may be adopting this specification.
Using includes as { withCredentials: true } must include all the cookies with the request from the front end.
const data = { email: 'youremailaddress#gmail.com' , password: '1234' };
const response = await axios.post('www.yourapi.com/login', data , { withCredentials: true });
Cookie should only be accepted over a secure HTTPS connection. In order to get this to work, we must move the web application to HTTPS.
In express.js
res.cookie('token', token, {
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, // would expire after (for 15 minutes 1000 * 60 * 15 ) 15 minutes
httpOnly: true, // The cookie only accessible by the web server
sameSite: 'none',
secure: true, // Marks the cookie to be used with HTTPS only.
Reference 1, Reference 2
Read Cookie in Web Api
var cookie = actionContext.Request.Headers.GetCookies("newhbsslv1");
Logger.Log("Cookie " + cookie, LoggerLevel.Info);
Logger.Log("Cookie count " + cookie.Count, LoggerLevel.Info);
if (cookie != null && cookie.Count > 0)
Logger.Log("Befor For " , LoggerLevel.Info);
foreach (var perCookie in cookie[0].Cookies)
Logger.Log("perCookie " + perCookie, LoggerLevel.Info);
if (perCookie.Name == "newhbsslv1")
strToken = perCookie.Value;