I'm using reagent and compojure to make a toy webapp and I can't figure out why my server isn't sending out a CSRF cookie. Other answers and several blog posts seem to imply that the default settings for compojure now send the CSRF token and that manually resending it is actually a bug. When I try to hit the POST /art endpoint I get back a 403 Forbidden response. None of the pages get the cookie with the CSRF token in it so I can't send it with the POST request. Any advice?
(ns my-app.server
(:require [my-app.handler :refer [app]]
[environ.core :refer [env]]
[ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]])
(defn -main [& args]
(let [port (Integer/parseInt (or (env :port) "3000"))]
(run-jetty app {:port port :join? false})))
;; handler.clj
(ns my-app.handler
(:require [compojure.core :refer [GET POST defroutes]]
[compojure.route :refer [not-found resources]]
[hiccup.page :refer [include-js include-css html5]]
[my-app.middleware :refer [wrap-middleware]]
[environ.core :refer [env]]))
(defroutes routes
(GET "/" [] loading-page)
(GET "/about" [] loading-page)
(GET "/art" [] loading-page)
(POST "/art" request {:sent (:body request) :hello "world"})
(resources "/")
(not-found "Not Found"))
(def app (wrap-middleware #'routes))
(ns stagistry.middleware
(:require [ring.middleware.defaults :refer [site-defaults wrap-defaults]]
[prone.middleware :refer [wrap-exceptions]]
[ring.middleware.reload :refer [wrap-reload]]))
(defn wrap-middleware [handler]
(-> handler
(wrap-defaults site-defaults)
I threw the code itself on github here since I still can't see what's wrong.
Other answers and several blog posts seem to imply that the default settings for compojure now send the CSRF token and that manually resending it is actually a bug.
(wrap-defaults site-defaults) applies the ring-anti-forgery middleware. This will only add a CSRF token to each ring browser session and look for the token on POST requests. If the token is missing the middleware will return a 403 for the request. Adding the token to your form or ajax/whatever post requests is up to you, the price of freedom. :)
From the ring-anti-forgery docs:
By default, the token is expected to be in a form field named '__anti-forgery-token', or in the 'X-CSRF-Token' or 'X-XSRF-Token' headers.
For example try adding this route:
(GET "/someform" request (html5 (ring.util.anti-forgery/anti-forgery-field)))
The anti-forgery-field helper will add a hidden input field with the CSRF token as its value, which is picked up by the middleware if the form is posted. To access the token directly you can either use ring.middleware.anti-forgery/*anti-forgery-token* or look it up in the session of the current request map:
(-> request :session :ring.middleware.anti-forgery/anti-forgery-token)
The global var (and by extension the helper) is bound to the handler context though, you can't access it from outside or from another thread in the same context.
Simple curl header example:
Get the CSRF token:
$ curl -v -c /tmp/cookiestore.txt http://localhost:3000/someform
Set the token via header and post some stuff:
$ curl -v -b /tmp/cookiestore.txt --header "X-CSRF-Token: ->token from prev. req<-" -X POST -d '{:foo "bar"}' localhost:3000/art
So I found an answer on a related question that's good enough for me at the moment. I switched the middleware.clj site-defaults to api-defaults which doesn't use CSRF. Still curious how to make CSRF work here, but it's not critical for what I'm doing. If anyone latter suggests a fix that works I'll mark that as correct.
I keep getting "Invalid anti-forgery token" when wrapping specific routes created with metosin/reitit reitit.ring/ring-router. I've also tried reitit's middleware registry, but it didn't work too. Although I could just wrap the entire handler with wrap-session and wrap-anti-forgery, that defeats the reitit's advantage on allowing route-specific middleware.
(ns t.core
(:require [immutant.web :as web]
[reitit.ring :as ring]
[ring.middleware.anti-forgery :refer [wrap-anti-forgery]]
[ring.middleware.content-type :refer [wrap-content-type]]
[ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]]
[ring.middleware.keyword-params :refer [wrap-keyword-params]]
[ring.middleware.session :refer [wrap-session]]
[ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]]
[ring.util.response :as res]))
(defn render-index [_req]
(res/response (str "<form action='/sign-in' method='post'>"
"<button>Sign In</button></form>")))
(defn sign-in [{:keys [params session]}]
(println "params: " params
"session:" session)
(res/redirect "/index.html"))
(defn wrap-af [handler]
(-> handler
(def app
(ring/router [["/index.html" {:get render-index
:middleware [[wrap-content-type]
["/sign-in" {:post sign-in
:middleware [wrap-af]}]])))
(defn -main [& args]
(web/run app {:host "localhost" :port 7777}))
It turns out that metosin/reitit creates one session store for each route (refer to issue 205 for more information); in other words, ring-anti-forgery is not working because reitit does not use the same session store for each route.
As of the time of this answer, the maintainer suggests the following (copied from the issue for ease of reference within Stack Overflow):
mount the wrap-session outside of the router so there is only one instance of the mw for the whole app. There is :middleware option in ring-handler for this:
(require '[reitit.ring :as ring])
(require '[ring.middleware.session :as session])
(defn handler [{session :session}]
(let [counter (inc (:counter session 0))]
{:status 200
:body {:counter counter}
:session {:counter counter}}))
(def app
["/ping" handler]
["/pong" handler]])
;; the middleware on ring-handler runs before routing
{:middleware [session/wrap-session]}))
create a single session store and use it within the routing table (all instances of the session middleware will share the single store).
(require '[ring.middleware.session.memory :as memory])
;; single instance
(def store (memory/memory-store))
;; inside, with shared store
(def app
{:middleware [[session/wrap-session {:store store}]]}
["/ping" handler]
["/pong" handler]])))
Not shown in this answer is the third option that the maintainer calls for PR.
I am trying to implement request end point authentication. For that I want to access accessToken value from request headers.
My GET request end Point is
CURL Command
curl -X GET \
'http://localhost:3000/hello?id=10' \
-H 'accesskey: 23423sfsdfsdfsfg' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'postman-token: f69b34e6-4888-ec31-5fbc-b734e176571b' \
-d '{
"artwork": {id" : 1}
HTTP Command
GET /hello?id=10 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
Content-Type: application/json
accessKey: 23423sfsdfsdfsfg
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: b974719d-5e1d-4d68-e910-e9ca50562b2f
My Code for GET Method Implementation
(defapi app
(GET ["/hello/:id", :id #"[0-9]+" ] [id]
(log/info "Function begins from here")
(def artworkData (logic/artwork-id (->> id (re-find #"\d+") Long/parseLong)))
(def data (if (not-empty artworkData)
{:data artworkData :status 200}
{:data [] :status 201}))
(ok data)))
I want to fetch accessKey: 23423sfsdfsdfsfg from request header.
Is there any way to get the value and use in my GET Method?
I am using POSTMAN to test all API end points.
Compojure has custom destructuring syntax (i.e., different from Clojure proper) for the parameters. You can bind the whole request map using keyword :as
(defapi app
(GET ["/hello/:id", :id #"[0-9]+" ] [id :as request]
If you want only request headers, the following should work
(defapi app
(GET ["/hello/:id", :id #"[0-9]+" ] [id :as {:headers headers}]
Note that this still allows you to bind path parameter id.
The Compojure Sweet API functions like [compojure.api.sweet :refer [defroutes GET PUT context]] let us bind the whole request or bind select headers. In the snippet below [:as request] makes the whole request available to me.
[:as request]
:header-params [{x-http-request-id :- X-Http-Request-Id nil}]
:path-params [id :- (describe String "The encoded id of the image")]
:summary "Download the image bytes"
:description "This endpoint responds 307 - Temporary Redirect to a cacheable presigned S3 URL for the actual bytes."
(let [http-response (->> request
(transform/generate-resource-url (util/decode-key id))
expire-time (-> 3 hours from-now coerce/to-date ring-time/format-date)]
(log/infof "x-http-request-id is %s" x-http-request-id)
(response/header http-response "Expires" expire-time)))
The vector beginning :header-params [{x-http-request-id :- X-Http-Request-Id nil}] makes the value of the "X-HTTP-REQUEST-ID" header in the request available to my function directly as x-http-request-id.
The squiglies thing {...} makes the presence of x-http-request-id header optional in the request.
The :- X-Http-Request-Id nil stuff gives it a Schema which is defined somewhere else like (s/defschema X-Http-Request-Id (rss/describe String "Request ID for tracing calls")).
Once you've got those kids bound to names you just work with the names. The compojure folks don't do a great job at documenting everything you can do there. Poke around their examples and you'll find stuff like this.
I have figured out solution to the issue. Please check solution here.
(ns clojure-dauble-business-api.core
(:require [compojure.api.sweet :refer :all]
[ring.util.http-response :refer :all]
[clojure-dauble-business-api.logic :as logic]
[clojure.tools.logging :as log]
[cheshire.core :as json])
(:import [clojure_dauble_business_api.domain.artwork Artwork]))
(defapi app
(GET ["/hello/:id", :id #"[0-9]+"] [id :as request]
(log/info "Function begins from here" request)
(def jsonString (json/generate-string (get-in request [:headers])))
(log/info "Create - Access Key is " (get-in (json/parse-string jsonString true) [:accesskey]))
(def artworkData (logic/artwork-id (->> id (re-find #"\d+") Long/parseLong)))
(def data (if (not-empty artworkData)
{:data artworkData :status 200}
{:data [] :status 201})))
I don't think it is smart way.
Can you anybody look into my solution and tell me Is there another way to get accesskey?
How to get the content of an incoming POST http request's :body #object[org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpInputOverHTTP 0x42c3599b "HttpInputOverHTTP#42c3599b"] in a Compojure/Ring project?
I know that this :body is composed of a part named data whose MIME-type is text-plain and another part named excel whose MIME-type is application/excel.
I slurped the content of :body and it shows:
Parsing a binary stream manually would be difficult. Wrap your handler as follows:
(wrap-multipart-params handler options)
This middleware parses the body and populates :params parameters with parsed data as well.
See ring.middleware.multipart-params documentation for more details.
I was seeing it in Reitit, what fixed for me was to change the order of the middlewares so the exception-middleware is after the multipart/multipart-middleware.
:middleware [;; multipart
;; exception handling
You can find a basic example in the Clojure Cookbook (O'Reilly), which I highly recommend:
(ns ringtest
[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
;; Echo (with pretty-print) the request received
(defn handler [request]
{:status 200
:headers {"content-type" "text/clojure"}
:body (with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint request))})
(defn -main []
;; Run the server on port 3000
(jetty/run-jetty handler {:port 3000}))
When I try and request a resource from a cljs app (running on http://localhost:3000) to my Pedestal server (running on http://localhost:8080) I get the below error. I would like to allow CORS from http://localhost:3000:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8080/db/query. Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access.
I am using cljs-http to send the request from the client. The request looks something like this:
(defn load-server-data
(let [q (<! (http/post "http://localhost:8080/db/query"
{:edn-params {:query '[:find ?rep ?last
[?rep :sales-rep/first-name ?last]]}}))]
(println "q" q))))
The route for /db/query looks like this:
(defroutes routes
{:post handlers/db-post}
["/query" {:post handlers/db-query}
^:interceptors [interceptors/edn-interceptor]]]]])
This is the handler for /db/query:
(defn db-query
(let [edn-params (:edn-params req)
q (:query edn-params)
args (:args edn-params)
q-result (apply d/q q (d/db conn) args)]
{:status 200
:body (pr-str q-result)}))
To run the server I execute this function in the REPL.
(defn run-dev
"The entry-point for 'lein run-dev'"
[& args]
(println "\nCreating your [DEV] server...")
(-> service/service
(merge {:env :dev
::server/join? false
::server/routes #(deref #'service/routes)
::server/allowed-origins {:creds true :allowed-origins (constantly true)}})
There does not seem to be much information around CORS for Pedestal. I have looked at the cors example but it seems to just work while mine does not. Is there another interceptor I need to add to my routes or some sort of configuration setting that I am missing here?
I have figured out the problem. It turns out that an error was being thrown, however, it was getting swallowed and hidden from my debugger. Simply adding a try catch around my handler function fixes the problem.
(defn db-query
(let [edn-params (:edn-params req)
q (:query edn-params)
args (:args edn-params)
q-result (apply d/q q (d/db conn) args)]
{:status 200
:body (pr-str q-result)})
(catch Exception ex
{:status 400
:body "Not authorized"})))
My original response:
The purpose of CORS is to limit the origin of the requests. You have
to purposely tell it where requests can come from. This will fix it.
(def service {;other config stuff
io.pedestal.http/allowed-origins ["http://localhost:3000"]}
It appears this is a duplicate question. Apparently javascript ajax requests are by definition limited to single origin. That code would work in production only if the GET request is made by clj-http or http-kit on the ring server that spawn http://localhost:3000 and then a cljs-http ajax request is made to that same ring server on port 3000. I still don't know why your run-dev doesn't work, but if you're calling lein with run, this is definitely what's happening.
I am trying to run Aleph on top of Ring and use lein ring server for shorter feedback loop.
When I'm invoking lein ring server everything seems to be fine but when I point my browser to an url I get a nasty NullPointerException with the stack trace below.
However, when I run (al.app/start 3006) then no NLP shows up.
The whole project is available on GitHub.
What am I doing wrong?
core.clj:107 lamina.core/enqueue
app.clj:39 al.app/hello-handler
http.clj:79 aleph.http/wrap-aleph-handler[fn]
response.clj:27 compojure.response/eval1328[fn]
response.clj:10 compojure.response/eval1289[fn]
core.clj:93 compojure.core/make-route[fn]
core.clj:39 compojure.core/if-route[fn]
I am using aleph 0.3.2 and that's my code:
(ns al.app
(:require [compojure.route :as route]))
(defn hello-handler
"Our handler for the /hello path"
[ch request]
(let [params (:route-params request)
name (params :name)]
(enqueue ch
{:status 200
:headers {}
:body (str "Hello " name)})))
(defroutes my-routes
(GET ["/hello/:name", :name #"[a-zA-Z]+"] {} (wrap-aleph-handler hello-handler))
(route/not-found "Page not found"))
(defn start
"Start our server in the specified port"
(start-http-server (wrap-ring-handler my-routes) {:port port}))
The Lein-Ring plugin uses an embedded Jetty web server, while Aleph uses the asynchronous Netty web server. The aleph.http/wrap-aleph-handler middleware is designed only to work with a Netty server started with aleph.http/start-http-server function.