Solving leaky memory and syntax issues in a simple hash table - c++

I'm implementing a basic hashtable. My logic for the table makes sense (at least to me), but I'm a bit rusty with my C++. My program returns a free memory error when I run it, but I can't seem to figure out where my problem is. I think is has to do with how I call the pointers in the various class functions.
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <exception>
using namespace std;
int hashU(string in/*, int M*/){ //hThe hash function that utilizes a smal pseusorandom number
char *v = new char[in.size() + 1]; //generator to return an number between 0 and 50. (I arbitrarily chose 50 as the upper limit)
copy(in.begin(), in.end(), v); //First the input string is turned into a char* for use in the the function.
v[in.size()] = '\0';
int h, a = 31415, b = 27183;
h = (a*h + *v)%50;
delete[] v; //Delete the char* to prevent leaky memory.
return (h<0) ? (h+50) : h; //Return number
struct hashNode{ //The node that will store the key and the values
string key;
float val;
struct hashNode *next;
struct hashLink{ //The linked list that will store additional keys and values should there be a collision.
struct hashNode *start; //Start pointer
struct hashNode *tail; //Tail pointer
hashLink(){ //hashLink constructor
void push(string key, float val); //Function to push values to stack. Used if there is a collision.
void hashLink::push(string key, float val){
struct hashNode *ptr;
ptr = new hashNode;
ptr->key = key;
ptr->val = val;
ptr->next = NULL;
if(start != NULL){
ptr->next = tail;
tail = ptr;
struct hashTable{ //The "hash table." Creates an array of Linked Lists that are indexed by the values returned by the hash function.
hashLink hash[50];
hashTable(){ //Constructor
void emplace(string in, float val); //Function to insert a new key and value into the table.
float fetch(string in); //Function to retrieve a stored key.
void hashTable::emplace(string in, float val){
int i = hashU(in); //Retrieve index of key from hash function.
hashNode *trav; //Create node traveler
trav = hash[i].start; //Set the traveler to the start of the desired linked list
while(trav!=hash[i].tail){ //Traverse the list searching to see if the input key already exists
if(trav->{ //If the input key already exists, its associated value is updated, and the function returns.
trav->val = val;
else //Travler moves to next node if the input key in not found.
trav = trav->next;
hash[i].push(in,val); //If the traveler does not see the input key, the request key must not exist and must be created by pushing the input key and associated value to the stack.
float hashTable::fetch(string in){
int i = hashU(in); //Retrieve index of key
hashNode *trav; //Create node traveler and set it to the start of the appropriate list.
trav = hash[i].start;
while(trav!=hash[i].tail){ //Traverse the linked list searching for the requested key.
if(trav->{ //If the the requested key is found, return the associated value.
return trav->val;
trav = trav->next; //If not found in the current node, move to the next.
return false; //If the requested key is not found, return false.
int main(){
hashTable vars; //initialize the hash table
float num = 5.23; //create test variable
return 0;

The problem is that when you call delete[] v, you have advanced v such that it is pointing to the 0 at the end of the string, which is the wrong address to delete.
Also, you're wasting a lot of code unnecessarily copying the string out of where it is already available as a c-string.
unsigned int hashU(string in/*, int M*/) {
const char* v = in.c_str();
unsigned int h, a = 31415, b = 27183;
h = (a*h + *v);
return h % 50;

h = (a*h + *v)%50;
delete[] v; //Delete the char* to prevent leaky
You are incrementing v, then deleting an invalid memory location.


C Creating a binary tree based on a sequence

I need help adjusting the createTree function.
Which accepts a string and after that character by character traverses it, creating a binary tree based on it
If it encounters the character 0, it recursively creates two sub-branches.
If it encounters another character, it saves it in the leaf node.
For the string in the example, I need to make a tree as in the picture, but the function does not work properly for me. Thank you in advance for your advice.
int x = 0;
Node* createTree(string str, int si, int ei)
if (si > ei)
return NULL;
Node *root = new Node((str[si] - '0'));
if(str[si] != '0')
root->m_Data = (str[si] - '0');
return root;
root->m_Left = createTree(str,x,ei);
root->m_Right = createTree(str,x,ei);
return root;
int main ()
string str = "050067089";
Node *node = createTree(str,0,str.length());
return 0;
The problem can quite easily be broken down into small steps (what you partly did in your question).
Start iterating at the first character
Create the root node
If the current character is non-zero, set the value of this node to this character
If current character is a zero, set this node to zero, create a left and a right node and get back to step 3 for every one of them. (That's the recursive part.)
Below is my implementation of this algorithm.
First, a little bit of setting up:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
struct Node;
// Iterator to a constant character, NOT a constant iterator
using StrConstIt = std::string::const_iterator;
using UniqueNode = std::unique_ptr<Node>;
struct Node
int value;
UniqueNode p_left;
UniqueNode p_right;
Node(int value)
: value(value) {}
Node(int value, UniqueNode p_left, UniqueNode p_right)
: value(value), p_left(std::move(p_left)), p_right(std::move(p_right)) {}
As you can see, I'm using std::unique_ptr for managing memory. This way, you don't have to worry about manually deallocating memory. Using smart pointers is often considered the more "modern" approach, and they should virtually always be preferred over raw pointers.
UniqueNode p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(StrConstIt& it, StrConstIt stringEnd)
if (it >= stringEnd)
return nullptr;
UniqueNode node;
if (*it == '0')
// Create node with appropriate value
// Create branches and increment iterator
node = std::make_unique<Node>(
p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(++it, stringEnd),
p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(it, stringEnd)
// Create leaf node with appropriate value
node = std::make_unique<Node>(*it - '0');
// Increment iterator
return node;
UniqueNode p_createTree(StrConstIt begin, StrConstIt end)
return p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(begin, end);
The first function takes a reference to the iterator to the next character it should process. That is because you can't know how much characters a branch will have in its leaf nodes beforehand. Therefore, as the function's name suggests, it will update the iterator with the processing of each character.
I'm using iterators instead of a string and indices. They are clearer and easier to work with in my opinion — changing it back should be fairly easy anyway.
The second function is basically syntactic sugar: it is just there so that you don't have to pass an lvalue as the first argument.
You can then just call p_createTree with:
int main()
std::string str = "050067089";
UniqueNode p_root = p_createTree(str.begin(), str.end());
return 0;
I also wrote a function to print out the tree's nodes for debugging:
void printTree(const UniqueNode& p_root, int indentation = 0)
// Print the value of the node
for (int i(0); i < indentation; ++i)
std::cout << "| ";
std::cout << p_root->value << '\n';
// Do nothing more in case of a leaf node
if (!p_root->p_left.get() && !p_root->p_right.get())
// Otherwise, print a blank line for empty children
if (p_root->p_left.get())
printTree(p_root->p_left, indentation + 1);
std::cout << '\n';
if (p_root->p_right.get())
printTree(p_root->p_right, indentation + 1);
std::cout << '\n';
Assuming that the code which is not included in your question is correct, there is only one issue that could pose a problem if more than one tree is built. The problem is that x is a global variable which your functions change as a side-effect. But if that x is not reset before creating another tree, things will go wrong.
It is better to make x a local variable, and pass it by reference.
A minor thing: don't use NULL but nullptr.
Below your code with that change and the class definition included. I also include a printSideways function, which makes it easier to see that the tree has the expected shape:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int m_Data;
Node* m_Left = nullptr;
Node* m_Right = nullptr;
Node(int v) : m_Data(v) {}
// Instead of si, accept x by reference:
Node* createTree(string str, int &x, int ei)
if (x >= ei)
return nullptr;
Node *root = new Node((str[x] - '0'));
if(str[x] != '0')
root->m_Data = (str[x] - '0');
return root;
root->m_Left = createTree(str,x,ei);
root->m_Right = createTree(str,x,ei);
return root;
// Overload with a wrapper that defines x
Node* createTree(string str)
int x = 0;
return createTree(str, x, str.length());
// Utility function to visualise the tree with the root at the left
void printSideways(Node *node, string tab) {
if (node == nullptr) return;
printSideways(node->m_Right, tab + " ");
cout << tab << node->m_Data << "\n";
printSideways(node->m_Left, tab + " ");
// Wrapper for above function
void printSideways(Node *node) {
printSideways(node, "");
int main ()
string str = "050067089";
Node *node = createTree(str);
return 0;
So, as you see, nothing much was altered. Just si was replaced with x, which is passed around by reference, and x is defined locally in a wrapper function.
Here is the output:

C++ Hash Table and Linked List Issues

So I'm trying to work on a project for my C++ class where I read a .txt file that has 53 lines of cities, states, and superfluous information afterwards.
(example: Port Jervis,NY,New York,36071,Orange,36071,41.3782,-74.6909,16410.0,1317)
After reading the file, I separate out the city name (example: Port Jervis) and state code (example: NY) and uses the value of the two letters in the state code as the key for a hash table of 13 elements. So N=13 + Y=24 = key of 37, and since the hash has 13 elements it's 37 % 13 = hash-key of 11.
So far so good and I'm able to get all that done correctly, however when it comes to displaying the results is where I'm running into an issue as each element of the hash-table is missing one link in the linked list. So it only displays 40 outputs of the 53, with 1 missing per element and I'm really not sure why.
So I e-mailed my professor my code and he said that my insert method is not correct which he believes is causing this error. My current insert method looks like
void insert(int key, string city, string state)//insert value
int hash = KeyModFunction(key); //function that's %13 for hash-key
Node* tmpInsert = new Node(key, city, state); //create node to work with
if(table[hash]==NULL)//checks if table is empty
table[hash] = tmpInsert; //if empty, make new node with key/city/state values
else//if not empty
Node *runner = table[hash]; //made node to run through the list
while(runner->next != NULL)//make it to the end
runner=runner->next; // go go go
runner->next = tmpInsert; //and point the end at the new node to be inserted
} //end insert
And my professor suggested it should look something more like
if(table[hash]->next == NULL)
table[hash]->next = tmpInsert;
table[hash]->myCity = city;
table[hash]->myState = state;
// You can figure out the else code based on the above
However, whenever I put that into my code, it no longer compiles and says there is a segment fault. But when I run it through a debugger it says "[Inferior 1 (process 5453) exited normally]" which I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure what the means and have been unable to find a concrete answer online for. But I'm assuming the exited normally is a good thing, however, nothing is displayed.
I've been beating my head against this all week trying to figure out a solution and it's finally come to the point where I know I'm just getting too in my own head about it, so I've come here hoping to find some guidance, advice, or at the very least someone to point me in the right direction. If more of my code is needed on here, let me know, I just didn't want to dump my whole project on here cause I legitimately want to figure it out instead of having someone just do it for me, but yeah, I'm stuck. Thanks in advance for any help!
****2:12PST - 5/17/2020 UPDATE****
So in all fairness the insert code was plucked and modified from other peoples code I've found online looking into how to do this, so that might be why it looks better than my professor (also I'm pretty sure he mention C++ isn't his most familiar language). And yes, we are supposed to implement the hash table ourselves.
So here is the full program:
class Node{
int key;
string myCity;
string myState;
Node *next;
Node(int key, string myCity, string myState)//constructor
this->key = key;
this->myCity = myCity;
this->myState = myState;
this->next = NULL;
};//end Node
class Hash{
int BUCKET; //number of over all values
Node** table;
Hash(int V)
this->BUCKET = V; //setting the BUCKET size to max number of enteries
table = new Node*[BUCKET]; //create table with size of BUCKET
for(int i = 0; i < BUCKET; i++) //fill table with NULL values
table[i] = NULL;
} //end constructor
int KeyModFunction(int x) //getting the hash key value
return (x % BUCKET);
} //end KeyModFunction
//Insert Function
void insert(int key, string city, string state)//insert value
int hash = KeyModFunction(key); //function that's %13 for hash-key
Node* tmpInsert = new Node(key, city, state); //create node to work with
if(table[hash]==NULL)//checks if table is empty
table[hash] = tmpInsert; //if empty, make new node with key/city/state values
else//if not empty
Node *runner = table[hash]; //made node to run through the list
while(runner->next != NULL)//make it to the end
runner=runner->next; // go go go
runner->next = tmpInsert; //and point the end at the new node to be inserted
} //end insert
//Display function
void displayHash()
for(int loop = 0; loop < BUCKET; loop++)
if(table[loop]->next != NULL)
Node* tmp;
tmp = table[loop]->next;
cout<<" -->"<<tmp->myCity<<"/"<<tmp->myState;
tmp = tmp->next;
}//end displayHash
}; //end Hash Class
int main() {
cout << "CSP 31B - Read and Process Assignment\n\n";
char myAlpha[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; //the key array for all the letter values
Hash myTbl(13); //create hashmap with BUCKET size of 13
string fCity, fState, fExtra; //string variables to hold info
int key = 0; //hash value of the state code (two letters added together)
ifstream myfile("CityOut.txt");
while ( getline(myfile, fCity, ',') && getline(myfile, fState, ','))
getline(myfile, fExtra);
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(myAlpha)/sizeof(myAlpha[0]); i++)
if( == myAlpha[i])
key += i;
else if( == myAlpha[i])
key += i;
int checkNum = 1;
cout << "DEBUGGER: City name: "<<fCity <<" State code: " << << <<" key = "<<key<<endl; //temporary statement for debugging purposes
myTbl.insert(key, fCity, fState);
key = 0; //reset hash number to zero for next line of CityOut.txt
return 0;
}//end main
Then the output should look something like:
but each table element should have 1 more output
Your print code skips the first element of your hash table.
This code:
if(table[loop]->next != NULL)
Node* tmp;
tmp = table[loop]->next;
cout<<" -->"<<tmp->myCity<<"/"<<tmp->myState;
tmp = tmp->next;
Should be :
if(table[loop] != NULL)
Node* tmp;
tmp = table[loop];
cout<<" -->"<<tmp->myCity<<"/"<<tmp->myState;
tmp = tmp->next;

Seg fault at the specified line: Hash table insert/search functions

I am getting a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. I'm trying to insert words into a hash table and am using separate chaining. Here is my class Hash.h that has, within it, class wordData to store the word and pageNumbers the word appears on:
class Hash
class wordData
string word;
vector < int >pageNum;
wordData *nextWord;
// Initializing the next pointer to null in the constructor
nextWord = nullptr;
// Constructor that accepts a word and pointer to next word
wordData(string word, wordData * nextWord)
this->word = word;
this->nextWord = nextWord;
// Getting and setting the next linked word
wordData *getNext()
return nextWord; //-------------------> BAD_ACCESS ERROR
void setNext(wordData * newInfo)
nextWord = newInfo;
// Setting info for the word node.
void setInfo(string & w, int pNum)
this->word = w;
// ******************* Gives a thread-bad access error************************
string getWord()
return word;
void addPageNums(int x)
// Head to point to the head node of the linked list for a particular word
wordData ** head;
int size;
int *bucketSize;
int totalElements;
// Class hash function functions
// Function to calculate bucket number based on string passed
int hashFunction(string key);
// search if word is present
bool Search(string);
// Insert word
void Insert(string, int);
int bucketNumberOfElements(int index);
#endif /* Hash_h */
After running the debugger I found the value of nextWord to be 0x00000000000 which I understand is not the same as nullptr but is due to a NULL assignment although I can't seem to figure out where and why. I haven't included the Hash.cpp file because I think there is an obvious pointer manipulation that I'm doing wrong in the .h file.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

Implementation of stack in C++ without using <stack>

I want to make an implementation of stack, I found a working model on the internet, unfortunately it is based on the idea that I know the size of the stack I want to implement right away. What I want to do is be able to add segments to my stack as they are needed, because potential maximum amount of the slots required goes into 10s of thousands and from my understanding making the size set in stone (when all of it is not needed most of the time) is a huge waste of memory and loss of the execution speed of the program. I also do not want to use any complex prewritten functions in my implementation (the functions provided by STL or different libraries such as vector etc.) as I want to understand all of them more by trying to make them myself/with brief help.
struct variabl {
char *given_name;
double value;
variabl* variables[50000];
int c = 0;
int end_of_stack = 0;
class Stack
int top, length;
char *z;
int index_struc = 0;
Stack(int = 0);
char pop();
void push();
Stack::Stack(int size) /*
This is where the problem begins, I want to be able to allocate the size
top = -1;
length = size;
z = new char[length];
void Stack::push()
z[top] = variables[index_struc]->value;
char Stack::pop()
end_of_stack = 0;
if (z == 0 || top == -1)
end_of_stack = 1;
return NULL;
char top_stack = z[top];
return top_stack;
delete[] z;
I had somewhat of a idea, and tried doing
Stack stackk
//whenever I want to put another thing into stack
stackk.push = new char;
but then I didnt completely understand how will it work for my purpose, I don't think it will be fully accessible with the pop method etc because it will be a set of separate arrays/variables right? I want the implementation to remain reasonably simple so I can understand it.
Change your push function to take a parameter, rather than needing to reference variables.
To handle pushes, start with an initial length of your array z (and change z to a better variable name). When you are pushing a new value, check if the new value will mean that the size of your array is too small (by comparing length and top). If it will exceed the current size, allocate a bigger array and copy the values from z to the new array, free up z, and make z point to the new array.
Here you have a simple implementation without the need of reallocating arrays. It uses the auxiliary class Node, that holds a value, and a pointer to another Node (that is set to NULL to indicate the end of the stack).
main() tests the stack by reading commands of the form
p c: push c to the stack
g: print top of stack and pop
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node {
char c;
Node *next;
Node(char cc, Node *nnext){
c = cc;
next = nnext;
char getChar(){
return c;
Node *getNext(){
return next;
class Stack {
Node *start;
start = NULL;
void push(char c){
start = new Node(c, start);
char pop(){
if(start == NULL){
//Handle error
cerr << "pop on empty stack" << endl;
else {
char r = (*start).getChar();
Node* newstart = (*start).getNext();
delete start;
start = newstart;
return r;
bool empty(){
return start == NULL;
int main(){
char c, k;
Stack st;
case 'p':
cin >> k;
case 'g':
cout << st.pop()<<endl;
return 0;

Hash table implementation in C++

I am trying the following code for Hash table implementation in C++. The program compiles and accepts input and then a popup appears saying " the project has stopped working and windows is checking for a solution to the problem. I feel the program is going in the infinite loop somewhere. Can anyone spot the mistake?? Please help!
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
/* Definitions as shown */
typedef struct CellType* Position;
typedef int ElementType;
struct CellType{
ElementType value;
Position next;
/* *** Implements a List ADT with necessary functions.
You may make use of these functions (need not use all) to implement your HashTable ADT */
class List{
Position listHead;
int count;
//Initializes the number of nodes in the list
void setCount(int num){
count = num;
//Creates an empty list
void makeEmptyList(){
listHead = new CellType;
listHead->next = NULL;
//Inserts an element after Position p
int insertList(ElementType data, Position p){
Position temp;
temp = p->next;
p->next = new CellType;
p->next->next = temp;
p->next->value = data;
return ++count;
//Returns pointer to the last node
Position end(){
Position p;
p = listHead;
while (p->next != NULL){
p = p->next;
return p;
//Returns number of elements in the list
int getCount(){
return count;
class HashTable{
List bucket[10];
int bucketIndex;
int numElemBucket;
Position posInsert;
string collision;
bool reportCol; //Helps to print a NO for no collisions
HashTable(){ //constructor
int i;
for (i=0;i<10;i++){
collision = "";
reportCol = false;
int insert(int data){
int col;
else { while(posInsert->next != NULL){
if (reportCol==true) col=1;
else col=0;
return col ;
/*code to insert data into
hash table and report collision*/
void listCollision(int pos){
cout<< "("<< pos<< "," << bucketIndex << "," << numElemBucket << ")"; /*codeto generate a properly formatted
string to report multiple collisions*/
void printCollision();
int main(){
HashTable ht;
int i, data;
for (i=0;i<10;i++){
int abc= ht.insert(data);
ht.listCollision(i);/* code to call insert function of HashTable ADT and if there is a collision, use listCollision to generate the list of collisions*/
//Prints the concatenated collision list
void HashTable::printCollision(){
if (reportCol == false)
cout <<"NO";
The output of the program is the point where there is a collision in the hash table, thecorresponding bucket number and the number of elements in that bucket.
After trying dubbuging, I come to know that, while calling a constructor you are not emptying the bucket[bucketIndex].
So your Hash Table constructor should be as follow:
HashTable(){ //constructor
int i;
for (i=0;i<10;i++){
bucket[i].makeEmptyList(); //here we clear for first use
collision = "";
reportCol = false;
//Creates an empty list
void makeEmptyList(){
listHead = new CellType;
listHead->next = NULL;
what you can do is you can get posInsert using
so that posInsert-> is defined
and there is no need to
while(posInsert->next != NULL){
because end() function is doing just that so use end() function