How to rename a file name with different extension in python - python-2.7

I have a code to rename file names which having extension ".dtshd".
import fnmatch
import os
import csv
import glob
with open('New_Names.csv') as f:
file_pattern = '*.dtshd*'
file_names = {}
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
file_names[row[0]] = row[1]
for file in glob.glob(file_pattern):
path, filename = os.path.split(file)
filename_noext, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
new_filename = file_names.get(filename_noext, filename_noext)
os.rename(os.path.join(path, filename),
os.path.join(path, '{}{}'.format(new_filename, '.bin')))
This is working fine.But i need to rename a file name with ".cpt" extension also.How do i add this in my code.Can you please guide me this.

Take a look at pathlib (it is not included the standard library in Python 2, though) and shutil.
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
for file in Path(".").glob(file_pattern):
shutil.move(str(file), str(file.with_suffix(".cpt")))


Python recursive function by using os.listdir()

I'm trying to make a recursive function by using os.listdir(), and I am having troble looping to all my directories and list out all the files and directories.
I know it's better using os.tree() for solving this kind of problem, but i want to see how to solve this by using os.listdir().
Here are my current code:
from os.path import abspath
from os.path import isfile, isdir
import os
import sys
dir = sys.argv[1]
def recursive(dir):
files = os.listdir(dir)
for obj in files:
if isfile(obj):
print obj
elif isdir(obj):
print obj
#no idea why this won't work???
Your issue comes from abspath(obj), try replacing it by os.path.join(dir, obj) to have real path to your obj (I tested it on my env)
Thanks Gabriel and Emilrn ! this was exactly what I was looking for to recursively get the list of files from a parent directory provided for one of my projects. Just leaving the updated code here for someone who needs it later.
import os
import sys
dir = sys.argv[1]
def recursive(dir):
files = os.listdir(dir)
for obj in files:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir,obj)):
print ("File : "+os.path.join(dir,obj))
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir,obj)):
recursive(os.path.join(dir, obj))
print ('Not a directory or file %s' % (os.path.join(dir, obj))

How to use call_command with dumpdata command to save json to file

I am trying to use the call_command method to call the dumpdata command. Manually, I use it as follows to save the data to a file.
python dumpdata appname_one appname_two > /path/to/save/file.json
and it saves the json file. Now, I am in a situation where I need to call this command using the call_command method.
I am able to print out the json from the command using the following:
from import call_command
call_command('dumpdata', 'appname_one', 'appname_two')
Is there a way I can save the given data to a file like we do it from the command line?
had to redirect sys.stdout to the file in order to achieve the above. Something like.
import sys
from import call_command
sysout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open('filename.json', 'w')
call_command('dumpdata', 'appname_one', 'appname_two')
sys.stdout = sysout
An even better way is to use Django's built-in stdout redirection for their command modules. See docs here.
If you want to manipulate the stream before sending it to a file, you can also pass it a StringIO buffer:
import os
from cStringIO import StringIO
from django.core import management
def create_fixture(app_name, filename):
buf = StringIO()
management.call_command('dumpdata', app_name, stdout=buf)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
I am using Django fixture magic and need to dump a custom fixture. I tried several ways but ended up using Amyth's answer becuase it was the only way that worked.
Here is my admin action that works with fixture magic
def export_survey(modeladmin, request, queryset):
sysout = sys.stdout
survey = queryset[0]
fname = "%s.json" %(survey.slug)
response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/json')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' %(fname)
sys.stdout = response
call_command('custom_dump', 'complete_survey',
sys.stdout = sysout
return response
export_survey.short_description = "Exports a single survey as a .json file"
DB fixtures typically compress well, and loaddata can read compressed fixtures. To write a .bz2 compressed fixture directly:
import bz2
with bz2.BZ2File('db.json.bz2', 'w', buffering=1024) as f:'dumpdata', stdout=f)
This one help for multiple dump data into json file
from import call_command
import sys
sys.stdout = open('app_one/fixtures/apple.json', 'w')
call_command('dumpdata', '')
sys.stdout = open('app_two/fixtures/banana.json', 'w')
call_command('dumpdata', 'app_two.banana')

download images through django

I try to download an image from my django website. I do it like this:
def file_download(request, filename):
from django.core.servers.basehttp import FileWrapper
import mimetypes
import settings
import os
filepath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, filename)
wrapper = FileWrapper(open(filepath))
content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0]
response = HttpResponse(wrapper, mimetype='content_type')
response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=%s" % filename
return response
However, it doesn't work for images (I tries jpg files), but do work for txt files. Why?
Probably you need to open the file in binary mode:
wrapper = FileWrapper(open(filepath, 'rb'))

Django with mod_XSENDFILE unable to download complete file

Attached is the code which downloads a file from browser using django 1.3 and Apache 2.2 with mod_xsendfile
def sendfile(request, productid):
path = settings.RESOURCES_DIR
filepath = os.path.join('C:/workspace/y/src/y/media/audio/','sleep_away.mp3')
print "filepath",filepath
filename = 'sleep_away.mp3' # Select your file here.
print "Within sendfile size", os.path.getsize(filepath)
wrapper = FileWrapper(open(filepath,'r'))
content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
response = HttpResponse(wrapper, content_type = content_type)
print "Within wrapper"
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
response['X-Sendfile'] = smart_str(filepath)
response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(filepath)
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s/' % smart_str(filename)
return response
The console shows the following filesize which is the right size
Within sendfile size 4842585
But when I download/save the file it shows 107 KB...i.e 109,787 bytes.Where am I going wrong. Why isnt it downloading the complete file?
I consider your new to django or python. Try to put the import statements at the beginning of the method. Once imported it can be used through the method no need import every time you use. In windows you should use "rb" (read binary) to serve anything other than text files. Try not to use variable names that might conflict with method names or other keywords of the language. Your method should be like this
def sendfile(request, productid):
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
##set path and filename
resource_path = settings.RESOURCES_DIR # resource dir ie /workspace/y/src/y/media
filename = "sleep_away.mp3" #file to be served
##add it to os.path
filepath = os.path.join(resource_path,"audio",filename)
print "complete file path: ", filepath
##filewrapper to server in size of 8kb each until whole file is served
file_wrapper = FileWrapper(file(filepath,'rb')) ##windows needs rb (read binary) for non text files
##get file mimetype
file_mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)
##create response with file_mimetype and file_wrapper
response = HttpResponse(content_type=file_mimetype, file_wrapper)
##set X-sendfile header with filepath
response['X-Sendfile'] = filepath ##no need for smart_str here.
##get filesize
print "sendfile size", os.stat(filepath).st_size
response['Content-Length'] = os.stat(filepath).st_size ##set content length
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s/' % smart_str(filename) ##set disposition
return response ## all done, hurray!! return response :)
Hope that helps
You could have a look at the django-private-files project. Haven't tested it myself, but it looks promissing.
link to the docs -->

Using Pisa to write a pdf to disk

I have pisa producing .pdfs in django in the browser fine, but what if I want to automatically write the file to disk? What I want to do is to be able to generate a .pdf version file at specified points in time and save it in a uploads directory, so there is no browser interaction. Is this possible?
Yes it is possible. for example, using code from Greg Newman as a starter:
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.template import Context
import ho.pisa as pisa
import cStringIO as StringIO
import cgi
def write_pdf(template_src, context_dict, filename):
template = get_template(template_src)
context = Context(context_dict)
html = template.render(context)
result = open(filename, 'wb') # Changed from file to filename
pdf = pisa.pisaDocument(StringIO.StringIO(
html.encode("UTF-8")), result)
You just need to call write_pdf with a template, data in a dict and a file name.