About serialize vector<int32_t> in a TCP buffer? - c++

I wanna prepend the size of the vector in the buffer. But I don't know exactly what the type of the size is. After all, std::size_t can't be a fixed size. In my mind, I intend to use uint64_t instead. Then the buffer would like this:
8 bytes length | 4 bytes element1 | 4 bytes element2 | ... |
Now the question is uint64_t doesn't mean std::size_t. Any better ideas would be appreciated.

You can use any type you want so long as it can hold the value you are using. Since it's already a size_t, just keep it that way. Decide how many bytes you want to use to represent the value and what value you need each byte to be and write code to encode/decode each byte correctly.

You are almost there. No current platform uses size_t greater than 64 bits (and it would take several days to transfer 64bits worth of int32 over experimental 100TBit fibre). The steps are:
const uint64_t len = vec.length();
Write the eight bytes into your tcp buffer in a defined order.
Write the four bytes of each int into the tcp buffer in a defined order.
Note that the last two steps will have to be in a loop for more than a few thousand elements..


How the size of a struct containing bitset fields is calculated [duplicate]

It seems for std::bitset<1 to 32>, the size is set to 4 bytes. For sizes 33 to 64, it jumps straight up to 8 bytes. There can't be any overhead because std::bitset<32> is an even 4 bytes.
I can see aligning to byte length when dealing with bits, but why would a bitset need to align to word length, especially for a container most likely to be used in situations with a tight memory budget?
This is under VS2010.
The most likely explanation is that bitset is using a whole number of machine words to store the array.
This is probably done for memory bandwidth reasons: it is typically relatively cheap to read/write a word that's aligned at a word boundary. On the other hand, reading (and especially writing!) an arbitrarily-aligned byte can be expensive on some architectures.
Since we're talking about a fixed-sized penalty of a few bytes per bitset, this sounds like a reasonable tradeoff for a general-purpose library.
I assume that indexing into the bitset is done by grabbing a 32-bit value and then isolating the relevant bit because this is fastest in terms of processor instructions (working with smaller-sized values is slower on x86). The two indexes needed for this can also be calculated very quickly:
int wordIndex = (index & 0xfffffff8) >> 3;
int bitIndex = index & 0x7;
And then you can do this, which is also very fast:
int word = m_pStorage[wordIndex];
bool bit = ((word & (1 << bitIndex)) >> bitIndex) == 1;
Also, a maximum waste of 3 bytes per bitset is not exactly a memory concern IMHO. Consider that a bitset is already the most efficient data structure to store this type of information, so you would have to evaluate the waste as a percentage of the total structure size.
For 1025 bits this approach uses up 132 bytes instead of 129, for 2.3% overhead (and this goes down as the bitset site goes up). Sounds reasonable considering the likely performance benefits.
The memory system on modern machines cannot fetch anything else but words from memory, apart from some legacy functions that extract the desired bits. Hence, having the bitsets aligned to words makes them a lot faster to handle, because you do not need to mask out the bits you don't need when accessing it. If you do not mask, doing something like
bitset<4> foo = 0;
if (foo) {
// ...
will most likely fail. Apart from that, I remember reading some time ago that there was a way to cramp several bitsets together, but I don't remember exactly. I think it was when you have several bitsets together in a structure that they can take up "shared" memory, which is not applicable to most use cases of bitfields.
I had the same feature in Aix and Linux implementations. In Aix, internal bitset storage is char based:
typedef unsigned char _Ty;
_Ty _A[_Nw + 1];
In Linux, internal storage is long based:
typedef unsigned long _WordT;
_WordT _M_w[_Nw];
For compatibility reasons, we modified Linux version with char based storage
Check which implementation are you using inside bitset.h
Because a 32 bit Intel-compatible processor cannot access bytes individually (or better, it can by applying implicitly some bit mask and shifts) but only 32bit words at time.
if you declare
bitset<4> a,b,c;
even if the library implements it as char, a,b and c will be 32 bit aligned, so the same wasted space exist. But the processor will be forced to premask the bytes before letting bitset code to do its own mask.
For this reason MS used a int[1+(N-1)/32] as a container for the bits.
Maybe because it's using int by default, and switches to long long if it overflows? (Just a guess...)
If your std::bitset< 8 > was a member of a structure, you might have this:
struct A
std::bitset< 8 > mask;
void * pointerToSomething;
If bitset<8> was stored in one byte (and the structure packed on 1-byte boundaries) then the pointer following it in the structure would be unaligned, which would be A Bad Thing. The only time when it would be safe and useful to have a bitset<8> stored in one byte would be if it was in a packed structure and followed by some other one-byte fields with which it could be packed together. I guess this is too narrow a use case for it to be worthwhile providing a library implementation.
Basically, in your octree, a single byte bitset would only be useful if it was followed in a packed structure by another one to three single-byte members. Otherwise, it would have to be padded to four bytes anyway (on a 32-bit machine) to ensure that the following variable was word-aligned.

Does endianness affect writing an odd number of bytes?

Imagine you had a uint64_t bytes and you know that you only need 7 bytes because the integers you store will not exceed the limit of 7 bytes.
When writing a file you could do something like
std::ofstream fout(fileName);
fout.write((char *)&bytes, 7);
to only write 7 bytes.
The question I'm trying to figure out is whether endianess of a system affects the bytes that are written to the file. I know that endianess affects the order in which the bytes are written, but does it also affect which bytes are written? (Only for the case when you write less bytes than the integer usually has.)
For example, on a little endian system the first 7 bytes are written to the file, starting with the LSB. On a big endian system what is written to the file?
Or to put it differently, on a little endian system the MSB(the 8th byte) is not written to the file. Can we expect the same behavior on a big endian system?
Endianess affects only the way (16, 32, 64) int are written. If you are writing bytes, (as it is your case) they will be written in the exact same order you are doing it.
For example, this kind of writing will be affected by endianess:
std::ofstream fout(fileName);
int i = 67;
fout.write((char *)&i, sizeof(int));
uint64_t bytes = ...;
fout.write((char *)&bytes, 7);
This will write exactly 7 bytes starting from the address of &bytes. There is a difference between LE and BE systems how the eight bytes in memory are laid out, though (let's assume the variable is located at address 0xff00):
0xff00 0xff01 0xff02 0xff03 0xff04 0xff05 0xff06 0xff07
LE: [byte 0 (LSB!)][byte 1][byte 2][byte 3][byte 4][byte 5][byte 6][byte 7 (MSB)]
BE: [byte 7 (MSB!)][byte 6][byte 5][byte 4][byte 3][byte 2][byte 1][byte 0 (LSB)]
Starting address (0xff00) won't change if casting to char*, and you'll print out the byte at exactly this address plus the next six following ones – in both cases (LE and BE), address 0xff07 won't be printed. Now if you look at my memory table above, it should be obvious that on BE system, you lose the LSB while storing the MSB, which does not carry information...
On a BE-System, you could instead write fout.write((char *)&bytes + 1, 7);. Be aware, though, that this yet leaves a portability issue:
fout.write((char *)&bytes + isBE(), 7);
// ^ giving true/false, i. e. 1 or 0
// (such function/test existing is an assumption!)
This way, data written by a BE-System would be misinterpreted by a LE-system, when read back, and vice versa. Safe version would be decomposing each single byte as geza did in his answer. To avoid multiple system calls, you might decompose the values into an array instead and print out that one.
If on linux/BSD, there's a nice alternative, too:
bytes = htole64(bytes); // will likely result in a no-op on LE system...
fout.write((char *)&bytes, 7);
The question I'm trying to figure out is whether endianess of a system affects the bytes that are written to the file.
Yes, it affects the bytes are written to the file.
For example, on a little endian system the first 7 bytes are written to the file, starting with the LSB. On a big endian system what is written to the file?
The first 7 bytes are written to the file. But this time, starting with the MSB. So, in the end, the lowest byte is not written in the file, because on big endian systems, the last byte is the lowest byte.
So, this is not what you've wanted, because you lose information.
A simple solution is to convert uint64_t to little endian, and write the converted value. Or just write the value byte-by-byte in a way that a little endian system would write it:
uint64_t x = ...;
// you get the idea how to write the remaining bytes

Small scalar types and google protocol buffers

What is the reasoning behind not having small scalar types in google protocol buffers?
More specifically for C++, do I transfer a uint16_t as two bytes in gpb? I'm looking into converting an existing message based protocol to gpb and this seems a bit strange to me.
Gbp uses variable-length encoding, meaning that the size of the transmitted integer depends on the value of the integer.
Small ints will be sent using only few bytes.
Here is a link to a guide about gbp encoding
In particular, if you only have one specific case of a short int (and not many of them, in which case you'll probably want to use bytes), you should simply cast all uint16_t to uint32_t and let varints do the stuff.
Protobuf scalar type encoding uses variable number of bytes:
1 byte if < 2**(8-1) = 128
2 bytes if < 2**(16-2) = 16384
3 bytes if < 2**(24-3) = 2097152
4 bytes if < 2**(32-4) = 268435456
So while this may be killing you as space-savvy C coder, uint_16t will be taking at most 2 bytes only for lowest 1/4 of the range.
PB is ultimately designed for forward compatibility, and Google knows that short fixed data types will always turn out too short :-) (Y2K, IPv4, upcoming 2038 Unix Time, etc.) If you're really, terribly after compactness, use bytes as #SRLKilling recommended, at the expense of needing to write your own codec on top of it.

Why is std::bitset<8> 4 bytes big?

It seems for std::bitset<1 to 32>, the size is set to 4 bytes. For sizes 33 to 64, it jumps straight up to 8 bytes. There can't be any overhead because std::bitset<32> is an even 4 bytes.
I can see aligning to byte length when dealing with bits, but why would a bitset need to align to word length, especially for a container most likely to be used in situations with a tight memory budget?
This is under VS2010.
The most likely explanation is that bitset is using a whole number of machine words to store the array.
This is probably done for memory bandwidth reasons: it is typically relatively cheap to read/write a word that's aligned at a word boundary. On the other hand, reading (and especially writing!) an arbitrarily-aligned byte can be expensive on some architectures.
Since we're talking about a fixed-sized penalty of a few bytes per bitset, this sounds like a reasonable tradeoff for a general-purpose library.
I assume that indexing into the bitset is done by grabbing a 32-bit value and then isolating the relevant bit because this is fastest in terms of processor instructions (working with smaller-sized values is slower on x86). The two indexes needed for this can also be calculated very quickly:
int wordIndex = (index & 0xfffffff8) >> 3;
int bitIndex = index & 0x7;
And then you can do this, which is also very fast:
int word = m_pStorage[wordIndex];
bool bit = ((word & (1 << bitIndex)) >> bitIndex) == 1;
Also, a maximum waste of 3 bytes per bitset is not exactly a memory concern IMHO. Consider that a bitset is already the most efficient data structure to store this type of information, so you would have to evaluate the waste as a percentage of the total structure size.
For 1025 bits this approach uses up 132 bytes instead of 129, for 2.3% overhead (and this goes down as the bitset site goes up). Sounds reasonable considering the likely performance benefits.
The memory system on modern machines cannot fetch anything else but words from memory, apart from some legacy functions that extract the desired bits. Hence, having the bitsets aligned to words makes them a lot faster to handle, because you do not need to mask out the bits you don't need when accessing it. If you do not mask, doing something like
bitset<4> foo = 0;
if (foo) {
// ...
will most likely fail. Apart from that, I remember reading some time ago that there was a way to cramp several bitsets together, but I don't remember exactly. I think it was when you have several bitsets together in a structure that they can take up "shared" memory, which is not applicable to most use cases of bitfields.
I had the same feature in Aix and Linux implementations. In Aix, internal bitset storage is char based:
typedef unsigned char _Ty;
_Ty _A[_Nw + 1];
In Linux, internal storage is long based:
typedef unsigned long _WordT;
_WordT _M_w[_Nw];
For compatibility reasons, we modified Linux version with char based storage
Check which implementation are you using inside bitset.h
Because a 32 bit Intel-compatible processor cannot access bytes individually (or better, it can by applying implicitly some bit mask and shifts) but only 32bit words at time.
if you declare
bitset<4> a,b,c;
even if the library implements it as char, a,b and c will be 32 bit aligned, so the same wasted space exist. But the processor will be forced to premask the bytes before letting bitset code to do its own mask.
For this reason MS used a int[1+(N-1)/32] as a container for the bits.
Maybe because it's using int by default, and switches to long long if it overflows? (Just a guess...)
If your std::bitset< 8 > was a member of a structure, you might have this:
struct A
std::bitset< 8 > mask;
void * pointerToSomething;
If bitset<8> was stored in one byte (and the structure packed on 1-byte boundaries) then the pointer following it in the structure would be unaligned, which would be A Bad Thing. The only time when it would be safe and useful to have a bitset<8> stored in one byte would be if it was in a packed structure and followed by some other one-byte fields with which it could be packed together. I guess this is too narrow a use case for it to be worthwhile providing a library implementation.
Basically, in your octree, a single byte bitset would only be useful if it was followed in a packed structure by another one to three single-byte members. Otherwise, it would have to be padded to four bytes anyway (on a 32-bit machine) to ensure that the following variable was word-aligned.

Python and C++ Sockets converting packet data

First of all, to clarify my goal: There exist two programs written in C in our laboratory. I am working on a Proxy Server (bidirectional) for them (which will also mainpulate the data). And I want to write that proxy server in Python. It is important to know that I know close to nothing about these two programs, I only know the definition file of the packets.
Now: assuming a packet definition in one of the C++ programs reads like this:
unsigned char Packet[0x32]; // Packet[Length]
int z=0;
Packet[0]=0x00; // Spare
Packet[1]=0x32; // Length
Packet[2]=0x01; // Source
Packet[3]=0x02; // Destination
Packet[4]=0x01; // ID
Packet[5]=0x00; // Spare
return 1;
return 0;
What would be the easiest way to receive that data, convert it into a readable python format, manipulate them and send them forward to the receiver?
You can receive the packet's 50 bytes with a .recv call on a properly connected socked (it might actually take more than one call in the unlikely event the TCP packet gets fragmented, so check incoming length until you have exactly 50 bytes in hand;-).
After that, understanding that C code is puzzling. The assignments of ints (presumably 4-bytes each) to Packet[9], Packet[13], etc, give the impression that the intention is to set 4 bytes at a time within Packet, but that's not what happens: each assignment sets exactly one byte in the packet, from the lowest byte of the int that's the RHS of the assignment. But those bytes are the bytes of (int)(720000+armcontrolpacket->dof0_rot*1000) and so on...
So must those last 44 bytes of the packet be interpreted as 11 4-byte integers (signed? unsigned?) or 44 independent values? I'll guess the former, and do...:
import struct
f = '>x4bx11i'
values = struct.unpack(f, packet)
the format f indicates: big-endian, 4 unsigned-byte values surrounded by two ignored "spare" bytes, 11 4-byte signed integers. Tuple values ends up with 15 values: the four single bytes (50, 1, 2, 1 in your example), then 11 signed integers. You can use the same format string to pack a modified version of the tuple back into a 50-bytes packet to resend.
Since you explicitly place the length in the packet it may be that different packets have different lenghts (though that's incompatible with the fixed-length declaration in your C sample) in which case you need to be a bit more accurate in receiving and unpacking it; however such details depend on information you don't give, so I'll stop trying to guess;-).
Take a look at the struct module, specifically the pack and unpack functions. They work with format strings that allow you to specify what types you want to write or read and what endianness and alignment you want to use.