Where Can I Find Details On The <ivy-report> XML Format? - xslt

I need to customize the dependency report from Ivy, and am trying to find more details on the format of the XML file that is the data source for any report.
I have found the Ivy Report documentation, and have easily provided my custom XSL template to generate the report. Indeed, my report works fine.
But, I want to have a better understanding about the expected format of this file. Most of the tags and attributes are obvious, but there are some that I am just making assumptions about.
Is there a schema for this report file? Or some place that has an explanation of the various attributes?


How do I find relevance between documents while creating multi-document summary?

I want to generate a multi-document summary. I have already generated single document summary of each document. In some research papers, a multi-document summary is generated by making single document by appending each input document into it and then generate a single document summary. I have done it by combining summary of each input document. but, I am not satisfied. I am following the traditional approach to finding out the relevance between a summary of each document i.e. TF-IDF. Am I working correctly? Or should I follow different approach?

Add ## (Hashtags, Poundsigns, number signs, what have you) to a report header in SSRS

I have a requirement that is difficult (apparently) to try and fill. I would like to add ## as a report header, OR as the first entry in the report. The report that is being generated is being utilized by a system parser that requires the ##. I know I can create an XSLT for it, and export as XML and transfer to CSV but that seems like way too much work for something as simple as adding a ##.
The problem is, we have approximately 30 of these reports to do like this. Creating XSLTs for all of them will be very time consuming. I would greatly appreciate some support from you gurus out there!
Thank you!
Not possible -- see below:
For CSV export, the report header is determined by the DataElementName property. However the property must be CLS-compliant identifiers, but “##” is not actually CLS-compliant. By entering these characters, you’ll get the error message: Property Value is not valid. So currently, it’s not supported to keep report header with special characters when exporting to CSV file.
You can refer to the article below:
The relevant thread:

Schema for the <project> XML in a Sitecore package

Does anyone have the schema that relates to the XML document that appears in the installer folder of a Sitecore package file?
Especially interested in the format of the project/Sources/xitems/Entries/x-item element.
That XML file seems to be a representation of the Sitecore.Install.PackageProject class, so I tried to generate an XSD from code using serialization on that class.
However, if you use a decompile to take a look at how package building and installation works, you'll find out that Sitecore has written their own serializer for this.
So I wasn't able to generate a correct XSD with the .NET serializer.
With a decompiler (I use dotPeek, freeware) you can track down a lot of information about that XML file and how it's being used by Sitecore, but I don´t see a (realistic) way to extract a schema from this.
If you're going to look into it, look inside Sitecore.Kernel.dll and look for the Sitecore.Install namespace.
Have you tried asking Sitecore Support? If anyone has this schema, it's them.

AnthillPro - CCTray integration

Does anyone know if you can use CCTray (or an equivalent) with AnthillPro? I'm not finding a lot of documentation and am new to using AHP.
You should be able to use CCTray type tools with AnthillPro. You would need to create a custom report to generate the XML though.
Shoot me an email at eric#urbancode.com I may be able to write this later in the week.
Otherwise, you could experiment with report writing.
You can find the cc xml format here: http://confluence.public.thoughtworks.org/display/CI/Multiple+Project+Summary+Reporting+Standard
Example AP report code that iterates over each build workflow and spits out data about the latest build is here: https://bugs.urbancode.com/browse/AHPSCRIPTS-13
The "Recent Build Life Activity (RSS)" report that I think ships with the product would give you an XML example.

JUnit Report single page XSLT for email

I have a Junit process that runs a bunch of data integrity tests every night, and I would like to have it email the results in a nicely formatted HTML email. The issue is the HTML formatter built into JUnit uses frames and an external stylesheet so it is not appropriate for email. The plain formatter has the results buried in the midst of a bunch of otherwise worthless data.
I thought it would be simple to find a XSLT stylesheet that formatted the XML output into an email-friendly format, but after a couple hours of googling, I have not been able to find one. If any of you have a email-friendly Junit formatter, I'd be eternally grateful.
From http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/junitreport.html
Ant assumes the following concerning
the frames and noframes formats :
The frames format uses a stylesheet
which is generating output only by
The noframes format does not use
redirecting and generates one file
called junit-noframes.html.
Custom versions of junit-frames.xsl or
junit-noframes.xsl must adhere to the
above conventions.
Edit: The only web aviable source in here
Use the one that Ant's <junitreport> to create the HTML report and email that.