Detecting areas in an image. Overlapping Widgets in QT is it possible ? - c++

I currently have an image say of a face displayed inside a QLabel and I would like to add two QPushButtons on the eye so that I would know when those buttons are pressed.I would like to have the buttons overlap the face so I would know that the user clicked on the eye. My question is if there is a Layout in QT that would allow overlapping of widgets. ?

You can set the parent of the QPushButtons to the QLabel, and then use setGeometry(x, y, w, h) to specify the QPushButton's location and size within the QLabel.
QPushButton * leftEyeButton = new QPushButton(ui->myLabel);
leftEyeButton ->setGeometry(5,10,20,20);


Qt: Force size of QDockWidget

I have a QMainWindow with a center widget and a number of dockable widgets. The size of the various widgets get manipulated by the sliders between the dockables. I would like to fix the center widget's height to it's minimumSize height and not allow it to be made larger by the user. The width should remain relative to the QMainWindow (I only allow top and bottom dockables, so the center widget is stretched to the width of the main window).
The center widget is a QDockWidget, containing a QWidget with a QVBoxLayout (containing more stuff).
I have tried deriving from the QVBoxLayout and overriding maximumSize, but it wasn't respected. Overriding expandingDirections also didn't make any difference.
Any advise on how to achieve this?
Got it, thanks to Johannes Schaub.
I thought the QDockWidget propagates the constraints to its contained widget, which it does not. Setting maximumHeight on the inner Widget does the trick.

Placing QWidgets at specified coordinates?

Context: I'm making Risk (the popular board game) in C++/Qt, and I've run into a problem. I decided to make the map interactive by placing buttons on every country, which could then be clicked on. After some experimenting, I've subclassed QGraphicsPixmapItem for the buttons, and stuck them inside a QGraphicsScene and a QGraphicsView. I've made the world map a background image via CSS, so that buttons could be overlaid without much hassle.
My problem: I want to place those buttons at specific coordinates. (If it matters, those coordinates would be absolute.) All of the interfaces that I've made so far, I've done in code - I'm not familiar with the Qt Designer, so I'm looking for a function or set of functions that'd let me place my buttons (more or less) where I want them.
What I've tried: I looked in the documentation, but couldn't find a function that let me control where items were placed, just ones that organized items in various ways - columns, horizontal boxes, vertical boxes, etc.
When I designed QWidgets before, I'd done so by placing buttons, other widgets, etc. in QLayouts, but there don't seem to be layouts that allow me the control I'd like. The only one I can see that'd do something similar, is QGridLayout, and experiments with that so far haven't worked the way I wanted them to - the buttons don't get anywhere near the edges of the map, no matter how many columns or rows I add.
The easiest solution would be giving up and placing the buttons beside the map, of course, but that's a last-ditch solution.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Added example source code, for clarity.
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout;
TerritoryButton* test = new TerritoryButton(QPixmap("img.png"));
TerritoryButton* test2 = new TerritoryButton(QPixmap("img.png"));
QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene;
QGraphicsScene* scene2 = new QGraphicsScene;
QGraphicsView* view = new QGraphicsView(scene);
QGraphicsView* view2 = new QGraphicsView(scene2);
setFixedSize(1000, 512);
QGraphicsPixmapItem inherits QGraphicsItem, so you can call setPos(x, y) (after inserting the pixmap item into the scene with addItem).
void QGraphicsItem::setPos(const QPointF &pos)
Sets the position of the item to pos, which is in parent coordinates. For
items with no parent, pos is in scene coordinates.
The position of the item describes its origin (local coordinate (0, 0)) in parent coordinates.

Anchoring a QGraphicsView to the corner of the screen

I have a QGraphicsView that renders my game. This view fills the entire screen at all times. In the top right I have another QGraphicsView which I'm using as a mini-map; it sits over the game view. I want this mini-map to be anchored to the top right of the screen, always maintaining its size. This code almost works, except that the left side of the mini-map never changes (which is to be expected).
void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
mainWindow->graphicsView->resize(event->size().width(), event->size().height());
QRect newRect(mainWindow->miniMapGraphicsView->geometry());
newRect.setRight(event->size().width() - 20);
How can I do this?
When you want to position widgets in a certain way, layouts are usually the best way to do it.
Add a QFormLayout to your graphicsView and set its layoutDirection to Qt::RightToLeft. Then add your miniMapGraphicsView to the layout. Editing the properties of the mini map, set its horizontal and vertical sizePolicy to Fixed and set its minimumSize and maximumSize to the dimensions you would like it to be.
An alternative would be to use a QGridLayout and use horizontal and vertical spacers to push the mini map to any corner of the view.
NOTE: Layouts have margins set by default so if you want your widgets to align snugly at the edges, zero them out.

resize problem in scroll area

Hello everyone, here is my code:
myplot *p = new myplot(gao.structpayloadgraph,
gao.structcol-2, "payload");
p->resize(ui->scrollArea->size().width(), ui->scrollArea->size().height());
I want p to take up the full available space of the scrollbar area and fit itself. However, the appearance looks 'squeezed' even though I called the resize function. What should I do to achieve the desired effect?
You have to treat the scroll area content widget as a normal QWidget. If you want automatic resize and you must use layouts in Qt. Try the following :
QVBoxLayout layout = new QVBoxLayout( ui->scrollAreaContent);
ui->scrollAreaContent->setLayout( layout);
NOTE: ui->scrollAreaContent is a guess, but I think you are using ui files and default content widget is named like that ...
Go to the top right of the QT creator designer screen (Object, Class), right click on the QScrollArea row and select the "Lay Out" menu item, choose a layout (eg vertical or horizontal layout), make sure that your QWidget has a minimum or above size policy. Your scroll widget should now resize with the layout.

qt - widget - positioning

I want to place some widgets in a parent widget in some random places, like one button at Point (10,10) and another at (15,40), etc. How to achieve this?. QGridLayout is pushing everything into row column style. But I want to put the widgets whereever I want,Can anybody help me?
If you really want to set absolute positions, I would ignore using a layout altogether. You can manually set the positions of elements by using the move() function or the setGeometry() function.
QWidget *parent = new QWidget();
parent->resize(400, 400);
QPushButton *buttonA = new QPushButton(parent);
buttonA->setText("First Button");
buttonA->move(10, 10);
QPushButton *buttonB = new QPushButton(parent);
buttonB->setText("Second Button");
buttonB->move(15, 40);
Side note: I would avoid setting absolute positions of elements in Qt. Why? Well, Qt tries to be a platform-independent GUI library. On different platforms, a lot of display things can change (i.e. font size of text in push buttons) so the size of your actual push buttons can vary to accommodate large or smaller font sizes. This can throw off your meticulously spaced push buttons is you use absolute positions as in the example above.
If you use layouts, overlapping buttons or buttons falling off the edge of your window can be avoided.
You can see my answer for overlay button in QT: Qt Widget Overlays. This may help you to achieve what you want.