Installing npm for bower on dokku - django

I am trying to use bower install on my Django app, which is running on a dokku image.
I've got a plugin which tries to run it on pre-deploy but it needs npm and there's no npm installed on the image.
Does anyone know how to get npm on to the image or am I going about things the wrong way here?

In case anyone stumbles over this problem themselves, the answer is to use this plugin:


module not found error when running the npm start command

I successfully installed the node js globally in my machine but when running the localhost its not working. i also tried reinstalling it several but didn't worked.
when running the npm start the following error has came up.
anyone please tell me how to solve this. thanks in advance
Output of the npm start
Try run npm i first.
This will install all necessary dependencies.
Make sure to run npm start after you go into your frontend folder: cd frontend

Cannot invoke instructions. Missing package "#adonisjs/core"

I am trying do:
npm init adonis-ts-app blog
And I am getting this issue: Cannot invoke instructions. Missing package "#adonisjs/core"
Can someone help me about this issue? I am using AdonisV5
I installed the GIT com sudo apt install git and solved it!!

I am getting errors while installing ember add on ember-cli-tutorial-style,

enter image description here
below versions of node, npm and ember-cli i am using...
ember-cli: 2.18.0
node: 8.9.4
os: win32 ia32
npm : 5.6.0
please guide me how to address this kind of issues
In error, warning its saying to update minimatch version to 3.0.2 for that you can run the below command,
npm install --save-dev minimatch#3.0.2
After that you can try running ember install ember-cli-tutorial-style.
If this still shows error, you can directly do,
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-tutorial-style
Actually this does not have to do with minimatch warning.
What npm is telling you, is that it cannot find that module (in your case ember-cli-tutorial-style).
Make sure that, this npm package actually exists!

Ionic2 and AWS Integration

Does anyone have any examples or could possibly point me in the right direction on how to integrate aws-sdk within Ionic 2?
I tried running the code below:
npm install aws-sdk --save
typings install dt~aws-sdk --save --global
But now when I try to build or run the app I get:
TypeScript error: typings/globals/aws-sdk/index.d.ts(1575,24): Error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Buffer'.
I'm fairly new to Ionic2 so how would I go about importing this sdk to use?
Thanks in advance
SDK Link:
Ionic 2:
To anyone else stuck trying to integrate AWS into ionic2 then please follow this link.
Vladimir Budilov at AWS was kind enough to share his repository.
None of the above solutions worked for me, For my case the following worked:
In your angular or ionic project run:
npm install aws-sdk --save
Before you can begin using these TypeScript definitions with your project, you need to make sure your project meets a few of these requirements:
npm install --save-dev #types/node

Ember-cli upgrade broke everything

I had a running Ember program built using Ember-Cli 1.13.12 using Node 4.2.4. I tried to upgrade to Ember-Cli 2.3.0 running on Node 4.2.6. I followed the procedure outlined in: After the upgrade, my program generated all sorts of errors. I spent an entire day trying to get the program to work but couldn't. So I decided to try reverting back to Ember-cli 1.13.12. I checked out the lastest working version of my program before the upgrade attempt using git. I did the following to revert back to Ember-cli 1.13.12:
npm uninstall -g ember-cli
npm cache clean
bower cache clean
npm install -g ember-cli#1.13.12
rm -rf node_modules bower_components dist tmp
npm install
bower install
But the system still doesn't work. 'Ember Server' works as expected. But when I go to localhost:4200 in my browser, I get two errors:
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: Ember Views require jQuery between 1.7 and 2.1
Uncaught Error: Could not find module `ember` imported from `tw/app`
Can someone please help me figure out what's going on?
I think you're being hit by the problem in this post.
You can probably fix the issue by upgrading to ember-cli 1.13.14, if not check bellow.
For reference, the fix (if you're not updating ember-cli) is (from this answer by Lawree)
This is a bug due to a new version of jQuery. For now you can change
the following line in your bower.json file. Then run bower install and
it should work.
"jquery": "^1.11.3", to
"jquery": "1.11.3",