I have a query method that returns Slick queries. I want to do an union on all the queries that are returned. What would be the ideal way in scala to convert the list of queries into a union or ++ statement?
def accum() { firstList.flatMap{a =>
secondList.Map{b=> query(a,b)
def query(a:String, b:String): Query[T] {
//return Slick query
I would do
var firstQuery = queries.head
val queriesNoHead = queries.drop(0)
for( q <- queriesNoHead ){
firstQuery = firstQuery union q
And then firstQuery would be the union query
I have two tables: Kanji, and Vocabulary. Imagine the kanji table looks like this:
And the vocabulary table looks like this:
I want to generate a table that finds all vocabulary which contains the kanji in the kanji table and list them together. So the end result would look like this:
人 一人
一 一人
目 目的
I'm not sure how to go about this. If I have just one kanji, I can use the QUERY function to generate all of the vocabularies which contain that one kanji. But can I create a dynamic table which essentially inner joins the "kanji" and "vocabulary" tables, looking for every instance of "vocabulary" contains "kanji"?
I tried using a QUERY to combine the two tables, but it won't work because the tables are mismatched in size:
=QUERY({C1:C296,D1:D224}, "SELECT Col2 WHERE Col1 contains Col2")
In the above example, the C column / Col2 is vocabulary, the D column / Col1 is kanji.
Is there a way to do this using Google Sheets?
The simplest workaround is to get intersections by 1 value:
The picture shows how to use the copy of this function to get all intersections
The other approach is to use big array-formula like:
REGEXEXTRACT(C1:C, REPT("(.)", LEN(C1:C)))), TEXTJOIN("|", 1, A1:A)))&"♣"&C1:C, ))
,,999^99)),,999^99), "♦")), "♣"))))
seriously, much better way, just add a custom function:
* inner join on equality
* #param {Range} items1 Table 1
* #param {Range} items2 Table 2
* #param {Integer} ix1 0-based index of key in Table1
* #param {Integer} ix2 0-based index of key in Table2
* #customfunction
* #author marc meyer (marqueymarc)
function innerJoinEQ(items1 = [[]], items2 = [[]], ix1= 0, ix2= 0) {
var res = [];
var item2ix = 0;
var map = new Map();
items1 = Array.isArray(items1)? items1: [[items1]];
items2 = Array.isArray(items2)? items2: [[items2]];
items2.forEach((item2) => {
let entries = map.get(item2[ix2]) || [];
map.set(item2[ix2], entries);
items1.forEach((item1) => {
let entries = map.get(item1[ix1]) || [];
entries.forEach((rightPart) => {
let cp = rightPart.slice();
cp.splice(ix2, 1);
res.push([...item1, ...cp]);
return res;
I have a query result same as below:
var ptns = from p in db.Patients
select p;
This query returns a list of patients, but I need to filter the result based on DoctorNameID. The DoctorNameID should be in list of doctors as below:
List<string> listofDoctors = usrtodrs.Split(',').ToList();
I have searched a lot but I don't know how to do this. I have tested this query which doesn't work:
var ptns1 = from d in listofDoctors
join p in ptns.ToList() on d equals p.DoctorNameID
select p;
And also this query:
var ptns1 = ptns.ToList()
.Where(a => listofDoctors.Equals(a.DoctorNameID))
Any help?
You can use Contains extension and get the desired result.
var ptns1 = ptns.Where(x => listofDoctors.Contains(x.DoctorNameID)).ToList();
Refer the C# Fiddle with sample data.
I have two Lists of objects that both implement an interface, but are otherwise unrelated. How can I create a new collection of objects containing only the objects of one of the lists that match a value in the other list?
Obviously I could use a for loop & do this manually, but I'd like to know how I can do this using Kotlin's standard library collection filtering functions.
So here's an example:
interface Ids
val id: Int
data class A(override val id: Int, val name: String) : Ids
data class B(override val id: Int, val timestamp: Long) : Ids
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val a1 = A(1, "Steve")
val a2 = A(2, "Ed")
val aCol = listOf(a1, a2)
val b2 = B(2, 12345)
val b3 = B(3, 67890)
val bCol = listOf(b2, b3)
val matches = mutableListOf<B>()
// This is where I'm stuck.
// I want to filter bCol using objects from aCol as a filter.
// The result should be that matches contains only a single object: b2
// because bCol[0].id == aCol[1].id
// I'm guessing I need to start with something like this:
bCol.filterTo(matches) { ??? }
A straightforward approach would be to search aCol for an object with the same id for each b in bCol:
bCol.filter { b -> aCol.any { a -> a.id == b.id } }
However that may become too slow if your lists are big enough.
To make it more scalable you can first build a set of all ids in aCol:
val aColIds = aCol.map { it.id }.toSet()
And then use Set.contains method to determine whether b.id is in aColIds:
bCol.filter { it.id in aColIds }
// or equivalent
bCol.filter { aColIds.contains(it.id) }
I have a query that return a sum, but I want to limit the number of rows to query, but is not working.
This is my query:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('result')
->select('SUM(result.generalPoints) AS generalPoints, SUM(result.coefficient) AS coefficient')
->join('result.inscription', 'inscription', Join::WITH, 'inscription.user = :user')
->join('inscription.race', 'race')
->join('inscription.category', 'category', Join::WITH, 'category.generalRanking = true')
->join('race.event', 'event')
->join('event.competitionSeason', 'competitionSeason', Join::WITH, 'competitionSeason = :competitionSeason')
->orderBy('generalPoints', 'DESC')
->addOrderBy('coefficient', 'DESC')
->setParameter('competitionSeason', $competitionSeason)
->setParameter('user', $user);
if (isset($limit)) {
return $qb->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult();
Some idea ?
As sum is an aggregation function its result is one row, the limit statement is applied afterwards. You need create subquery producing multiple rows with generalPoints and coefficient, limit number of rows in this subquery and use the aggregation function in the wrapping query.
I have following list -
I want to convert it to -
List((groupName, group1),(tagMember,["","",""]))
I tried to use .flatten but unable to form desired output.
How do I get above mentioned output using scala??
I had to make some changes to your input to make it valid.
Input List:
val ll = List(List(
List((("groupName","group1"),("tagMember", List("","","")))),
Code below works if the group, and tagMember are the same across all the elements in the list
def getUniqueIpsConstantGroupTagMember(inputList: List[List[List[((String, String), (String, List[String]))]]]) = {
// List[((String, String), (String, List[String]))]
val flattenedList = ll.flatten.flatten
if (flattenedList.size > 0) {
val group = flattenedList(0)._1
val tagMember = flattenedList(0)._2._1
val ips = flattenedList flatMap (_._2._2)
((group), (tagMember, ips.distinct))
else List()
Now, let's assume you could have different groupNames.
Sample input:
val listWithVariableGroups = List(List(
The following code should work.
def getUniqueIpsForMultipleGroups(inputList: List[List[List[((String, String), (String, List[String]))]]]) = {
val flattenedList = inputList.flatten.flatten
// Map[(String, String),List[(String, List[String])]]
val groupedByGroupNameId = flattenedList.groupBy(p => p._1) map {
case (key, value) => (key, ("tagMember", extractUniqueTagIps(value)))
def extractUniqueTagIps(list: List[((String, String), (String, List[String]))]) = {
val ips = list flatMap (_._2._2)