I am doing a small project in image processing using CUDA.I am trying to use Gaussian blurring to blur an image.Everything is fine but I cannot figure out why the kernel launch statement is showing this strange error:
Here is my complete code, if it can be of any help:
#include <helper_cuda.h>
#include <helper_cuda_gl.h>
#include< helper_cuda_gl.h>
unsigned int width, height;
int mask[3][3] = { 1, 2, 1,
2, 3, 2,
1, 2, 1,
int getPixel(unsigned char *arr, int col, int row)
int sum = 0;
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
int color = arr[(row + j)*width + (col + i)];
sum += color*mask[i + 1][j + 1];
return sum / 15;
void h_blur(unsigned char * arr, unsigned char * result){
int offset = 2 * width;
for (int row = 2; row < height - 3; row++)
for (int col = 2; col < width - 3; col++)
result[offset + col] = getPixel(arr, col, row);
offset += width;
__global__ void d_blur(unsigned char *arr, unsigned char * result, int width, int height)
int col = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int row = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if (row < 2 || col < 2 || row >= height - 3 || col >= width - 3)
int mask[3][3] = { 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1 };
int sum = 0;
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
int color = arr[(row + j)*width + (col + i)];
sum += color*mask[i + 1][j + 1];
result[row*width + col] = sum / 15;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
unsigned char *d_resultPixels;
unsigned char *h_resultPixels;
unsigned char *h_pixels = NULL;
unsigned char *d_pixels = NULL;
char *srcPath = "C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v6.5\3_Imaging\dxtc\data\lena_std.ppm";
char *h_ResultPath = "C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v6.5\3_Imaging\dxtc\data\lena_std.ppm";
char *d_ResultPath = "C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v6.5\3_Imaging\dxtc\data\lena_std.ppm";
sdkLoadPGM(srcPath, &h_pixels, &width, &height);
int ImageSize = sizeof(unsigned char) * width * height;
h_resultPixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(ImageSize);
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_pixels, ImageSize);
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_resultPixels, ImageSize);
cudaMemcpy(d_pixels, h_pixels, ImageSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
dim3 block(16, 16);
dim3 grid(width / 16, height / 16);
d_blur << < grid, block >> >(d_pixels, d_resultPixels, width, height);
cudaMemcpy(h_resultPixels, d_resultPixels, ImageSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
sdkSavePGM(d_ResultPath, h_resultPixels, width, height);
printf("Press enter to exit ...\n");
As you are trying to run this in Visual Studio, you need to update the Intellisense. Also,you can refer the following link for a better Image Convolution Operation in CUDA.
2D Image Convolution in CUDA
I have tried to extract patches from an image parallelly with pixel shift/overlapping. I have written the CPU version of the code. But I could not able to convert the for loop which has an increment of pixel shift. I have given the part of the code where for loop is being used. CreatePatchDataSet function has the "for loop " which has an increment of pixel shift. Please help me out to convert this function into Cuda. I have provided the following code.
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include <omp.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define PATCH_SIZE (5)
#define PIXEL_SHIFT (2)
void ConvertMat2DoubleArray(cv::Mat input, double* output)
for (int i = 0; i < input.rows; i++)
double *src = input.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < input.cols; j++)
output[input.cols * input.channels() * i + input.channels() * j + 0] = src[j];
void GetNumOfPatch(const int width, const int height, const int patch_size, const int pixel_shift, int* num_of_patch, int* num_of_patch_col, int* num_of_patch_row) {
*num_of_patch_col = 0;
int len_nb = 0;
while (len_nb < width) {
if (len_nb != 0) {
len_nb += patch_size - (patch_size - pixel_shift);
else {
len_nb += patch_size;
len_nb = 0;
*num_of_patch_row = 0;
while (len_nb < height) {
if (len_nb != 0) {
len_nb += patch_size - (patch_size - pixel_shift);
else {
len_nb += patch_size;
*num_of_patch = (*num_of_patch_col) * (*num_of_patch_row);
void CreatePatchDataSet(double *original_data, double* patch_data, const int width, const int height, const int pixel_shift, const int patch_size, const int num_of_patch_col, const int num_of_patch_row) {
int counter_row = 0;
int num_of_patch_image = num_of_patch_row * num_of_patch_col;
for (int i = 0; i < height; i += pixel_shift) {
int counter_col = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < width; j += pixel_shift) {
//Get Low Resolution Image
for (int ii = 0; ii < patch_size; ii++) {
for (int jj = 0; jj < patch_size; jj++) {
if ((i + ii) < height && (j + jj) < width) {
patch_data[num_of_patch_image * (patch_size * ii + jj) + num_of_patch_col*counter_row + counter_col] = original_data[width*(i + ii) + (j + jj)];
else {
patch_data[num_of_patch_image * (patch_size * ii + jj) + num_of_patch_col*counter_row + counter_col] = 0.;
if (counter_col == num_of_patch_col) {
if (counter_row == num_of_patch_row) {
int main()
int ratio=2;
cv::Mat image = cv::imread("input_b2_128.tif", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
cv::Mat imageH = cv::Mat(image.rows * ratio, image.cols * ratio, CV_8UC1);
cv::resize(image, imageH, cv::Size(imageH.cols, imageH.rows), 0, 0,
double* orgimageH = (double*)calloc(imageH.cols*imageH.rows*image.channels(), sizeof(double));
ConvertMat2DoubleArray(imageH, orgimageH);
int widthH = imageH.cols;
int heightH = imageH.rows;
int dimH = (int)PATCH_SIZE * (int)PATCH_SIZE* (int)image.channels();
int dimL = (int)PATCH_SIZE/ratio* (int)PATCH_SIZE/ratio * (int)image.channels();
//3. Create training data set=========================
int num_of_patch_image = 0;
int num_of_patch_col = 0;
int num_of_patch_row = 0;
GetNumOfPatch(widthH, heightH, (int)PATCH_SIZE, (int)PIXEL_SHIFT, &num_of_patch_image, &num_of_patch_col, &num_of_patch_row);
cout<<"patch numbers: \n " << num_of_patch_image << endl;
double* FY = (double*)calloc(dimH * num_of_patch_image, sizeof(double));
CreatePatchDataSet(orgimageH, FY, widthH, heightH, (int)PIXEL_SHIFT, (int)PATCH_SIZE, num_of_patch_col, num_of_patch_row);
return 0;
The results I got for first 10 values in CPU version:
patch numbers:
I have tried to convert this function to Kernel function using cuda:. But it goes into the infinite loop. As I am very new to this CUDA field, could you please help me to find out the problem in the code ?
__global__ void CreatePatchDataSet(double *original_data, double* patch_data, const int width, const int height, const int pixel_shift, const int patch_size, const int num_of_patch_col, const int num_of_patch_row) {
int num_of_patch_image = num_of_patch_row * num_of_patch_col;
int i = threadIdx.x + (blockDim.x*blockIdx.x);
int j = threadIdx.y + (blockDim.y*blockIdx.y);
while (i<height && j< width)
int counter_row = 0;
int counter_col = 0;
//Get Low Resolution Image
for (int ii = 0; ii < patch_size; ii++) {
for (int jj = 0; jj < patch_size; jj++) {
if ((i + ii) < height && (j + jj) < width) {
patch_data[num_of_patch_image * (patch_size * ii + jj) + num_of_patch_col*counter_row + counter_col] = original_data[width*(i + ii) + (j + jj)];
else {
patch_data[num_of_patch_image * (patch_size * ii + jj) + num_of_patch_col*counter_row + counter_col] = 0.;
if (counter_col == num_of_patch_col) {
if (counter_row == num_of_patch_row) {
i+= blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
j+= blockDim.y*gridDim.y;
int main()
int ratio=2;
cv::Mat image = cv::imread("input_b2_128.tif", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
cv::Mat imageH = cv::Mat(image.rows * ratio, image.cols * ratio, CV_8UC1);
cv::resize(image, imageH, cv::Size(imageH.cols, imageH.rows), 0, 0, cv::INTER_LANCZOS4);
double *orgimageH = (double*)calloc(imageH.cols*imageH.rows*image.channels(), sizeof(double));
ConvertMat2DoubleArray(imageH, orgimageH);
int widthH = imageH.cols;
int heightH = imageH.rows;
int dimH = (int)PATCH_SIZE * (int)PATCH_SIZE* (int)image.channels();
int dimL = (int)PATCH_SIZE/ratio* (int)PATCH_SIZE/ratio * (int)image.channels();
//3. Create training data set=========================
int num_of_patch_image = 0;
int num_of_patch_col = 0;
int num_of_patch_row = 0;
GetNumOfPatch(widthH, heightH, (int)PATCH_SIZE, (int)PIXEL_SHIFT, &num_of_patch_image, &num_of_patch_col, &num_of_patch_row);
cout<<"patch numbers: \n " << num_of_patch_image << endl;
double* FY = (double*)calloc(dimH * num_of_patch_image, sizeof(double));
double *d_orgimageH;
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_orgimageH, sizeof(double)*widthH*heightH));
double *d_FY;
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc ((void**)&d_FY, sizeof(double)* dimH * num_of_patch_image));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_orgimageH , orgimageH , sizeof(double)*widthH*heightH, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
dim3 dimBlock(16, 16);
dim3 dimGrid;
dimGrid.x = (widthH + dimBlock.x - 1) / dimBlock.x;
dimGrid.y = (heightH + dimBlock.y - 1) / dimBlock.y;
CreatePatchDataSet<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(d_orgimageH, d_FY, widthH, heightH, (int)PIXEL_SHIFT, (int)PATCH_SIZE, num_of_patch_col, num_of_patch_row);
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(FY,d_FY, sizeof(double)*dimH * num_of_patch_image, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
// cout<<"Hello world";
return 0;
Image I have used: [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ywg7p.png
i+= blockDim.x*gridDim.x;
j+= blockDim.y*gridDim.y;
is outside the while loop in your kernel. As i and j never change inside the while loop, it isn't stopping. There could be more problems here, but this is the most prominent one.
EDIT: Another one that I found, is that you have only one while over both i and j instead of one for each. You should probably use for loops like in your CPU code:
for (i = pixel_shift * (threadIdx.x + (blockDim.x*blockIdx.x));
i < height;
i += pixel_shift * blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
for (j = ...; j < ...; j += ...) {
/* ... */
I could imagine this to be a good idea:
for (counter_row = threadIdx.y + blockDim.y * blockIdx.y;
counter_row < num_of_patch_row;
counter_row += blockDim.y * gridDim.y) {
i = counter_row * pixel_shift;
if (i > height)
for (counter_col = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
counter_col < num_of_patch_col;
counter_col += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
j = counter_col * pixel_shift;
if (j > width)
/* ... */
I have also exchanged the x/y fields of the execution parameters between the inner and the outer loop, as it seemed more appropriate considering that the x field is continuous in warps (memory access benefits).
I need to translate GaussianFilter that uses openCV to code that uses BMP image ( so i first read image, and translate it to greyscale). My function using openCV looks like ( basic GaussianFilter ) :
Mat CreateGaussFilter(int kernalHeight, int kernalWidth, double kernalArray[5][5]){
Mat image = imread("konik.jpg");
Mat grayScaleImage(image.size(),CV_8UC1);
Mat filter(image.size(),CV_8UC1);
int rows=image.rows;
int cols=image.cols;
int verticleImageBound=(kernalHeight-1)/2;
int horizontalImageBound=(kernalWidth-1)/2;
for(int row=0+verticleImageBound;row<rows-verticleImageBound;row++){
for(int col=0+horizontalImageBound;col<cols-horizontalImageBound;col++){
float value=0.0;
for(int kRow=0;kRow<kernalHeight;kRow++){
for(int kCol=0;kCol<kernalWidth;kCol++){
float pixel=grayScaleImage.at<uchar>(kRow+row-verticleImageBound,kCol+col-horizontalImageBound)*kernalArray[kRow][kCol];
return filter;
Now for BMP image:
i have loaded it using:
struct Info{
int width;
int height;
int offset;
unsigned char * info;
unsigned char * data;
int size;
Info readBMP(char* filename)
int i;
std::ifstream is(filename, std::ifstream::binary);
is.seekg(0, is.end);
i = is.tellg();
unsigned char *info = new unsigned char[i];
is.read((char *)info,i);
int width = *(int*)&info[18];
int height = *(int*)&info[22];
int offset = *(int*)&info[10];
unsigned char a[offset];
unsigned char *b = new unsigned char[i - offset];
info + offset,
std::copy(info + offset,
info + i,
b + 0);
Info dat;
dat.width = width;
dat.height = height;
dat.offset = offset;
dat.size = i;
dat.info = new unsigned char[offset - 1];
dat.data = new unsigned char[i - offset + 1];
for( int j = 0; j < offset ; j++ ){
dat.info[j] = a[j];
for( int j = 0; j < i - offset; j++ ){
dat.data[j] = b[j];
return dat;
turned it into grayscale usin:
void greyScale( unsigned char * src , int rows, int cols){
for( int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for( int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
unsigned char r = src[3 * (i * cols + j)];
unsigned char g = src[3 * (i * cols + j) + 1];
unsigned char b = src[3 * (i * cols + j) + 2];
char linearIntensity = (char)(0.2126f * r + 0.7512f * g + 0);
src[3 * (i * cols + j)] = linearIntensity;
src[3 * (i * cols + j) + 1] = linearIntensity;
src[3 * (i * cols + j) + 2] = linearIntensity;
And now i am trying to use GaussianFilter ( translated from my OpenCV function )
void FilterCreation(double GKernel[][5]) {
// intialising standard deviation to 1.0
double sigma = 1.0;
double r, s = 2.0 * sigma * sigma;
// sum is for normalization
double sum = 0.0;
// generating 5x5 kernel
for (int x = -2; x <= 2; x++) {
for (int y = -2; y <= 2; y++) {
r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
GKernel[x + 2][y + 2] = (exp(-(r * r) / s)) / (M_PI * s);
sum += GKernel[x + 2][y + 2];
// normalising the Kernel
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
GKernel[i][j] /= sum;
unsigned char ** CreateGaussFilter(unsigned char ** src,int kernalHeight, int kernalWidth, double kernalArray[5][5], int rows, int cols){
int verticleImageBound=(kernalHeight-1)/2;
int horizontalImageBound=(kernalWidth-1)/2;
unsigned char ** dst = new unsigned char *[rows];
for( int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
dst[i] = new unsigned char [cols];
for(int row=0+verticleImageBound;row<rows-verticleImageBound;row++){
for(int col=0+horizontalImageBound;col<cols-horizontalImageBound;col++){
float value=0;
for(int kRow=0;kRow<kernalHeight;kRow++){
for(int kCol=0;kCol<kernalWidth;kCol++){
float pixel =src[kRow+row-verticleImageBound][kCol+col-horizontalImageBound]*kernalArray[kRow][kCol];
dst[row][col] = round(value);
return dst;
Since grayscale values are same for every channel, istead of doing calculation like in grayscale function, i turned the data into 2d array and then back into 1d array using:
unsigned char ** return2darray(unsigned char *src, int width, int height, int size){
unsigned char **array = new unsigned char *[width];
for( int i = 0; i < width; i++ ){
array[i] = new unsigned char[height];
for( int i = 0; i < width; i++ ){
for( int j = 0; j < height; j++ ){
array[i][j] = src[3 * (i * height + j)];
return array;
unsigned char * return1darray(unsigned char **src, int width, int height, int size){
unsigned char *array = new unsigned char[size];
for( int i = 0; i < width; i++ ){
for( int j = 0; j < height; j++ ){
array[3 * (i * height + j)] = src[i][j];
array[3 * (i * height + j) + 1] = src[i][j];
array[3 * (i * height + j) + 2] = src[i][j];
return array;
And using it like:
int main() {
// load img
Info dat = readBMP("input.bmp");
// turn in into greyscale
// turn 1d array into 2d
unsigned char** arr = return2darray(dat.data,dat.width,dat.height,dat.size);
double GKernel[5][5];
// geneate gausian filter
// apply gausianFilter
unsigned char** filter = CreateGaussFilter(arr,5,5,GKernel,dat.width,dat.height,dat.size);
// convert it back into 1d array
unsigned char* ar = return1darray(filter,dat.width,dat.height,dat.size);
ofstream fout;
fout.open("out.bmp", ios::binary | ios::out);
fout.write( reinterpret_cast<char *>(dat.info), dat.offset);
fout.write( reinterpret_cast<char *>(ar), dat.size - dat.offset );
return 0;
But for some reason, that I cannot realize for input :
the output looks like this.
It seems like it reads the same values in periodes, but that would mean the original image would have the same periods because it just reads bytes from loaded image. The GreyScale function works as it should. I am not very proficient in manipulation with images ( i was using openCV all the time ) What could cause these periods? Thanks for the help!
after trying to implement a Gaussian blur for an image i have ran into a problem where the output image looks like multiple blurred versions of the original image (input image)
I have too low of a reputation to post images so have no idea how to fully show you what is happening however, i can post a gyazo link to the image:
https://gyazo.com/38fbe1abd442a3167747760866584655 - Original,
https://gyazo.com/471693c49917d3d3e243ee4156f4fe12 - Output
Here is some code:
int kernel[3][3] = { 1, 2, 1,
2, 4, 2,
1, 2, 1 };
void guassian_blur2D(unsigned char * arr, unsigned char * result, int width, int height)
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
result[3 * row * width + 3 * col + k] = accessPixel(arr, col, row, k, width, height);
int accessPixel(unsigned char * arr, int col, int row, int k, int width, int height)
int sum = 0;
int sumKernel = 0;
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
if ((row + j) >= 0 && (row + j) < height && (col + i) >= 0 && (col + i) < width)
int color = arr[(row + j) * 3 * width + (col + i) * 3 + k];
sum += color * kernel[i + 1][j + 1];
sumKernel += kernel[i + 1][j + 1];
return sum / sumKernel;
Image is saved:
guassian_blur2D(inputBuffer, outputBuffer, width, height);
//Save the processed image
cout << "Blur Complete" << endl;
Any help would be great, if this also helps i am trying to store the image as a grey-scale so that no colour is saved.
Looks like the problem is not within your blurring code, and is related to saving or accessing image data.
I have used OpenCV to read/save images, and got expected result. Here's a snippet:
cv::Mat3b img = cv::imread("path_to_img.png");
cv::Mat3b out = img.clone();
guassian_blur2D(img.data, out.data, img.cols, img.rows);
cv::imshow("img", img);
cv::imshow("out", out);
And here are input and output images:
The blur is not very noticeable (due to high image resolution and small kernel), but if you look carefully - it looks correct.
I'm new to OpenCV and I'm trying to proccess the image from the directory, make it black and white (grayscale) and then write it down to another file. But the output image is quite different from what I expected. Maybe you can help me and indicate the errors in code?
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
using namespace std;
void faktorial(int InSize, char *DataIn, char *DataOut)// заголовок функции
for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < InSize; i += 4, j++)
DataOut[j] = (DataIn[i] + DataIn[i + 1] + DataIn[i + 2]) / 3;
int main()
char* c = "E:\henrik-evensen-castle-valley-v03.jpg";
printf("Input source of image\n Example of right directory file: E:\henrik-evensen-castle-valley-v03.jpg\n Your try:\n");
char *tbLEN;
tbLEN = new char [1024];
cout << tbLEN;
IplImage* image;
image = cvLoadImage(tbLEN, 1);
int height1 = image->height;
int width1 = image->width;
int step = image->widthStep;
int SizeIn = step*height1;
char* DatIn = image->imageData;
IplImage *image2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->width, image->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
char* DatOut = image2->imageData;
faktorial(SizeIn, DatIn, DatOut);
cvShowImage("Imagecolor", image);
cvShowImage("Gray", image2);
return 0;
I don't need CvtColor function, I need to use that one factorial function.
In faktorial you assume you have 3 channels. So you need to increase i by 3, and not by 4. Also, you need to convert char* data to uchar* data, so that accumulation works ok:
You end up with:
void faktorial(int InSize, uchar *DataIn, uchar *DataOut)
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < InSize; i += 3, j++)
DataOut[j] = (DataIn[i] + DataIn[i + 1] + DataIn[i + 2]) / 3;
You can easily extend this to multiple channels, like:
void faktorial2(int InSize, int nChannels, uchar *DataIn, uchar *DataOut)
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < InSize; i += nChannels, j++)
int accum = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < nChannels; ++c)
accum += DataIn[i + c];
DataOut[j] = uchar(accum / nChannels);
You in general need also to take image stride into account:
void faktorial3(int rows, int cols, int in_step, int in_channels, int out_step, uchar *in, uchar *out)
for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c)
int accum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < in_channels; ++i)
accum += in[r*in_step + c * in_channels + i];
out[r*out_step + c] = uchar(accum / in_channels);
Here the full code with the calls:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace std;
void faktorial3(int rows, int cols, int in_step, int in_channels, int out_step, uchar *in, uchar *out)
for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c)
int accum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < in_channels; ++i)
accum += in[r*in_step + c * in_channels + i];
out[r*out_step + c] = uchar(accum / in_channels);
void faktorial(int InSize, uchar *DataIn, uchar *DataOut)
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < InSize; i += 3, j++)
DataOut[j] = (DataIn[i] + DataIn[i + 1] + DataIn[i + 2]) / 3;
void faktorial2(int InSize, int nChannels, uchar *DataIn, uchar *DataOut)
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < InSize; i += nChannels, j++)
int accum = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < nChannels; ++c)
accum += DataIn[i + c];
DataOut[j] = uchar(accum / nChannels);
int main()
char tbLEN[] = "D:\\SO\\img\\barns.jpg";
IplImage* image;
image = cvLoadImage(tbLEN, 1);
IplImage *image2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->width, image->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
int height1 = image->height;
int width1 = image->width;
int step = image->widthStep;
int SizeIn = step*height1;
int nChannels = image->nChannels;
uchar* DatIn = (uchar*)image->imageData;
uchar* DatOut = (uchar*)image2->imageData;
faktorial(SizeIn, DatIn, DatOut);
//faktorial2(SizeIn, nChannels, DatIn, DatOut);
//faktorial3(image->height, image->width, image->widthStep, image->nChannels, image2->widthStep, (uchar*)image->imageData, (uchar*)image2->imageData);
cvShowImage("Imagecolor", image);
cvShowImage("Gray", image2);
return 0;
Remember that C api is obsolete. You should switch to C++ api.
Try cvtColor(src, bwsrc, CV_RGB2GRAY);
http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/imgproc/doc/miscellaneous_transformations.html (look for cvtColor).
Your faktorial is intended for 4 byte per pixel images (and it doesn't take into account possible line padding).
Loaded from JPG image has 3 byte per pixel, that is why you see 4 shifted ghosts.
You can modify faktorial or just convert loaded image to 4-byte format
image = cvLoadImage(tbLEN, 1);
cvtColor(image, image, CV_RGB2RGBA);
I tried to make a gaussian blur operation using c + + (OpenCV).
This is the code
int mask [3][3] = {1 ,2 ,1 ,
2 ,3 ,2 ,
1 ,2 ,1 };
int getPixel ( unsigned char * arr , int col , int row ) {
int sum = 0;
for ( int j = -1; j <=1; j ++) {
for ( int i = -1; i <=1; i ++) {
int color = arr [( row + j ) * width + ( col + i ) ];
sum += color * mask [ i +1][ j +1];
return sum /15;
void h_blur ( unsigned char * arr , unsigned char * result) {
int offset = 2 *width ;
for ( int row =2; row < height -3; row ++) {
for ( int col =2; col < width -3; col ++) {
result [ offset + col ] = getPixel ( arr , col , row ) ;
offset += width ;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
starttime = getTickCount();
image_input = cvLoadImage("test.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
width = image_input->width;
height = image_input->height;
widthStep = image_input->widthStep;
channels = image_input->nChannels;
IplImage* image_output = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image_input),IPL_DEPTH_8U,channels);
unsigned char *h_out = (unsigned char*)image_output->imageData;
unsigned char *h_in = (unsigned char*)image_input->imageData;
//sobel_parallel(h_in, h_out, width, height, widthStep, channels);
h_blur ( h_in , h_out) ;
endtime = getTickCount();
printf("Waktu Eksekusi = %f\n", (endtime-starttime)/getTickFrequency());
cvShowImage("CPU", image_output);
but when i run the program, the image are divided into three. I still have not found what is wrong with my code. T_T
here the result
please help me solve this problem.
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
int mask [3][3] = {1 ,2 ,1 ,
2 ,3 ,2 ,
1 ,2 ,1 };
int width;
int height;
int widthStep;
int channels;
int getPixel ( unsigned char * arr , int col , int row , int k ) {
int sum = 0;
int denom = 0;
for ( int j = -1; j <=1; j ++) {
for ( int i = -1; i <=1; i ++) {
if ((row + j) >= 0 && (row + j) < height && (col + i) >= 0 && (col + i) < width) {
int color = arr [( row + j ) * 3 * width + ( col + i ) * 3 + k];
sum += color * mask [ i +1][ j +1];
denom += mask [ i +1][ j +1];
return sum / denom;
void h_blur ( unsigned char * arr , unsigned char * result) {
for ( int row =0; row < height; row ++) {
for ( int col =0; col < width; col ++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
result [ 3 * row * width + 3 * col + k] = getPixel ( arr , col , row , k ) ;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
//starttime = getTickCount();
IplImage *image_input = cvLoadImage("test.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
width = image_input->width;
height = image_input->height;
widthStep = image_input->widthStep;
channels = image_input->nChannels;
IplImage* image_output = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image_input),IPL_DEPTH_8U,channels);
unsigned char *h_out = (unsigned char*)image_output->imageData;
unsigned char *h_in = (unsigned char*)image_input->imageData;
//sobel_parallel(h_in, h_out, width, height, widthStep, channels);
h_blur ( h_in , h_out) ;
//endtime = getTickCount();
//printf("Waktu Eksekusi = %f\n", (endtime-starttime)/getTickFrequency());
cvShowImage("input", image_input);
cvShowImage("CPU", image_output);
I had a few minor issues when compiling your code, so there are a few extra changes (it seems like the top section of your code may have been cut off, so a few variable declarations are missing).
In any case, the big changes are to getPixel and h_blur.
The main problem in your code was that you did not handle the fact that the data contains three bytes (blue, green, red) for each pixel, not one byte. Because of this, your code only actually looked at the first third of the image, and it swapped around the colors a bit.