WSO2 DAS with MongoDB - wso2

Is it possible to setup MongoDB as the analytic datasource in WSO2 DAS? I saw DAS support cassandra , HBase in analytics-datasources.xml script.

We have done a PR to support MongoDB in DAS. It is already included in the master branch, you can take a look at these PRs:
And here:
Best regards,

Out of the box, WSO2 Data Analytics Server (DAS) does not support MongoDB. However, we have written DAS in such a way that, it is easy to setup other databases such as MongoDB as your analytics data source.
The procedure is pretty simple and you just need to implement AnalyticsRecordStore interface. It is well documented and I hope you can easily understand it. Additionally, I would like to point out
CassandraAnalyticsRecordStore which is the Cassandra implementation of the AnalyticsRecordStore interface.
P.S. If you manage to implement the AnalyticsRecordStore interface for MongoDB, you are more than welcome to send a Pull Request to carbon-analytics repository.


How to implement Edge computing using WSO2

I am currently running WSO2 Analytics on a windows server but I want implement the analysing part somehow that a client can connect to the server and do some processing like visualization on its own rather than all processing being done on the server. Is this something possible on WSO2 platform?
You can setup database you want ( see the documentation ). For production usage I woudn't even recomment using the bundled H2 database. WSO2 analytics supports number of databases by default, I believe Oracle is one of them.
As stated in the comments - you can create a client or service which reads the data from the database and displays them its own way.
most challenging part for me is that how the client uses the information from the database?
This is already on your own (outside scope of this question). You've asked if your client can access the analytics (result) data - yes you can. How to do that is up to you. (depending what the client is, ..)
For example at our client they are building data APIs which are directly consumable by different frontend libraries creating nicer charts and reports.

WSO2 DAS with Couchbase

I have tried to connect WSO2 with external sources like Oracle but I'm not able to do it with NoSQL Couchbase.
could you, please, guide me on how I can integrate WSO2 DAS with Couchbase ?
can we do it through Custom datasource?
I am not familiar with WSO2, but if you can connect it to ODBC/JDBC, then there are drivers for Couchbase available from Simba - ODBC and JDBC for Couchbase (Note that ODBC/JDBC may not be as performant as direct Couchbase operations because of the translation that's going on)

Import and export data to Dynamics CRM via web service

I have a client who wants to use Dynamics CRM Online 2015, but they need to sync the data via Web Service (SOAP), from and to CRM.
That web service is designed to work with complex types
I tried with talend, but working with complex types is a bit messy.
I don't have enough time to build my own custom solution for this.
Any ideas or tools you can recommend?
Thank you in advance
While working for my customers I used Simego and Scribe. Check their websites and see if they fit.
You can try Azure SQL Database for this purpose. Data export service gels well with Azure Database.

Openfire access to database with webservice

I want to develop a IM client with openfire. And there is an existed system with database, we need openfire to access to the existed database to find the users.
I want to operate the database with webservice.
How can I do this?
In order to use an external database, use this tutorial, it works well openfire integration
There is no way to use webservices to do this

Is there any guide for setting MongoDB as analysis DB of WSO2 BAM instead of Cassandra?

According the IT policy of our company, the Cassandra is not allowed to use since of some reason, I need to replace with MongoDB as the analysis DB of WSO2 Business Activity Monitor. Is there any documents for setting MongoDB on WSO2 BAM 2.4.1? many appreciate
Unfortunately, in the current version of BAM (2.4.1) MongoDB can not be used as a replacement to Cassandra.
MongoDB support is in the WSO2 BAM road-map and it will be available in the future.
Is there any particular reaseon why you would want to replace Cassandra with MongoDB in your implementation?