Nested tests in TestNG - unit-testing

In TestNG I have a parameterized Test A which automatically creates n tests from a dataProvider, and a Test B which should be executed each time a test in A finishes as I want to take advantage of the result obtained in A. In other words, I would like to know is it's possible to have the following:
Given a parameterized #Test A(dataProvider = "inputList") and a #Test B, TestNG would create the following unit tests and execute them in the following order:
Test A1
Test B1 (Based on A1 result)
Test A2
Test B2 (Based on B2 result)
Test An
Test Bn (Based on An result)
Is it possible with any existing TestNG tag? I know I could treat #Test B as an #After but this wouldn't be understood for TestNG as a test and I need Test B to be seen as a test for later reports.

You can use a TestNG Factory. e.g.:
On a Factory Method
public class TestClass {
private final int p1;
private final int p2;
public TestClass(int p1, int p2) {
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
#Factory(dataProvider = "inputList")
public static Object[] createTestClasses() {
return new Object[]{
new TestClass(1, 1),
new TestClass(1, 0),
new TestClass(1, -1),
public void A() {
// test `A` code, stores result in some class member field
#Test(dependsOnMethods = {"A"})
public void B() {
// test `B` code, uses stored result from test `A`
On a Constructor
public class TestClass {
private final int p1;
private final int p2;
#Factory(dataProvider = "inputList")
public TestClass(int p1, int p2) {
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
public static Object[][] inputList() {
return new Object[][]{
{1, 1},
{1, 0},
{1, -1}
public void A() {
// test `A` code, stores result in some class member field
#Test(dependsOnMethods = {"A"})
public void B() {
// test `B` code, uses stored result from test `A`
See Factories in the TestNG documentation page.

Already good answer is provided, if you are just looking forward to execute #Test methods in required order then you can use priority. If you want to specify the dependency between methods, then you can use dependsOnMethods. below is the simple example
public void testA1(){
public void testB1(){
public void testA2(){
public void testB2(){


How to mock config file for unit test

I have a class in which there is a parameter less constructor. But when this constructor is called, there are five properties of the class that gets values from config file in the constructor. There are two method in the class which uses the parameters that get initialized in the constructor.
I want to write unit test for two methods using mock framework. But, I am not sure of how to initialize the parameters in the constructor as calling the method will not provide the value to those properties.
public class ABC
public ABC()
a = ConfigurationManager.AppSetting["GetValue"];
b = ConfigurationManager.AppSetting["GetValue1"];
public int Method1(IDictionary<string, string> dict)
d = a + b /2; (how to mock values of a and b while writing unit tests
using mock framework. In reality, a in my case is
//some business logic
return d;
Thanking in advance,
You cannot Mock values of a and b as your code is tightly coupled with app.config file. You can create an interface. Refactor code like below to inject an interface to you constructor and then mock it,
public class ABC
private int a;
private int b;
public ABC(IConfig config)
a = config.a;
b = config.b;
public int Method1(IDictionary<string, string> dict)
int d = a + b / 2;
return d;
public interface IConfig
int a { get; }
int b { get; }
public class Config : IConfig
public int a => Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GetValue"]);
public int b => Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GetValue1"]);
And in you test class Mock and inject IConfig like below,
Mock<IConfig> _mockConfig = new Mock<IConfig>();
_mockConfig.Setup(m => m.a).Returns(1);
_mockConfig.Setup(m => m.b).Returns(2);
ABC abc = new ABC(_mockConfig.Object);
Now your code is decoupled with app.config and you will get mock values of a and b while running unit test.

Why doesn't dynamic partial mocking work for JMockit's #Injectable?

In the following test case where no Expectations have been recorded, I would expect that the dynamic partial mocking feature will be used for the fields A and B which are initialized in UnitToTest using #Injectable. But instead always the method calls are mocked. Only using an invalid filter value for static partial mocking, it is possible to call the real methods:
class A {
public String doSomething() { return "doSomething"; }
public String doSomethingElse() { return "doSomethingElse"; }
class B {
public String doSomething() { return "doSomething"; }
public String doSomethingElse() { return "doSomethingElse"; }
class UnitToTest {
#Autowired B b;
#Autowired A a;
public B getB() { return b; }
public A getA() { return a; }
public class TestClass {
#Tested UnitToTest unit;
// #Mocked({ "someInvalidFilter()" })
#Injectable A a;
// #Mocked({ "someInvalidFilter()" })
#Injectable B b;
public void test() {
// actual return value is always null if no invalid static partial
// mocking filters are specified above
assertEquals("doSomething", unit.getA().doSomething());
assertEquals("doSomethingElse", unit.getA().doSomethingElse());
assertEquals("doSomething", unit.getB().doSomething());
assertEquals("doSomethingElse", unit.getB().doSomethingElse());
For me it looks like dynamic partial mocking with JMockit doesn't work for #Injectables. Is that a known restriction?
#Injectables always get injected into #Tested objects, assuming a matching field or constructor parameter can be found; the injection process even takes into consideration DI annotations such as #Inject and #Autowired.
However, an #Injectable instance is always created as an uninitialized (ie, with no state) and fully mocked instance. Partial mocking, on the other hand, is meant for real instances that you instantiate (and initialize) yourself in the test.
So, what you seem to be asking for is that said real instances (partially mocked or not) could be injected into #Tested objects. Indeed, this is not supported (except by calling Deencapsulation.setField), since a motivating use case was never presented by users.
That said, the example test will pass if it is changed to the following:
public class TestClass {
#Tested(fullyInitialized = true) UnitToTest unit;
public void test() {
assertEquals("doSomething", unit.getA().doSomething());
assertEquals("doSomethingElse", unit.getA().doSomethingElse());
assertEquals("doSomething", unit.getB().doSomething());
assertEquals("doSomethingElse", unit.getB().doSomethingElse());
The above is an integration test, though, not a unit test.

Nsubstitute intercept hard dependency

I am unit testing legacy code and I am dealing with a class that instantiates another class. I believe this is testable using Microsoft Fakes, but am wondering if NSubstitute has the capability. I believe the answer is no, but need to be sure.
public class ClassA
public int MethodA()
int reportId = this.MethodB();
return reportId;
public virtual int MethodB()
ClassC c = new ClassC();
return c.MethodA();
public class ClassC
public virtual int MethodA()
return 2;
public void Test_ClassA()
ClassA subclassA = new ClassA();
var subclassC = Substitute.For<ClassC>(); //this is pointless the way I have it here
subclassC.MethodA().Returns(1); //this is pointless the way I have it here
int outValue = subclassA.MethodA();
Assert.AreEqual(outValue, 1); //outvalue is 2 but I would like it to be 1 if possible using Nsubstitute
It is possible to override virtual methods in classes by using partial substitution: just make sure that the base code cannot be called by specifying that the base class must not be called:
var A = Substitute.ForPartsOf<ClassA>();
var C = Substitute.ForPartsOf<ClassC>();
C.When(c => c.MethodA()).DoNotCallBase();
A.When(a => a.MethodB()).DoNotCallBase();
var cResult = C.MethodA();

How to test two objects are equal in

I am reading Test Driven Development: By Example. All examples use Java and Junit (I am on chapter 10). There are one test method that test for equality of two objects. I already override Equals of the class but when run my test it failed.
This is sample code
public class BaseX
public string Test { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return this.Test == ((BaseX)obj).Test;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Tyep: {0}, Test: {1}", this.GetType().Name, this.Test);
public class A : BaseX
This is my test code
public void FunTest2()
var b1 = new BaseX();
var a1 = new A();
b1.Test = "a";
a1.Test = "a";
Assert.Equal(a1, b1);
When I run the test, it will failed with this message.
TDD1.UnitTest.UnitTest1.FunTest2 : Assert.Equal() Failure
Expected: Tyep: A, Test: a
Actual: Tyep: BaseX, Test: a
I think Assert.Equal compare both value and type of objects. So, I looked on xunit code and found that Assert.Equal call IEqualityComparer.Equals. If I want to compare two object with override method, what method should I use?
I test this on Windows 7, Visual Studio 11 Beta, (get files from nuget)
Before comparing both objects using T's Equals method, xunit compares types:
// Same type?
if (!skipTypeCheck && x.GetType() != y.GetType())
return false;
As I see it, you have two choices:
The simple choice
It might be less expected than an Equal overload, but KISS...
The less simple choice
public class BaseXComparer : IEqualityComparer<BaseX>
public bool Equals(BaseX x, BaseX y)
return x.Test.Equals(y.Test);
public int GetHashCode(BaseX obj)
return obj.Test.GetHashCode();
And then:
Assert.Equal(a1, b1, new BaseXComparer());
In this case, consider this.
Until someone will add a new overload (shouldn't be tricky, as the inner implementation has a bool parameter for this) or an extension, I'd recommend using the simple method above.

Google Mock Help Required,

I have 2 classes.
class SomeClass
int SomeFunction()
return 5;
class AnotherClass
int AnotherFunction(SomeClass obj)
return obj.SomeFunction();
I have made a mock class for SomeClass.
class MockSomeClass : public SomeClass
MOCK_METHOD0(SomeFunction, int());
Now I want in unit test that when i call AnotherClass.AnotherFunction i get result of my own choice. AnotherFunction uses function of SomeClass.SomeFunction(). I have mocked SomeClass. And I have set that when function of mocked object calls it returs 10. But when i run unit test it returns 5 (origional function). What should i do. Below is the unit test which i have written.
void TestMethod1()
MockSomeClass mock;
int expected = 10;
ON_CALL(mock, SomeFunction()).WillByDefault(Return(expected));
AnotherClass realClass;
int actual = realClass.AnotherFunction(mock);
Assert::AreEqual(expected, actual);
I am using visual studio 2008 and gmock 1.6.0. What is wrong I am doing. on realClass.AnotherFunction i want mocked output from mock.SomeFunction().
The problem is that SomeClass::SomeFunction(...) isn't virtual, make it virtual and it will work.
There is one more fundamental error that causes it to fail, that is the method signature of
int AnotherFunction(SomeClass obj)
which creates a new SomeClass object instance which will in it's turn cause the normal SomeFunction to be called, you should instead pass a reference to the mocked class as argument.
int AnotherFunction(SomeClass* obj)
and invoke it using
int actual = realClass.AnotherFunction(&mock);