Use existing code range in cpp file as example for documentation - c++

Can I use an existing code range (means some lines of code from a cpp file) as example in the doxygen docu?
* \brief My Foo class
* \details More about foo
* \example?? Foo used like here, some LOC from cpp follow (how can I do that??)
class Foo
I want to show 3-10 lines of existing code of how I have used Foo. Those 3-10 line are supposed to come from a cpp file.
I understand that I have to tag the very cpp file with \file, but how do I refer to some lines of code there?
Something like this (incorrect pseudo code, as I have no idea how to do it)
//! \example Foo (supposed to display with Foo docu). This is how Foo is used
//! #{
Foo f;
f.init(); // init first
f.start(); // then start
//! }#

As pointed out by albert (comments above) \snippet can be used. A full example can be found here
You refer to a file and in that file (.cpp in my scenario) you mark the block by [] brackets. It then will appear as code block.


How to have Doxygen only generate documentation for methods that have a comment

I would like to generate a documentation of certain parameters that the Save-Method of various classes in my program generate. For that purpose, I would like to write a comment at the top of my save method, and these comments should go to a html and PDF file.
I would like to use doxygen to parse the source- and header files of my C++ project, however by default, doxygen generates a documentation for all the members and classes in my project, which is not what I actually want.
Is it possible to customize doxygen to generate documentation for only one single method which always has the same signature and Name (int Save();), and nothing else? How can that be achieved?
Have you looked at ENABLED_SECTIONS and the cond command? Here is a snippet of the example:
/// #cond DEV
* The implementation of the interface
class Implementation : public Intf
void func();
/// #cond TEST
void test();
/// #endcond
/// #cond
/** This method is obsolete and does
* not show up in the documentation.
void obsolete();
/// #endcond
/// #endcond
The output will be different depending on whether or not ENABLED_SECTIONS contains TEST, or DEV.
If this does not help, please clarify your question.

Doxygen doesn't appear to recognise comments (Doxywizard)

I am sure this is something silly I've done but I can't see what it is:
So I have c++ project which has a main.cpp file and some classes. It was not written with doxygen in mind (error #1) but I'm looking to correct my mistake and generate some documentation. So I installed doxygen and ran the doxygen GUI, entered the project name/synopsis and specified the source and destination locations.
Also to get some output above a function I added a comment in the style the doxygen spec requires:
//! My actual function doesn't really look like this
* Some sample detail which isn't exactly the same as the main
* function but the structure is the same
void sampleFunction()
However when I hit run in doxywizard no extra comments are made.
If I set the extraction mode to documented entities only main.cpp doesn't even show up. If I set it to all entities main.cpp appears under files and the function is in there however there is no detail whatsoever in the file.
As a complete novice trying to retrofit my project no doubt I've omitted to do something important but all the documentation/tutorials I've read don't suggest anything other than what I've stated needs to be done so I turn to the knowledgeable SO community for assistance
In response to the comment by Arne Mertz here are a few more details:
Doxywizard is in Program Files/doxygen/bin and the config file is wherever doxywizard creates it by default
My source code is in User/Desktop/
The output folder is in User/Desktop/Documentation
To document a global functions you have also to include a file name. E.g.
* \file MyFileName.cpp
* \brief a brief description of a file
//! My actual function doesn't really look like this
* Some sample detail which isn't exactly the same as the main
* function but the structure is the same
void sampleFunction()
Note, that the name after \file keyword should be exactly as the name of the file.
I was being foolish as I suspected, to be safe I'd made a copy of my project and so the version I was editing was not the version being interpreted by doxygen
I apologise to anyone who wasted their time trying to help with this but I very much appreciate your attempts to do so :)

Doxygen in-body comments

I have some code which I want to document with in-body comments like so:
/*! \file best.cpp
* \brief The best
* I am the best
/*! \fn void theBestFunction(int)
* I'm the best blah blah blah
void theBestFunction(int ever)
* Does some more things
* Checks that the things it does are the best
But when I run doxygen on this it seems to format the inside blocks into code fragments, as if the #code or \code commands were used (which they were not). I would like the in-body comments to be formatted like normal text.
Has anybody encountered this before? Thanks.
I managed to fix the problem. It turns out that somehow Doxygen was processing those blocks as being indented with respect to each other, and indentation in Markdown (much like on StackOverflow) indicates a code block ( I simply turned off Markdown and fixed the issue.
For anybody reading this question in the future, if you still want Markdown support, be careful not to start comment blocks on the 2nd line -- start comments right away.
Changing my minimal example to this:
/*! \fn void theBestFunction(int)
* I'm the best blah blah blah
void theBestFunction(int ever)
/*! Does some more things
/*! Checks that the things it does are the best
(note the start of the in-body comments immediately, as opposed to a blank line first) solves the issue.

Documenting namespaces that span multiple files doxygen

Consider I have 2 header files.
* Doc for Foo here?
namespace Foo {
class This {...};
* Doc for Foo here?
namespace Foo {
class That {...};
How should I handle this when documenting with Doxygen?
Maybe neither.
For example, imagine you have "<root>/utility/header1.hpp" which has its contents in namespace utility and "<root>/utility/header2.hpp" which does also.
You could add a file: "<root>/utility.hpp" which documents the utility namespace. You could put this at the top #error Documentation only. to make sure it's not accidentally included.
But I would recommend at least making some out-of-the-way file to keep it in a sane place (and not mixed in randomly with some class.)
I have placed documentation for namespaces that span multiple files into another file. My Doxygen builds use a separate file for the #mainpage tag. This forms the root of the built Doxygen, and is also a central location for such namespaces.
So I'll have project_name_mainpage.h, and in that file:
#mainpage title
...whatever you want to tell the user about your application...
* #namespace your_namespace
* #brief An awesome description
* #details More sweet details
Keeps it all in one place, and is relatively easy to find if you need to update it.
Find the best place for the documentation, whether it is in one of those files or another entirely. Use a comment block with Doxygen's namespace tag:
* #namespace Foo
* Documentation for Foo here. More docs for Foo here,
* and down here.
Docs here:

Documenting preprocessor defines in Doxygen

Is it possible to document preprocessor defines in Doxygen? I expected to be able to do it just like a variable or function, however the Doxygen output appears to have "lost" the documentation for the define, and does not contain the define itself either.
I tried the following
/**My Preprocessor Macro.*/
#define TEST_DEFINE(x) (x*x)
My Preprocessor Macro.
#define TEST_DEFINE(x) (x*x)
I also tried putting them within a group (tried defgroup, addtogroup and ingroup) rather than just at the "file scope" however that had no effect either (although other items in the group were documented as intended).
I looked through the various Doxygen options, but couldn't see anything that would enable (or prevent) the documentation of defines.
Yes, it is possible. The Doxygen documentation says:
To document global objects (functions, typedefs, enum, macros, etc),
you must document the file in which they are defined. In other words,
there must at least be a
/*! \file */
or a
/** #file */
line in this file.
You can use #defgroup, #addtogroup, and #ingroup to put related items into the same module, even if they appear in separate files (see documentation here for details). Here's a minimal example that works for me (using Doxygen 1.6.3):
# Empty file.
/** #file */
/**My Preprocessor Macro.*/
#define TEST_DEFINE(x) (x*x)
* #defgroup TEST_GROUP Test Group
* #{
/** Test AAA documentation. */
#define TEST_AAA (1)
/** Test BBB documentation. */
#define TEST_BBB (2)
/** Test CCC documentation. */
#define TEST_CCC (3)
/** #} */
/** #file */
* #addtogroup TEST_GROUP
* #{
/** #brief My Class. */
class Foo {
void method();
/** #} */
/** #file */
* #ingroup TEST_GROUP
* My Function.
void Bar();
In this case, the TEST_DEFINE documentation appears in the Test.h entry under the Files tab in the HTML output, and the TEST_AAA etc. definitions appear under Test Group in the Modules tab together with class Foo and function Bar.
One thing to note is that if you put the file name after the #file command, e.g:
/** #file Test.h */
then this must match the actual name of the file. If it doesn't, documentation for items in the file won't be generated.
An alternative solution, if you don't want to add #file commands, is to set EXTRACT_ALL = YES in your Doxyfile.
I hope this helps!
In my "C" files, I use a comment format and #define line like this:
/** #brief Number of milli-seconds to wait*/
#define kTimeoutMSec (2)
My html documents do end up containing documentation I specify. (I do have #file at the top of the file and EXTRACT_ALL=YES)
Try setting EXTRACT_ALL option, I have that set in my project and it generates documentation for #defines. There might be a more elegant way of doing it without using EXTRACT_ALL so be sure to check the documentation
Adding to the previous answers, it is also needed to have ENABLE_PREPROCESSING=YES on the Doxyfile.