Unexpected End of File error on .hpp File - c++

I'm working on a file, Deque.hpp, which uses an iterator class and Nodes to make a deque, but I'm getting the error:
"Error C1004 unexpected end-of-file found "
I can't seem to find what's causing this. Here's my code.
#ifndef DEQUE_H
#define DEQUE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
template <typename T>
class Deque
Deque(const Deque & rhs);
Deque & operator= (const Deque & rhs);
Deque(Deque && rhs) : theSize{ rhs.theSize }, head{ rhs.head }, tail{ rhs.tail };
Deque & operator= (Deque && rhs);
T & Deque<T>::operator[](int n);
Iterator begin();
const_iterator begin() const;
Iterator end();
const_iterator end() const;
int size() const;
bool isEmpty() const;
void clear();
T & left();
const T & left() const;
T & right();
const T & right() const;
void pushLeft(const T & x);
void pushLeft(T && x);
void pushRight(const T & x);
void pushRight(T && x);
T & popLeft();
T & popRight();
bool Deque<T>::contains(const T&);
struct Node
T data;
Node *prev;
Node *next;
Node(const T & d = T{}, Node * p = NULL, Node * n = NULL) :
data{ d }, prev{ p }, next{ n } {}
Node(T && d, Node * p = NULL, Node * n = NULL)
: data{ std::move(d) }, prev{ p }, next{ n } {}
class const_iterator
const_iterator() : current{ NULL } { }
const T & operator* () const;
const_iterator & operator++ ();
const_iterator & operator-- (); //!
const_iterator operator++ (int);
const_iterator operator-- (int); //!
bool operator== (const const_iterator & rhs) const;
bool operator!= (const const_iterator & rhs) const;
Node *current;
T & retrieve() const;
const_iterator(Node *p) : current{ p } { }
friend class Deque<T>;
class Iterator : public const_iterator
T & operator* ();
const T & operator* () const;
Iterator & operator++ ();
Iterator & operator-- (); //!
Iterator operator++ (int);
Iterator operator-- (int); //!
Iterator(Node *p) : const_iterator{ p } { }
friend class Deque<T>;
// Insert x before itr.
Iterator insert(Iterator itr, const T & x);
// Insert x before itr.
Iterator insert(Iterator itr, T && x);
// Erase item at itr.
Iterator erase(Iterator itr);
Iterator erase(Iterator from, Iterator to);
int theSize;
Node *head;
Node *tail;
void init();
template<typename T>
inline const T & Deque<T>::const_iterator::operator*() const
return retrieve();
template<typename T>
inline const_iterator & Deque<T>::const_iterator::operator++()
current = current->next;
return *this;
template<typename T>
inline const_iterator & Deque<T>::const_iterator::operator--()
current = current->prev;
return *this;
template<typename T>
inline const_iterator Deque<T>::const_iterator::operator++(int)
const_iterator old = *this;
return old;
template<typename T>
inline const_iterator Deque<T>::const_iterator::operator--(int)
const_iterator old = *this;
return old;
template<typename T>
inline bool Deque<T>::const_iterator::operator==(const const_iterator & rhs) const
return current == rhs.current;
template<typename T>
inline bool Deque<T>::const_iterator::operator!=(const const_iterator & rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template<typename T>
inline T & Deque<T>::const_iterator::retrieve() const
return current->data;
template<typename T>
inline Deque<T>::Iterator::Iterator()
template<typename T>
inline T & Deque<T>::Iterator::operator*()
return const_iterator::retrieve();
template<typename T>
inline const T & Deque<T>::Iterator::operator*() const
return const_iterator::operator*();
template<typename T>
inline Iterator & Deque<T>::Iterator::operator++()
this->current = this->current->next;
return *this;
template<typename T>
inline Iterator & Deque<T>::Iterator::operator--()
this->current = this->current->prev;
return *this;
template<typename T>
inline Iterator Deque<T>::Iterator::operator++(int)
Iterator old = *this;
return old;
template<typename T>
inline Iterator Deque<T>::Iterator::operator--(int)
Iterator old = *this;
return old;
template<typename T>
inline Deque<T>::Deque()
template<typename T>
inline Deque<T>::~Deque()
delete head;
delete tail;
template<typename T>
inline Deque & Deque<T>::operator=(const Deque & rhs)
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
for (const_iterator itr = rhs.begin(); itr != rhs.end(); ++itr)
return *this;
template<typename T>
inline Deque<T>::Deque(Deque && rhs)
rhs.theSize = 0;
rhs.head = NULL;
rhs.tail = NULL;
template<typename T>
inline Deque & Deque<T>::operator=(Deque && rhs)
std::swap(theSize, rhs.theSize);
std::swap(head, rhs.head);
std::swap(tail, rhs.tail);
return *this;
template<typename T>
inline T & Deque<T>::operator[](int n)
Iterator itr = begin();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
itr.current = itr.current->next;
return itr.current->data;
template<typename T>
inline Iterator Deque<T>::begin()
return{ head->next };
template<typename T>
inline const_iterator Deque<T>::begin() const
return{ head->next };
template<typename T>
inline Iterator Deque<T>::end()
return{ tail->prev }; //changed to -> prev
template<typename T>
inline const_iterator Deque<T>::end() const
return{ tail->prev };
template<typename T>
inline int Deque<T>::size() const
return theSize;
template<typename T>
inline bool Deque<T>::isEmpty() const
return size() == 0;
template<typename T>
inline void Deque<T>::clear()
while (!isEmpty())
template<typename T>
inline T & Deque<T>::left()
return *begin();
template<typename T>
inline const T & Deque<T>::left() const
return *begin();
template<typename T>
inline T & Deque<T>::right()
return *end(); // deleted "--*end"
template<typename T>
inline const T & Deque<T>::right() const
return *end();
template<typename T>
inline void Deque<T>::pushLeft(const T & x)
insert(begin(), x);
template<typename T>
inline void Deque<T>::pushLeft(T && x)
insert(begin(), std::move(x)); // changed std::move(x)) to x
template<typename T>
inline void Deque<T>::pushRight(const T & x)
insert(end(), x);
template<typename T>
inline void Deque<T>::pushRight(T && x)
insert(end(), std::move(x));
template<typename T>
inline T & Deque<T>::popLeft()
return *begin(); erase(begin());
template<typename T>
inline T & Deque<T>::popRight()
return *end(); erase(end()); // changed --end to end
template<typename T>
inline bool Deque<T>::contains(const T &)
// stuff here
template<typename T>
inline Iterator Deque<T>::insert(Iterator itr, const T & x)
Node *p = itr.current;
return{ p->prev = p->prev->next = new Node{ x, p->prev, p } };
template<typename T>
inline Iterator Deque<T>::insert(Iterator itr, T && x)
Node *p = itr.current;
return{ p->prev = p->prev->next = new Node{ std::move(x), p->prev, p } };
template<typename T>
inline Iterator Deque<T>::erase(Iterator itr)
Node *p = itr.current;
Iterator retVal{ p->next };
p->prev->next = p->next;
p->next->prev = p->prev;
delete p;
return retVal;
template<typename T>
inline Iterator Deque<T>::erase(Iterator from, Iterator to)
for (Iterator itr = from; itr != to; )
itr = erase(itr);
return to;
template<typename T>
inline void Deque<T>::init()
theSize = 0;
head = new Node;
tail = new Node;
head->next = tail;
tail->prev = head;
template<typename T>
inline Deque<T>::Deque(const Deque & rhs)
*this = rhs;

The first error to fix is the one identified by Algirdas Preidžius: your constructor has an initialization list but no body.
You should replace
Deque(Deque && rhs) : theSize{ rhs.theSize }, head{ rhs.head }, tail{ rhs.tail };
Deque(Deque && rhs) : theSize{ rhs.theSize }, head{ rhs.head }, tail{ rhs.tail } {};
Then you'll have a lot of other errors to fix. Good luck !
My advice when coding: write your code incrementaly, build and test regularly. You shouldn't have so much errors to fix at once !
By the way, any reason to not use std::deque ?


How exactly would this function outline be used for a linked list?

In my data structures class I have received the oh so common question of reversing a linked list. I've seen and read enough online to have a good idea on how. However, the professor provided me with this code snippet to implement my function:
template<class T>
void Reverse(LinkedList<T> &array) {
//my code here
I would expect the provided skeleton code to be like
void reverse(struct node **head_ref) {
Why exactly is there an array reference being passed to the function? How should I implement? Is this a typo?
I see many many questions about linked list, where people are mainly talking about nodes. But a linked list is not a node. It has or contains nodes, or better said a pointer to a head node.
So, if you learn about data structures, then you need to understand this fundamental difference.
In C++ you can even embed a class "Node" in a class "LinkedList". And then define a pointer to type "Node" with the name head in the linked list.
Regarding your question with the function prototypes.
1st, you are confused by the word "array". The function is called with a variable of type LinkedList Reference and the formal parameter name is "array" (which is then a reference to a "Linked"List".
This will be reversed in the function, and the result is again available in the LinkedList given to the function.
Your expected prototype "void reverse(struct node **head_ref)" is wrong, because you want to reverse a complete linked list, but not a "node".
Because you did not show the definition of the class "LinkedList", the implementation details cannot be shown here. I just can tell you the usual simple algorithm. You iterate through the linked list at the same time from begin and from the end, using the next/previos pointer from the nodes. And then simply "swap" the values in the nodes from the current pair from front and end.
You can see a potential implementation here
Below you can find an example for a linked list with a build in reverse function
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This would be in a header file -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Type trait helper to identify iterators --------------------------------------------------------
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct is_iterator { static constexpr bool value = false; };
template<typename T>
struct is_iterator<T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type, void>::value>::type> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
// The List class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
class List {
// Sub class for a Node -----------
struct Node {
Node* next{};
Node* previous{};
T data{};
Node(Node* const n, Node* const p, const T& d) : next(n), previous(p), data(d) {}
Node(Node* const n, Node* const p) : next(n), previous(p) {}
Node() {}
// Private list data and functions --------
size_t numberOfElements{};
Node* head{};
void init() { head = new Node(); head->next = head; head->previous = head; numberOfElements = 0; }
struct iterator; // Forward declaration
// Constructor --------------------
List() { init(); }
explicit List(const size_t count, const T& value) { init(); insert(begin(), count, value); };
explicit List(const size_t count) { init(); insert(begin(), count); }
template <typename Iter>
List(const Iter& first, const Iter& last) { init(); insert(begin(),first, last); }
List(const List& other) { init(), insert(begin(), other.begin(), other.end()); };
List(List&& other) : head(other.head), numberOfElements(other.numberOfElements) { other.init(); }
List(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { init(); insert(begin(), il.begin(), il.end()); }
template <int N> List(const T(&other)[N]) { init(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); }
template <int N> List(T(&other)[N]) { init(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); }
// Assignment ---------------------
List& operator =(const List& other) { clear(); insert(begin(), other.begin(), other.end()); return *this; }
List& operator =(List&& other) { clear(); head = other.head; numberOfElements = other.numberOfElements; other.init(); return *this; }
List& operator =(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { clear(); insert(begin(),il.begin(),il.end()); return *this; }
template <int N> List& operator =(const T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
template <int N> List& operator =(T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this;}
void assign(const size_t count, const T& value) { clear(); insert(begin(), count, value); }
void assign(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { clear(); insert(begin(), il.begin(), il.end()); }
template <typename Iter> void assign(const Iter& first, const Iter& last) { clear(); insert(begin(), first, last);}
template <int N> void assign(const T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
template <int N> void assign(T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
// Destructor ---------------------
~List() { clear(); }
// Element Access -----------------
T& front() { return *begin(); }
T& back() { return *(--end()); }
// Iterators ----------------------
iterator begin() const { return iterator(head->next, head); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(head, head); }
// Capacity -----------------------
size_t size() const { return numberOfElements; }
bool empty() { return size() == 0; }
// Modifiers ----------------------
void clear();
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const T& value);
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition);
template <class Iter, std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<Iter>::value, bool> = true>
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const Iter& first, const Iter& last);
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const size_t& count, const T& value);
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const std::initializer_list<T>& il);
iterator erase(const iterator& posToDelete);
iterator erase(const iterator& first, const iterator& last);
void push_back(const T& d) { insert(end(), d); }
void pop_back() { erase(--end()); };
void push_front(const T& d) { insert(begin(), d); }
void pop_front() { erase(begin()); };
void resize(size_t count);
void resize(size_t count, const T& value);
void swap(List& other) { std::swap(head, other.head); std::swap(numberOfElements, other.numberOfElements); }
// Operations --------------------
void reverse();
// Non standard inefficient functions --------------------------
T& operator[](const size_t index) const { return begin()[index]; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define iterator capability ---------------------------------------------
struct iterator {
// Definitions ----------------
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
// Data -----------------------
Node* iter{};
Node* head{};
// Constructor ----------------
iterator(Node*const node, Node* const h) : iter(node), head(h) {};
iterator() {};
// Dereferencing --------------
reference operator*() const { return iter->data; }
reference operator->() const { return &**this; }
// Arithmetic operations ------
iterator operator++() { iter = iter->next; return *this; }
iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp = *this; ++* this; return tmp; }
iterator operator--() { iter = iter->previous; return *this; }
iterator operator--(int) { iterator tmp = *this; --* this; return tmp; }
iterator operator +(const difference_type& n) const {
iterator temp{ *this }; difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)++temp; else while (k++)--temp; return temp;
iterator operator +=(const difference_type& n) {
difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)++* this; else while (k++)--* this; return *this;
iterator operator -(const difference_type& n) const {
iterator temp{ *this }; difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)--temp; else while (k++)++temp; return temp;
iterator operator -=(const difference_type& n) {
difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)--* this; else while (k++)++* this; return *this;
// Comparison ----------------- (typical space ship implementation)
bool operator ==(const iterator& other) const { return iter == other.iter; };
bool operator !=(const iterator& other) const { return iter != other.iter; };
bool operator < (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter < 0; };
bool operator <= (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter <= 0; };
bool operator > (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter > 0; };
bool operator >= (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter >= 0; };
// Special non standard functions -----------------
difference_type operator-(const iterator& other) const;
reference operator[] (const size_t index);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of list functions. This would normally go into a TCC file -----------------------
// List class functions ---------------
template <typename T>
void List<T>::clear() {
for (Node* nextNode{}, * currentNode(head->next); currentNode != head; currentNode = nextNode) {
nextNode = currentNode->next;
delete currentNode;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const T& value)
Node* nodeInsertBeforePosition = insertBeforePosition.iter;
Node* newNode = new Node(nodeInsertBeforePosition, nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous, value);
nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous = newNode;
(newNode->previous)->next = newNode;
return iterator(newNode, head);
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition)
Node* nodeInsertBeforePosition = insertBeforePosition.iter;
Node* newNode = new Node(nodeInsertBeforePosition, nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous);
nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous = newNode;
(newNode->previous)->next = newNode;
return iterator(newNode, head);
template <typename T>
template <class Iter, std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<Iter>::value, bool>>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const Iter& first, const Iter& last) {
iterator result(insertBeforePosition.iter, head);
if (first != last) {
result = insert(insertBeforePosition, *first);
Iter i(first);
for (++i; i != last; ++i)
insert(insertBeforePosition, *i);
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const size_t& count, const T& value) {
iterator result(insertBeforePosition.iter, head);
if (count != 0u) {
result = insert(insertBeforePosition, value);
for (size_t i{ 1u }; i < count; ++i)
insert(insertBeforePosition, value);
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const std::initializer_list<T>& il) {
return insert(insertBeforePosition, il.begin(), il.end());
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::erase(const List<T>::iterator& posToDelete) {
iterator result = posToDelete;
Node* nodeToDelete = posToDelete.iter;
if (nodeToDelete != head) {
nodeToDelete->previous->next = nodeToDelete->next;
nodeToDelete->next->previous = nodeToDelete->previous;
delete nodeToDelete;
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::erase(const List<T>::iterator& first, const List<T>::iterator& last) {
iterator result{ end() };
if (first == begin() && last == end())
else {
while (first != last)
first = erase(first);
result = last;
return result;
template <typename T>
void List<T>::resize(size_t count) {
if (numberOfElements < count)
for (size_t i{ numberOfElements }; i < count; ++i)
while (count--)
template <typename T>
void List<T>::resize(size_t count, const T& value) {
if (numberOfElements < count)
for (size_t i{ numberOfElements }; i < count; ++i)
while (count--)
template <typename T>
void List<T>::reverse() {
const Node* oldHead = head;
for (Node* nptr = head; ; nptr = nptr->previous) {
std::swap(nptr->next, nptr->previous);
if (nptr->previous == oldHead) // Previous was the original next
// ------------------------------------
// Iterator functions -----------------
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator::difference_type List<T>::iterator::operator-(const iterator& other) const {
difference_type result{};
Node* nptr = head;
int indexThis{ -1 }, indexOther{ -1 }, index{};
do {
nptr = nptr->next;
if (nptr == iter)
indexThis = index;
if (nptr == other.iter)
indexOther = index;
} while (nptr != head);
if (indexThis >= 0 and indexOther >= 0)
result = indexThis - indexOther;
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator::reference List<T>::iterator::operator[] (const size_t index) {
Node* nptr = head->next;
for (size_t i{}; i < index and nptr != head; ++i, nptr = nptr->next)
return nptr->data;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This would be in a cpp file --------------------------------------------------------------------
int main() {
std::list<int> list1{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
std::cout << std::distance(list1.end(), list1.begin()) << '\n';
List<int> list3{10,20};
List<int>::iterator l3 = list3.end();
for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k) {
std::cout << *l3 << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
List<int> list2{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
for (int i : list2)
std::cout << i << ' '; std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << list2.begin() - list2.end() << '\n';
std::cout << list2.end() - list2.begin() << '\n';
List<int>::iterator i = list2.end();
while (i-- != list2.begin())
std::cout << *i << ' '; std::cout << '\n';
i = list2.end();
int counter = 0;
while (i != list2.end()) {
std::cout << counter << '\n';
std::cout << std::distance(list2.end(), list2.begin()) << '\n';

Doubly linked list using single pointer?

I have read in a post that we can make double linked list using only a single pointer..
Concept :
let the nodes be A<->B<->C<->D
first node store => NULL ^ B
second node store => A ^ C
third node store => B ^ D
last node store => C ^ NULL
to go to next node i.e let say from A to B...we xor prev node address
To go to B from A => (NULL^B)^NULL=B
to got to c from b = > (A^C)^A=>C
So i implemented this ADT...
But it is showing an error "expression must have integral or unscoped enum type"
In lines ::
Node *temp=head->ptrDiff;
cout<<temp->data<<" ";
using namespace std;
class DLL{
struct Node{
int data;
Node *ptrDiff;//xor of prev and next pointer
Node(int data){
Node *head;
void insertAtEnd(int data){
Node *newNode=new Node(data);
Node *temp=head->ptrDiff;
void display(){
cout<<"List Empty.\n";
Node *temp=head->ptrDiff;
cout<<temp->data<<" ";
int main(){
DLL obj;
return 0;
Doubly linked list using single pointer?
The answer is: Do not do this.
Please use a std::list or some custom implementation like the below:
#include <iterator>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This would be in a header file -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Type trait helper to identify iterators --------------------------------------------------------
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct is_iterator { static constexpr bool value = false; };
template<typename T>
struct is_iterator<T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type, void>::value>::type> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
// The List class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
class List {
// Sub class for a Node -----------
struct Node {
T data{};
Node* next{};
Node* previous{};
Node() {}
Node(Node* const n, Node* const p) : next(n), previous(p) {}
Node(Node* const n, Node* const p, const T& d) : next(n), previous(p), data(d) {}
// Private list data and functions --------
Node* head{};
size_t numberOfElements{};
void init() { head = new Node(); head->next = head; head->previous = head; numberOfElements = 0; }
struct iterator; // Forward declaration
// Constructor --------------------
List() { init(); }
explicit List(const size_t count) { init(); insert(begin(), count); }
explicit List(const size_t count, const T& value) { init(); insert(begin(), count, value); };
template <typename Iter>
List(const Iter& first, const Iter& last) { init(); insert(begin(), first, last); }
List(const List& other) { init(), insert(begin(), other.begin(), other.end()); };
List(List&& other) : head(other.head), numberOfElements(other.numberOfElements) { other.init(); }
List(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { init(); insert(begin(), il.begin(), il.end()); }
template <int N> List(T(&other)[N]) { init(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); }
template <int N> List(const T(&other)[N]) { init(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); }
// Assignment ---------------------
List& operator =(const List& other) { clear(); insert(begin(), other.begin(), other.end()); return *this; }
List& operator =(List&& other) { clear(); head = other.head; numberOfElements = other.numberOfElements; other.init(); return *this; }
List& operator =(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { clear(); insert(begin(), il.begin(), il.end()); return *this; }
template <int N> List& operator =(const T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
template <int N> List& operator =(T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
template <typename Iter> void assign(const Iter& first, const Iter& last) { clear(); insert(begin(), first, last); }
template <int N> void assign(const T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
template <int N> void assign(T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
void assign(const size_t count, const T& value) { clear(); insert(begin(), count, value); }
void assign(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { clear(); insert(begin(), il.begin(), il.end()); }
// Destructor ---------------------
~List() { clear(); delete head; }
// Element Access -----------------
T& front() { return *begin(); }
T& back() { return *(--end()); }
// Iterators ----------------------
iterator begin() const { return iterator(head->next, head); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(head, head); }
// Capacity -----------------------
size_t size() const { return numberOfElements; }
bool empty() { return size() == 0; }
// Modifiers ----------------------
void clear();
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const T& value);
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition);
template <class Iter, std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<Iter>::value, bool> = true>
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const Iter& first, const Iter& last);
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const size_t& count, const T& value);
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const std::initializer_list<T>& il);
iterator erase(const iterator& posToDelete);
iterator erase(const iterator& first, const iterator& last);
void pop_front() { erase(begin()); };
void push_front(const T& d) { insert(begin(), d); }
void pop_back() { erase(--end()); };
void push_back(const T& d) { insert(end(), d); }
void resize(size_t count, const T& value);
void resize(size_t count);
void swap(List& other) { std::swap(head, other.head); std::swap(numberOfElements, other.numberOfElements); }
// Operations --------------------
void reverse();
// Non standard inefficient functions --------------------------
T& operator[](const size_t index) const { return begin()[index]; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define iterator capability ---------------------------------------------
struct iterator {
// Definitions ----------------
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
// Data -----------------------
Node* iter{};
Node* head{};
// Constructor ----------------
iterator(Node* const node, Node* const h) : iter(node), head(h) {};
iterator() {};
// Dereferencing --------------
reference operator*() const { return iter->data; }
reference operator->() const { return &**this; }
// Arithmetic operations ------
iterator operator++() { iter = iter->next; return *this; }
iterator operator--() { iter = iter->previous; return *this; }
iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp = *this; ++* this; return tmp; }
iterator operator--(int) { iterator tmp = *this; --* this; return tmp; }
iterator operator +(const difference_type& n) const {
iterator temp{ *this }; difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)++temp; else while (k++)--temp; return temp;
iterator operator +=(const difference_type& n) {
difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)++* this; else while (k++)--* this; return *this;
iterator operator -(const difference_type& n) const {
iterator temp{ *this }; difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)--temp; else while (k++)++temp; return temp;
iterator operator -=(const difference_type& n) {
difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)--* this; else while (k++)++* this; return *this;
// Comparison ----------------- (typical space ship implementation)
bool operator ==(const iterator& other) const { return iter == other.iter; };
bool operator !=(const iterator& other) const { return iter != other.iter; };
bool operator < (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter < 0; };
bool operator <= (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter <= 0; };
bool operator > (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter > 0; };
bool operator >= (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter >= 0; };
// Special non standard functions -----------------
difference_type operator-(const iterator& other) const;
reference operator[] (const size_t index);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of list functions. This would normally go into a TCC file -----------------------
// List class functions ---------------
template <typename T>
void List<T>::clear() {
for (Node* nextNode{}, * currentNode(head->next); currentNode != head; currentNode = nextNode) {
nextNode = currentNode->next;
delete currentNode;
delete head;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const T& value)
Node* nodeInsertBeforePosition = insertBeforePosition.iter;
Node* newNode = new Node(nodeInsertBeforePosition, nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous, value);
nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous = newNode;
(newNode->previous)->next = newNode;
return iterator(newNode, head);
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition)
Node* nodeInsertBeforePosition = insertBeforePosition.iter;
Node* newNode = new Node(nodeInsertBeforePosition, nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous);
nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous = newNode;
(newNode->previous)->next = newNode;
return iterator(newNode, head);
template <typename T>
template <class Iter, std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<Iter>::value, bool>>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const Iter& first, const Iter& last) {
iterator result(insertBeforePosition.iter, head);
if (first != last) {
result = insert(insertBeforePosition, *first);
Iter i(first);
for (++i; i != last; ++i)
insert(insertBeforePosition, *i);
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const size_t& count, const T& value) {
iterator result(insertBeforePosition.iter, head);
if (count != 0u) {
result = insert(insertBeforePosition, value);
for (size_t i{ 1u }; i < count; ++i)
insert(insertBeforePosition, value);
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const std::initializer_list<T>& il) {
return insert(insertBeforePosition, il.begin(), il.end());
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::erase(const List<T>::iterator& posToDelete) {
iterator result = posToDelete;
Node* nodeToDelete = posToDelete.iter;
if (nodeToDelete != head) {
nodeToDelete->previous->next = nodeToDelete->next;
nodeToDelete->next->previous = nodeToDelete->previous;
delete nodeToDelete;
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::erase(const List<T>::iterator& first, const List<T>::iterator& last) {
iterator result{ end() };
if (first == begin() && last == end())
else {
while (first != last)
first = erase(first);
result = last;
return result;
template <typename T>
void List<T>::resize(size_t count) {
if (numberOfElements < count)
for (size_t i{ numberOfElements }; i < count; ++i)
while (count--)
template <typename T>
void List<T>::resize(size_t count, const T& value) {
if (numberOfElements < count)
for (size_t i{ numberOfElements }; i < count; ++i)
insert(end(), value);
while (count--)
template <typename T>
void List<T>::reverse() {
const Node* oldHead = head;
for (Node* nptr = head; ; nptr = nptr->previous) {
std::swap(nptr->next, nptr->previous);
if (nptr->previous == oldHead) // Previous was the original next
// ------------------------------------
// Iterator functions -----------------
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator::difference_type List<T>::iterator::operator-(const iterator& other) const {
difference_type result{};
Node* nptr = head;
int indexThis{ -1 }, indexOther{ -1 }, index{};
do {
nptr = nptr->next;
if (nptr == iter)
indexThis = index;
if (nptr == other.iter)
indexOther = index;
} while (nptr != head);
if (indexThis >= 0 and indexOther >= 0)
result = indexThis - indexOther;
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator::reference List<T>::iterator::operator[] (const size_t index) {
Node* nptr = head->next;
for (size_t i{}; i < index and nptr != head; ++i, nptr = nptr->next)
return nptr->data;
int main() {
List<int> list{ 1,2,3 };
for (const int i : list)
std::cout << i << '\n';
List<int>::iterator iter = list.begin();
std::cout << '\n' << iter[1] << '\n';

Endless loop with std::distance on custom list

For the fun of it, I implemented a std::list similar container by myself.
I will never use it in reality. Just practising . . .
During the comparison of my implemented functionality with the std::list, I found a severe problem.
Testing std::distance with invalid parameters, as part of a simple unit test, shows different results.
Of course I expect UB and indeterminate results, but std::distance on my implementation goes into an endless loop, while it does not with a std::list. Why?
Why is my implementation causing an endles loop with std::distance?
I followd link1 and link2 in CPP reference to the source code of std::distance and tried to reproduce it. But this works also for my implemenation.
Test/driver code:
int main() {
// std::list works. No endless loop.
std::list<int> list1{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
std::cout << std::distance(list1.end(), list1.begin()) << '\n';
// Custom list
List<int> list2{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Delta works
std::cout << list2.begin() - list2.end() << '\n';
std::cout << list2.end() - list2.begin() << '\n';
// Hopp Count works
List<int>::iterator i = list2.end();
int counter = 0;
while (i != list2.end()) {
std::cout << counter << '\n';
// Distance will go into endless loop ****************************
std::cout << std::distance(list2.end(), list2.begin()) << '\n';
What is wrong with my implementation?
Please see the full source code below.
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This would be in a header file -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Type trait helper to identify iterators --------------------------------------------------------
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct is_iterator { static constexpr bool value = false; };
template<typename T>
struct is_iterator<T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type, void>::value>::type> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
// The List class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
class List {
// Sub class for a Node -----------
struct Node {
Node* next{};
Node* previous{};
T data{};
Node(Node* const n, Node* const p, const T& d) : next(n), previous(p), data(d) {}
Node(Node* const n, Node* const p) : next(n), previous(p) {}
Node() {}
// Private list data and functions --------
size_t numberOfElements{};
Node* head{};
void init() { head = new Node(); head->next = head; head->previous = head; numberOfElements = 0; }
struct iterator; // Forward declaration
// Constructor --------------------
List() { init(); }
explicit List(const size_t count, const T& value) { init(); insert(begin(), count, value); };
explicit List(const size_t count) { init(); insert(begin(), count); }
template <typename Iter>
List(const Iter& first, const Iter& last) { init(); insert(begin(),first, last); }
List(const List& other) { init(), insert(begin(), other.begin(), other.end()); };
List(List&& other) : head(other.head), numberOfElements(other.numberOfElements) { other.init(); }
List(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { init(); insert(begin(), il.begin(), il.end()); }
template <int N> List(const T(&other)[N]) { init(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); }
template <int N> List(T(&other)[N]) { init(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); }
// Assignment ---------------------
List& operator =(const List& other) { clear(); insert(begin(), other.begin(), other.end()); return *this; }
List& operator =(List&& other) { clear(); head = other.head; numberOfElements = other.numberOfElements; other.init(); return *this; }
List& operator =(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { clear(); insert(begin(),il.begin(),il.end()); return *this; }
template <int N> List& operator =(const T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
template <int N> List& operator =(T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this;}
void assign(const size_t count, const T& value) { clear(); insert(begin(), count, value); }
void assign(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { clear(); insert(begin(), il.begin(), il.end()); }
template <typename Iter> void assign(const Iter& first, const Iter& last) { clear(); insert(begin(), first, last);}
template <int N> void assign(const T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
template <int N> void assign(T(&other)[N]) { clear(); insert(begin(), std::begin(other), std::end(other)); return *this; }
// Destructor ---------------------
~List() { clear(); }
// Element Access -----------------
T& front() { return *begin(); }
T& back() { return *(--end()); }
// Iterators ----------------------
iterator begin() const { return iterator(head->next, head); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(head, head); }
// Capacity -----------------------
size_t size() const { return numberOfElements; }
bool empty() { return size() == 0; }
// Modifiers ----------------------
void clear();
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const T& value);
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition);
template <class Iter, std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<Iter>::value, bool> = true>
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const Iter& first, const Iter& last);
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const size_t& count, const T& value);
iterator insert(const iterator& insertBeforePosition, const std::initializer_list<T>& il);
iterator erase(const iterator& posToDelete);
iterator erase(const iterator& first, const iterator& last);
void push_back(const T& d) { insert(end(), d); }
void pop_back() { erase(--end()); };
void push_front(const T& d) { insert(begin(), d); }
void pop_front() { erase(begin()); };
void resize(size_t count);
void resize(size_t count, const T& value);
void swap(List& other) { std::swap(head, other.head); std::swap(numberOfElements, other.numberOfElements); }
// Operations --------------------
void reverse();
// Non standard inefficient functions --------------------------
T& operator[](const size_t index) const { return begin()[index]; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define iterator capability ---------------------------------------------
struct iterator {
// Definitions ----------------
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
// Data -----------------------
Node* iter{};
Node* head{};
// Constructor ----------------
iterator(Node*const node, Node* const h) : iter(node), head(h) {};
iterator() {};
// Dereferencing --------------
reference operator*() const { return iter->data; }
reference operator->() const { return &**this; }
// Arithmetic operations ------
iterator operator++() { if (iter != head) iter = iter->next; return *this; }
iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp = *this; ++* this; return tmp; }
iterator operator--() { if (iter != head->next) iter = iter->previous; return *this; }
iterator operator--(int) { iterator tmp = *this; --* this; return tmp; }
iterator operator +(const difference_type& n) const {
iterator temp{ *this }; difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)++temp; else while (k++)--temp; return temp;
iterator operator +=(const difference_type& n) {
difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)++* this; else while (k++)--* this; return *this;
iterator operator -(const difference_type& n) const {
iterator temp{ *this }; difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)--temp; else while (k++)++temp; return temp;
iterator operator -=(const difference_type& n) {
difference_type k{ n }; if (k > 0) while (k--)--* this; else while (k++)++* this; return *this;
// Comparison -----------------
bool operator ==(const iterator& other) const { return iter == other.iter; };
bool operator !=(const iterator& other) const { return iter != other.iter; };
bool operator < (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter < 0; };
bool operator <= (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter <= 0; };
bool operator > (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter > 0; };
bool operator >= (const iterator& other) const { return other.iter - iter >= 0; };
// Special non standard functions -----------------
difference_type operator-(const iterator& other) const;
reference operator[] (const size_t index);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of list functions. This would normally go into a TCC file -----------------------
// List class functions ---------------
template <typename T>
void List<T>::clear() {
for (Node* nextNode{}, * currentNode(head->next); currentNode != head; currentNode = nextNode) {
nextNode = currentNode->next;
delete currentNode;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const T& value)
Node* nodeInsertBeforePosition = insertBeforePosition.iter;
Node* newNode = new Node(nodeInsertBeforePosition, nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous, value);
nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous = newNode;
(newNode->previous)->next = newNode;
return iterator(newNode, head);
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition)
Node* nodeInsertBeforePosition = insertBeforePosition.iter;
Node* newNode = new Node(nodeInsertBeforePosition, nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous);
nodeInsertBeforePosition->previous = newNode;
(newNode->previous)->next = newNode;
return iterator(newNode, head);
template <typename T>
template <class Iter, std::enable_if_t<is_iterator<Iter>::value, bool>>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const Iter& first, const Iter& last) {
iterator result(insertBeforePosition.iter, head);
if (first != last) {
result = insert(insertBeforePosition, *first);
Iter i(first);
for (++i; i != last; ++i)
insert(insertBeforePosition, *i);
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const size_t& count, const T& value) {
iterator result(insertBeforePosition.iter, head);
if (count != 0u) {
result = insert(insertBeforePosition, value);
for (size_t i{ 1u }; i < count; ++i)
insert(insertBeforePosition, value);
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::insert(const List<T>::iterator& insertBeforePosition, const std::initializer_list<T>& il) {
return insert(insertBeforePosition, il.begin(), il.end());
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::erase(const List<T>::iterator& posToDelete) {
iterator result = posToDelete;
Node* nodeToDelete = posToDelete.iter;
if (nodeToDelete != head) {
nodeToDelete->previous->next = nodeToDelete->next;
nodeToDelete->next->previous = nodeToDelete->previous;
delete nodeToDelete;
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator List<T>::erase(const List<T>::iterator& first, const List<T>::iterator& last) {
iterator result{ end() };
if (first == begin() && last == end())
else {
while (first != last)
first = erase(first);
result = last;
return result;
template <typename T>
void List<T>::resize(size_t count) {
if (numberOfElements < count)
for (size_t i{ numberOfElements }; i < count; ++i)
while (count--)
template <typename T>
void List<T>::resize(size_t count, const T& value) {
if (numberOfElements < count)
for (size_t i{ numberOfElements }; i < count; ++i)
while (count--)
template <typename T>
void List<T>::reverse() {
const Node* oldHead = head;
for (Node* nptr = head; ; nptr = nptr->previous) {
std::swap(nptr->next, nptr->previous);
if (nptr->previous == oldHead) // Previous was the original next
// ------------------------------------
// Iterator functions -----------------
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator::difference_type List<T>::iterator::operator-(const iterator& other) const {
difference_type result{};
Node* nptr = head;
int indexThis{ -1 }, indexOther{ -1 }, index{};
do {
nptr = nptr->next;
if (nptr == iter)
indexThis = index;
if (nptr == other.iter)
indexOther = index;
} while (nptr != head);
if (indexThis >= 0 and indexOther >= 0)
result = indexThis - indexOther;
return result;
template <typename T>
typename List<T>::iterator::reference List<T>::iterator::operator[] (const size_t index) {
Node* nptr = head->next;
for (size_t i{}; i < index and nptr != head; ++i, nptr = nptr->next)
return nptr->data;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This would be in a cpp file --------------------------------------------------------------------
int main() {
// std::list works
std::list<int> list1{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
std::cout << std::distance(list1.end(), list1.begin()) << '\n';
// Custom list
List<int> list2{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Delta works
std::cout << list2.begin() - list2.end() << '\n';
std::cout << list2.end() - list2.begin() << '\n';
// Hopp Count works
List<int>::iterator i = list2.end();
int counter = 0;
while (i != list2.end()) {
std::cout << counter << '\n';
// Distance will go into endless loop ****************************
std::cout << std::distance(list2.end(), list2.begin()) << '\n';
Based on the good comment of AlanBirtles, I found the bug.
I build in (already in the first versions) a wrong additional sentinel for the pre increment and pre decrement operator of the iterator.
The correct version is:
iterator operator++() { iter = iter->next; return *this; }
iterator operator--() { iter = iter->previous; return *this; }
I originally planned to delete the question, but because of the superb comments, I will leave it. Thank you.
// Distance will go into endless loop ****************************
std::cout << std::distance(list2.end(), list2.begin()) << '\n';
should be:
// Distance will go into endless loop ****************************
std::cout << std::distance(list2.begin(), list2.end()) << '\n';
What you do here is start from the end and increase the iterator until it reaches the beginning. This is an endless loop

Not maintaining iterator dereferenceability?

Here is a first attempt at iterator of a doubly linked list:
#ifndef dlist_h
#define dlist_h
/* Node */
template <class Elem>
struct Link
Link (Link<Elem>* s, Link<Elem>* p, const Elem& v);
Link (const Link<Elem>& src);
Link<Elem>& operator= (const Link<Elem>& src);
bool operator== (const Link<Elem>& src);
bool operator!= (const Link<Elem>& src);
void swap(Link<Elem>& src);
Link* succ;
Link* prev;
Elem val;
/* Doubly Linked List */
template <class Elem>
class List
class iterator;
iterator begin() { return iterator(first, first, last); }
iterator end() { return iterator(last, first, last); }
void push_front(const Elem& v);
Elem& front();
size_t size();
void print();
Link<Elem> *first;
Link<Elem> *last;
/* a range-checked bidirectional iterator */
template <class Elem>
class List<Elem>::iterator
iterator(); // default constructor
iterator(Link<Elem>* c, Link<Elem>* b, Link<Elem>* e);
iterator(const iterator& src); // copy constructor
iterator operator= (const iterator& src); // copy assignment
iterator& operator++(); // incrementations
iterator operator++(int); // postfix
iterator& operator--(); // decrementations
iterator operator--(int); // postfix
Elem& operator*(); // dereferenceable lvalue
const Elem& operator*() const; // dereferenceable rvalue
bool operator== (const iterator& b) const; // equality comparisons
bool operator!= (const iterator& b) const;
void swap(iterator& src);
Link<Elem>* curr;
Link<Elem>* begin;
Link<Elem>* end;
#include "dlist.cpp"
template <class Elem>
: succ(nullptr), prev(nullptr), val(Elem())
template <class Elem>
Link<Elem>::Link (Link<Elem>* s, Link<Elem>* p, const Elem& v)
: succ(s), prev(p), val(v)
template <class Elem>
Link<Elem>::Link (const Link<Elem>& src)
: succ(src.succ), prev(src.prev), val(src.val)
template <class Elem>
Link<Elem>& Link<Elem>::operator= (const Link<Elem>& src)
Link<Elem> temp(src);
swap(*this, temp);
return *this;
template <class Elem>
bool Link<Elem>::operator== (const Link<Elem>& src)
return succ = src.succ && prev = src.prev;
template <class Elem>
bool Link<Elem>::operator!= (const Link<Elem>& src)
return !(*this == src);
template <class Elem>
void Link<Elem>::swap(Link<Elem>& src)
std::swap(prev, src.prev);
std::swap(succ, src.succ);
std::swap(val, src.val);
template<class Elem>
void swap(Link<Elem>& lhs, Link<Elem>& rhs)
template<class Elem>
: first(new Link<Elem>()), last(first)
template<class Elem>
void List<Elem>::push_front(const Elem& v)
first = new Link<Elem>(first, nullptr, v);
template<class Elem>
Elem& List<Elem>::front()
return first->val;
template<class Elem>
size_t List<Elem>::size()
size_t count = 0;
for (iterator p = begin(); p != end(); ++p)
return count;
template<class Elem>
void List<Elem>::print()
for (iterator p = begin(); p != end(); ++p)
std::cout << *p <<' ';
template<class Elem>
: curr(nullptr), begin(nullptr), end(nullptr)
template<class Elem>
List<Elem>::iterator::iterator(Link<Elem>* p, Link<Elem>* b, Link<Elem>* e)
: curr(p), begin(b), end(e)
template<class Elem>
List<Elem>::iterator::iterator(const iterator& src)
: curr(src.curr), begin(src.begin), end(src.end)
template<class Elem>
typename List<Elem>::iterator List<Elem>::iterator::operator= (const iterator& src)
iterator temp(src);
return *this;
template<class Elem>
typename List<Elem>::iterator& List<Elem>::iterator::operator++()
if (curr == end)
throw std::out_of_range("List<Elem>::iterator::operator++(): out of range!\n");
curr = curr->succ;
return *this;
template<class Elem>
typename List<Elem>::iterator List<Elem>::iterator::operator++(int)
if (curr == end)
throw std::out_of_range("List<Elem>::iterator::operator++(): out of range!\n");
Link<Elem>* old = curr;
curr = curr->succ;
return old;
template<class Elem>
typename List<Elem>::iterator& List<Elem>::iterator::operator--()
if (curr == begin)
throw std::out_of_range("List<Elem>::iterator::operator--(): out of range!\n");
curr = curr->prev;
return *this;
template<class Elem>
typename List<Elem>::iterator List<Elem>::iterator::operator--(int)
if (curr == begin)
throw std::out_of_range("List<Elem>::iterator::operator--(): out of range!\n");
iterator old(*this);
curr = curr->prev;
return old;
template<class Elem>
Elem& List<Elem>::iterator::operator*()
return curr->val;
template<class Elem>
const Elem& List<Elem>::iterator::operator*() const
return curr->val;
template<class Elem>
bool List<Elem>::iterator::operator== (const iterator& b) const
return curr == b.curr;
template<class Elem>
bool List<Elem>::iterator::operator!= (const iterator& b) const
return curr != b.curr;
template<class Elem>
void List<Elem>::iterator::swap(iterator& src)
std::swap(curr, src.curr);
std::swap(begin, src.begin);
std::swap(end, src.end);
template<class Elem>
void swap(typename List<Elem>::iterator& lhs, typename List<Elem>::iterator& rhs)
#include <iostream>
#include "dlist.h"
/* simple test for iterator */
int main()
List<int> l;
// default constructor, copy assignment
List<int>::iterator p = l.begin();
// lvalue dereferencing
*p = 100;
// incrementation, rvalue dereferencing
List<int>::iterator i;
for (i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i)
std::cout << *i <<' ';
if (i == l.end() && i != l.begin())
std::cout <<"\ncomparison correct!\n";
// postfix and prefix decrementation; maintain dereferenceability
List<int>::iterator ii = l.end();
for (; ii != l.begin(); ii--)
std::cout << *ii <<' ';
return 0;
When it reaches the last for loop the decrement operator-- somehow invalidates the ii iterator and I can't figure it out despite a thoroughIMO debugging.
Here is a runnable sample.
The problem is your push_front method, you forgot to link first->succ->prev back to new node, hence your doubly linked list is basically a singly linked list
The first i-- succeed because last points to a default node, but curr->prev is a nullptr since you forgot to link back, so the next i-- will deref the nullptr curr cause the error.
Fix your push_front method:
template<class Elem>
void List<Elem>::push_front(const Elem& v)
first = new Link<Elem>(first, nullptr, v);
first->succ->prev = first; //link back
Your constructor for Link does not properly update the elements given as arguments. Inserting an element between two elements breaks the previous link.
This is a more appropriate constructor :
template <class Elem>
Link<Elem>::Link(Link<Elem>* s, const Elem& v)
: succ(s), prev(s->prev), val(v)
// Update next and previous nodes to make them aware of this
s->prev = this;
if(prev) prev->succ = this;
If you update List::push_front to use this constructor instead, you will find that your code compiles and runs.
You should consider making methods const when appropriate to avoid mistakes (or to spot existing onw them in the case of bool operator== (const Link<Elem>& src) const). Link.

Implementation my own List and iterator STL C++

Hi everyone,
I'm having problems implementing my own List with iterator for the project at Univeristy. What should I do for correct iterating over loop? Could somebody help me? Sory for my English if is incorrect.
#ifndef __List__
#define __List__
template <class type>
class List
struct Node
type value;
Node* next;
Node* root;
class iterator
typedef iterator self_type;
typedef Node& reference;
typedef Node* pointer;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef int difference_type;
iterator(pointer ptr) : ptr_(ptr) { }
self_type operator++() { self_type i = *this->ptr_->next; return i; }
self_type operator++(int junk) { ptr_++; return *this; }
reference operator*() { return ptr_; }
type operator->() { return ptr->value; }
bool operator==(const self_type& rhs) { return ptr_ == rhs.ptr_; }
bool operator!=(const self_type& rhs) { return ptr_ != rhs.ptr_; }
pointer ptr_;
class const_iterator
typedef const_iterator self_type;
typedef type value_type;
typedef Node& reference;
typedef Node* pointer;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
const_iterator(pointer ptr) : ptr_(ptr) { }
self_type operator++() { self_type i = *this->ptr_->next; return i; }
self_type operator++(int junk) { ptr_++; return *this; }
const reference operator*() { return *ptr_; }
const type operator->() { return ptr->value; }
bool operator==(const self_type& rhs) { return ptr_ == rhs.ptr_; }
bool operator!=(const self_type& rhs) { return ptr_ != rhs.ptr_; }
pointer ptr_;
List(std::initializer_list<type> vals);
iterator begin()
return iterator(root);
iterator end()
return iterator(nullptr);
const_iterator begin() const
return const_iterator(root);
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(nullptr);
Node* last();
void push_back(type obj);
template <class type>
root = nullptr;
template <class type>
List<type>::List(std::initializer_list<type> vals)
root = nullptr;
for (auto& elem : vals)
template <class type>
template <class type>
typename List<type>::Node* List<type>::last()
Node* tmp = root;
while (tmp->next != nullptr)
tmp = tmp->next;
return tmp;
template <class type>
void List<type>::push_back(type obj)
Node* tmp = new Node;
tmp->value = obj;
tmp->next = nullptr;
if (root == nullptr)
root = tmp;
Node* l = last();
l->next = tmp;
I would like to iterate over my List like the first loop or even the second.
int main()
List<Product*> ProductBase{ new Product("Lubella Spaghetti 500 g", 10.0, 3.1, 0.23, 1), new Product("Nescafé Gold Blend 200 g", 20.0, 1.2, 0.23, 1) };
for (auto i = ProductBase.begin(); i != ProductBase.end(); ++i)
for (auto elem : ProductBase)
In the operator++ of the iterator and const_iterator you need to add
_ptr = ptr_->next
and I would rather not implement
self_type operator++(int junk)
in the iterator class. List iterators typically can only advance one step forward.
Also, in the const_iterator, make sure you only return const pointers, so that the compiler will issue an error if the caller tries to use the const_iterator to mutate the list.