How efficient is iterating through an unordered_set? - c++

Does iterating through an unordered_set require looking through each bucket of the hash table? If so, wouldn't that be very inefficient? If I want to frequently iterate over a set but still need remove in O(1) time is unordered_set still the best data structure to use?

As it happens, common implementations of std::unordered:set link all elements together much as a std::forward_list does, so traversing the container is basically equivalent to traversing a list (details here). In any case, when in doubt profile your program and see if results meet your needs.

Will iterating through a hash table be slower than iterating through a vector? Yes. A vector will store its elements contiguously; hash tables need some way to identify if a bucket contains data or not. Some hash tables give each bucket a linked list of values that map to the same bucket; others use other methods. Either way, an unordered_set iterator needs to look at each bucket and determine if its empty. That's not as fast as pointer arithmetic.
However, I would not classify the extra time spent looking at empty buckets as "very inefficient". Just because it's not as fast as a sorted vector doesn't mean it's inefficient. You still have cache coherency on your side, since buckets probably don't take up that much memory, and testing for an empty one is just a single cached memory fetch.
In the end, every data structure has tradeoffs. If you want O(1) lookup and removal, a hash table is the only way to get that. That means iteration is going to take longer than it would for a vector. But not as long as it would for a set.

Hash tables store data in a vector and everything is indexed by converting the key into a hash number (typically a long) which becomes the index in the vector of the desired element, there are also hash tables using vectors inside vectors to do this.
If you iterate through an std::unordered_set it has only cost O(n) because it's like iterating through a std::vector


C++/STL Structure for Indexed Linked List (Indices in Hash Table)

I'm looking for a way to remember locations in a doubly-linked list (in hash tables or other data structures).
In C, I would add prev and next pointers to my struct. Then, I could store references to elements of my struct wherever I wanted, and refer to them later. I need only maintain these prev/next pointers to manipulate my linked list, and stored references to locations in the list will stay updated.
What is the C++ approach to this problem?
The end goal is an data structure (which is sequenced, but not ordered, i.e. no comparison function exists, but they are relatively sequenced based on where they are inserted). I need to cheaply insert, delete, move objects as the structure grows. But I also need to cheaply look up each element by some key unrelated to the ordering, and I look up meaningful locations (like head, tail, and various checkpoints in the structure called slices). I need to be able to traverse the sequenced list after looking up a starting place by key or by slice.
Head and tail will be free. I was planning a hash table that maps the keys to list elements, and another hash table that maps slices to list elements.
I asked a more specific question related to this here:
Using Both Map and List for Same Objects
The conclusion I made was that I would need to maintain both a List and various Maps pointing to the same data to get the performance I need. But doing this by storing iterators in C++ seemed subpar. Instead it seemed easier to reimplement linked list (building it into my class) and using STL maps to point to data.
I was hoping for some input about which is a more fruitful route, or if there is some third plan that better meets my needs. My assumption is that the STL implementation of unordered_map is faster than anything I would implement, but I could match or beat the performance of list since I'm only using a subset of its functionality.
More precise description of my data/performance requirements:
Data will come in with a unique key. I will add it into a queue.
I'll need to update/move/remove/delete this data in O(1) based on its unique key.
I'll need to insert new data/read data based on metadata stored in other data structures.
I was speaking imprecisely when I said very large list above. The list will definitely fit into memory. Space is cheap enough that it is worth using other data structures to index this list.
I understand your requirements as being:
the data has a unique key
update/move/remove/delete this data in constant time, using its unique key
According to this the best fit would be the unodered_map: It works with a key, and uses a hash table to access the elements. In average insert, find, update is constant time (thanks to the hash table), unless the hash function is not appropriate (i.e. worst case if all elements would yield the same hash value, you would have linear time, as in a list, due to the colisions).
This seems also to match your initial intention:
Head and tail will be free. I was planning a hash table that maps the
keys to list elements, and another hash table that maps slices to list
Edit: If you need also to master sequencing of elements, independently of their key, you'd need to build a combined container, based on a list and an unordered_map which associates the key to an iterator to the element in the list. You'd then have to manage synchronisation, for example:
insert element: get iterator by inserting element into list, then add the iterator to the unordered_map using the element's key.
remove element: find iterator to element by searching for the key in the unordered_map, erase element in the list using this iterator, and finally erase the key in the unordered_map.
find element: find iterator to element by searching for the key in the unordered_map
sequential iteration: use the iterator to the begin of the list.
I'd route you to STL containers to browse... but when you write word 'very large' (and I'm currently Big Data professional) everything changes.
Nobody usually gives you good advice for scalability but ... here are points.
What is 'very large' in your case? Does std::list fit your needs? Before 3rd paragraph everything looks suitable if you are not too large. Do your structure fits in memory?
How about your structure aligned to memory manager? Simply C-like list with 'prev' and 'next' has serious disadvantage - every element usually is allocated from memory manager. If you are large, this matters and gives your memory over-usage.
What do you expect to be element external reference? If you use pointers - you loose ability to perform optimization on your structure. But probably you don't need it.
Actually you definitely need to consider some 'pools' management if you are really large and indices in such pools can be pretty good references if you modify your structure intensively.
Please consider about large twice. If you mean really large - you need special solution. Especially if your data is larger than your memory. If you are not so large - why not start with just std:list? When you answer to this question, probably your life could be much more easy ;-).

What container to choose for fast search/insert with huge amounts of data?

So it's a thought experiment. I want to have a huge collection of structures such as:
KeyType key;
ValueType value;
And I need fast access by a key and fast insertion of new values.
I would not use std::map cuz it has too big memory overhead for one structure and for huge amounts of data it might be drastical. Right?
So next I would consider using sorted std::vector and binary_search. It's fine for searching, but adding new values to the vector would be too slow. Imagine you need to add a new value to the beginning of the sorted array, you'd have to move data right aaaaaAAAALOT!
What if I use deque? As I know it has O(1) for push_back/push_front, but still O(n) for inserting (as it would have to move data anyway, less data though).
The questions are:
1) Is O(n) of inserting data in deque much faster in real situation than O(n) in vector?
2) What happens when you insert a value to Deque and the bucket it should go into is full?
3) Is there another preferable type of container in case you need to store lots of data and need two fast operations: search and insertion?
I would not use std::map cuz it has too big memory overhead for one structure and for huge amounts of data it might be drastical. Right?
That depends on the size of your structs... the bigger they are the less the overheads are as a proportion of the overall memory use. For example, a std::map implementation might average say 20 bytes of housekeeping data per element (I just made that up - measure on your own system), so if your struct size is in the hundreds of bytes - who cares...? But, if the struct holds 2 ints, it's a big proportion....
So next I would consider using sorted std::vector and binary_search. It's fine for searching, but adding new values to the vector would be too slow. Imagine you need to add a new value to the beginning of the sorted array, you'd have to move data right aaaaaAAAALOT!
Totally unsuitable....
1) Is O(n) of inserting data in deque much faster in real situation than O(n) in vector?
As deque is likely implemented as a vector of fixed-sized arrays, insertion implies a shuffling of all elements towards the nearest end of the container. The shuffling's probably a tiny bit less cache efficient, but if inserting nearer the front of the container it would likely still end up faster.
2) What happens when you insert a value to Deque and the bucket it should go into is full?
As above, it'll need to shuffle, overflowing either:
the last element to become the first element of the next "bucket", moving all those elements along and overflowing into the next bucket, etc.
the first element to become the last element of the previous bucket, moving all those elements along and overflowing into the next bucket, etc.
3) Is there another preferable type of container in case you need to store lots of data and need two fast operations: search and insertion?
unordered_map, which is implemented as a hash map. If you have small objects (e.g. less than 20 or 30 bytes) or a firm cap on the number of elements, you can normally easily outperform unordered_map with custom code, but it's rarely worth the effort unless the table access dominates you application's performance, and that performance is critical.
3) Is there another preferable type of container in case you need to store lots of data and need two fast operations: search and insertion?
Consider using std::unordered_map, which is an implementation of a hash map. Insertion, lookup, and removal are all O(1) in the average case. This assumes that you will only ever look for an item based on its exact key; if your searches can have different constraints then you either need a different structure, or you need multiple maps to map the various keys you will search for to the corresponding object.
This requires that there is an available hash function for KeyType, either as part of the standard library or provided by you.
There's no container which would provide the best of all the worlds to you. Like you are saying you want best lookup/insertion with minimum amount of space needed for storing elements.
Below if the list of containers which you could consider for your implementation:-
1) Space is allocated only for holding data.
2) Good for random access.
3) Container of choice if insertions/deletions are not in the middle of the container.
1) poor performance if insertions/deletions are at the middle.
2) rellocations happen if reserve is not used properly.
Choose deque over vector in case insertions/deletions are at the beginning as well as end of the container.
Disadvantage over vector:-
1) more space is allocated for holding pointers.
Advantages over vector:-
1) better insertions/deletions/lookup as compared to vector.
If std::unordered_map is used then these dictionary operations would be amortized O(1).
Firstly, in order to directly answer your questions:
1) Is O(n) of inserting data in deque much faster in real situation
than O(n) in vector?
The number of elements that have to be moved is (on average) only half compared to vector. However, it can actually perform worse as the data is stored in non-contiguous memory, so copying/moving the same number of elements is much less efficient (it cannot e.g. be implemented in terms of a single memcopy operation).
2) What happens when you insert a value to Deque and the bucket it
should go into is full?
At least for the gnu gcc Libstdc++ implementation, every bucket except the first and last one is always full. I believe, that inserting in the middle means that all elements are moved/copied one slot to the closer end (front or back) and the effect ripples through all buckets until the first or last one is reached.
In summary, the only scenario, where std::deque is consistently better than vector is if you use it as (suprise) a queue (only inserting and removing elements from the front or end) and that's what the implementation is optimized for. It is not optimized for insertions in the middle.
3) Is there another preferable type of container in case you need to
store lots of data and need two fast operations: search and insertion?
As already stated by others: A hash table like std::unordered_map is the data structure you are looking for.
From what I've heard however, std::unordered_map is a slightly suboptimal implementation if it, as it uses buckets in order to resolve hash collisions and those buckets are implemented as linked lists (here is a very interesting talk from Chandler Carruth on the general topic of the performance of different data structures). For random access on big data structures, cache locality should matter a lot less, so this is probably not such a big issue in your case.
Finally I'd like to mention that if your value and key types are small PODs and depending on how big your huge collection is (are we talking about some million or rather billions of elements) and how often you actually have to insert/remove elements, there might still be cases, where a simple std::vector outperforms any other STL container. So as always: if your thought experiment ever becomes reality try out and measure.

C++ Data Structure that would be best to hold a large list of names

Can you share your thoughts on what the best STL data structure would be for storing a large list of names and perform searches on these names?
The names are not unique and the list can grow as new names can continuously added to it. And by large I am talking of from 1 million to 10 million names.
Since you want to search names, you want a structure that support fast random access. That means vector, deque and list are all out of the question. Also, vector/array are slow on random adds/inserts for sorted sets because they have to shift items to make room for each inserted item. Adding to end is very fast, though.
Consider std::map, std::unordered_map or std::unordered_multimap (or their siblings std::set, std::unordered_set and std::unordered_multiset if you are only storing keys).
If you are purely going to do unique, random access, I'd start with one of the unordered_* containers.
If you need to store an ordered list of names, and need to do range searches/iteration and sorted operations, a tree based container like std::map or std::set should do better with the iteration operation than a hash based container because the former will store items adjacent to their logical predecessors and successors. For random access, it is O(log N) which is still decent.
Prior to std::unordered_*, I used std::map to hold large numbers of objects for an object cache and though there are faster random access containers, it scaled well enough for our uses. The newer unordered_map has O(1) access time so it is a hashed structure and should give you the near best access times.
You can consider the possibility of using concatenation of those names using a delimiter but the searching might take a hit. You would need to come up with a adjusted binary searching.
But you should try the obvious solution first which is a hashmap which is called unordered_map in stl. See if that meets your needs. Searching should be plenty fast there but at a cost of memory.

Is there a container in STL or Boost that retains sorted values after modification?

I would like to retain a running tally of ids and sizes, which are modified individually and accessible by id, as well as in order of size. Using the STL, the only things I can think of are:
set<pair<int,int>,custom_comp> in which I remove and reinsert the pair every time I modify it. Big downside: can't be accessed by id, so O(N) to access anything because the hash table isn't being used and I have to iterate through everything to find by id...
unordered_map<int,int> in which I just dump and sort (or search for max if that's all I need) when I need them in order. Big downside, O(N) to get the max, O(N log(N)) to sort (presumably).
Not the end of the world but it would be nice if there was a priority_queue-like container that allowed access to the whole heap or a map-like container that would re-sort (by value) on modification. Does such a thing exist in STL? In Boost? If not, why not? (At least that way, I'd learn something about data-structures even if I have to use a messy solution)
Boost MultiIndex let you maintain a collection of element order by multiple key element, in your case you could use the two interesting data (id and order of size) as he key used to sort the multiindex and the data structure allow inplace replacement of elements (even changing keys, if keys are changed the replacement performances is O(log N) and no O(1) as in other data).

Is there a linked hash set in C++?

Java has a LinkedHashSet, which is a set with a predictable iteration order. What is the closest available data structure in C++?
Currently I'm duplicating my data by using both a set and a vector. I insert my data into the set. If the data inserted successfully (meaning data was not already present in the set), then I push_back into the vector. When I iterate through the data, I use the vector.
If you can use it, then a Boost.MultiIndex with sequenced and hashed_unique indexes is the same data structure as LinkedHashSet.
Failing that, keep an unordered_set (or hash_set, if that's what your implementation provides) of some type with a list node in it, and handle the sequential order yourself using that list node.
The problems with what you're currently doing (set and vector) are:
Two copies of the data (might be a problem when the data type is large, and it means that your two different iterations return references to different objects, albeit with the same values. This would be a problem if someone wrote some code that compared the addresses of the "same" elements obtained in the two different ways, expecting the addresses to be equal, or if your objects have mutable data members that are ignored by the order comparison, and someone writes code that expects to mutate via lookup and see changes when iterating in sequence).
Unlike LinkedHashSet, there is no fast way to remove an element in the middle of the sequence. And if you want to remove by value rather than by position, then you have to search the vector for the value to remove.
set has different performance characteristics from a hash set.
If you don't care about any of those things, then what you have is probably fine. If duplication is the only problem then you could consider keeping a vector of pointers to the elements in the set, instead of a vector of duplicates.
To replicate LinkedHashSet from Java in C++, I think you will need two vanilla std::map (please note that you will get LinkedTreeSet rather than the real LinkedHashSet instead which will get O(log n) for insert and delete) for this to work.
One uses actual value as key and insertion order (usually int or long int) as value.
Another ones is the reverse, uses insertion order as key and actual value as value.
When you are going to insert, you use std::map::find in the first std::map to make sure that there is no identical object exists in it.
If there is already exists, ignore the new one.
If it does not, you map this object with the incremented insertion order to both std::map I mentioned before.
When you are going to iterate through this by order of insertion, you iterate through the second std::map since it will be sorted by insertion order (anything that falls into the std::map or std::set will be sorted automatically).
When you are going to remove an element from it, you use std::map::find to get the order of insertion. Using this order of insertion to remove the element from the second std::map and remove the object from the first one.
Please note that this solution is not perfect, if you are planning to use this on the long-term basis, you will need to "compact" the insertion order after a certain number of removals since you will eventually run out of insertion order (2^32 indexes for unsigned int or 2^64 indexes for unsigned long long int).
In order to do this, you will need to put all the "value" objects into a vector, clear all values from both maps and then re-insert values from vector back into both maps. This procedure takes O(nlogn) time.
If you're using C++11, you can replace the first std::map with std::unordered_map to improve efficiency, you won't be able to replace the second one with it though. The reason is that std::unordered map uses a hash code for indexing so that the index cannot be reliably sorted in this situation.
You might wanna know that std::map doesn't give you any sort of (log n) as in "null" lookup time. And using std::tr1::unordered is risky business because it destroys any ordering to get constant lookup time.
Try to bash a boost multi index container to be more freely about it.
The way you described your combination of std::set and std::vector sounds like what you should be doing, except by using std::unordered_set (equivalent to Java's HashSet) and std::list (doubly-linked list). You could also use std::unordered_map to store the key (for lookup) along with an iterator into the list where to find the actual objects you store (if the keys are different from the objects (or only a part of them)).
The boost library does provide a number of these types of combinations of containers and look-up indices. For example, this bidirectional list with fast look-ups example.