How to link bigcartel subdomain to dugway barebones site - bigcartel

Hello I am trying to learn how to develop big cartel themes with the dugway api and I am having trouble linking to the subdomain of a companies current products. Per the documentation it says I need to put in the subdomain in the config file.
This is what I have tried so far, in the dugway.json file I have this "store": {
"subdomain": "kounterfitklothing"
and then restarting the dugway server. Once I do that and refresh the page I still see the dugway barebones page.
I also tried adding options[:store] = 'kounterfitklothing' to the file and nothing happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I can confirm that with the latest version, inserting this into the dugway.json file will load the store properly ( is no longer used for loading the store):
"store": {
"subdomain": "kounterfitklothing"
It could be ignoring the setting if you're missing the first set of open/close braces as well, so double check that - and make sure you're using the latest version of Dugway as well.

I figured it out, I didn't remove the comma after the curly brace.


WebKitGtk doesn't load local files

I've tried loading a local html file using webkit_web_view_load_uri() with a file:// URL. However, the webview would display a blank page. To circumvent this, I tried using webkit_web_view_load_html() and it worked correctly.
Now that I'm trying to load some images in the html using the <img> tag, the images aren't loaded (It displays a blank page).
I'm puzzled because I tried before (~ 2 months ago) a similar method and it worked.
Note: I copied the contents of the generated HTML into a file and loaded it with Firefox and it worked as it should (The images are visible), but with another WebKitGtk application I had lying around the images didn't load.
Note: I'm using C++ as the main programming language (I'd prefer having C++ types in the solutions only if possible)
Note: I have set webkit_settings_set_allow_file_access_from_file_urls() and webkit_settings_set_allow_universal_access_from_file_urls() to TRUE
Ok, I've managed to solve this. The solution had NOTHING to do with webkitgtk, which is strange. It seems that the application was trying to download the page instead of loading it. This traces to a faulty MIME type database.
Execute this:
rm ~/.local/share/mime/packages/user-extension-html.xml
update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime
and use webkit_web_view_load_uri() instead of webkit_web_view_load_html() with a file:// URI
I had the same problem in C. You have to explicitly set file:// as base_uri when you call webkit_web_view_load_html().
See also answer here

Webpack watch not working on Webstorm on Windows?

So basically I have a project using Webpack, if I build using Webpack -w, editing the file with another editor will trigger the watch; however if I edit the file using Webstorm, nothing will happen.
I have came across this post, which seems I'm not the only one, however that solution is for Ubuntu, so I was wondering if there is anything similar for Windows?
Seems Webpack watch doesn't work if the file is not saved directly. Please try turning 'Safe write' option ( Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Use "safe write" (save changes to temporary file first)) off.
In 2020.* the option name is Back up files before saving
Also make sure you use Node's path construction instead of slashes. Example:
entry: {
'MyPackage': path.join(__dirname, 'modules', 'PkgEntry.js'),
instead of:
entry: {
'MyPackage': '\\modules\\PkgEntry.js'),
Had the same issue today. And accepted answer didn't help me.
Check this page and try to increase your Inotify Watches Limit. Helped me.

Grunt - change asset linking when building for production

I've built a mobile version of an existing website. The site I've built is completely static and relies only on HTML/CSS/JS. This site resides on the same server as the desktop version and is served from under as a subdirectory. As such, I've set the <base> tag to:
<base href="">
The only access I get to the existing site is via FTP, so I don't have too many options to reconfigure the already existing server. And I don't want to either.
My mobile version is only somewhat functioning - all the <script> and <link> tags inside index.html correctly point to{js,css,img}, while links used inside js or css files look up to the top domain (e.g - instead of
I can manually copy all the assets for the links to work, but since this is a Grunt project I figured there might be a smarter way to do this.
So, how can I have all internal asset links in js or scss files change when building (grunt build)? Something like:
// in dev
body {
background: url('/img/image.png') top left no-repeat;
// after building
body {
background: url('/mobile/img/image.png') top left no-repeat;
See grunt-replace or grunt-string-replace as tools that can help with this.
You could use either of these within your build task to process the changes you need.
The hardest part will be writing an accurate regex, but there are many regex testers/builders online that can help if you aren't expert at that.
Also, while .htaccess is a great idea for Apache based sites, it doesn't help if you are on Windows or on a cloud hosting solution that doesn't honor it.

Dajaxice: Having trouble getting Dajaxice working

I know, I know, the first thing you are thinking is to check all of the instructions online and on
Well I have checked and checked and rerun this installation and I cannot figure out what the problem is. I assume it has something to do with the version of Dajaxice I am using and the version the installation instructions are, but those details are usually missing.
At this point in the process, I have everything setup to accomplish a very simple task. Load a webpage from the IP:8000 (ie and have that page load a simple html form button. Once that button is pressed, the page should then send a mesage (using dajaxice) to the server, and once it returns an alert box will pop up, proving that the dajaxice install is working.
So, I have:
Installed Dajaxice (and dajax for that matter), by getting the zip from here: github [dot] com/jorgebastida/django-dajaxice/
Changed everything in a basic Django project to follow the details in this tutorial:
I have setup all of the details of, and index.html to work with this example: django-dajaxice [dot] readthedocs [dot] org/en/latest/quickstart.html
PS Sorry for the "[dot]"s, but being a new registered user they limit you to 2 per post, so I tried to give you the best links clickable.
I am stumped. I have been trying many different things, but the documentation available seems so sporadic. It's gotta be something simple I am messing up, but I cannot seem to find it.
Currently, the "Say Hello!" button shows up on the screen, but nothing happens when you press it. Any ideas?
Here is a link to the zip file of the Django project I am working with here:
The way I have it all organized, DjangoAjax is just the folder containing the Django project. ajax_prac is the project, and practice is an app. Also you'll see a folder called django_media...that's pretty self explanatory, it just holds all the "media" for my Django projects, including jquery.js and jquery.dajax.core.js
If there are some details that I have smudged in the code, contrary to the installation guide, I apologize. I have been working through so many iterations of this, that it is likely I could've forgotten to change something back when making this post.
Can anyone help?
All the documentation weirdness is probably related with the new release I made yesterday (8 hours ago). Probably you was using an old version of dajaxice reading the new documentation.
I've release django-dajaxice (0.5) and django-dajax (0.9.1), both fully compatible with the last version of Django (1.4.1).
For this release I've also rewrite both documentations and hosted them on readthedocs. Also, code is now opensource so everybody can read the code and see how dajaxice works in production.
example project:
Could you please upgrade to django-dajaxice (0.5) follow the new installation steps (quite similar and post here any traceback/issue you could have?
In your example code ( DjangoAjax / ajax_prac / templatedirectory / practice / index.html):
<input type="button" value="Send message to server!"
Should be:
<input type="button" value="Send message to server!"
I.e. It must reference a Python module that contains your registered Dajaxice view. And according to your sample code, ajax_prac.practice.views exists while ajax.sayhello does not.
Also the Python module must be prefaced with "Dajaxice" (which is probably a significant source of confusion).

URL routing process works on one web, not another. 100% processor usage

I thought I have URL routing under control as it works well on one website but found out it is not working fine on another. Both websites run from same server, same IIS 6.0, same asp_isapi.dll.
SETUP 1: This one works well:
routes.MapPageRoute("Article SEO",
new RouteValueDictionary { },
new RouteValueDictionary { { "sid", #"^([a-zA-Z\-]*)+([a-zA-Z])+(.html)$" } }
SETUP 2: But this one, very similar is not working well:
new RouteValueDictionary { },
new RouteValueDictionary { { "sid", #"^([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*)+([a-zA-Z0-9])+(.html)$" } }
Testing Regex in the Regex Coach shows that they are written correctly, I mean they both catch good or wrong strings.
URL I use for the second one is http://address/page/some-html-keywords.html. If I specify URL like this it works well.
Problem is if I change .html extension for something like .htmls or .anything it completely kills web server. I have 100% process usage. I dont understand why and how, I dont have this problem with first setup. I can change it for whatever I want and it either shows page because I have correct format or shows 404 page not found.
Some examples:
http://address/page - 404 page, working correctly
http://address/page/test.html - accepted, working correctly
http://address/page/testing_#.html - 404 page, working correctly
http://address/page/test.htmls - wont show page, hanging, 100% process usage, not working correctly
http://address/page/test.whatever - wont show page, hanging, 100% process usage, not working correctly
http://address/page/page.aspx - redirects, working correctly
The same setup (with different Regex check) works well on other website within same IIS 6.0. Both use same asp_isapi.dll file.
I just dont get it. I have tried to comment all code in page.aspx to find out if there was problem with the code within page.aspx but it doesnt matter. It simply hangs with empty page as well. So must be problem with URL routing or isapi.dll or IIS. But other website on same IIS and same machine simply works.
Any opinions?
Thank you
I don't know anything about URL routing
BUT I notice that the regular expression you specify
Looks to be the same in both code samples AND (again, in both examples) ends with a trailing $ (which means end-of-string), which will prohibit anything NOT ending in .html from being matched by that regular expression. To get .htmls you need (.html.*)$, to get .anything you need something like
Also, it probably would be a good idea to esacpe the '.' just before html, like \.html, as reg expressions normally process '.' to mean any single character, which includes the '.' character.
I Hope this helps.
Learn how to analyze ASP.NET high CPU root cause, and then you will find out why,