Getting the Tangent for a Object Space to Texture Space - c++

A university assignment requires me to use the Vertex Coordinates I have to calculate the Normals and the Tangent from the Normal values so that I can create a Object Space to Texture Space Matrix.
I have the code needed to make the Matrix, and the binormal but I don't have the code for calculating the Tangent. I tried to look online, but the answers usually confuse me. Can you explain to me clearly how it works?
EDIT: I have corrected what I wrote previously as clearly I misunderstood the assignment. Thank you everyone for helping me see that.

A tangent in the mathematical sense is a property of a geometric object, not of the normalmap. In case of normalmapping, we are in addition searching for a very specific tangent (there are infinitely many in each point, basically every vector in the plane defined by the normal is a tangent).
But let's go one step back: We want a space where the u-direction of the texture is mapped on the tangent direction, the v-direction on the bitangent/binormal and the up-vector of the normalmap to the normal of the object. Thus the tangent for a triangle (v0, v1, v2) with uv-coordinates (uv1, uv2, uv3) can be calculated as:
dv1 = v1-v0
dv2 = v2-v0
duv1 = uv1-uv0
duv2 = uv2-uv0
r = 1.0f / (duv1.x * duv2.y - duv1.y * duv2.x);
tangent = (dv1 * duv2.y - dv2 * duv1.y) * r;
bitangent = (dv2 * duv1.x - dv1 * duv2.x) * r;
When having this done for all triangles, we have to smooth the tangents at shared vertices (quite similar to what happens with the normal). There are several algorithms for doing this, depending on what you need. One can, for example, weight the tangents by the surface area of the adjacent triangles or by the incident angle of them.
An implementation of this whole calculation can be found [here] along a more detailed explaination: (


placing objects perpendicularly on the surface of a sphere that has a wavy surface

So I have a sphere. It rotates around a given axis and changes its surface by a sin * cos function.
I also have a bunck of tracticoids at fix points on the sphere. These objects follow the sphere while moving (including the rotation and the change of the surface). But I can't figure out how to make them always perpendicular to the sphere. I have the ponts where the tracticoid connects to the surface of the sphere and its normal vector. The tracticoids are originally orianted by the z axis. So I tried to make it's axis to the given normal vector but I just can't make it work.
This is where i calculate M transformation matrix and its inverse:
virtual void SetModelingTransform(mat4& M, mat4& Minv, vec3 n) {
M = ScaleMatrix(scale) * RotationMatrix(rotationAngle, rotationAxis) * TranslateMatrix(translation);
Minv = TranslateMatrix(-translation) * RotationMatrix(-rotationAngle, rotationAxis) * ScaleMatrix(vec3(1 / scale.x, 1 / scale.y, 1 / scale.z));
In my draw function I set the values for the transformation.
_M and _Minv are the matrixes of the sphere so the tracticoids are following the sphere, but when I tried to use a rotation matrix, the tracticoids strated moving on the surface of the sphere.
_n is the normal vector that the tracticoid should follow.
void Draw(RenderState state, float t, mat4 _M, mat4 _Minv, vec3 _n) {
SetModelingTransform(M, Minv, _n);
if (!sphere) {
state.M = M * _M * RotationMatrix(_n.z, _n);
state.Minv = Minv * _Minv * RotationMatrix(-_n.z, _n);
else {
state.M = M;
state.Minv = Minv;
You said your sphere has an axis of rotation, so you should have a vector a aligned with this axis.
Let P = P(t) be the point on the sphere at which your object is positioned. You should also have a vector n = n(t) perpendicular to the surface of the sphere at point P=P(t) for each time-moment t. All vectors are interpreted as column-vectors, i.e. 3 x 1 matrices.
Then, form the matrix
U[][1] = cross(a, n(t)) / norm(cross(a, n(t)))
U[][3] = n(t) / norm(n(t))
U[][2] = cross(U[][3], U[][1])
where for each j=1,2,3 U[][j] is a 3 x 1 vector column. Then
U(t) = [ U[][1], U[][2], U[][3] ]
is a 3 x 3 orthogonal matrix (i.e. it is a 3D rotation around the origin)
For each moment of time t calculate the matrix
M(t) = U(t) * U(0)^T
where ^T is the matrix transposition.
The final transformation that rotates your object from its original position to its position at time t should be
X(t) = P(t) + M(t)*(X - P(0))
I'm not sure if I got your explanations, but here I go.
You have a sphere with a wavy surface. This means that each point on the surface changes its distance to the center of the sphere, like a piece of wood on a wave in the sea changes its distance to the bottom of the sea at that position.
We can tell that the radious R of the sphere is variable at each point/time case.
Now you have a tracticoid (what's a tracticoid?). I'll take it as some object floating on the wave, and following the sphere movements.
Then it seems you're asking as how to make the tracticoid follows both wavy surface and sphere movements.
Well. If we define each movement ("transformation") by a 4x4 matrix it all reduces to combine in the proper order those matrices.
There are some good OpenGL tutorials that teach you about transformations, and how to combine them. See, for example,
To your case, there are several transformations to use.
The sphere spins. You need a rotation matrix, let's call it MSR (matrix sphere rotation) and an axis of rotation, ASR. If the sphere also translates then also a MST is needed.
The surface waves, with some function f(lat, long, time) which calculates for those parameters the increment (signed) of the radious. So, Ri = R + f(la,lo,ti)
For the tracticoid, I guess you have some triangles that define a tracticoid. I also guess those triangles are expressed in a "local" coordinates system whose origin is the center of the tracticoid. Your issue comes when you have to position and rotate the tracticoid, right?
You have two options. The first is to rotate the tracticoid to make if aim perpendicular to the sphere and then translate it to follow the sphere rotation. While perfect mathematically correct, I find this option some complicated.
The best option is to make the tracticoid to rotate and translate exactly as the sphere, as if both would share the same origin, the center of the sphere. And then translate it to its current position.
First part is quite easy: The matrix that defines such transformation is M= MST * MSR, if you use the typical OpenGL axis convention, otherwise you need to swap their order. This M is the common part for all objects (sphere & tracticoids).
The second part requires you have a vector Vn that defines the point in the surface, related to the center of the sphere. You should be able to calculate it with the parameters latitude, longitude and the R obtained by f() above, plus the size/2 of the tracticoid (distance from its center to the point where it touches the wave). Use the components of Vn to build a translation matrix MTT
And now, just get the resultant transformation to use with every vertex of the tracticoid: Mt = MTT * M = MTT * MST * MSR
To render the scene you need other two matrices, for the camera (MV) and for the projection (MP). While Mt is for each tracticoid, MV and MP are the same for all objects, including the sphere itself.

OpenGL How to calculate worldspace coordinates from frustum aligned vectors?

I am a graphics programming beginner working on my own engine and tried to implement frustum-aligned volume rendering.
The idea was to render multiple planes as vertical slices across the view frustum and then use the world coordinates of those planes for procedural volumes.
Rendering the slices as a 3d model and using the vertex positions as worldspace coordinates works perfectly fine:
//Vertex Shader
gl_Position = P*V*vec4(vertexPosition_worldspace,1);
coordinates_worldspace = vertexPosition_worldspace;
However rendering the slices in frustum-space and trying to reverse engineer the world space coordinates doesent give expected results. The closest i got was this:
//Vertex Shader
gl_Position = vec4(vertexPosition_worldspace,1);
coordinates_worldspace = (inverse(V) * inverse(P) * vec4(vertexPosition_worldspace,1)).xyz;
My guess is, that the standard projection matrix somehow gets rid of some crucial depth information, but other than that i have no clue what i am doing wrong and how to fix it.
Well, it is not 100% clear what you mean by "frustum space". I'm going to assume that it does refer to normalized device coordinates in OpenGL, where the view frustum is (by default) the axis-aligned cube -1 <= x,y,z <= 1. I'm also going to assume a perspective projection, so that NDC z coordinate is actually a hyperbolic function of eye space z.
My guess is, that the standard projection matrix somehow gets rid of some crucial depth information, but other than that i have no clue what i am doing wrong and how to fix it.
No, a standard perspective matrix in OpenGL looks like
( sx 0 tx 0 )
( 0 sy ty 0 )
( 0 0 A B )
( 0 0 -1 0 )
When you multiply this by a (x,y,z,1) eye space vector, you get the homogenous clip coordinates. Consider only the
last two lines of the matrix as separate equations:
z_clip = A * z_eye + B
w_clip = -z_eye
Since we do the perspective divide by w_clip to get from clip space to NDC, we end up with
z_ndc = - A - B/z_eye
which is actually the hyperbolically remapped depth information - so that information is completely preserved. (Also note that we do the division also for x and y).
When you calculate inverse(P), you only invert the 4D -> 4D homogenous mapping. But you will get a resulting w that is not 1 again, so here:
coordinates_worldspace = (inverse(V) * inverse(P) * vec4(vertexPosition_worldspace,1)).xyz;
lies your information loss. You just skip the resulting w and use the xyz components as if it were cartesian 3D coordinates, but they are 4D homogenous coordinates representing some 3D point.
The correct approach would be to divide by w:
vec4 coordinates_worldspace = (inverse(V) * inverse(P) * vec4(vertexPosition_worldspace,1));
coordinates_worldspace /= coordinates_worldspace.w

Project a 3D vertex to screen coordinates independently from OpenGL?

I have a vertex (x, y, z) and I want to calculate the screen location where this point would be rendered on my viewport. Something like Ray Picking, just more or less the other way around. I don't think I can use gluProject because at the time I need the projected point my matrices are restored to identities.
I would like to stay independent from OpenGL, so no extra render pass. This way I'm sure it would only be some math like the ray picking thing. I've implemented that one and it works well, so I want to project a vertex the same way.
Of course I have camera pos, up and lookAt vectors and fovy. Is there any source of information about this? Or does anyone know how to work this out?
If your know your matrices (or at least know how to construct them), you can compute screen location for a vertex by multiplying its position with the matrices and then performing viewport transformation:
vProjected = modelViewPojectionMatrix * v;
if (
// check that vertex shouldn't be clipped.
-vProjected.w <= vProjected.x && vProjected.x <= vProjected.w &&
-vProjected.w <= vProjected.y && vProjected.y <= vProjected.w &&
-vProjected.w <= vProjected.z && vProjected.z <= vProjected.w
) {
vProjected /= vProjected.w;
vScreen.x = VIEWPORT_W * vProjected.x / 2 + VIEWPORT_CENTER_X;
vScreen.y = VIEWPORT_H * vProjected.y / 2 + VIEWPORT_CENTER_Y;
Note that, as per OpenGL convention, (0, 0) is lower left corner, not upper left one.
Any math library with verctor and matrix operations can help you with that. For example, mathfu or glm.
UPD. How you can construct modelViewProjectionMatrix given camera position and orientation and projection params? We need two matrices (let's assume that model matrix is just an identity, i.e. vertex positions a given already in world coordinate system). First one would be the view matrix, which takes into account camera position and orientation. Here I'll be using mathfu since I'm more familiar with it, but almost every math library design with 3D graphics in mind has the same functions:
viewMatrix = mathfu::mat4::LookAt(
The second one would be projection matrix:
projectionMatrix = mathfu::mat4::Perspective(fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar);
Now modelViewProjectionMatrix is just a product of those two:
modelViewProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix;
Note that matrix multiplication is not commutative, in other words A * B != B * A. So order in which matrices are multiplied is important.

C++ opengl get new vertex position after glTranslatef

I have a plane in my 3d space and I want to move it somewhere else, so I use glTranslate to do so.
The planes vertex data is: (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (1,1,0) and (0,1,0).
I translate the object to the position of (2,0,0) through the use of glTranslatef(2.0, 0.0, 0.0).
After the translation the point data is unchanged so if I was to want to collide with my plane the visual position is not its actual position.
Is there a way to get the point data from the MODELVIEW_MATRIX or at least a way to find out what the new values are after the glTranslate?
Don't respond with just add 2.0 to the actual values to move it because what if I want to the use glRotate etc. I still want the points locations.
If you really don't want to maintain your own transformation matrix, you can get the current modelview matrix with:
GLfloat mat[16];
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mat);
You can then apply this matrix to your vertices with a standard matrix multiplication. Keep in mind that the matrix is arranged in column-major order. With an input vector xIn, the transformed vector xOut is:
xOut[0] = mat[0] * xIn[0] + mat[4] * xIn[1] + mat[8] * xIn[2] + mat[12];
xOut[1] = mat[1] * xIn[0] + mat[5] * xIn[1] + mat[9] * xIn[2] + mat[13];
xOut[2] = mat[2] * xIn[0] + mat[6] * xIn[1] + mat[10] * xIn[2] + mat[14];
Keeping track of the current transformation matrix in your own code is really a better approach, IMHO. Aside from eliminating glGet() calls, which can be harmful to performance, it gets you on a path to using modern OpenGL (Core Profile), where the matrix stack and all related calls do not exist anymore.
You can create a matrix from your translation and rotation, so that you can use the matrix to transform the coordinates.
There're many libraries to help you create such matrix and transform coordinates.

Collada skinning

I hope you can help me. My problem is with the collada's skinning equation:
v += {[(v * BSM) * IBMi * JMi] * JW}
n: The number of joints that influence vertex v
BSM: Bind-shape matrix
IBMi: Inverse bind-pose matrix of joint i
JMi: Transformation matrix of joint i
JW: Weight of the influence of joint i on vertex v
Each vertex "v" must be calculated (i.e. through a "for" bucle). But, it`s not very, very slow if I have a mesh of 10,000 vertices or more? This must be calculated ever in real time? No other way to calculate "v"?
Thank you very much. :-)
You can probably use a threshold JW - for each vertex v, you may skip further computation for any joint i on v where JWi is below some threshold.
Also you could precompute IBMi * JMi for each joint once, right?