Django API fronted by Azure API gateway - django

I have a Django application that currently stores user credentials and performs authorization and authentication. I am in the process of breaking off the front-end into an Angular SPA and converting the backend to a REST API. My Django API will live as an Azure API app protected by Azure API Gateway. I would like to remove the authentication piece from Django and allow users to sign in using OpenID Connect through either Google or Microsoft Account. What I would like to happen is this:
When a user visits the site, assuming they have never registered with my app, they will have the option to sign in with their Google account or Microsoft Account. If the user decides to sign in using their Google or Microsoft account, (this is where I'm confused and why i'm posting here ... ) I think what happens is the API Gateway performs the authentication, generates a JSON Web Token (JWT), and sends that token back to the Django API. Django receives the JWT, decrypts it, and checks to see if there is a user account matching the email address in the JWT. If there is not a user account, Django will add a user to the user accounts table (not storing a password). If there is a user matching that email address, then Django allows the user in.
All that said, I guess my question(s) are:
Should I do the authentication at the API Management Gateway or should I do it at the Azure Web API?
Can I use Django's built-in authentication system to do what I want or is that not needed?
Am I over-complicating all of this? Is there an easier way to do this? All this seems like a lot of work.
Is OpenID Connect what I should be using (instead of Oauth2)? I have no experience with either.

Azure API Management does not actually provide any kind of JWT issuing mechanism, so you'll have to implement that yourself. The end points for doing that may or may not be exposed via API management.
What possibly gets you confused is the fact that the APIm Portal supports various indentity providers, like Twitter or Google, to sign up for the API. But these are not your application users, these are for the API Portal Users.
What you can do with the APIm Gateway is to validate subsequent calls to your backend API that the supplied JWT token is valid (using the <validate-jwt> policy).


django_auth_adfs: get JWT token for the client on successful authentication

I have a Django application that doesn't have MVC pages and most of the data is served/posted via restful API powered by django-rest-framework. My userbase is in Azure single tenant AD, so I am trying to get the SSO going for them.
I am using django_auth_adfs to authenticate users against the Azure AD. Most of the stuff seems to work and the module takes care of the redirects and establishing the Django sessions for the client. Specifying the right permission_classes for the API ViewSets will make sure only authenticated users can access it it works fine via browser with proper django session cookie.
What I can't figure out is how to get the JWT token that I can give the UI client so that it could interact with the django-rest-framework API by supplying the JWT bearer and not relying on the session.
The documentation is not very specific on these details (besides the password grant that isn't quite relevant for my scenario).

How to send requests to Cloud Run only from the app?

Subscription based iOS app I'm building uses Cloud Run service invoked via HTTPS request.
How can I make sure that the request can only be invoked by app owners(from the app)?
I've looked at Google Sign-In authentication, but I don't think it is applicable in my case as only those subscribed to the app should have the access, not just those with Gmail account.
I think without a Google Sign-in involved, your question has nothing to do with Cloud Run and can be generalized as:
How to send requests to to a backend app only from its mobile app?
So I'll answer that.
You'll find out that you need some form of "authentication" to prove that you're on a mobile app as a "user". To achieve that, you need some form of sign-in.
You may try to ship a secret (like a token or private key) in the application and use that to authenticate, but this will be susceptible to:
exfiltration of the private they from the application bundle through reverse engineering
applying a man-in-the-middle attack to the HTTPS request (and therefore the token) by trusting a root CA on the device and using e.g. mitmproxy to decrypt the request as plaintext.
In reality, there's no way to fully secure iOS/Android <=> backend communication that. Even the largest apps like Twitter, Instagram etc have their APIs reverse engineered all the time and invoked from non iOS/Android clients as the requests can be spoofed.
If you want to authenticate your existing users, you should figure out how these people login to your app. This could be simple username:password in Authentication: Basic [...] header, or something more complicated like OAuth2 which is what apps like Facebook, Twitter implement under the covers for their mobile apps.
Then you would validate that Authentication header in your Cloud Run application code yourself.
So again, I don't think this is a problem specific to Cloud Run, or any cloud provider.
If your goal is for your API to only be called when your users are authenticated in your app, I would recommend implementing one of the two solutions described on this page:
Using Google Sign-in or Firebase Authentication

want to push/pull data into/from SalesForce Accounts/leads from/to my external web app

I have my web application. Now i want to integrate salesforce into my web app so that i can push data from my app to any salesforce org after the authentication(OAuth).
I found 2 ways:
1. Connected Apps
2. via wsdl generation file and use
I created a connected app from my developer account and i authenticated using consumer key, cusumer secret key(from my connected app) and username of user and secret token of the user account.
I tried with another free trail account, It's validating and fetching the details and post data also working.
My question is, shall i deploy my connected app into app exchange, then only i caan use REST APIs ?
generating wsdl and coding around is the better option than the above ?
Is there a option, only one time authentication enough for any number of sessions and use the REST APIs?
Please suggest me a best way to proceed.
You're mixing up a couple of independent issues here.
If you're going to authenticate via OAuth, you must have a Connected App.
A SOAP API login() call requires you to store a username and password, which is undesirable.
There is no way to "permanently" authenticate, i.e., to get a session id that never expires. Your app must always be ready to get a new access token via the OAuth refresh token it obtains and stores (via, for example, the Web Server OAuth flow), or to reauthenticate via JWT flow.
Connected Apps are global metadata in most cases. You don't need to deploy a Connected App into a target org in order to authenticate using its Client Id and Secret into that org. The only exception I'm aware of is if you want to use the JWT flow with a certificate and preauthorized Profiles and Permission Sets.
Based on what you've shared, I don't see any reason for the AppExchange to be involved.

Security in Django API

I have created the sign up Api in Django Rest FrameWork without authentication or any permissions and i want to use is it in mobile app.
my question is this api secure???
any person or Robots that access to the SignUp Api Url can create Account there any antibot or something???
If you implement the api without any type of security. Depending on what you let the user do with the api, which endpoints they can hit.
Is there any server side security?
You can implement Jason Web Token: simple JWT
You can check also django throttling : Throttling
You can also research on how to limit api calls from a device.
You can implement a check which will allow only one sign up from a IP address for a specific time so that your API doesn't get brute forced.
And Implement ReCaptcha as well

Web API authentication using OAuth 2.0 token and Azure Active Directory (Without Authentication Server)

Is there a way to authenticate the Microsoft or google OAuth token in active directory without using an authentication server?
Here is the scenario:
A client app gets an Microsoft access_token from some external service.
Client app will make a call to some secured web API and pass that access_token along with the request header
If the access_token passed by client is valid then API will provide response to the client.
Is there a way to validate that access_token on API side?
My normal understanding about OAuth 2.0 is there needs to be an authentication server to which both the client and API would talk to as shown in the figure below:
But if the token is provided by some external service, Can we use it to validate our web API. Are there any ways to implement such authentication?
You can learn more about AAD Signing Keys and handling Key Rollover using this page: Signing key rollover in Azure Active Directory
Validation of the token, once you have the signing key, can be done using existing libraries like OWIN. You can also try following instructions like this (although it seems the document isn't 100% complete yet): Manually validating a JWT access token in a web API
This library is also available, but I think OWIN is supposed to have replaced it in general.
Also check out this blog post, which has a pretty great deep dive into token validation.