Serialize PNG and Send to Rest Client - c++

iam sending images in the png format to my rest clients.
But when i download the file on the client side and try to open it, i will get errors.
I believe the Headers of the file are missing, but how can i add them to the serverresponse?
On the details of my picture i can see, that the size and so on is missing.
ifstream Stream;,std::ios::binary);
string Content, Line;
if (Stream)
while (getline(Stream,Line)){
Content += Line;

After searching around found a post post on this side.
And the Sequenze i create from that.
ifstream *Stream = new ifstream(FullFileName, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
std::ostringstream *oss = new ostringstream();
*oss << Stream->rdbuf();
string *Content = new string(oss->str());


How to save poco uploaded file

I want to upload file using poco library.
Now I have the uploaded file in the istream variable but I don't know how I can save it to a file?
Here is my code where i can get the length of the file.
void handlePart(const MessageHeader &header, std::istream &stream) {
_type = header.get("Content-Type", "(unspecified)");
if (header.has("Content-Disposition")) {
std::string disp;
NameValueCollection params;
MessageHeader::splitParameters(header["Content-Disposition"], disp, params);
_name = params.get("name", "(unnamed)");
_fileName = params.get("filename", "(unnamed)");
CountingInputStream istr(stream);
NullOutputStream ostr;
StreamCopier::copyStream(istr, ostr);
_length = istr.chars();
Also now it's 1 file uploaded in the form if there be more than 1 file how it will be managed in istream?
Now there is 2 days I'm searching and testing different ways but I couldn't find any way, please help to resolve this problem.
Thank you in advanced.
Depend on #Abhinav question on this post:
We can write save code like this:
if (fileName.length() != 0){
std::ofstream fout( fileName, std::ios::binary);
fout << stream.rdbuf() ;
But unfortunately it's working for one file if there is more than one this code can't catch correctly.

Qt: QuaZip to extract file and show its progress in QProgressDialog

How could I use QuaZip to extract a .zip file and show its extraction progress in a QProgressDialog?
I've tried an example from this question1 (and also this question2) without success. Because I need to unzip .zip files (not .gz files) and that code shows % of progress but not unzip the files.
And even that, I don't know how to show that % in a QProgressDialog.
I've been able to extract .zip file using:
JlCompress::extractDir("C:/test/", "C:/test/");
However, that is not enought for my goal, because I need to show that extraction progress in a QProgressDialog in real time...
This is my code:
QString fileName = "C:/test/firefox-29.0.1.gz"; //I need to unzip .zip files
qDebug() << "Opened";
progressUnzip->setWindowTitle(tr("Unzip Manager"));
progressUnzip->setLabelText(tr("Unzipping %1. \nThis can take a long time to complete").arg(fileName));
QFile file(fileName);;
QuaGzipFile gzip;, QuaGzipFile::ReadOnly);
while(true) {
QByteArray buf =;
//process buf
if (buf.isEmpty()) { break; }
QFile temp_file_object;, QFile::ReadOnly);
double progress = 100.0 * temp_file_object.pos() / file.size();
updateUnzipProgress(temp_file_object.pos(), file.size());
qDebug() << qRound(progress) << "%";
qDebug() << "Finish";
void MainWindow::updateUnzipProgress(qint64 bytesRead, qint64 totalBytes)
qDebug() << bytesRead << "/" << totalBytes;
qint64 th = 1;
if (totalBytes >= 100000000)
th = 1000;
// When unzip finished or canceled, this will be called
void MainWindow::unzipFinished()
qDebug() << "Unzip finished.";
In this code, QProgressDialog doesn't show any progress bar and at the end the file is not unzipped.
Any idea?
Thanks for your help,
I'm not going to write the whole code for you, but I can give you some hints to help you solve the problem.
QuaZIP library does not provide any Qt signals about the extraction progress, and that means that you should implement it yourself.
First, take a look at JlCompress::extractDir function implementation to see how it works. The source code can be found here. The function creates a QuaZip object which describes the zip archive you want to extract. Then it iterates over the files in the archive. On every iteration it creates a QuaZipFile object which describes a compressed file in the archive and then writes (=extracts) its data to a new file.
This is the copy function:
static bool copyData(QIODevice &inFile, QIODevice &outFile)
while (!inFile.atEnd()) {
char buf[4096];
qint64 readLen =, 4096);
if (readLen <= 0)
return false;
if (outFile.write(buf, readLen) != readLen)
return false;
return true;
inFile is the compressed (QuaZipFile) file and outFile is a new file where the compressed data is extracted to.
Now you should understand the underlying logic.
To add signals about extraction progress, you can can copy the JlCompress::extractDir source code to some wrapper class and make some changes.
While iterating over the files in the archive, you can get information about them using QuaZipFile::getFileInfo. That information contains uncompressed file size. Now go back to the copyData function. You know how many bytes you have written and you know the expected file size. That means you can calculate the single file extraction progress. Also you can get total files count and their uncompressed sizes using QuaZip::getFileInfoList64. That will let you calculate the whole extraction progress too.

C++ ofstream create and write file issue

i had problem with my virtual file system extractor.
ofstream ofs(path, ios::out|ios::binary);
ofs.write(file, length);
Path is for a example "data/char/actormotion.txt", and there should be created file in directory data/char/ file named actormotion.txt but there is done nothing.
Check that it is open first
std::ofstream ofs(path, ios::out|ios::binary);
if (ofs.is_open())
// write stuff
std::cout << "Error opening file";
More likely file wasn't opened. You may check this with bool is_open() method.
After opening stream is advisable check its state to make sure everything going well:
ofstream ofs(path, ios::out|ios::binary);
if ( (ofs.rdstate() & std::ofstream::failbit ) != 0 ){
//stream opened successfully, do the stuff...
in Windows system you may call GetLastError() right after to query error code.

How to create a dynamic filename for an SD card on Arduino

I'd like to log my data on my Arduino one file at a time. I'd like the filename to be a combination of the number of milliseconds that have passed + some ID. For example, GPS data would be millis()+"GPS".
I tried the following code, but it doesn't like the fact that I am using a String. I could use a char array, but the length would always be dynamic. Is there a way to do this with at string somehow?
static void writeToSD()
String logEntry = " GPS: ";
logEntry += GPSString;
String filename = String(millis());
filename += "GPS";
File dataFile =, FILE_WRITE);
// If the file is available, write to it:
if (dataFile) {
// If the file isn't open, pop up an error:
else {
Serial.println("error opening file");
You could try the following
char fileNameCharArray[filename.length()];
filename.toCharArray(fileNameCharArray, filename.length())
File dataFile =, FILE_WRITE);
sprintf (filename, "%ld-GPS", millis());
Note that the use of String on Arduino is discouraged because of the well documented memory leak/fragmentation problems.

boost: Uncompress http response using gzip failed

I'm trying to uncompress http body response using boost gzip filters. I'm using the standard code example provided everywhere:
std::string source = "c:\\install\\data.gz";
std::string destination = "c:\\install\\data.txt";
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::iostreams;
ifstream file(source, ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
filtering_streambuf<input> in;
ofstream unzipped(destination, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
boost::iostreams::copy(in, unzipped);
In this scenario, I saved content of the page into source file before. The problem is that this code doesn't work with some sites using gzip-encoding (for example, - the biggest russian portal). Other sites, for example, is uncompressed perfectly.
I wrote small code to test saved data using GZipStream. It work fine even with
String source = #"c:\install\data.gz";
String destination = #"c:\install\data.txt";
using (FileStream inFile = new FileStream(source, FileMode.Open))
using (FileStream outFile = File.Create(destination))
using (GZipStream Decompress = new GZipStream(inFile, CompressionMode.Decompress))
Can anybody explain what's wrong with me, or gzip?