Using VM in CMS ActiveMQ - c++

I am trying to to implement interprocess communication in my C++ project using ActiveMQ CMS library. For this matter I use the following URI:
Though it does not seem to work. The connection to broker stucks while waiting for a response from it. I think maybe VM protocol is not implemented in CMS. In fact I could not find any "VM" string reference in CMS source code.
If so what is the best library for inter-process communication. I need consumer/producer pattern that works really fast.

There is no VM transport in CMS as there is no 'VM' since it is a C++ client. You need to look into more standard mechanisms for interprocess communication.


communication between OS services with c++

I am developing 2 Windows services, one of them will send pictures and word files to other and other service will give a string answer. That services are in same computer.
I will develop same program's Linux version also.
Which way is the best for communication between services in Linux and Windows.
By the way I am developing that services with C++.
There're different options for your task:
Network. Establish TCP connection between your services, with service that asks as a client and service that answers as a server. It's possible to implement cross-platform solution using Boost.Asio or any other portable network library.
Shared memory. You can implement inter-process communication using shared memory. Cross-platform library: Boost.Interprocess.
Pipes. I don't know cross-platform library for this.
I would recommend to use TCP communication as more flexible solution.
I would suggest reading up on C++ sockets. You're probably going to want to use TCP sockets, since you want to ensure that the data being transferred does so correctly.
Try checking these links out:
Linux Sockets
Windows Sockets
You should search for IPC.
There are a lot of possibilities for inter process communication. Because you are not very specific about your problem and your requirements but I would suggest to take a look at boost::interprocess.
As long as you are sure that both services run on the same machine this will do it.
If you want to switch to a distributed approach you need something different.
Like XML-RPC, thrift or corba. Just to mention some possibilities.

C++ and JMS - how to connect the two?

I am a novice in C++, but have a lot of experience in Java EE.
I need to write a small app which is heavily asynchronous. It receives data from HTTP and stores it in a Queue (it needs to have guaranteed delivery and very high throughput), something like ActiveMQ or OpenMQ, maybe via JMS.
Then another C++ app/listener takes out data from the Queue (through some Listener which is activated by the Queue directly, not by my pooling), connects to a MySQL database and does some business logic calculations and sends the message to another Queue.
In Java EE this would be a web app that would send messages to a JMS queue. Message-Driven Beans would be consumers of these messages in an EJB module, and a Session EJB would send messages to the outgoing JMS queue.
Can someone with C++ experience please explain some basics to me:
Is JMS the only option for C++ for guaranteed delivery Queues? Do you suggest ActiveMQ or something else, having in mind that the message Consumer would be in C++.
Do I need to create some kind of a multi-threaded daemon in C++ that listens for Queue messages, or is this thread creation (message consumption) part of ActiveMQ's implementation of C+ consumers?
Any other suggestions on how to implement the scenario above would be very much appreciated.
EDITED: I would prefer a message broker and client to be in C++. ActiveMQ is a Java product, which is not really what we need.
1 - JMS - Java Message Service - is just an API reference for Java and Java only. There is no standard in messaging that applies to C++ except for AMQP (which is, to my opinion, not really working cross implementation as good as it should). To C++ you kinda have to rely on specific vendor libraries for each message broker implementation.
Suggestions of implementations:
ActiveMQ - It has a nice C++ API (Called CMS) which is modeled and named after JMS - so you will feel familiar with the API. The main broker will run on Java non the less - might be the simplest choice.
IBM WebSphere MQ - Not open source, enterprise class broker that runs native (written in C), and has C++ libraries. Rather nice when you get over the learning curve and the price does not matter.
RabbitMQ - Very popular reliable messaging with high performance and open source. Has C++ client libs but is written in Erlang and runs within the erlang/otp runtime.
Apache QPID - Less known AMQP/JMS broker. Comes in two flavours server side, Java and C++ where the C++ broker has better performance. Comes with C++ client libs.
2 - For multi threading, the JMS specs does not really come with a solution either. It's more like the Java EE container (or Spring Framework) that simply wrapps the management of threads and relieves the developer from it. ActiveMQ does not come with much more than a few support classes in this case and as far as I know, none of the other vendor libraries does either. So, look for some library that wrapps threading (I have no clue) or deal with the consumer threads yourself. It shouldn't all that messy, done right.

Opening up TCP Sockets in Java EE Webapplication

We have to communicate with a C++ component from a Java EE web application and my proposal involved using JMS server to communicate with the C++ component which is located on other machine.
However the developer of the C++ component wants me to open up TCP/IP sockets from the webapplication and communicate over XML. My view is that socket programming in web application is error prone and will not scale well since there is a limited amount of sockets that can be opened up.
Please let me have your architecture/design preference on using JMS vs TCP/IP sockets.
Thank you
Of course it's case by case. But give HTTP a serious chance. It is a good way to cross platform boundaries. It gives you ways to swap out the backend easily and there are many ways to scale it. I've used it from various platforms to hit centralized authentication service written in modern language. I've also done the opposite by putting frontend to a legacy code by turning it into a web server.
The best part about HTTP is that it's a standard protocol, so almost any platform is able to serve it and consume it out of the box. HTTP(S) or TCP takes care of many of the issues like reliability and security.

HornetQ and ActiveMQ CMS don't work together!

I'm trying to implement a solution using HornetQ. Since I need to access it through a C++ application, that raises me a problem. I'm compiling the activemq-cpp builtin example, and changing it to work with stomp instead of openwire (HornetQ doesn't understand openwire). The application refuses to produce messages on the intended queue. Seems that a lot of people are having the same issue, but no one has the answer. (someone said it's a bug on the cms API)
Anyone has a pratical example of HornetQ working with a C++ app?
PS: Obviously the activemq-cpp example works with an activemq server using openwire.
HornetQ is probably mapping destination names differently then the ActiveMQ C++ Stomp client, for instance in ActiveMQ a topic destination is prefixed with /topic/ and a queue is /queue/. I beleive this is different in HornetQ but not really sure. You may want to look in their docs for what they use, if its configurable then you could alter it to match what the CMS client is sending. You could also modify your local copy of CMS to send the destination name using the HornetQ prefix.
The only solution I have seen is a HornetQ to ActiveMQ bridge written in java then have the C++ app work with ActiveMQ. You might be able to do something with JNI to handle marshaling messages into your app.

What is a good implementation of a peer-to-peer chat program with a server for assigning connections in C++?

For a while, I've been interested in creating a proof-of-concept chat program using C++. I have given the idea a lot of thought and even wrote down the beginnings of how I would design the system, but I have hit a barrier in my thinking when it comes to the implementation.
I want to know what an implementation of a peer-to-peer chat client with a server to route connections would look like in C++.
The server would be used as a central registry of the peers, but not used as the primary connection. The server would not interact with the clients in any way except to assign connections between peers to achieve an optimal path between peers. In a first version, it would merely be a directory to which all clients connect, and the clients can then use the directory to connect to the other clients available for chat. (I hope that explains it a bit more). :)
You should look at the XMPP stuff. It is all about routing and co-ordinating messaging. It uses de-centralization and a peer-to-peer like architecture.
There are also plenty of open source implementations. For example,
I cannot really think at something better than the chat example in
the Boost.Asio documentation. Search for the examples documentation in Boost.Asio.