I have a spreadsheet query bringing back results. Negative numbers are formatted as ([$$123.12]) and positive numbers are formatted as ("$$123.12").
I need to format the negative number as -123.12 and the positive number as 123.12 before being inserted into a db. What type of regex would I need to use to do that? Or, could I use ColdFusion's Replace() function..and, if so, how?
We created xList as holder for the variable to simulate a looping query.
Assuming negative numbers will always contain "[" and positive numbers don't have the brackets we will loop on the list and check for "[" to format the negative numbers and then format the positive numbers for values not having brackets.
<cfset xlist = '([$$123.12]),("$$123.12")'>
<cfloop list="#xlist#" index="x">
<cfif FindNoCase("[", x )>
<cfset xVal = "-" & rereplaceNoCase(x,"[^0-9.]","","all" )>
<cfset xVal = rereplaceNoCase(x,"[^0-9.]","","all" )>
<cfdump var="#xVal#"><br>
Here's a slightly modified version of when I did something similar. Basically, I'm treating the bracket as a negative sign, and stripping out other irrelevant characters, like $. I wasn't clear on whether or not the parenthesis were part of your answer, in which case those would need to be stripped out, too.
<cffunction name="launderMoney">
<cfargument name="value">
<cfset var multiplier = 1>
<cfset arguments.value = Replace(trim(arguments.value), '"', "", "all")>
<cfif Find("[", arguments.value)>
<cfset multiplier = -1>
<cfset arguments.value = Replace(Replace(arguments.value, "[", "", "all"), "]", "", "all")>
<cfset var temp = Trim(Replace(Replace(trim(arguments.value), "$", "", "all"), ",", "", "all"))>
<cfif isNumeric(temp)>
<cfset temp *= multiplier>
<cfreturn temp>
Is there an easier/shorter way to convert the final comma of a currency input to a decimal.
Inputs look like 2 000,99 OR 2,000,99
MySQL wants them to look like 2000.99
<cfform action="commatest.cfm?gotime" onsubmit="commatest.cfm" method="post" name="waiv">
<cfinput type="text" name="commer">
<input type="submit" style="width:180px;" value="convertme" class="hide button">
<cfif isdefined("gotime")>
<!--- START SCRIPT --->
<cfset formentry = FORM.commer>
<cfset howlong = #len(formentry)#>
<cfif howlong GT 3>
<cfset leftlen = howlong - 3>
<cfset rside = #right(formentry, 3)#>
<cfset rside = ReReplace(rside,"[,]",".", "ALL")>
<cfset lside = #left(FORM.commer, leftlen)#>
<cfset lside = ReReplaceNoCase(lside,"[-$A-Z,]","", "ALL")>
<cfset lside = reReplace(lside, "[[:space:]]", "", "ALL") />
<cfset newb = #lside# & #rside#>
<!--- OUTPUT TO DATABASE (or webpage in this case) --->
<h1>#newb# (number? #IsNumeric(newb)#)</h1>
<h1>#formentry# (number? #IsNumeric(formentry)#)</h1>
As usual there are several different ways to do this. I would probably do something like this:
source1 = '2 000,99';
source2 = '2,000,99';
// remove ALL commas and spaces
example1 = REReplace(source1,"[\s,]","","all");
example2 = REReplace(source2,"[\s,]","","all");
// insert a decimal before the last two digits
example1 = Insert(".",example1,(Len(example1)-2));
example2 = Insert(".",example2,(Len(example2)-2));
writeOutput(source1 & " = " & example1);
writeOutput(source2 & " = " & example2);
That code gives the following output:
2 000,99 = 2000.99
2,000,99 = 2000.99
Of course this assumes that the last two digits are always going to be after the decimal point.
Here is a gist of the code above.
Please have a look at the code block below:
<cfset index = 0 />
<cfloop collection="#anotherPerson#" item="key" >
<cfset index = index+1 />
#key# : #anotherPerson[key]#
<cfif index lt ArrayLen(structKeyArray(anotherPerson))> , </cfif>
<!--- Result
age : 24 , haar : Blondes haar , sex : female , ort : Hanau
Now can you please tell me how could I achieve the same result without setting an index outside and incrementing it inside the loop? If you notice carefully, I had to write two more cfset tag and one cfif tag with expensive code just to avoid a comma (,) at the end of the collection!
Ok, I'm showing you two answers. The first will run on ColdFusion 9. Since other people might find this thread and be using Lucee Server or a newer version of Adobe ColdFusion, I'm including a one-liner that uses higher order functions and runs on ACF 2016. There's a lot of syntactic sugar (like member functions) and functional programming you're missing by being on CF9. These answers use script, because manipulating data is not something for a view (where tags/templating are used).
Set up the data
myStruct = { 'age'=24, 'haar'='Blondes haar', 'sex'='female', 'ort'='Hanau' };
CF9 compat, convert data to array and use delimiter to add commas
myArray = [];
for( key in myStruct ) {
arrayAppend( myArray, key & ' : ' & myStruct[ key ] );
writeOutput( arrayToList( myArray, ', ' ) );
Modern CFML. Use struct reduction closure to convert each key into an aggregated array which is then turned into a list.
writeOutput( myStruct.reduce( function(r,k,v,s){ return r.append( k & ' : ' & s[ k ] ); }, [] ).toList( ', ' ) );
Some friends provided two different solutions. Both are efficient and elegant!
Solution 1
<cfset isFirst = true />
<cfloop collection="#anotherPerson#" item="key" >
<cfif isFirst>
<cfset isFirst = false />
#key# : #anotherPerson[key]#
Solution 2
<cfset resultList = "" />
<cfloop collection="#anotherPerson#" item="key" >
<cfset resultList = ListAppend(resultList, "#key# : #anotherPerson[key]#" ) />
Just trim the comma when you are done, no skip logic required.
<cfset html = '' />
<cfloop collection="#anotherPerson#" item="key" >
<cfset html &= "#key# : #anotherPerson[key]# , " />
<cfset html = left(html,len(html)-3) />
Readable, simple, works.
I am trying to create a comma separated list inside a loop, but I think I am missing something. When I dump item_id_list, I just get items separated by a space - not a comma. Can anyone point what am I missing?
<cfloop array="data" index="doc">
<cfif structKeyExists(doc, "id") >
<cfset the_item_id = doc.id />
<cfset item_id_list = ''/>
<cfset item_id_list = listappend(item_id_list,'#the_item_id#',',')/>
Create the list outside of the loop:
<cfset item_id_list = "" />
<cfloop array="#data#" index="doc">
<cfif structKeyExists(doc, "id") >
<cfset item_id_list = listappend(item_id_list, doc.id, ",") />
Will this work?
<cfset item_id_list = ArrayToList(data.id)>
EDIT: Oops. Can't reference a struct in an array like that. Instead try:
item_id_list = "" ;
for (row in data) {
if (structkeyexists(row,"id") ) {
item_id_list = listappend(item_id_list,row.id) ;
For loops like this, cfscript syntax is easier to see.
In JavaScript, you can do this:
var a = null;
var b = "I'm a value";
var c = null;
var result = a || b || c;
And 'result' will get the value of 'b' because JavaScript short-circuits the 'or' operator.
I want a one-line idiom to do this in ColdFusion and the best I can come up with is:
<cfif LEN(c) GT 0><cfset result=c></cfif>
<cfif LEN(b) GT 0><cfset result=b></cfif>
<cfif LEN(a) GT 0><cfset result=a></cfif>
Can anyone do any better than this?
ColdFusion doesn't have nulls.
Your example is basing the choice on which item is an empty string.
If that is what you're after, and all your other values are simple values, you can do this:
<cfset result = ListFirst( "#a#,#b#,#c#" )/>
(Which works because the standard list functions ignore empty elements.)
Note: other CFML engines do support nulls.
If we really are dealing with nulls (and not empty strings), here is a function that will work for Railo and OpenBlueDragon:
<cffunction name="FirstNotNull" returntype="any" output="false">
<cfset var i = 0/>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(Arguments)#">
<cfif NOT isNull(Arguments[i]) >
<cfreturn Arguments[i] />
Then to use the function is as simple as:
<cfset result = FirstNotNull( a , b , c ) />
How do I remove a trailing comma from a string in ColdFusion?
To remove a trailing comma (if it exists):
REReplace(list, ",$", "")
To strip one or more trailing commas:
REReplace(list, ",+$", "")
Also easy:
<cfset CleanList = ListChangeDelims(DirtyList, ",", ",")>
Explanation: This takes advantage of the fact that CF list functions ignore empty elements. ListChangeDelims() consequently strips off that last "element".
Check the rightmost char - if it's a comma, set the string to a substring of the original, with length -1.
Trimming the string ensures that spaces after the trailing comma don't interfere with this method.
<cfset myStr = "hello, goodbye,">
<cfset myStr = trim(myStr)>
<cfif right(myStr, 1) is ",">
<cfset myStr = left(myStr, len(myStr)-1)>
This is probably more of a performance hit than Regex'ing a list, but sometimes when I end up filtering/fixing dirty data, I convert it to an array and then convert it back into a list.
<cfset someVariable = arrayToList(listToArray(someVariable, ","), ",")>
It's cheating, but it works ;-)
To add onto Patrick's answer. To replace one or more commas at the end use the following:
reReplace(myString, ",+$", "", "all")
Example Below
<cfset myString = "This is the string, with training commas,,,">
<cfset onlyTheLastTrailingComma = reReplace(myString, ",$", "", "all")>
<cfset allTrailingCommas = reReplace(myString, ",+$", "", "all")>
<cfoutput>#onlyTheLastTrailingComma#<br />#allTrailingCommas#</cfoutput>
Remove "," from Both Sides, Just the Right Side, or Just the Left Side
<cfset theFunnyList = ",!#2ed32,a,b,c,d,%442,d,a">
Replace Funny Characters and Separate with Comma
<cfset theList = rereplace(theFunnyList, "[^A-Za-z0-9]+", ",", "all")>
<cfset theList = trim(theList)>
<cfif left(theList, 1) is "," and right(theList, 1) is ",">
<cfset theList = right(theList, len(theList)-1)>
<cfset theList = left(theList, len(theList)-1)>
<cfelseif right(theList, 1) is ",">
<cfset theList = left(theList, len(theList)-1)>
<cfelseif left(theList, 1) is ",">
<cfset theList = right(theList, len(theList)-1)>
Sort List (Numeric to A-Z) ASCending
<cfoutput> #ListSort("#theList#", "text", "ASC", ",;")# </cfoutput>