CFWheels: Display form errors on redirectto instead of renderpage - coldfusion

I have a form which I am validating using CFWheels model validation and form helpers.
My code for index() Action/View in controller:
public function index()
title = "Home";
forms = model("forms");
allforms = model("forms").findAll(order="id ASC");
#startFormTag(controller="form", action="init_form")#
<select class="form-control">
<option value="">Please select Form</option>
<cfloop query="allforms">
<option value=""></option>
<input type="text" name="forms[name]" value="">
#errorMessageOn(objectName="forms", property="name")#
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
This form is submitted to init_form() action and the code is :
public function init_form()
title = "Home";
forms = get_forms(params.forms);
// don't want to retype allforms here ! but index page needs it
allforms = model(tables.forms).findAll(order="id ASC");
As you can see from the above code I am validating the value of form field and if any errors it is send to the original index page. My problem is that since I am rendering page, I also have to retype the other variables that page need such as "allforms" in this case for the drop down.
Is there a way not to type such variables? And if instead of renderPage() I use redirectTo(), then the errors don't show? Why is that?
Just to be clear, I want to send/redirect the page to original form and display error messages but I don't want to type other variables that are required to render that page? Is there are way.
Please let me know if you need more clarification.

This may seem a little off topic, but my guess is that this is an issue with the form being rendered using one controller (new) and processed using another (create) or in the case of updating, render using edit handle form using update.
I would argue, IMHO, etc... that the way that cfWheels routes are done leaves some room for improvement. You see in many of the various framework's routing components you can designate a different controller function for POST than your would use for GET. With cfWheels, all calls are handled based on the url, so a GET and a POST would be handled by the same controller if you use the same url (like when a form action is left blank).
This is the interaction as cfwheels does it:
While it is possible to change the way it does it, the documentation and tutorials you'll find seem to prefer this way of doing it.
The workaround that is available, is to have the form be render (GET:new,edit) and processing (POST:create,update) handled by the same controller function (route). Within the function...
check if the user submitted using POST
if it is POST, run a private function (i.e. handle_create()) that handles the form
within the handle_create() function you can set up all your error checking and create the errors
if the function has no errors, create (or update) the model and optionally redirect to a success page
otherwise return an object/array of errors
make the result error object/array available to view
handle the form creation
In the view, if the errors are present, show them in the form or up top somewhere. Make sure that the form action either points to self or is empty. Giving the submit button a name and value can also help in determining whether a form was submitted.
This "pattern" works pretty well without sessions.
Otherwise you can use the Flash, as that is what it was created for, but you do need to have Sessions working. their use is described here: and here:
but it really is as easy as adding this to your controller
flashInsert(error="This is an error message.");
and this to your view
<cfif flashKeyExists("error")>
<p class="errorMessage">


ColdFusion 10 getting element is undefined in form error

I've got a ColdFusion 10 form, to which I'm adding a new multiple select list
<SELECT multiple="multiple" id="icd9list"
It shows up on the form correctly and I can get items added to it with JavaScript, but when I go to process the form, the form action page is giving the following error:
Element ICD9LIST is undefined in FORM.
I've added cfparam tags on the initial form page, as well as the form action page where I'm getting the error.
Can't for the life of me figure out why it's not passing the form element to the action page. The method is post, so it should be picking it up. All of the other form elements on the page are picked up fine.
<cfform action="updform.cfm" name="custform" method="POST">
I also tried to use custform.icd9list and got the same issue:
Element ICD9LIST is undefined in CUSTFORM.
This page is some VERY legacy code that we can't really go back and refactor too much. The only thing I'm thinking is that when the page first loads, the multiple select option is blank and then we are adding options to it via javascript from a pop-out window after the fact. When I inspect the element in Chrome, after I've added options to it, they are there, but I'm wondering if it's still being treated as a blank multiple select list. I do know that if I remove the multiple attribute and treat the form element as a single drop down list that it shows up in the form dump with a value, but only the first (or whatever selected) value.
Beginning to think the answer may be to have a hidden field with the option values populated and let the form read that.
Adding options to a multiple select list isn't enough. They have to be selected as well. Otherwise, the list isn't considered a successful control and the field won't be passed to the action page (emphasis mine)
A successful control is "valid" for submission. Every successful
control has its control name paired with its current value as part of
the submitted form data set. A successful control must be defined
within a FORM element and must have a control name.
Controls that are disabled cannot be successful.
If a form contains more than one submit button, only the activated submit button is successful.
All "on" checkboxes may be successful.
For radio buttons that share the same value of the name attribute, only the "on" radio button may be successful.
For menus, the control name is provided by a SELECT element and values are provided by OPTION elements. Only selected options may be
successful. When no options are selected, the control is not
successful and neither the name nor any values are submitted to the
server when the form is submitted.
The current value of a file select is a list of one or more file names. Upon submission of the form, the contents of each file are
submitted with the rest of the form data. The file contents are
packaged according to the form's content type.
The current value of an object control is determined by the object's implementation.
I suspect the form isn't forcing the items to be "selected" before the form is submitted and that's why nothing shows up on the action page.
It sounds like you need one of two things
Either required it on the client side
<SELECT multiple="multiple" required id="icd9list" name="icd9list" size="2" class="pageText2" style="width:400px;">
Or make sure ColdFusion can handle it not existing on the server side.
<cfparam name="icd9list" default="">
As pointed out,
<cfparam name="form.icd9list" default="">
will get an even tighter scope
How are you calling on the form? Are you using form.variable or icd9list.variable? You shouldn't have to give it an ID or name unless there are multiple forms on the page. You can just name and ID your element and reference it like this:

Django redirect page does not update the view

I'm using the Django Framework on Google App Engine.
I have multiple forms on the same view, to submit to different URL.
Trouble is after I get a form submitted: even if the called method update the datastore and some data, the previous page (where the forms are put in) is not refreshed, showing the updated data.
I could solve this problem using jQuery or some javascrip framework, appending dinamically content returned by the server but, how to avoid it?
Am I wrong somewhere?
A part of "secure.html" template
<form action="/addMatch" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.as_p }}
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<br />
{% for m in matches%}
{{m.description}} ---> {{m.reward}}
{% endfor%}
the "/addMatch" URL view:
def addMatch(request):
form = MatchForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
user = User.all().filter('facebookId =', int(request.session["pbusr"]))
m = Match(user=user.get(),description =form.cleaned_data["description"],reward=form.cleaned_data["reward"])
return HttpResponseRedirect("/secure/")
else:"Not valid")
return HttpResponseRedirect("/secure")
The view method whose seems not working:
def secure(request):
user = User.all().filter('facebookId =', int(request.session["pbusr"]))
u = user.get()
if (u.facebookFanPageId is not None and not u.facebookFanPageId == ""):
model["fanPageName"] = u.facebookFanPageName
model["form"] = MatchForm()
model["matches"] = u.matches
return render(request,"secure.html",model)
Based on what you posted, it seems like you're redirecting properly and are having database consistency issues. One way to test this would be to look at the network tab in the Google Chrome developer tools:
Click on the menu icon in the upper right
Click on "Tools"
Click on "Developer Tools"
Click on "Network" in the thing that opened up at the bottom of the screen.
Now, there will be a new entry in the network tab for every request that your browser sends and every response it receives. If you click on a request, you can see the data that was sent and received. If you need to see requests across different pages, you might want to check the "Preserve log" box.
With the network tab open, go to your page and submit the form. By looking at the network tab, you should be able to tell whether or not your browser issued a new GET request to the same URL. If there is a new request for the same page but that request has the old content, then you have a datastore consistency issue. If there was NOT a new request that yielded a response with the data for the page, then you have a redirect issue.
If it turns out that you have a datastore consistency issue, then what's happening is the data is being stored, but the next request for that data might still get the old data. To make sure that doesn't happen, you need what's called "strong consistency."
In a normal App Engine project, you get strong consistency by putting entities in the same entity-group and using ancestor queries. I'm not certain of what database/datastore you're using for Django and how the different database layers interact with App Engine's consistency, so this could be wrong, but if you can give your users the right key and then fetch them from that key directly (rather than getting all users and filtering them by key), you might get strong consistency.

Django: use POST or links, which is better practice?

A noobish question to be sure.
<a href="{% url 'stuff.views.SomeView' %}/somethingnew">
<button>See something new on this page</button>
<form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
<button name="somethingnew" type="submit" value=True>See something new on this page</button>
With either choice, I update some boolean variable, perform the appropriate calculations, call the page view and render a page with something new on this page. Part of the reason I use either method is to save the state of a collection of boolean variables. What is the best way 1) change a boolean variable 2) save its state 3) perform the necessary updates when the button is clicked and finally 4) render page after the underlying data has been updated?
Right now, I am using forms rather than links so that I don't need to code a url for each boolean variable. Which method is better? Will one method improve the time it takes to reload the page (assuming many boolean variables)?
1) Following the REST mindset, a POST request is in order to transmit the user input, since you are altering database objects.
2) I'd save it in the Session object if the input is not needed forever (session duration). Otherwise in the database as you are doing now.
3/4) I'd gather all the necessary info in a form. When the user commits the form in a POST request, I'd compute the data and respond with the rendered page containing the computed result. If the input variables are gathered step by step with intermittent computation, I'd just update the input form accordingly (display different choices in a combo box or something like that). Of course the transmitting could be done in an AJAXy way, too.

Django Flowplayer overlay does not submit form

I am trying to use flowplayer's overlay to load an external page that has a django form built in.
However the overlay loads the page but the submit button simply refreshes the page.
How do i actually submit the values entered in the form?
<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
// if the function argument is given to overlay,
// it is assumed to be the onBeforeLoad event listener
mask: {
color: '#ebecff',
loadSpeed: 200,
opacity: 0.9
effect: 'apple',
closeOnClick: false,
onBeforeLoad: function() {
// grab wrapper element inside content
var wrap = this.getOverlay().find(".contentWrap");
// load the page specified in the trigger
<div class="bananas">launch</div>
my view boom has a model form.
Without seeing the actual view code, it's hard to give a helpful answer. In the future, please be sure to do so...
If you don't have the overlay programmed to redirect to the page, then submitting it to that same url might process/save the data without you noticing. Is the data being saved, or does absolutely nothing happen when you click 'submit'?
Generally, this is how it works: you need to be posting to a url, defined in, that points to a view function in your (These names are merely convention, and can be called whatever you like) You mentioned that you have a view named 'boom': is it defined in your like this?
url(r'^path/to/boom/$', 'model.views.boom',),
Check that this is defined and that your form is posting to it.
The view must then contain logic to process the request and return a response. Posting to that url will transfer a cleaned_data dictionary of form variables that can be accessed over the field names defined in the form. It looks like this: x = form.cleaned_data[x]. Check the form for its validity with form.is_valid(), and then do your processing. This can involve saving objects, running arbitrary code, whatever you wish.
To find out more, be sure to read the excellent documentation.

Django: How do I position a page when using Django templates

I have a web page where the user enters some data and then clicks a submit button. I process the data and then use the same Django template to display the original data, the submit button, and the results. When I am using the Django template to display results, I would like the page to be automatically scrolled down to the part of the page where the results begin. This allows the user to scroll back up the page if she wants to change her original data and click submit again. Hopefully, there's some simple way of doing this that I can't see at the moment.
It should already work if you provide a fragment identifier in the action method of the form:
<form method="post" action="/your/url#results">
<!-- ... -->
and somewhere below the form, where you want to show the results:
<div id="results">
<!-- your results here -->
This should make the page jump to the <div> with ID results.
It is complete client site and does not involve Django, JavaScript or similar.
You need to wrap your data into something like this:
<div id="some-id">YOUR DATA TO BE DISPLAYED</div>
and if you make redirect in your view you need to redirect to url: /some-url/#some-id
if you don't make redirect you need to scroll to the bottom using javascript (but note that redirect is preffered way to use in view after saving data).