openGL how to draw using unsigned int vertex data - c++

I'm doing a simple openGL program that involves rendering to a depth texture offscreen. However I'm dealing with large depths that exceed what can be represented by a float's precision. As a result I need to use unsigned int for drawing my points. I run into two issues when I try to implement this.
1) Whenever I attempt to draw a VBO that uses unsigned int (screen coordinates) for drawing it doesn't fall within the -1 to 1 range so none of them draw to the screen. The only way I can find to fix this problem is by using a orthographic projection matrix to adjust it to draw to screen coordinates.
Is this understanding correct or is there an easier way to do it.
If it is correct how do you properly implement this for what I want.
2) Secondly when drawing this way is there any way to preserve the initial values (not converting them to floats when drawing) so they are no different when you read them back again, this is necessary because my objective is to create a depth buffer of random points with random depths up to 2^32. If this gets converted to floats precision is lost so the data read out again is not the same as what was put in.

This is the wrong solution to the problem. To answer your question itself, gl_Position is a vec4. And therefore, the depth that OpenGL sees is a float. There's nothing you can do to change that, short of ignoring the depth buffer entirely and doing "depth tests" yourself in the fragment shader.
The preferred solution to the problem is to use a floating-point depth buffer. Using GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT_32F or something of the kind. But that alone is insufficient, due to an unfortunate legacy issue with how OpenGL defines its coordinate transforms. See, floats put a lot of precision into the range [0, 1], but it's biased closer to zero. But because of the way OpenGL defines its transforms, that precision gets lost along the way; effectively, the exponent part of the float never gets used. It makes a 32-bit float seem like a 24-bit fixed-point value.
OpenGL has fixed that problem with ARB_clip_control, which restores the ability to use full 32-bit floats effectively. You should attempt to employ that if possible.


How to get a floating-point color from GLSL

I am currently faced with a problem closely related to the OpenGL pipeline, and the use of shaders.
Indeed, I work on a project whose one of the steps consists of reading pixels from an image that we generate using OpenGL, with as much accuracy as possible : I mean that instead of reading integers, I would like to read float numbers. (So, instead of reading the value (134, 208, 108) for a pixel, I would like to obtain something like (134.180, 207.686, 108.413), for example.)
For this project, I used both vertex and fragment shaders to render my scene. I assume that the color computed and returned by the fragment shader, is a vector of 4 floats (one per RGBA component) belonging to the "continuous" [0, 1] internal. But, how can I get it in my C++ file ? Is there a way of doing it ?
I thought of calling the glReadPixels() function just after having rendered my scene in a buffer, by setting the format argument to GL_RGBA, and the data type of the pixel data to GL_FLOAT. But I have the feeling that the values associated to the pixels that we read, have already been casted to a integer in the meanwhile, because the float numbers that I finally get, correspond to the interval [0, 255] clamped to [0, 1], without any gain in precision. A closer look on the OpenGL spectifications strengthens this idea : I think there is indeed a cast somewhere between rendering my scene, and callingglReadPixels().
Do you have any idea about the way I can reach my objective ?
The GL_RGBA format returned by the fragment shader stores pixels components in 8-bit integers. You should use a floating point format, such as GL_RGBA16F or GL_RGBA32F, where 16 and 32 are the depths for each component.

How to render a textured polygon on top of another?

Let's say i have 2 textured triangles.
I want to draw one triangle over the other one, such that the top one is basically laying on top of the second one.
Now technically they are on the same plane, but they do not share the same "space" (they do not intersect), though visually it is tough to tell at a certain distance.
Basically when these triangles are very close together (in parallel) i see texture "artifacts". I should ONLY see the triangle that is on top. But what im seeing is that the triangle in the background tends to "bleed" through.
Is there a way to alleviate this side effect, like increasing the depth precision or something? Maybe even increase the tessellation of the triangles?
* Update *
I am using vertex and index buffers. This is using OpenGL ES on iPhone.
I dont know if this picture will help or make things worse. But here it is. Two triangles very close to each other along the Z-axis (but not touching). (NOTE: the normal vector for these triangles are going straight towards you).
You can increase the depth precision up to 32 bits per pixel. However, if the 2 triangles are coplanar, that likely won't fix the problem. If they aren't coplanar (it's really hard to tell from your description what you're talking about), then increasing the depth precision might help. If you're using FBOs for your drawing, simply create the depth texture with 32-bits per component by using GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 for the internal format. There are several examples here. If you're not using FBOs, please describe how you create your context (also what OS you're on - Windows, OS X, Linux?).
You could try changing the Depth Buffer function to something more appropriate...
glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS) - Essentially disables depth testing
glDepthFunc(GL_GEQUAL) - Overwrites when greater OR equal
If they are too close (assuming they are parallel, not on the same plane), you will get precision errors (like banding artifacts=. Try adding some small offset to the top polygon using glPolygonOffsset: Check this simple tutorial:
EDIT: Also try increasing precision as #user1118321 says.
What you are describing is called Z-Fighting (
Sadly depth buffers only have limited precision, so if the difference in depth of two polygons is smaller than the precision of the depth buffer, you can't predict which polygon will pass the depth test and be drawn.
As others have said, you can increase the precision of the depth buffer so that polygons have to be closer to each other before the z-fighting artifacts occur, or you can disable the depth test so you are ensured that polygons rendered wont be blocked by anything previously drawn.

Fragment shader output values

I'm using my alpha channel as an 8 bit integer index for something unrelated to blending so I want to carefully control the bit values. In particular, I need for all of the pixels from one FBO-rendered texture with a particular alpha value to match all of the pixels with the same alpha value in the shader. Experience has taught me to be careful when comparing floating point values for equality...
While setting the color values using the floating point vec4 might not cause me issues, and my understanding is that even a half precision 16bit float will be able to differentiate all 8 bit integer (0-255) values. But I would prefer to perform integer operations in the fragment shader so I am certain of the values.
Am I likely to incur a performance hit by performing integer ops in the fragment shader?
How is the output scaled? I read somewhere that it is valid to send integer vectors as color output for a fragment. But how is it scaled? If I send a uvec4 with integers 0-255 will it scale that appropriately? I'd like for it to directly write the integer value into the pixel format, for integer formats I don't want it to do any scaling. Perhaps for RGBA8 sending in an int value above 255 would clamp it to 255, and clamp negative ints to zero, and so on.
This issue is made difficult by the fact that I cannot debug by printing out the color values unless I grab the rendered images and examine them carefully. Perhaps I can draw a bright color if something fails to match.
Here is a relevant thread I found on this topic. It has confused me even more than before.
I suggest not using the color attachment's alpha channel, but an additional render target with an explicit integer format. This is available since at least OpenGL-3.1 (the oldest spec I looked at, for this answer). See the OpenGL function glBindFragDataLocation, which binds a fragments shader out variable. In your case a int out $VARIABLENAME. For input into the next state use a integer sampler. I refer you to the specification of OpenGL-3.1 and GLSL-1.30 for the details.

OpenGL depth buffer maximum distance

Since the depth buffer pixels can only have colors from 0 to 255 (am I right?), the maximum draw distance would be limited by that bounds as well.
Is that true?
How do modern games work around this?
What about values inbetween? Like 125.5?
No its not true. Its usually not even possible to use an 8-bit depth buffer due to the limited range it would provide. The minimum is usually 16-bit with 24bit (saving the top 8 bits of 32 for a stencil buffer) the most common. Its also possible to use floating point depth buffers and 32-bit integer buffers.
By using a greater depth.
In the case of a value like 125.5 It would actually get rounded or truncated to 126 or 125. However in general through OpenGL you would actually pass a depth value of between 1 and -1 (post projection and w divide) to OpenGL. This value is then sent to the OpenGL run time which converts it to an actual depth value. This way you can change the bit depth of the depth buffer and everything continues to work.
Games that want to show a huge landscape usually use a skybox / skysphere, ie. a flat image which gives the impression of greatness.
I remember Guildwars' main menu. It looks huge, but it you look closely, it's really a round texture.
Depth buffer pixels are here to make sure objects which are rendered further than an existing object are not drawn. If two objects have the same depth, they can choose to render it anyway, or not; either way is fine, you don't look for this much precision.

storing vertex depth information in a texture in opengl shadow mapping

I'm currently programming shadow mapping (cascaded shadow mapping, to be precise) into my c++ opengl engine. I therefore want to have a texture containing the distance between my light source and every pixel in my shadow map. Which texture type should I use?
I saw that there is a GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT texture internal format, but it scales the data I want to give the texture to [0,1]. Should I invert my length once when I create the shadow map then a second time during my final rendering to get back the real length? It seems quite useless!
Is there a way to use textures to store lengths without inverting them 2 times? (once at the texture creation, once during its usage).
I'm not sure what you mean with invert (I'm sure you cannot mean to invert the distance as this won't work). What you do is transform the distance to the light source into the [0,1] range.
This can be done by constructing a usual projection matrix for the light source's view and applying this to the vertices in the shadow map construction pass. This way their distance to the light source is written into the depth buffer (to which you can connect a texture with GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT format either by glCopyTexSubImage or FBOs). In the final pass you of course use the same projection matrix to compute the texture coordinates for the shadow map using projective texturing (using a sampler2DShadow sampler when using GLSL).
But this transformation is not linear, as the depth buffer has a higher precision near the viewer (or light source in this case). Another disadvantage is that you have to know the valid range of the distance values (the farthest point your light source affects). Using shaders (which I assume you do), you can make this transformation linear by just dividing the distance to the light source by this maximum distance and manually assign this to the fragment's depth value (gl_FragDepth in GLSL), which is what you probably meant by "invert".
The division (and knowledge of the maximum distance) can be prevented by using a floating point texture for the light distance and just writing the distance out as a color channel and then performing the depth comparison in the final pass yourself (using a normal sampler2D). But linearly filtering floating point textures is only supported on newer hardware and I'm not sure if this will be faster than a single division per fragment. But the advantage of this way is, that this opens the path for things like "variance shadow maps", which won't work that good with normal ubyte textures (because of the low precision) and neither with depth textures.
So to sum up, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT is just a good compromise between ubyte textures (which lack the neccessary precision, as GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT should have at least 16bit precision) and float textures (which are not that fast or completely supported on older hardware). But due to its fixed point format you won't get around a transformation into the [0,1]-range (be it linear of projective). I'm not sure if floating point textures would be faster, as you only spare one division, but if you are on the newest hardware supporting linear (or even trilinear) filtering of float textures and 1 or 2 component float textures and render targets, it might be worth a try.
Of course, if you are using the fixed function pipeline you have only GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT as an option, but regarding your question I assume you are using shaders.