propagate dependencies to header-only ExternalProject with cmake - c++

I'm trying to build a header-only library using CMake (Microsoft/GSL), in such a way that I can use variables like GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS and GSL_LIBRARIES to link to the target and propagate the appropriate dependencies.
The project I'm working on has a TON of sub-directories, and all the external projects are built in their own sub-directories, hence why the variables are important.
I'm using CMake 3.2.3
Typically (for a library with an actual .lib or .a) I'd do something like:
URL "http://target/url"
) # download/unzip the header-only project
# Specify include dir
# Library
IMPORTED_LOCATION "some/path/to/some/lib"
add_dependencies(${TARGET_NAME} ${TARGET_NAME}-ext)
The problem here is that the header-only library has no lib to set the imported path for, so I can't use an IMPORTED library. If I don't use a library at all, then I can't set the dependencies in other modules on GSL without building (i.e. downloading/unzipping) every single time, which I don't want to do. a custom_target would have the same problem, so that's a no-go.
I think what I want is an interface library, something like
add_dependencies(${TARGET_NAME} ${TARGET_NAME}-ext)
but then cmake complains that
CMake Error at 3rdParty/gsl/CMakeLists.txt:33 (add_dependencies):
add_dependencies Cannot add target-level dependencies to INTERFACE library
target "gsl".
Is there someway I can use the interface library (or something) to propagate the dependency on the external project?

Disallowing dependencies on INTERFACE libraries was an oversight that was corrected in CMake version 3.3. After upgrading to the latest-stable release, I was able to use the methodology described in the question, and it worked exactly as desired.


What's the shape of CMake library when using find_library()

What is the file structure of CMake library?
For example, here is my library located in library folder:
The headers are in other dir out of library.
Can I use find_library(mylib1 PATHS library) to find my library and use target_include_directories() or include_directories() to include my headers? For my testing, it's failed. So what's the right structure?
Do I need put the header files (.h or .hpp) into library/include folder and put .so in lib folder or put them all into the library folder?
I didn't find any explain in CMake documents. I also find other commands in CMake documents but they are lack of something in details that I don't understand. So I'd like to known how do I find the documents like this.
find_library is used to find a file, but it doesn't create identify provide any information about include directories or other information required by the linking target.
To be able to use your lib after installing it's best to make use of find_package.
You could place files like into a install directory MyLibrary like this:
This file is used to check, if the version of the library is compatible with the build configuration of the project using find_package. Additionaly it provides cmake with information about the version of the library:
if(NOT UNIX # must be the same target platform
OR NOT CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8 # assuming the installed lib is 64 bit
set(PACKAGE_VERSION_COMPATIBLE FALSE) # inform find_package this is not a suitable version of the lib
This file is used to actually create the imported lib to use by the project calling find_package; It's only included, if the version file considers the configuration suitable.
if (NOT TARGET MyLibrary) # avoid issues with using find_package(MyLibrary) multiple times
add_library(MyLibrary IMPORTED)
# provide the necessary info about the target
set_target_properties(MyLibrary PROPERTIES
IMPORTED_LOCATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/" # specify absolute library file location using the directory containing this cmake file
target_include_directories(MyLibrary INTERFACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../include/MyLib-0.1.1/include")
This allows you to "tell" cmake about the location of the install dir and use find_package like this:
list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /path/to/MyLibrary) # this could be passed via -D option during configuration instead
find_package(MyLibrary REQUIRED)
Note that there are alternative paths where to put the cmake configuration files, see the documentation of find_package. Furthermore there is cmake functionality that can take over generating some, if not all of the cmake configuration files for you automatically on installation, see
The CMakePackageConfigHelpers cmake module

CMake `INSTALL` for targets and its SO dependencies

My target linked with several libraries using TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES with PUBLIC keyword, The INSTALL command looks like INSTALL(TARGETS foo DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin). I want somehow to force the cmake to include all (preferably excluding system libraries) libraries (SOs only) I link with to be included in the installation process. I've tried EXPORT keyword but looks like it affects only libraries which I build with in my project and marked with the same EXPORT as foo library.
Is it possible?
EDIT001: Additional information that may affect answer.
I'm using vcpkg to manage third parties. So the TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES looks like
So, essentially what I want to achieve is to take all these libraries which are macro'ed by vcpkg, like ${THRIFT_LIBRARIES}, ${Boost_LIBRARIES} and gRPC::grpc and so on
As of cmake 3.21, you can now do with:
See new Install command.
CMake itself does not allow to install dependencies automatically. This would be a rather hard task, because it would have to consider a lot of corner cases.
Just think of transitive dependencies (I don't know if this is the right word), like: Your libA depends on libB, which depends on libC. How should CMake get this from the CMakeLists, where only libB is listed?
Or: What do you consider a system library? Everything that is not in PATH? How do you know which libraries are installed system-wide on the client's machine?
You see, there are some really tricky things to consider.
Here are some possibilities you have:
Ask your users to install the dependencies.
Statically link libraries into your binary.
Copy library files using install(FILES files... DESTINATION <dir>). Maybe your dependency manager can help creating the list of files.
Write a script that does something like windeployqt for Qt-based applications on Windows: Analyze the binary file (e.g. using ldd myApp) and automatically copy over the required dependencies.

Linking both third party precompiled dynamic and static libaries in Windows

Lately, I have been using cmake as a generator for my projects. I have successfully generated many vtk and other application projects. However, I now face a problem when trying to link both dynamic and static precompiled libraries. In particular, I have been given some dynamic precompiled third party dlls along with their respective .lib files. Furthermore, I am trying to link some static precompiled libraries (only .lib files) to my project so as to check the software licences.
Let say that my project is called test_example and I have some precompiled dynamic libraries in libs directory. The structure of my project directory is:
The CMakeLists.txt for linking the dynamic libaries has the following content:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
project (test_example)
#For the shared libraries:
set (PROJECT_LINK_LIBS dynamic_1.dll dynamic_2.dll )
set (PROJECT_LINK_DIR ${test_example_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/)
set (PROJECT_INCLUDE_DIR ${test_example_SOURCE_DIR}/include/)
add_executable(test_example test_example.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_example ${PROJECT_LINK_LIBS})
When I generate the project with this cmake lists, I can successfully use methods from the precompiled dlls. However, I have not found a way to link against my static libraries, as well. Let say I have one static library which is called test_licence.lib. Should I drop it in the libs folder as well and simply refer to it like I do with the dynamic? When I do so and when opening my project solution in Visual Studio, I can see that both dynamic and static libraries have been added to Linker-->Input-->Additional DEpendencies. However, when I am trying to build the project, I have unresolved external dependencies which are methods from the static lib.
Does any of you have any idea what would be the most efficient way to accomplish that? Many thanks in advance!
There is a couple of issues here.
Unlike to what you may be used to from VS, CMake prefers absolute paths for linking, instead of setting a link directory and giving the relative path.
Also, you do not link against .dll files. Dlls are loaded at runtime, not at link time. Many dlls are shipped with import libraries (with a .lib ending), that handle the runtime loading automatically for you. These are the ones you should link against.
Also try not to hardcode libraries in CMake code. The problem here is that if something goes wrong, you end up with a cryptic linker error. You should use find_library instead, which will usually make CMake complain early if something is off.
A cleaner version of your CMake script would be something like
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
project (test_example)
# note setting the build type does nothing on a visual studio build
# and should probably be left to the user for other generators
#For the shared libraries:
# this call will succeed if it finds a dynamic_1.lib file
find_library(DYNAMIC_LIB1 dynamic_1 HINTS ${test_example_SOURCE_DIR}/libs)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Library dynamic_1 was not found!")
find_library(DYNAMIC_LIB2 dynamic_2 HINTS ${test_example_SOURCE_DIR}/libs)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Library dynamic_2 was not found!")
# for the static libraries:
# basically the same; again this looks for a static_1.lib file
find_library(STATIC_LIB1 static1 HINTS ${test_example_SOURCE_DIR}/libs)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Library static_1 was not found!")
set (PROJECT_INCLUDE_DIR ${test_example_SOURCE_DIR}/include/)
add_executable(test_example test_example.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_example ${DYNAMIC_LIB1} ${DYNAMIC_LIB2} ${STATIC_LIB1})
Double check in Visual Studio that all libraries were added as linker inputs, as expected. If you still get linker errors, it means that something is wrong with your third-party .lib file. Open a new question with the exact linker error that you get.
Here is how we are doing it:
Firstly, use add_library with final arguments STATIC IMPORTED. Then subsequently use set_property to set the IMPORTED_LOCATION property, which is a path to the built library. For example, we pull in gtest like so:
add_library(gtest UNKNOWN IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET gtest PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${binary_dir}/googlemock/gtest/${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES}gtest.a)
Then, gtest is a known library in your build system and you can link with it normally later on by just doing
target_link_libraries(target-name gtest)
See also: Cmake imported libraries documenation

"No rule to make target" error in cmake when linking to shared library

In Ubuntu, I have downloaded a third-party shared library,, which I have placed in the directory /home/karnivaurus/Libraries. I have also placed the associated header file, myheader.h, in the directory /home/karnivaurus/Headers. I now want to link to this library in my C++ code, using CMake. Here is my CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.0.0)
add_executable(demo demo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(demo /home/karnivaurus/Libraries/mylibrary)
However, this gives me the error message:
:-1: error: No rule to make target `/home/karnivaurus/Libraries/mylibrary', needed by `demo'. Stop.
What's going on?
While the other answer posted here is valid, it is out-dated. CMake now provides better solutions for using a pre-built external library in your code. In fact, CMake itself even discourages the use of link_directories() in its documentation.
The target_link_libraries() command takes very specific syntax for linking to an external library. A more modern solution is to create an IMPORTED CMake target for your external library:
add_library(MyExternalLib SHARED IMPORTED)
# Provide the full path to the library, so CMake knows where to find it.
set_target_properties(MyExternalLib PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION /home/karnivaurus/Libraries/
You can then use this imported CMake target later on in your code, and link it to your other targets:
target_link_libraries(demo PRIVATE MyExternalLib)
For other ways to use an external third-party library in your CMake code, see the responses here.
You may use a full path to the static library. To link w/ dynamic one, better to use link_directories() like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.0.0)
add_executable(demo demo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(demo mylibrary)
and make sure mylibrary has prefix lib and suffix .so in file name (i.e. full name is /home/karnivaurus/Libraries/
To make you project more flexible, you'd better to write a finder module and avoid hardcode paths like /home/karnivaurus/*

How do I set up CMake to generate header-only projects?

I want to set up header-only C++ (or C) library projects, but can't find a clean way.
After some searches I've found that you can't set up a normal library using add_library to do this because it requires a compilable source file.
A way to do this would be to use add_custom_target instead, this way:
# Get all headers (using search instead of explicit filenames for the example)
add_custom_target( libsxsd SOURCES ${XSD_HEADERS} )
But that doesn't seem to work completely here as I can't see the sources in the project generated in VS2010. I don't know if it's a bug or if I'm doing it wrong or if there is a preferred way to do this.
Update: CMake will soon include a library target called INTERFACE that is ideal for header-only projects. This feature is currently in the master branch. Reference.
Using the command add_custom_target as you propose works for me (VS2010). The files are neatly listed within my project but it has the drawback that you can't define any "Additional Include Directories" with a custom target. Instead, I now use the following:
add_library(HEADER_ONLY_TARGET STATIC test1.hpp test2.hpp)
This sets up your header-only project as a dummy archive target. Don't worry, no actual binaries will be generated if you should try and build it (at least not in VS2010 and Xcode 4). The command set_target_properties is there because CMake will otherwise complain that it cannot infer the target language from .hpp files only.
You can do this using the recent Interface Library feature:
add_library(mylib INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(mylib INTERFACE my_include_dir1 my_include_dir2)
This creates a library target without any source files, and adds the include directories to the INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property of the target. This means that any target that links to this library will get these directories as include paths (-I) when built.
For instance, to use the library with an executable target, just do:
add_executable(myexec ${MY_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(myexec mylib)
I think what you are looking for is just adding an include directory using the
"include_directories" command for cmake.
When doing this, if it is a third party tool that you don't have control over, I would also add the "SYSTEM" flag.
So you command would look like something like this:
include_directories(SYSTEM ${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS})