I am writing a program which generates satisfiable models (connected graphs) for a specific input string. The details here are not important but the main problem is that each node has a label and such label can be lengthy one. So, what happens is that it does not fit into the figure which results in displaying all the nodes but some labels are partly displayed... Also, the figure that is displayed does not provide an option to zoom out so it is impossible to capture entire graph with full labels on one figure.
Can someone help me out and perhaps suggest a solution?
for i in range(0,len(Graphs)):
graph = Graphs[i]
for node in graph.nodes():
custom_labels[node] = graph.node[node]
nx.draw(Graphs[i], nx.circular_layout(Graphs[i]), node_size=1500, with_labels=True, labels = custom_labels, node_color=node_colours)
#show with custom labels
fig_name = "graph" + str(i) + ".png"
Update picture added:
You could scale the figure
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G = nx.Graph()
l,r = plt.xlim()
You could reduce the font size, using the font_size parameter:
nx.draw(Graphs[i], nx.circular_layout(Graphs[i]), ... , font_size=6)
I used the answer of this question :
Color a particular node in Networkx and Graphviz
but its not working, this is basically how i am using it :
myGraph.add_node(name , color="blue" , style='filled',fillcolor='blue', shape='square')
nx.draw(myGraph, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold')
but the output graph doesn't have any color at all, what am i doing wrong? it doesn't work with add_edge either, no color at all. i am using python 2.7 ( i cant use 3+)
and i don't want to add colors all at the same time, i need to add colors as i add nodes/edges one at a time.
The link you pointed if for drawing colored nodes in Graphviz, while you are drawing using networkx. You need to specify a color sequence and provide that value to node_color attribute to nx.draw, something like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
myGraph = nx.path_graph(n=5)
# Add your node. You can add more nodes if you want,
# just remember to specify the color for the new nodes,
# else they will get the default color
name = "colored_Node"
# Get the colored dictionary
colored_dict = nx.get_node_attributes(myGraph, 'color')
# Create a list for all the nodes
default_color = 'blue'
color_seq = [colored_dict.get(node, default_color) for node in myGraph.nodes()]
# Pass the color sequence
nx.draw(myGraph, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold', node_color=color_seq)
Here is a sample graph:
Color nodes in NetworkX graph
I am new to matplotlib and I was playing with this library to plot data from a csv file. Without using the animation function the graph looks correct, but When I tried to use the animation, the graph connected the first and the last point. I looked stuff up, but I can't figure out how to solve this. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Below is my code. Thanks in advance!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import csv
x = []
y = []
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
def animate(i):
with open("example.txt", "r") as csvfile:
plots = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in plots:
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=1000)
You append all the same points over and over again to the lists to plot. So say the csv file contains numbers 1,2,3 what you are doing is reading them in, appending them to the list, plotting them, then reading them in again and appending them etc.
So x contains in
Step 1 : 1,2,3
Step 2 : 1,2,3,1,2,3
Step 3 : 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3
Hence from step 2 on there will be a connection between 3 and 1.
I don't know what the purpose of this animation is since animating all the same points is quite useless. So there is no straight forward solution, apart from not animating at all.
I have created a map of precipitation levels in a region based on precipitation data from NetCDF files. I would like to add a custom scale such that if precipitation is less than 800mm it would be one colour, 800-1000mm another, etc. Similar to the map found here: http://www.metmalawi.com/climate/climate.php
At the moment I am using a gradient scale but it isn't showing the detail I need. This is the code for the plot at the moment (where 'Average' is my data that I have already formatted).
#load color palette
colourA = mpl_cm.get_cmap('BuPu')
#plot map with physical features
ax = plt.axes(projection=cartopy.crs.PlateCarree())
ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAKES, alpha=0.5)
#set map boundary
ax.set_extent([32.5, 36., -9, -17])
#set axis tick marks
ax.set_xticks([33, 34, 35])
ax.set_yticks([-10, -12, -14, -16])
lon_formatter = LongitudeFormatter(zero_direction_label=True)
lat_formatter = LatitudeFormatter()
#plot data and set colour range
plot = iplt.contourf(Average, cmap=colourA, levels=np.arange(0,15500,500), extend='both')
#add colour bar index and a label
plt.colorbar(plot, label='mm per year')
#give map a title
plt.title('Pr 1990-2008 - Average_ERAINT ', fontsize=10)
#save the image of the graph and include full legend
plt.savefig('ERAINT_Average_Pr_MAP_Annual', bbox_inches='tight')
Anyone know how I can do this?
Thank you!
This is a matplotlib question disguised as an Iris question as the issue has appeared via Iris plotting routines, but to answer this we need only a couple of matplotlib commands. As such, I'm basing this answer on this matplotlib gallery example. These are levels (containing values for the upper bound of each contour) and colors (specifying the colours to shade each contour). It's best if there are the same number of levels and colours.
To demonstrate this, I put the following example together. Given that there's no sample data provided, I made my own trigonometric data. The levels are based on the trigonometric data values, so do not reflect the levels required in the question, but could be changed to the original levels. The colours used are the hex values of the levels specified by image in the link in the question.
The code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(-25, 25)
y = np.arange(-20, 20)
x2d, y2d = np.meshgrid(x, y)
vals = (3 * np.cos(x2d)) + (2 * np.sin(y2d))
colours = ['#bf8046', '#df9f24', '#e0de30', '#c1de2d', '#1ebf82',
'#23de27', '#1dbe20', '#11807f', '#24607f', '#22427e']
levels = range(-5, 6)
plt.contourf(vals, levels=levels, colors=colours)
The produced image:
Colours could also be selected from a colormap (one way of doing this is shown in this StackOverflow answer). There are also other ways, including in the matplotlib gallery example linked above. Given, though, that the sample map linked in the question had specific colours I chose to use those colours directly.
I have the following sample of handwriting taken with three different writing instruments:
Looking at the writing, I can tell that there is a distinct difference between the first two and the last one. My goal is to determine an approximation of the stroke thickness for each letter, allowing me to group them based on being thin or thick.
So far, I have tried looking into stroke width transform, but I have struggled to translate it to my example.
I am able to preprocess the image such that I am just left with just the contours of the test in question. For example, here is thick from the last line:
I suggest detecting contours with cv::findContours as you are doing and then compare bounding rectangle area and contour area. The thicker writing the greater coefficent (contourArea/boundingRectArea) will be.
This approach will help you. This will calcuate the stroke width.
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
from skimage import img_as_float
def adaptive_thresholding(image):
output_image = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(image,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY,21,2)
return output_image
def stroke_width(image):
dist = cv2.distanceTransform(cv2.subtract(255,image), cv2.DIST_L2, 5)
im = img_as_float(dist)
coordinates = peak_local_max(im, min_distance=15)
pixel_strength = []
for element in coordinates:
x = element[0]
y = element[1]
mean_pixel_strength = np.asarray(pixel_strength).mean()
return mean_pixel_strength
image = cv2.imread('Small3.JPG', 0)
process_image = adaptive_thresholding(image)
A python implementation for this might go something like this, using Stroke Width Transform implementation of SWTloc.
Full Disclosure: I am the author of this library.
EDIT : Post v2.0.0
Transforming The Image
import swtloc as swt
imgpath = 'images/path_to_image.jpeg'
swtl = swt.SWTLocalizer(image_paths=imgpath)
swtImgObj = swtl.swtimages[0]
# Perform SWT Transformation with numba engine
swt_mat = swtImgObj.transformImage(auto_canny_sigma=1.0, gaussian_blurr=False,
minimum_stroke_width=3, maximum_stroke_width=50,
Localize Letters
localized_letters = swtImgObj.localizeLetters()
Plot Histogram of Each Letters Strokes Widths
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
all_sws = []
for letter_label, letter in localized_letters.items():
sns.displot(all_sws, bins=31)
From the distribution plot, it can be inferred that there might be three fontsize of the text available in the image - [3, 15, 27]
I have two data sets, Points and Pointsize. I want to animate the plot with the change of coordinate(Points) and size(Pointsize) of points. But I only can update Points. The code below is showing that three points move with change of data of Points. What I want is, the points not only move, but also change their sizes.I tried to use scat.set_offsets(Points['xy'],Pointsize) to achieve my goal. But the error shows "TypeError: set_offsets() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)". I also tried to use duplicate set_offsets to update both Points['xy'] and Pointsize separately. The error shows "ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged".
I have no idea how to solve that problem. Someone can tell me a way or solution to achieve my goal? I will appreciate your help. Thank you very much.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
def updata(frame_number):
current_index = frame_number % 3
a = [[10,20,30],[40,50,60],[70,80,90]]
Points['xy'][:,0] = np.asarray(a[current_index])
Points['xy'][:,1] = np.asarray(a[current_index])
Pointsize = a[current_index]
ax.set_title("For Dataset %d" % current_index)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
Points = np.zeros(3,dtype=[('xy',float,2)])
Pointsize = [10] * 3
scat = ax.scatter(Points['xy'][:,0],Points['xy'][:,1],s=Pointsize,alpha=0.3,edgecolors='none')
animation = FuncAnimation(fig,updata,frames=50,interval=600)
As seen in the official matplotlib example, you would use
to update the size of scatter points.