Dropdown Component Unit Test Case using in sinon+chai : ng-forward - unit-testing

I want to write the unit test case for this component Dropdown Component
But I am unable to write the test case in sinon+chai using ng-forward.
Can somebody guide me in this.


Testlink - creating test cases

Hello I have a problem once I want to create a test case in testlink. I'd like to create step to the test case but on the screen on the right I don't have anything only message:Your search delivered no results! how can I fix it?

Best way to setup test cases that are "late" in a process

Best way of handling many test cases needing to navigate to a particular place before they run their asserts? For example a process has 5 steps and a test case needs to test a part of step 5, how can I set it up? Call the test case methods of the previous steps inside this test case, and do that for all test cases that test step 5?
Similarly, if a test case goes deep into the website - through many pages - should that navigation be re-written for every test case, or just call some test that already does that?
Any tips on this situations?
Best way of handling many test cases needing to navigate to a particular place before they run their asserts? For example a process has 5 steps and a test case needs to test a part
of step 5, how can I set it up?
I would create a Transporter class / pattern that the test case can call to get to that state. That will make the navigation code reusable to other tests and not make the test too big/complicated. You can also use the setUp() methods in your xUnit testing frameworks which will be called before each test and place the navigator code there, if you need to use it for other tests.
Similarly, if a test case goes deep into the website - through many
pages - should that navigation be re-written for every test case, or
just call some test that already does that?
I would extract that code into a helper class called Transporter and have the tests call it to easily navigate to the deep page in one method call.
I wrote about this and other test design patterns in a conference paper at the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference. Look for the Transporter pattern in that paper.
Here's an example using a Transporter class where you have to login and navigate to the checkout page:
public class Transporter {
public static void login() {
//App specific code to navigate to login screen and login to the application
public static void gotoCheckout() {
//App specific code to navigate to the checkout page
Now your tests can just call this Transporter class to do the navigation for them.
If you are using BDD, such as JBehave (not sure if Cucumber has the same feature) where you have the Given, When, Then story (feature) structure in Gherkin syntax, you can actually use "GivenStories" feature which are like prequel test cases to set you up for your specific test case, exactly as you are describing.
There's nothing wrong, however, when using BDD to simply make multiple step scenarios leading up to the particular test case, i.e. first scenario logs-in, second scenario navigates to certain page, third scenario performs your actual test.
By writing it as a separate story (feature), however, you can re-use those as "GivenStories" in JBehave as a shortcut to get where you need to be without duplicating the steps.

How to test React Native classes that do not have a render method?

I am building a mobile application with React Native and ran into a problem when trying to unit test my code. Currently I do have both Jest and Enzyme being used in the testing.
How would I be able to test the methods in a certain class/file that does not contain a render() method and does not "extend as a Component"? This class is used to query information from an API and saving it into variables.
The documentation about Jest and Enzyme at
seem to be focused on testing rendered components.
Assuming you've got a module export set up, you actually just import the object/class and then write a test against it using a jasmine syntax. You can try it out live right here:
If you notice on the "add-test.js" file, the first line is a require to get your object under test. In this case:
const add = require('./add');
Then it's just a matter of regular old jasmine-style testing.

Link Test to TestCase WorkItem

I’d like to know if there is a way to really link the test of a build, with a test case WorkItem.
I've seen that you can attach the result of a test to a test case, but I want the test (method) to be linked to the test case, not the result.
I’m using Report Builder, where I show the list of test result of a build. The thing is, the name of each tests comes from the methods name. I’d prefer to use the name of the test case.
You cannot link a part of code (in this case a test method) to an work item (in this case a test case).

Unit Testing basic Controllers

I have a number of simple controller classes that use Doctrine's entity manager to retrieve data and pass it to a view.
public function indexAction() {
$pages = $this->em->getRepository('Model_Page')->findAll();
$this->view->pages = $pages;
What exactly should we be testing here?
I could test routing on the action to ensure that's configured properly
I could potentially test that the appropriate view variables are being set, but this is cumbersome
The findAll() method should probably be in a repository layer which can be tested using mock data, but then this constitutes a different type of test and brings us back to the question of
What should we be testing as part of controller tests?
Controller holds core logic for your application. Though simple "index" controller actions don't have any specific functions, those that verify/actively use data and generate viewmodels have pretty much the most functionality of the system.
For example, consider login form. Whenever the login data is posted, controller should validate login/password and return: 1) to index page whenever logins are good. Show welcome,{user} text. 2) to the login page saying that login is not found in db. 3) to the login page saying that password is not found in db.
These three types of outputs make perfect test cases. You should validate that correct viewmodels/views are being sent back to the client with the appropriate actions.
You shouldn't look at a controller like at something mysterious. It's just another code piece, and it's tested as any other code - any complicated logic that gives business-value to the user should be tested.
Also, I'd recommend using acceptance testing with framework like Cucumber to generate meaningful test cases.
Probably the controller is the hardest thing to test, as it has many dependencies. In theory you should test it in full isolation, but as you already seen - it has no sense.
Probably you should start with functional or acceptance test. It tests your controller action in a whole. I agree with previous answer, that you should try acceptance testing tools. But Cucumber is for Ruby, for PHP you can try using Codeception. It makes tests simple and meaningful.
Also on a Codeception page there is an article on how to test sample controllers.