I am new to opencart. I am trying to set the price in admin part but It is not showing as I set in dashboard. It is showing something less than(5% less) the what I entered in admin.
I have set the price of two products in dashboard :
But when I see the product as follow on the front end :
I have set display price tax in opencart setting as follow
Check your currencies are correct in System - Localisation - Currencies
you currency should be set as default and with a value of 1.0000
[ Using Opencart 3.x]
I'm trying to make a link in the main menu to list products from a manufacturer that belong to a certain category.
Because i couln't find anything manufacturer related in the category controller, i tried to do it by also creating a category for each manufacturer like the text below, and then combining them into a link.
manufacturer_id = 13
manufacturer_category_id = 58
manufacturer_id = 14
manufacturer_category_id = 59
Product category
tv_category_id = 60
The link i tried:
But when i do this i get all the TV's from Sony, but also all the TV's from LG in the list.
Is there a way to do this right, so only all Sony TV's will be in the result?
There is no standard controller to make a link manufacturer && category. You don't need to create category for each manufacturer.
But! There is a way using standard OC3 filters.
Catalog - Filters. Here we creating filter, Filter Group Name "Manufacturer". Filter Values - "Manufacturer 1", "Manufacturer 2", ...(all your manufacturers). Save.
Catalog - Categories. Edit your category, which you would like to connect to manufacturer, i will call it "Your category". On the Data tab find Filters. Here, by entering first letters, select all filters ("Manufacturers" in your case), which you would line to link to this category. Save.
Extensions - Extensions - Modules. Find Filter, click Install, then Edit. On a filter module page set status "Enabled". Save.
Design - Layout. Find layout Category, click Edit. Add module Filter anywhere you want (for instance, under Category in Column left). Save.
Catalog - Product. Edit all product from a category you are working with. Editing the product, on the Links tab find Filters. Here, by entering first letters, select all one filter ("Manufacturer 1" in your case), which you would line to link to this product. Save.
That's all, go to "Your category" on the client side. There you will see a Refine Search module with the list of manufacturers. Check one of the manufacturers, click Refine Search. You will see the list on a products in "Your category" filtered by "Manufacturer 1". The URL is /index.php?route=product/category&path=58&filter=1. It's not a strict constant, if you adding new filters - order can be changed. But you can use it as a menu item link. Try. This should work.
Or you can use some other filter from Opencart Marketplace which can generate filtered pages with constant URL.
In backend admin panel following these steps: Catalog -> Products -> (I select the product I need) -> Edit -> Special. I insert the special price I want and it displays in Frond End in the product page. The Price which is in Data appears as CUT and the price I inserted in Special appears uncut. For example: [strike] 100.00[/strike] 90.00. My main question is: When I click Add to cart in the product page I want the the main price to go in the cart not the Special one. The client wants to see the special price but the price that goes into the cart to be the main price.
Many thanks
Special Price is actually the discounted price of a product. So, if a product is of 100 then we can sell it for 90 on some festival seasons. That's when you should use special price. Regarding your specific requirement, you should either flip the values entered in special and base price (But the special price will now have strikethrough) OR you need to alter the code.
I looked everywhere.
I have Opencart Some of my products are vegetable. So for them I want to insert 1kg price and give an input field for customers to enter the weight they are after. So 1kg is $29 and if the customer enters "271"g, the price should be "(29/1000)*271 = $7.85. Do you know the easiest way to implement this and pass this dynamic price?
Thanks heaps.
This OpenCart extension should be able to do it.
By default in opencart we have 2 product statuses (which we can use also in admin to filter products) - enabled and disabled.
I need to add a few more custom statuses, which will be just for my team which is working over the products (for example i want to add need description status, products with the custom statuses will not show in the front end (like disabled) so if the product is market with it, the team who is working on product descriptions will easy filter only the products that need descriptions).
I hope i explained clearly as well...Thank you...
If you look into the language file of product admin/language/language_name/catalog/product.php, there is $_['text_enabled'] and $_['text_disabled'], you can add $_['text_need_description'].
In category.php and product.php controllers you will find
$data['text_enabled'] = $this->language->get('text_enabled');
$data['text_disabled'] = $this->language->get('text_disabled');
Next to them, you can add
$data['text_need_description'] = $this->language->get('text_need_description');
You can check occurrences of 'enabled' and change accordingly. You also need to change the relevant templates and models.
In database, status is saved as 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled, you can save the value 2 for 'need description'.
When the products are fetched to be displayed to the customer on front-end, only the products with status 1 are fetched so you won't have to change that part.
I am creating a shop with Opencart 1.5.6 & I'm new to opencart & php so please help me
I searched a lot but all of results are talking about adding a filter in SORT drop down list like manufacturer ..
but I don't want to sort,
I added a new custom field called COLOR to product and i want to create a new drop down list contains RED,BLUE,& BLACK options and it will get all the products with this chosen color.
I tried to create a drop down list like "Sort By:" one,
but i can't because i have no experience with PHP or Opencart.
PLEASE HELP ME !! and thanks in advance :)
As you said you are beginner so just go through step by step
In Opencart there is a feature called filter which exactly fulfills your requirement
**Step1 (Creating Filter)**
Admin panel>catalog>filter>Inset a new filter
->Filter Group Name "Color".
->click on add filter and add your colors "Red, Green, Blue...."
**Step2 (Adding Filter attribute to Product)**
Admin panel>catalog>products>edit product
->under the link tab there is a filter add the filter to product you want
eg if the product is red in color add "red"
->Do this to all product you wanted to be filtered.
**Step3 (Adding Filter Scope to category)**
Admin panel>catalog>categories>edit category
->under the data tab there is a filter add the filter you want to be displayed like "red, green etc.."
->Do this to all category you wanted filter to be displayed.
**Step4 (Enable Filter module or setting layout)**
Admin panel>Extensions>Modules
->Find Filter and click on install
->Now Edit the filter
->click on add module
->Set Layout to Category, Position to Content Top and Status to Enable
->Click on Save
Now you are done, In category you can see the filter feature in category,
If you still find difficulties you can follow the official documentation http://docs.opencart.com/display/opencart/Filters
Hope this helps.