Why does C++ consider pointer and array of pointers as same thing? - c++

Once I encountered following code:
int s =10;
int *p=&s;
cout << p[3] << endl;
And I can't understand why am I able to access p[3] that doesn't exist (only p exists that is single pointer but I still get access to p[3] that is array that I have never created).
Is it some compiler bug or it is a feature or I don't know some basics of C++ that covers this?
Thank you

Why does C++ consider pointer and array of pointers as same thing?
It doesn't. You're asking why it treats pointers and arrays as the same.
The [] operator is just an abbreviated form of pointer arithmetic. a[b] is equivalent to *(a + b). Array names can decay into pointers, and then pointer arithmetic is applied. It's the programmers job to make sure they don't go out of bounds. The compiler can't possibly stop you from shooting your foot off.
Also, claiming to be able to "access" it is a strong assertion. That is UB, and is most likely going to either read the wrong memory or get a segfault.

No, it's not a compiler bug, its a very useful feature... but lets not get ahead of ourselves here, the consequence of your code is called Undefined Behaviour
So, what's the feature? All naked arrays are actually pointer to the first element. Except un-decayed arrays (See What is array decaying?).
Consider this code:
int s =10;
int* array = new int[12];
int *p;
p = array; // p refers to the first element
int* x = p + 7; //advances to the 7th element, compiler never checks bounds
int* y = p + 700; //ditto ...this is obviously undefined
p = &s; //p is now pointing to where s
int* xx = p + 3; //But s is a single element, so Undefined Behaviour
Once an array is decayed, it's simply a pointer... And a pointer can be incremented, decremented, dereferenced, advanced, assigned or reassigned.
cout << p[7] << endl;
is a valid C++ program. but not necessarily correct.
It's the responsibility of the programmer to know whether a pointer points to a single element or an array. but thanks to static analyzers and https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines, things are changing for good.
Also see What are all the common undefined behaviours that a C++ programmer should know about?

From here, section array-to-pointer decay:
There is anĀ implicit conversionĀ from lvalues and rvalues of array type to rvalues of pointer type: it constructs a pointer to the first element of an array. This conversion is used whenever arrays appear in context where arrays are not expected, but pointers are

Inherited from C, C++ allows you to treat any pointer like the first element of an array starting at that address.
That's in part because it passes arrays by reference as pointers and so for that to make sense you need to be able to treat a pointer as an array.
It also enables some quite neat and very efficient code in various circumstances.
The upshot is that p[3] is a valid construct in this context.
Obviously however it has undefined behaviour because p isn't pointing to an array! Unfortunately the language rules (and compiler) aren't smart enough to work that out.
C is a very low level language and doesn't enforce nice things like range checking either during compilation or execution.


Internal logic of operator [] when dealing with pointers

I've been studying C++ for couple of months now and just recently decided to look more deeply into the logic of pointers and arrays. What I've been taught in uni is pretty basic - pointers contain the address of a variable. When an array is created, basically a pointer to its first element is created.
So I started experimenting a bit. (and got to a conclusion which I need confirmation for). First of all I created
int arr[10];
int* ptr = &arr[5];
And as you would imagine
cout << ptr[3];
gave me the 8th element of the array. Next I tried
int num = 6;
int* ptr2 = &num;
cout << ptr2[5];
cout << ptr2 + 5;
which to my great delight (not irony) returned the same addresses. Even though num wasn't an array.
The conclusion to which I got: array is not something special in C++. It's just a pointer to the first element (already typed that). More important: Can I think about every pointer in the manner of object of a class variable*. Is the operator [] just overloaded in the class int*? For example to be something along the lines of:
int operator[] (int index){
return *(arrayFirstaddress + index);
What was interesting to me in these experiments is that operator [] works for EVERY pointer. (So it's exactly like overloading an operator for all instances of the said class)
Of course, I can be as wrong as possible. I couldn't find much information in the web, since I didn't know how to word my question so I decided to ask here.
It would be extremely helpful if you explained to me if I'm right/wrong/very wrong and why.
You find the definition of subscripting, i.e. an expression like ptr2[5] in the c++ standard, e.g. like in this online c++ draft standard:
5.2.1 Subscripting [expr.sub]
(1) ... The expression E1[E2] is identical (by definition) to
So your "discovery" sounds correct, although your examples seem to have some bugs (e.g. ptr2[5] should not return an address but an int value, whereas ptr2+5 is an address an not an int value; I suppose you meant &ptr2[5]).
Further, your code is not a prove of this discovery as it is based on undefined behaviour. It may yield something that supports your "discovery", but your discovery could still be not valid, and it could also do the opposite (really!).
The reason why it is undefined behaviour is that even pointer arithmetics like ptr2+5 is undefined behaviour if the result is out of the range of the allocated memory block ptr2 points to (which is definitely the case in your example):
5.7 Additive operators
(6) ... Unless both pointers point to elements of the same array
object, or one past the last element of the array object, the behavior
is undefined.
Different compilers, different optimization settings, and even slight modifications anywhere in your program may let the compiler do other things here.
An array in C++ is a collection of objects. A pointer is a variable that can store the address of something. The two are not the same thing.
Unfortunately, your sample
int num = 6;
int* ptr2 = &num;
cout << ptr2[5];
cout << ptr2 + 5;
exhibits undefined behaviour, both in the evaluation of ptr2[5] and ptr2 + 5. Pointer expressions are special - arithmetic involving pointers only has defined behaviour if the pointer being acted on (ptr2 in this case) and the result (ptr2 + 5) are within the same object. Or one past the end (although dereferencing a "one past the end" pointer - trying to access the value it points at - also gives undefined behaviour).
Semantically, *(ptr + n) and ptr[n] are equivalent (i.e. they have the same meaning) if ptr is a pointer and n is an integral value. So if evaluating ptr + n gives undefined behaviour, so does evaluating ptr[n]. Similarly, &ptr[n] and ptr + n are equivalent.
In expressions, depending on context, the name of an array is converted to a pointer, and that pointer is equal to the address of that array's first element. So, given
int x[5];
int *p;
// the following all have the same effect
p = x + 2;
p = &x[0] + 2;
p = &x[2];
That does not mean an array is a pointer though.

Moving pointer with Dynamic Memory C++

this is my first question in this forum, sorry my bad english.
I have a question about pointers and dynamic memory in c++.
Example, this code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
int *a = new int;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << a++ << endl;
return 0;
My question, is why can I move more than that 'single' block of memory that I created with new.
What is a pointing to?
Same occurs with new int[], even if I specific the size:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
int *a = new int[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << a++ << endl;
return 0;
Again, what is happening?
What is a pointing to?
Does all of this mean I'm violating memory?
a is an int*, not an int. What you are printing is actually the pointer, i.e. the memory address of the pointed object. Use the dereference operator * whenever you want to modify the pointed value, i.e.
cout << (*a)++ << endl;
NB: Likewise, you can get a pointer to an int using the reference operator, &, not to be mixed up with a reference (e.g. a int& type).
This may print 0 1 2 3 4. may because you are not initializing the new int created in dynamic memory. This means reading from *a (dereferenced a) is undefined behavior, which means your program may misbehave. You have to change your line using new:
int *a = new int();
This will initialize *a to 0 and now 0 1 2 3 4 will be printed correctly.
Note that int *a = new int[2]; does create a dynamic array of 2 entries in dynamic memory, which means *(a + 1) can be used as well (as if it was a regular array). It does not initialize *a to 2.
Do remember to delete a; when you've done using it. In a real application, you could get a memory leak if you don't - i.e. your program would still use memory it doesn't need anymore. Caution, when you have to delete a dynamically-allocated array (i.e. new int[2]), you need to use delete[] a; instead, or you will trigger undefined behavior.
You may also use a unique_ptr (or a shared_ptr) in C++11 as an alternative to this kind of memory allocation, i.e. :
#include <memory>
// ...
std::unique_ptr<int> a = std::make_unique<int>(0);
Thanks to this solution, you do not need to delete a because the unique_ptr will do this for you, when itself dies (i.e. out of the scope, here).
Edit: Bonus:
Why is the number incremented by 4 if you just used ++?
Using ++ on an address will actually increment it by sizeof(T), which here is sizeof(int) and not 1. This explains why you can, as previously stated, use *(a + 1) if you used new int[2].
i think that it is ,because a points to an integer , the size of an integer is 4 bytes (sizeof(int) == 4) after executing a++ ,a points to the next integer,try char *a, and a++ to be more sure
It is legal to point at an object or the spot right after an object. A new int[2] creates two adjacent objects (in an array) and returns a pointer to the first one.
So yes, what you did above is not permitted. The behaviour of adding 5 to a pointer to a single object is not defined by the C++ standard; the compiler can generate assembly that does anything at all.
As it happens, on a flat memory architecture, pointers are basically unsigned integers. And incrementing a pointer by 1 is just incrementing it by the size of the pointed-to object.
So what often happens is you just get pointers to whatever happens to be there.
Now this is not guaranteed and should not be relied upon. Many of the rules of C++ that make actions undefined permit certain optimizations to occur over the "naive" mapping you might think the compiler does. For example, pointers to short can never point to an int and change its value in a defined way, which means if a function has both an int and short pointer it can assume that a write to the short does not modify the int.
The naive "write to the two words in an int" method of using shorts can work, then not work for seeming no reason, because the behaviour was undefined and the compiler was free to optimize assuming it could not happen.
In short, your actions are not legal, the behaviour you got is not surprising, but you can never rely on it.
Pointers are not just unsigned integers, even if that is what your compiler implements them with. They are an abstraction. Their behaviour is determined not by their implementation, but rather what the standard permits you do with them. When you act in ways the standard does not permit, the behaviour you get is undefined by the standard. Compilers can, and have been known to, exploit that fact to assume undefined behaviour cannot and does not occur. The program could behave unexpectedly on lines of code prior to the undefined behaviour as the compiler reorders and optimizes based on the assumption your code has well defined behaviour.
Pointers in c++ (and c) are just addresses to the memory (32/64bit numbers). There is no problem with increasing them or decreasing any way you want and you are not violating the memory or any other rule. You would be however violating the memory if you tried to read or write to the address pointed to by A after going through the for cycle.
As for what it is pointing to, most likely it's just some more space allocated to you by the new (and malloc under it) because it tends to give more space than you ask for, though this behaviour is not guaranteed. It might also point to heap data or just unassigned memory.

Cannot convert from 'int *' to 'int []'?

I know this might be a common question but I have tried to search but still cannot find a clear answer.
I have the following code:
int* f() {
int a[] = {1,2,3};
return a;
int main() {
int a[] = f(); // Error here
return 0;
This code produces the error message: "Cannot convert from 'int *' to 'int []'"
I found this quite strange because I have read that pointer and array are similar. For example, we can use a[i] instead of *(a + i).
Can anyone give me a clear explanation, please?
There are actually two errors in this code.
Firstly, you are returning the address of a temporary (the int array within f), so its contents are undefined after the function returns. Any attempt to access the memory pointed to by the returned pointer will cause undefined behaviour.
Secondly, there is no implicit conversion from pointers to array types in C++. They are similar, but not identical. Arrays can decay to pointers, but it doesn't work the other way round as information is lost on the way - a pointer just represents a memory address, while an array represents the address of a continuous region, typically with a particular size. Also you can't assign to arrays.
For example, we can use a[i] instead of *(a + i)
This, however, has little to do with the differences between arrays and pointers, it's just a syntactic rule for pointer types. As arrays decay to pointers, it works for arrays as well.
The type int[] doesn't actually exist.
When you define and initialize an array like
int a[] = {1,2,3};
the compiler counts the elements in the initializer and creates an array of the right size; in that case, it magically becomes:
int a[3] = {1,2,3};
int[] used as a parameter to a function, instead, it's just plain int *, i.e. a pointer to the first element of the array. No other information is carried with it, in particular nothing about the size is preserved. The same holds when you return a pointer
Notice that an array is not a pointer: a pointer can be changed to point to other stuff, while an array refers always to the same memory; a pointer does not know anything about how big is the space of memory it points to, while the size of an array is always known at compile time. The confusion arises from the fact that an array decays to a pointer to its first element in many circumstances, and passing it to a function/returning it from a function are some of these circumstances.
So, why doesn't your code work? There are two big errors:
You are trying to initialize an array with a pointer. We said that an int * doesn't carry any information about the size of the array. It's just a pointer to the first element. So the compiler cannot know how big a should be made to accomodate the stuff returned by f().
In f you are returning a pointer to a variable that is local to that function. This is wrong, because a pointer does not actually store the data, it only points to where the data is stored, i.e. in your case to the a local to f. Because that array is local to the function, it ceases to exist when the function exits (i.e. at the return).
This means that the pointer you are returning points to stuff that does not exist anymore; consider the code:
int * a = f();
This initialization works, and you can try to use a later in the function, but a will be pointing to the no-longer existent array of f; in the best case your program will crash (and you'll notice immediately that you've done something wrong), in the worst it will seem to work for some time, and then start giving strange results.
int * and int [] are similar but different.
int * is a real pointer, meanwhile int[] is an array reference ( a sort of "constant pointer" to the begin of the data) wich cannot be modified. So, a int * can be threated like a int [] but not viceversa.
You can use a[b] and*(a+b) interchangeably because that is exactly how a[b] is defined when one of a or b is a pointer and the other is of integer or enumeration type.
Note: This also means that expressions like 42[a] are perfectly legal. Human readers might object strongly, but the compiler won't bat an eye at this.

Why is it allowed to cast a pointer to a reference?

Originally being the topic of this question, it emerged that the OP just overlooked the dereference. Meanwhile, this answer got me and some others thinking - why is it allowed to cast a pointer to a reference with a C-style cast or reinterpret_cast?
int main() {
char c = 'A';
char* pc = &c;
char& c1 = (char&)pc;
char& c2 = reinterpret_cast<char&>(pc);
The above code compiles without any warning or error (regarding the cast) on Visual Studio while GCC will only give you a warning, as shown here.
My first thought was that the pointer somehow automagically gets dereferenced (I work with MSVC normally, so I didn't get the warning GCC shows), and tried the following:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
char c = 'A';
char* pc = &c;
char& c1 = (char&)pc;
std::cout << *pc << "\n";
c1 = 'B';
std::cout << *pc << "\n";
With the very interesting output shown here. So it seems that you are accessing the pointed-to variable, but at the same time, you are not.
Ideas? Explanations? Standard quotes?
Well, that's the purpose of reinterpret_cast! As the name suggests, the purpose of that cast is to reinterpret a memory region as a value of another type. For this reason, using reinterpret_cast you can always cast an lvalue of one type to a reference of another type.
This is described in 5.2.10/10 of the language specification. It also says there that reinterpret_cast<T&>(x) is the same thing as *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&x).
The fact that you are casting a pointer in this case is totally and completely unimportant. No, the pointer does not get automatically dereferenced (taking into account the *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&x) interpretation, one might even say that the opposite is true: the address of that pointer is automatically taken). The pointer in this case serves as just "some variable that occupies some region in memory". The type of that variable makes no difference whatsoever. It can be a double, a pointer, an int or any other lvalue. The variable is simply treated as memory region that you reinterpret as another type.
As for the C-style cast - it just gets interpreted as reinterpret_cast in this context, so the above immediately applies to it.
In your second example you attached reference c to the memory occupied by pointer variable pc. When you did c = 'B', you forcefully wrote the value 'B' into that memory, thus completely destroying the original pointer value (by overwriting one byte of that value). Now the destroyed pointer points to some unpredictable location. Later you tried to dereference that destroyed pointer. What happens in such case is a matter of pure luck. The program might crash, since the pointer is generally non-defererencable. Or you might get lucky and make your pointer to point to some unpredictable yet valid location. In that case you program will output something. No one knows what it will output and there's no meaning in it whatsoever.
One can rewrite your second program into an equivalent program without references
int main(){
char* pc = new char('A');
char* c = (char *) &pc;
std::cout << *pc << "\n";
*c = 'B';
std::cout << *pc << "\n";
From the practical point of view, on a little-endian platform your code would overwrite the least-significant byte of the pointer. Such a modification will not make the pointer to point too far away from its original location. So, the code is more likely to print something instead of crashing. On a big-endian platform your code would destroy the most-significant byte of the pointer, thus throwing it wildly to point to a totally different location, thus making your program more likely to crash.
It took me a while to grok it, but I think I finally got it.
The C++ standard specifies that a cast reinterpret_cast<U&>(t) is equivalent to *reinterpret_cast<U*>(&t).
In our case, U is char, and t is char*.
Expanding those, we see that the following happens:
we take the address of the argument to the cast, yielding a value of type char**.
we reinterpret_cast this value to char*
we dereference the result, yielding a char lvalue.
reinterpret_cast allows you to cast from any pointer type to any other pointer type. And so, a cast from char** to char* is well-formed.
I'll try to explain this using my ingrained intuition about references and pointers rather than relying on the language of the standard.
C didn't have reference types, it only had values and pointer types (addresses) - since, physically in memory, we only have values and addresses.
In C++ we've added references to the syntax, but you can think of them as a kind of syntactic sugar - there is no special data structure or memory layout scheme for holding references.
Well, what "is" a reference from that perspective? Or rather, how would you "implement" a reference? With a pointer, of course. So whenever you see a reference in some code you can pretend it's really just a pointer that's been used in a special way: if int x; and int& y{x}; then we really have a int* y_ptr = &x; and if we say y = 123; we merely mean *(y_ptr) = 123;. This is not dissimilar from how, when we use C array subscripts (a[1] = 2;) what actually happens is that a is "decayed" to mean pointer to its first element, and then what gets executed is *(a + 1) = 2.
(Side note: Compilers don't actually always hold pointers behind every reference; for example, the compiler might use a register for the referred-to variable, and then a pointer can't point to it. But the metaphor is still pretty safe.)
Having accepted the "reference is really just a pointer in disguise" metaphor, it should now not be surprising that we can ignore this disguise with a reinterpret_cast<>().
PS - std::ref is also really just a pointer when you drill down into it.
Its allowed because C++ allows pretty much anything when you cast.
But as for the behavior:
pc is a 4 byte pointer
(char)pc tries to interpret the pointer as a byte, in particular the last of the four bytes
(char&)pc is the same, but returns a reference to that byte
When you first print pc, nothing has happened and you see the letter you stored
c = 'B' modifies the last byte of the 4 byte pointer, so it now points to something else
When you print again, you are now pointing to a different location which explains your result.
Since the last byte of the pointer is modified the new memory address is nearby, making it unlikely to be in a piece of memory your program isn't allowed to access. That's why you don't get a seg-fault. The actual value obtained is undefined, but is highly likely to be a zero, which explains the blank output when its interpreted as a char.
when you're casting, with a C-style cast or with a reinterpret_cast, you're basically telling the compiler to look the other way ("don't you mind, I know what I'm doing").
C++ allows you to tell the compiler to do that. That doesn't mean it's a good idea...

About pointer and reference syntax

Embarrassing though it may be I know I am not the only one with this problem.
I have been using C/C++ on and off for many years. I never had a problem grasping the concepts of addresses, pointers, pointers to pointers, and references.
I do constantly find myself tripping over expressing them in C syntax, however. Not the basics like declarations or dereferencing, but more often things like getting the address of a pointer-to-pointer, or pointer to reference, etc. Essentially anything that goes a level or two of indirection beyond the norm. Typically I fumble with various semi-logical combinations of operators until I trip upon the correct one.
Clearly somewhere along the line I missed a rule or two that simplifies and makes it all fall into place. So I guess my question is: do you know of a site or reference that covers this matter with clarity and in some depth?
I don't know of any website but I'll try to explain it in very simple terms. There are only three things you need to understand:
variable will contain the contents of the variable. This means that if the variable is a pointer it will contain the memory address it points to.
*variable (only valid for pointers) will contain the contents of the variable pointed to. If the variable it points to is another pointer, ptr2, then *variable and ptr2 will be the same thing; **variable and *ptr2 are the same thing as well.
&variable will contain the memory address of the variable. If it's a pointer, it will be the memory address of the pointer itself and NOT the variable pointed to or the memory address of the variable pointed to.
Now, let's see a complex example:
void **list = (void **)*(void **)info.List;
list is a pointer to a pointer. Now let's examine the right part of the assignment starting from the end: (void **)info.List. This is also a pointer to a pointer.
Then, you see the *: *(void **)info.List. This means that this is the value the pointer info.List points to.
Now, the whole thing: (void **)*(void **)info.List. This is the value the pointer info.List points to casted to (void **).
I found the right-left-right rule to be useful. It tells you how to read a declaration so that you get all the pointers and references in order. For example:
int *foo();
Using the right-left-right rule, you can translate this to English as "foo is a function that returns a pointer to an integer".
int *(*foo)(); // "foo is a pointer to a function returning a pointer to an int"
int (*foo[])(); // "foo is an array of pointers to functions returning ints"
Most explanations of the right-left-right rule are written for C rather than C++, so they tend to leave out references. They work just like pointers in this context.
int &foo; // "foo is a reference to an integer"
Typedefs can be your friend when things get confusing. Here's an example:
typedef const char * literal_string_pointer;
typedef literal_string_pointer * pointer_to_literal_string_pointer;
void GetPointerToString(pointer_to_literal_string_pointer out_param)
*out_param = "hi there";
All you need to know is that getting the address of an object returns a pointer to that object, and dereferencing an object takes a pointer and turns it into to object that it's pointing to.
T x;
A a = &x; // A is T*
B b = *a; // B is T
C c = &a; // C is T**
D d = *c; // D is T*
Essentially, the & operator takes a T and gives you a T* and the * operator takes a T* and gives you a T, and that applies to higher levels of abstraction equally e.g.
using & on a T* will give you a T**.
Another way of thinking about it is that the & operator adds a * to the type and the * takes one away, which leads to things like &&*&**i == i.
I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, but I find it helpful to remember the operator precedence and associativity rules. That said, if you're ever confused, you might as well throw in some more parens to disambiguate, even if it's just for your benefit and not the compiler's.
edit: I think I might understand your question a little better now. I like to think of a chain of pointers like a stack with the value at the bottom. The dereferencing operator (*) pops you down the stack, where you find the value itself at the end. The reference operator (&) lets you push another level of indirection onto the stack. Note that it's always legal to move another step away, but attempting to dereference the value is analogous to popping an empty stack.