I'm a newbie, at both coding and English. This is my code:
using namespace std;
int main()
int n = 1;
char *a = new char[n], c = getchar();
while ((c != EOF) || (c != '\n'))
a[n-1] = c;
c = getchar();
cout << a;
delete[] a;
return 0;
I'm learning about dynamic memory allocation. The problem is to input a string whose length is unknown. My idea is to read the string character by character and stop when it reaches EOF or \n. Could you please point out the error?
And another question: I was told that new selects a memory block of the specified size. So what happens if there wasn't a large enough block?
Thanks for helping!
[I know adhering to best practices and methods available is the "good"
thing to do, but the OP should know why the current code doesn't work
and the other answers here do not seem to be answering that]
First, you should use C++ string class for this.
Second, if you are wondering why your current code is not working, it is because:
The condition inside while is wrong. It says, "Execute this block if the character is not \n or it is not EOF". So even if you press enter (c is '\n'), this block will still execute because "c is not EOF", and vice-versa.
You are allocating only 1 byte worth of memory to your char*, which is clearly not enough.
This should fairly replicate what you want, but the memory allocated is static and the string has to be limited.
int main()
int n=1;
char *a = new char[100],c=getchar();
if(c == '\n' || c == EOF){
cout << a;
delete[] a;
return 0;
First of all, there is no need to use char* and new char[n]. You can use std::string.
Then you have to ask yourself:
Can the string contain whitespace characters?
Can the string span multiple lines?
If it can span multiple lines, how many lines does it span?
If the answer to the first question is "No", you can use:
std::string s;
cin >> s;
If the answer to the first question is "Yes" and the answer to the second question is "No", then you can use:
std::string s;
getline(cin, s);
If the answer to the second question is "Yes", the answer gets more complicated.
Then, you need to find answers to more questions?
Is the number of lines hard coded?
If it is not hard coded, how does the program get that number from the user?
Based on the answers to those questions, your code will vary.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::string line;
// first argument is the stream from whence the line comes.
// will read to newline or EOF
std::getline(std::cin, line);
Considering the restrictions of your task (no std::string, no std::vector, dynamic memory allocation), I'll try to give you a modified but working version of your code.
My idea is read the string word my word and stop when it reach EOF or
\n. Could you please point out the error?
As molbdnilo pointed out, (c!=EOF) || (c!='\n') is always true, so your loop will never end.
As mah noticed, your a buffer is only 1 char long and you don't check for the overflow, besides, You forgot to add the null terminator at the end of it.
Your second question is about what happens when new can't allocate enough memory. It throws an exception which your program should catch to manage the situation, but the best thing (not the only one actually, maybe the easiest) you can do is to terminate your program.
This is an example of how to accomplish your task given the above mentioned limitations:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int INITIAL_SIZE = 8;
// The following block of code could rise an exception.
int n = 0;
char c;
// Allocate some memory to store the null terminated array of chars.
char *a = new char[INITIAL_SIZE];
// what happens if new fails? It throws an exception of type std::bad_alloc
// So you better catch it.
int allocated = INITIAL_SIZE;
// read a charachter from stdin. If EOF exit loop
while( cin.get(c) )
// If it's a newline or a carriage return stop.
if( '\n' == c || '\r' == c )
//^ Note that ^^^ putting the literals first helps avoiding common
// error like using "=" instead of "==" in conditions.
// If the array is full, it's time to reallocate it.
if ( n == allocated )
// There are better alternatives, of course, but I don't know which library
// you are allowed to use, so I have to assume none.
// Allocate a bigger array. The growing strategy may be different.
allocated += 2 + allocated / 2;
char *b = new char[allocated];
// Copy the old one in the new one (again, you could use std::copy).
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
b[i] = a[i];
// Release the memory handled by the old one...
delete[] a;
// but keep using the same pointer. Just remember not to delete 'b'
// so that 'a' always points to allocated memory.
a = b;
a[n] = c;
// A new character has been succesfuly added.
// Now, before using a, we have to add the null terminator.
a[n] = '\0';
// Note that a doesn't contain the '\n'.
cout << a << '\n';
// Clean up.
delete[] a;
// Normal program termination.
return 0;
// If 'new' fails to allocate memory a std::bad_alloc exception is thrown.
catch ( const exception &e )
cout << "Exception caught: " << e.what() << "\nProgram terminated.\n";
return -1;
I read this sample code in a book. I can't figure out why this part of the following sample code's function declaration is necessary:
while (i <= n)
p[i++] = '\0'; // set rest of string to '\0'
Here is the whole code:
#include <iostream>
const int ArSize = 80;
char * left(const char * str, int n = 1);
int main()
using namespace std;
char sample[ArSize];
cout << "Enter a string:\n";
char *ps = left(sample, 4);
cout << ps << endl;
delete [] ps; // free old string
ps = left(sample);
cout << ps << endl;
delete [] ps; // free new string
return 0;
// This function returns a pointer to a new string
// consisting of the first n characters in the str string.
char * left(const char * str, int n)
if(n < 0)
n = 0;
char * p = new char[n+1];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n && str[i]; i++)
p[i] = str[i]; // copy characters
while (i <= n)
p[i++] = '\0'; // set rest of string to '\0'
return p;
I ran the code after I erased it and there was no problem.
The loop is unnecessary. Null-terminated strings end at the first null byte. If more memory was allocated than the actual string needs, it does not matter what’s in those extra bytes. All non-broken C-string handling code stops at the first null terminator. All that’s required is a single
p[i] = '\0';
after the for loop. However, that one null byte is mandatory. C-string functions depend on it and will happily overrun the allocated memory if it’s missing. Essentially they’ll (try to) keep going until they stumble upon the next null byte in memory. If that is past the allocated memory it causes undefined behaviour, resulting in a crash if you’re lucky; or corrupted data if you’re less lucky.
That said: Throw away that book yesterday. The code is a catastrophe from the first to the last line. It barely qualifies as C++. Most of it is plain C. And even as C code it’s highly questionable.
Why to avoid using namespace std. #vol7ron pointed out in the comments that the major complaint is against using namespace std in headers. Here it’s used inside a function in a .cpp file, which lessens the impact significantly. Although in my opinion it is still worth avoiding. If you don’t know the implementation of your standard library in depth, you don’t really have an idea about all the symbols you pull into your scope. If you need it for readability, pulling in specific symbols (e.g. using std::cout;) is a better choice. Also, I’m confident I’m not alone in kind of expecting the std:: prefix. For example, std::string is what I expect to see. string looks slightly off. There’s always a lingering doubt that it might not be the std library string, but a custom string type. So, including the prefix can benefit readability as well.
Why all the C-string pain? We’ve had std::string for a while now …
Copying characters in a loop? Seriously? That’s what std::strcpy() is for.
Raw new and delete everywhere: error prone because you have to keep track of the new/delete pairs manually to avoid memory leaks.
Even worse: asymmetric owning raw pointers. left() allocates and returns a pointer; and it’s the caller’s responsibility to delete it. It doesn’t get more error prone than that.
… And these are only the problems that stick out on first glance.
What that piece of code should look like:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
std::string left(const std::string& str, std::size_t len = 1);
int main()
// getline can fail. If that happens we get an empty string.
std::string sample;
std::getline(std::cin, sample);
auto ps = left(sample, 4);
std::cout << ps << '\n';
ps = left(sample);
std::cout << ps << '\n';
return 0;
// `len` may be longer than the string. In that case a copy
// of the complete input string is returned.
std::string left(const std::string& str, std::size_t len)
return str.substr(0, len);
I have a c++ vector of char vectors: std::vector<std::vector<char>> ref
After putting chars in it (size increases, so chars are there) I cannot print it.
By calling this->ref.back().back() it correctly prints the last char. But if I do ref.at(0).at(pos) or ref[0].at(pos) or ref[0][pos]
nothing is printed.
Chars are put in as follows:
while (infile>>c)
if (c != '>') {
else {
infile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
curSeqPos = 0;
Any idea what I am doing wrong? I am a real newbie to C++ and probably missed a reference somewhere.
Any help is appreciated!
Giving my best to be constructive, here an example that works:
#include <string> // for stdout, putc
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::vector<char>> const slist =
int main() {
const int sz = slist[1].size();
for(int p=0; p<sz; p++) {
This prints "two\n" to stdout. You cannot use printf("%s\n",slist[1]) on your character vector as one could possibly expect. This does not even raise a warning but prints just gibberish. Cout << slist[1] of the iostreams fails with a type cast error.
Are we getting towards where your problem is? Please direct us.
I cannot really make out a lot from your code but from this std::vector<std::vector<char>> ref, ref is a 2-D array of vectors.
Since ref is a 2-D array of vectors of char, every index of ref e.g., ref[1] will have to hold a vector of char. You'll have to do just that, that is create a separate vector of char to the indices of ref else any attempt to print content at that index will result in SIGSEGV error.
Also, you can't do ref[0][1] = 'd'; , except at ref[0] since you've already assigned a vector of char to it else you'll get SIGSEGV error.
std::vector<std::vector<char>> ref(7);
std::vector<char> ref1(7);
//ref[0][0] = 'f'; SIGSEGV error cus ref[0] is empty
ref1[0] = 'r';
ref[0] = ref1;
ref[0][3] = 'g'; //valid
std::cout << ref[0][0]; // r
I was working on a system that split a sentence to a 2D pointer.
I don't wanna use any kind of library or another ways like string, because I want to practice pointers and learn them.
char** sscanf(char* hstring)
int count = 0;
char* current = hstring;
while (*current)
if (*current == ' ')
while (*current == ' ')
if (*current)
char** result = new char*[count];
current = hstring;
char* nstr = new char;
int c = 0, i = 0;
while (*current)
if (!*current) break;
cout << "t1";
if (*current == ' ')
*(++result) = nstr;
nstr = nullptr;
nstr = new char;
cout << "t2";
while (*current != '/0' && *current == ' ')
cout << "t3";
while (*current != '/0' && *current != ' ')
if (!*current) break;
*(++nstr) = *current;
cout << "t4";
*nstr = '/0';
cout << "t5";
return result;
But it's very strange, sometimes redirects me to
static size_t __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL length(_In_z_ const _Elem * const _First) _NOEXCEPT // strengthened
{ // find length of null-terminated string
return (_CSTD strlen(_First));
with error: Acces Violation, other times, choose a random line and call it Acces Breakout(sorry if I spelled wrong)
What I want from you is not to repair my code simply, I want some explanations, because I want to learn this stuff.
First, some advice
I understand that you are making this function as an exercise, but being C++ I'd like to warn you that things like new char*[count] are bad practices and that's why std::vector or std::array were created.
You seem confused about how dynamic allocation works. The statement char* nstr = new char; will create just one byte (char) in heap memory, and nothing is guaranteed to be adjacent to it. This means that ++nstr is a "invalid" operation, I mean, it's making the nstr point to the next byte after the allocated one, which can be some random invalid location.
There is a whole lot of other dangerous operations in your code, like calling new several times (which reserves memory) and not calling delete on them when you no longer use the reserved memory (aka. memory leaks). Having said that, I strongly encourage you to study this subject, for example starting with the ISO C++ FAQ on memory management.
Also, before digging into pointers and dynamic allocation, you should be more confortable with statements and flow control. I say this because I see some clear misunderstandings, like:
while (*current) {
if (!*current) break;
The check inside the if statement will certainly be false, because the while check is executed just before it and guarantees that the opposite condition is true. This means that this if is never evaluated to true and it's completely useless.
Another remark is: don't name your functions the same as standard libraries ones. sscanf is already taken, choose another (and more meaningful) one. This will save you some headaches in the future; be used to name your own functions properly.
A guided solution
I'm in a good mood, so I'll go through some steps here. Anyway, if someone is looking for an optimized and ready to go solution, see Split a String in C++.
0. Define the steps
Reading your code, I could guess some of your desired steps:
char** split_string(char* sentence)
// Count the number of words in the sentence
// Allocate memory for the answer (a 2D buffer)
// Write each word in the output
Instead of trying to get them right all at once, why don't you try one by one? (Notice the function's and parameter's names, clearer in my opinion).
1. Count the words
You could start with a simple main(), testing your solution. Here is mine (sorry, I couldn't just adapt yours). For those who are optimization-addicted, this is not an optimized solution, but a simple snippet for the OP.
// I'll be using this header and namespace on the next snippets too.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char sentence[] = " This is my sentence ";
int n_words = 0;
char *p = sentence;
bool was_space = true; // see logic below
// Reading the whole sentence
while (*p) {
// Check if it's a space and advance pointer
bool is_space = (*p++ == ' ');
if (was_space && !is_space)
n_words++; // count as word a 'rising edge'
was_space = is_space;
cout << n_words;
Test it, make sure you understand why it works. Now, you can move to the next step.
2. Allocate the buffer
Well, you want to allocate one buffer for each word, so we need to know the size of each one of them (I'll not discuss whether or not this is a good approach to the split sentence problem..). This was not calculated on the previous step, so we might do it now.
int main()
char sentence[] = " This is my sentence ";
///// Count the number of words in the sentence
int n_words = 0;
char *p = sentence;
bool was_space = true; // see logic below
// Reading the whole sentence
while (*p) {
// Check if it's a space and advance pointer
bool is_space = (*p++ == ' ');
if (was_space && !is_space)
n_words++; // count as word a 'rising edge'
was_space = is_space;
///// Allocate memory for the answer (a 2D buffer)
// This is more like C than C++, but you asked for it
char **words = new char*[n_words];
char *ini = sentence; // the initial char of each word
for (int i = 0; i < n_words; ++i) {
while (*ini == ' ') ini++; // search next non-space char
char *end = ini + 1; // pointer to the end of the word
while (*end && *end != ' ') end++; // search for \0 or space
int word_size = end - ini; // find out the word size by address offset
ini = end; // next for-loop iteration starts
// at the next word
words[i] = new char[word_size]; // a whole buffer for one word
cout << i << ": " << word_size << endl; // debugging
// Deleting it all, one buffer at a time
for (int i = 0; i < n_words; ++i) {
delete[] words[i]; // delete[] is the syntax to delete an array
Notice that I'm deleting the allocated buffers inside the main(). When you move this logic to your function, this deallocation will be performed by the caller of the function, since it will probably use the buffers before deleting them.
3. Assigning each word to its buffer
I think you got the idea. Assign the words and move the logic to the separated function. Update your question with a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example if you still have troubles.
I know this is a Q&A forum, but I think this is already a healthy answer to the OP and to others that may pass here. Let me know if I should answer differently.
I am in need of some help with this program. I am in my first ever programming class and have run into wall trying to getting my program to work. I have included what I have written so far but still it doesn't compile. It is giving the error: argument list for class template "std::vector" is missing.
Here is the question:
When you read a long document, there is a good chance that many words occur multiple times. Instead of storing each word, it may be beneficial to only store unique words, and to represent the document as a vector of pointers to the unique words. Write a program that implements this strategy. Read a word at a time from cin. Keep a vector <char *> of words. If the new word is not present in this vector, allocate memory, copy the word into it, and append a pointer to the new memory. If the word is already present, then append a pointer to the existing word.
Below is code snippet:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* Create a vector of char pointers to hold the individual words.
Create a string input to hold the next input through cin. */
int main() {
vector words;
string input;
/* Keep the while loop running using cin as the condition to read an entire document.
This will end when a document has reached its end. */
while (cin >> input) {
/* For every word read as a string, convert the word into a c-string by allocating
a new character array with the proper size and using c_str and strcpy to copy
an identical c-string into the memory heap. */
char* temp = new char[input.length() + 1];
strcpy(temp, input.c_str());
/* Next, check if the word is already in the words array. Use a boolean variable
that updates if the word is found. Compare words by using the strcmp function;
when they are equal, strcmp equals 0. */
bool already_present = false;
for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
if (strcmp(temp, words[i]) == 0) {
already_present = true;
/* If the word is already present, delete the allocated memory.
Otherwise, push the pointer into the words vector. */
if (already_present) {
delete temp;
} else {
I hope below code snippet could be helpful:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h> // String.h for strcmp()
#include <vector> // Vector Header file is added
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector <char *> words; // vector of char *
string input;
while (cin >> input) {
char *temp = new char[input.length() + 1];
strcpy(temp, input.c_str());
bool already_present = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
if (strcmp(temp, words[i]) == 0) {
already_present = true;
if (already_present) {
delete temp;
} else {
/* Print the desired output */
for(unsigned int i=0; i<words.size(); i++) {
cout << words[i] << endl;
return 0;
Any doubt, comments most welcome.
EDIT: After reading your comments, I came to the conclusion that you use Microsoft Visual Stdio. See, the reason you were getting warning is that strcpy() is potentially unsafe because it can lead to buffer overflow if you try to copy a string to a buffer that is not large enough to contain it.
Consider a code snippet for a moment:
char foo[10]; /* a buffer able to hold 9 chars (plus the null) */
char bar[] = "A string longer than 9 chars";
strcpy( foo, bar ); /* compiles ok, but VERY BAD because you have a buffer overflow
and are corrupting memory. */
strcpy_s() is safer because you have to explicitly specify the size of the target buffer, so the function will not overflow:
strcpy_s( foo, 10, bar ); /* strcpy_s will not write more than 10 characters */
The limitations of this strcpy_s() is that, it is non-standard and MS specific. Therefore if you write code to use it, your code will not be portable any more.
The current_name is a local char array inside the following loop. I declared it inside the loop so it changes every time I read a new line from a file. But, for some reason the previous data is not removed from the current_name! It prints old data out if it wasn't overridden by new characters from the next line.
while (isOpen && !file.eof()) {
char current_line[LINE];
char current_name[NAME];
file.getline(current_line, LINE);
int i = 0;
while (current_line[i] != ';') {
current_name[i] = current_line[i];
cout << current_name << endl;
You're not terminating current_name after filling it. Add current_name[i] = 0 after the inner loop just before your cout. You're probably seeing this if you read abcdef then read jkl and probably get jkldef for output
You wanted to know if there is a better way. There is--and we'll get to it. But, coming from Java, your question and followup identified some larger issues that I believe you should be aware of. Be careful what you wish for--you may actually get it [and more] :-). All of the following is based on love ...
Attention All Java Programmers! Welcome to "A Brave New World"!
Basic Concepts
Before we even get to C the language, we need to talk about a few concepts first.
Computer Architecture:
Memory Layout of Computer Programs:
Differences between Memory Addresses/Pointers and Java References:
Is Java "pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value"?
Concepts Alien to Java Programmers
The C language gives you direct access the underlying computer architecture. It will not do anything that you don't explicitly specify. Herein, I'm mentioning C [for brevity] but what I'm really talking about is a combination of the memory layout and the computer architecture.
If you read memory that you didn't initialize, you will see seemingly random data.
If you allocate something from the heap, you must explicitly free it. It doesn't magically get marked for deletion by a garbage collector when it "goes out of scope".
There is no garbage collector in C
C pointers are far more powerful that Java references. You can add and subtract values to pointers. You can subtract two pointers and use the difference as an index value. You can loop through an array without using index variables--you just deference a pointer and increment the pointer.
The data of automatic variables in Java are stored in the heap. Each variable requires a separate heap allocation. This is slow and time consuming.
In C, the data of automatic variables in stored in the stack frame. The stack frame is a contiguous area of bytes. To allocate space for the stack frame, C simply subtracts the desired size from the stack pointer [hardware register]. The size of the stack frame is the sum of all variables within a given function's scope, regardless of whether they're declared inside a loop inside the function.
Its initial value depends upon what previous function used that area for and what byte values it stored there. Thus, if main calls function fnca, it will fill the stack with whatever data. If then main calls fncb it will see fnca's values, which are semi-random as far as fncb is concerned. Both fnca and fncb must initialize stack variables before they are used.
Declaration of a C variable without an initializer clause does not initialize the variable. For the bss area, it will be zero. For a stack variable, you must do that explicitly.
There is no range checking of array indexes in C [or pointers to arrays or array elements for that matter]. If you write beyond the defined area, you will write into whatever has been mapped/linked into the memory region next. For example, if you have a memory area: int x[10]; int y; and you [inadvertently] write to x[10] [one beyond the end] you will corrupt y
This is true regardless of which memory section (e.g. data, bss, heap, or stack) your array is in.
C has no concept of a string. When people talk about a "c string" what they're really talking about is a char array that has an "end of string" (aka EOS) sentinel character at the end of the useful data. The "standard" EOS char is almost universally defined as 0x00 [since ~1970]
The only intrinsic types supported by an architecture are: char, short, int, long/pointer, long long, and float/double. There may be some others on a given arch, but that's the usual list. Everything else (e.g. a class or struct is "built up" by the compiler as a convenience to the programmer from the arch intrinsic types)
Here are some things that are about C [and C++]:
- C has preprocessor macros. Java has no concept of macros. Preprocessor macros can be thought of as a crude form of metaprogramming.
- C has inline functions. They look just like regular functions, but the compiler will attempt to insert their code directly into any function that calls one. This is handy if the function is cleanly defined but small (e.g. a few lines). It saves the overhead of actually calling the function.
Here are several versions of your original program as an example:
// myfnc1 -- original
istream file;
while (isOpen && !file.eof()) {
char current_line[LINE];
char current_name[NAME];
file.getline(current_line, LINE);
int i = 0;
while (current_line[i] != ';') {
current_name[i] = current_line[i];
current_name[i] = 0;
cout << current_name << endl;
// myfnc2 -- moved definitions to function scope
istream file;
int i;
char current_line[LINE];
char current_name[NAME];
while (isOpen && !file.eof()) {
file.getline(current_line, LINE);
i = 0;
while (current_line[i] != ';') {
current_name[i] = current_line[i];
current_name[i] = 0;
cout << current_name << endl;
// myfnc3 -- converted to for loop
istream file;
int i;
char current_line[LINE];
char current_name[NAME];
while (isOpen && !file.eof()) {
file.getline(current_line, LINE);
for (i = 0; current_line[i] != ';'; ++i)
current_name[i] = current_line[i];
current_name[i] = 0;
cout << current_name << endl;
// myfnc4 -- converted to use pointers
istream file;
const char *line;
char *name;
char current_line[LINE];
char current_name[NAME];
while (isOpen && !file.eof()) {
file.getline(current_line, LINE);
name = current_name;
for (line = current_line; *line != ';'; ++line, ++name)
*name = *line;
*name = 0;
cout << current_name << endl;
// myfnc5 -- more efficient use of pointers
istream file;
const char *line;
char *name;
int chr;
char current_line[LINE];
char current_name[NAME];
while (isOpen && !file.eof()) {
file.getline(current_line, LINE);
name = current_name;
line = current_line;
for (chr = *line++; chr != ';'; chr = *line++, ++name)
*name = chr;
*name = 0;
cout << current_name << endl;
// myfnc6 -- fixes bug if line has no semicolon
istream file;
const char *line;
char *name;
int chr;
char current_line[LINE];
char current_name[NAME];
while (isOpen && !file.eof()) {
file.getline(current_line, LINE);
name = current_name;
line = current_line;
for (chr = *line++; chr != 0; chr = *line++, ++name) {
if (chr == ';')
*name = chr;
*name = 0;
cout << current_name << endl;
// myfnc7 -- recoded to use "smart" string
istream file;
const char *line;
char *name;
int chr;
char current_line[LINE];
xstr_t current_name;
xstr_t *name;
name = ¤t_name;
while (isOpen && !file.eof()) {
file.getline(current_line, LINE);
line = current_line;
for (chr = *line++; chr != 0; chr = *line++) {
if (chr == ';')
cout << xstrcstr(name) << endl;
Here is a "smart" string [buffer] class similar to what you're used to:
// xstr -- "smart" string "class" for C
typedef struct {
size_t xstr_maxlen; // maximum space in string buffer
char *xstr_lhs; // pointer to start of string
char *xstr_rhs; // pointer to start of string
} xstr_t;
// xstrinit -- reset string buffer
xstrinit(xstr_t *xstr)
// xstragain -- reset string buffer
xstragain(xstr_t xstr)
xstr->xstr_rhs = xstr->xstr_lhs;
// xstrgrow -- grow string buffer
xstrgrow(xstr_t *xstr,size_t needlen)
size_t curlen;
size_t newlen;
char *lhs;
lhs = xstr->xstr_lhs;
// get amount we're currently using
curlen = xstr->xstr_rhs - lhs;
// get amount we'll need after adding the whatever
newlen = curlen + needlen + 1;
// allocate more if we need it
if ((newlen + 1) >= xstr->xstr_maxlen) {
// allocate what we'll need plus a bit more so we're not called on
// each add operation
xstr->xstr_maxlen = newlen + 100;
// get more memory
lhs = realloc(lhs,xstr->xstr_maxlen);
xstr->xstr_lhs = lhs;
// adjust the append pointer
xstr->xstr_rhs = lhs + curlen;
// xstraddchar -- add character to string
xstraddchar(xstr_t *xstr,int chr)
// get more space in string buffer if we need it
// add the character
*xstr->xstr_rhs++ = chr;
// maintain the sentinel/EOS as we go along
*xstr->xstr_rhs = 0;
// xstraddstr -- add string to string
xstraddstr(xstr_t *xstr,const char *str)
size_t len;
len = strlen(str);
// get more space in string buffer if we need it
// add the string
*xstr->xstr_rhs += len;
// maintain the sentinel/EOS as we go along
*xstr->xstr_rhs = 0;
// xstrcstr -- get the "c string" value
char *
xstrcstr(xstr_t *xstr,int chr)
return xstr->xstr_lhs;
// xstrfree -- release string buffer data
xstrfree(xstr_t *xstr)
char *lhs;
lhs = xstr->xstr_lhs;
if (lhs != NULL)
Before you try to "get around" a "c string", embrace it. You'll encounter it in many places. It's unavoidable.
Learn how to manipulate pointers as easily as index variables. They're more flexible and [once you get the hang of them] easier to use. I've seen code written by programmers who didn't learn this and their code is always more complex than it needs to be [and usually full of bugs that I've needed to fix].
Good commenting is important in any language but, perhaps, more so in C than Java for certain things.
Always compile with -Wall -Werror and fix any warnings. You have been warned :-)
I'd play around a bit with the myfnc examples I gave you. This can help.
Get a firm grasp of the basics before you ...
And now, a word about C++ ...
Most of the above was about architecture, memory layout, and C. All of that still applies to C++.
C++ does do a more limited reclamation of stack variables when the function returns and they go out of scope. This has its pluses and minuses.
C++ has many classes to alleviate the tedium of common functions/idioms/boilerplate. It has the std standard template library. It also has boost. For example, std::string will probably do what you want. But, compare it against my xstr first.
But, once again, I wish to caution you. At your present level, work from the fundamentals, not around them.
Adding current_name[i] = 0; as described did not work for me.
Also, I got an error on isOpen as shown in the question.
Therefore, I freehanded a revised program beginning with the code presented in the question, and making adjustments until it worked properly given an input file having two rows of text in groups of three alpha characters that were delimited with " ; " without the quotes. That is, the delimiting code was space, semicolon, space. This code works.
Here is my code.
#define LINE 1000
int j = 0;
while (!file1.eof()) {
if( j > 20){break;} // back up escape for testing, in the event of an endless loop
char current_line[LINE];
//string current_name = ""; // see redefinition below
file1.getline(current_line, LINE, '\n');
stringstream ss(current_line); // stringstream works better in this case
while (!ss.eof()) {
string current_name;
ss >> current_name;
if (current_name != ";")
cout << current_name << endl;
} // End if(current_name....
} // End while (!ss.eof...
} // End while(!file1.eof() ...
cout << "Done \n";