1-d harmonic oscillator recursive function, possible Infinit-loop, c++ syntax - c++

Working on a 1-d Harmonic oscillator using recursive functions, code works in fortran and trying to convert to C++ in order to learn the new syntax.
I have fixed all the notified errors so far searching through google, but still not getting a result. The program just runs seemingly forever without posting results.
I think the likely answer is maybe its not being calculated at all or there some some infinit loop because of a syntax problem in my for loop or called functions? but I am not seeing it and it is not identifying an error with them.
Any advice on why this program is not working properly?
// main.cpp
// 1-d HO
// Created by Grant Metheny on 3/2/16.
// Copyright (c) 2016 Grant Metheny C++ Codes. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int i = 0;
int n = 0;
double x = 1.;
double xmax = 5;
double imax = 1000;
double wavefunc = 0;
double fact = 1;
double hpol = 1;
double wf0 = 1;
double wf1 = 1;
double wf2 = 1;
double wf3 = 1;
double wf4 = 1;
double wf5 = 1;
double wf6 = 1;
double wavefunction(int n, double x)
return wavefunc = pow(2.0,-(n*.5)) * pow(M_PI,.25) * exp(-(.5*pow(x,2.0)));
double factorial(int n)
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
if (i == 0)
fact = 1.;
fact = fact * i;
return fact;
double hermite(int n, double x)
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
if (i==1)
hpol = 1.0;
else if (n==1)
hpol = 2*x;
hpol = 2*x*hermite(n-1,x) - 2*(n-1)*hermite(n-2,x);
return hpol;
double dx = 2*xmax/imax;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
for (i=0; i <= imax; i++) {
x = 5. - dx*i;
n = 0;
wf0 = hermite(n,x) * wavefunction(n,x) * pow(factorial(n),(-(.5)));
n = 1;
wf1 = hermite(n,x) * wavefunction(n,x) * pow(factorial(n),(-(.5)));
n = 2;
wf2 = hermite(n,x) * wavefunction(n,x) * pow(factorial(n),(-(.5)));
n = 3;
wf3 = hermite(n,x) * wavefunction(n,x) * pow(factorial(n),(-(.5)));
n = 4;
wf4 = hermite(n,x) * wavefunction(n,x) * pow(factorial(n),(-(.5)));
n = 5;
wf5 = hermite(n,x) * wavefunction(n,x) * pow(factorial(n),(-(.5)));
n = 6;
wf6 = hermite(n,x) * wavefunction(n,x) * pow(factorial(n),(-(.5)));
cout <<"I="<< i <<"X="<< x <<"WF0="<< wf0<<"WF1=" << wf1; // wf2, wf3, wf4, wf5, wf6
return 0;

Your for loops are not terminating. Instead of this:
for (i = 0; n; i++)
(which is clearly Fortran-inspired), you need to do this:
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
The idea is that the second part of the for loop is not a limit; it is a predicate that should evaluate to true (to keep the loop going one more iteration) or false (to exit the loop). Because C/C++ treats non-zero integer values as true whenever a true/false value is expected, the loops just keep on going.
You need to make that correction in several places in your code.


C++ compiles and runs fine but I can't generate any types of C++ outputs after certain point in the code

The code starts with declaring various arrays with a size that is pre-calculated, and will be used in the rest of the program. However, after a certain point in the list of declarations, C++ will fail to generate any output even after a successful compilation. After the comment in the middle of the code, no outputs can be generated. I have tried simple outputs like "cout" and writing in a file.
Edit: I have added a sample output written by one of the answers to demonstrate. The program just runs and does not generate anything. This is the terminal output:
PS C:\Users\umroot.COLLAR\projects\CrackHole> g++ .\Peridynamics.cpp -o peri
PS C:\Users\umroot.COLLAR\projects\CrackHole> .\peri.exe
PS C:\Users\umroot.COLLAR\projects\CrackHole>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
// #include "Ellipse.h"
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
float length = 0.5;
float width = 0.5;
float radiusMajor = 0.05;
float radiusMinor = 0.05;
double ellipseCurvature = radiusMinor * radiusMinor / radiusMajor;
float radiusPath = 0.08;
int dt = 1;
const double ELASTIC_MODULUS = 200e9;
const float POISSON_RATIO = 0.3;
const int NumofDiv_x = 100;
const int NumofDiv_y = 100;
int timeInterval = 2500;
const double appliedPressure = 500e7;
int initialTotalNumMatPoint = NumofDiv_x * NumofDiv_y;
int maxFam = 200;
float dx = length / NumofDiv_x;
float delta = 3.015 * dx;
float thick = dx;
float volCorrRadius = dx / 2;
const double ALPHA = 0.5 * (BULK_MODULUS - 2 * SHEAR_MODULUS);
float area = dx * dx;
float volume = area * thick;
const float BCD = 2 / (M_PI * thick * pow(delta, 4));
int temp = floor(9 * M_PI * initialTotalNumMatPoint);
float nodeFam[100000][3] = {0.0};
int nnum = 0;
float coord_excess[initialTotalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
int path_horizontal[NumofDiv_x] = {0};
// Ellipse centerHole(0, 0, radiusMajor, radiusMinor);
// Ellipse leftTip((-1) * radiusMajor, 0, 0.005, 0.005);
// Ellipse rightTip(radiusMajor, 0, 0.005, 0.005);
float coordx = 0.0;
float coordy = 0.0;
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NumofDiv_x; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NumofDiv_y; j++) {
coordx = (length / 2) * (-1) + (dx / 2) + i * dx;
coordy = (width / 2) * (-1) + (dx/2) + j * dx;
// if (centerHole.InEllipse(coordx, coordy)){
// continue;
// }
if (abs(coordy) <= dx && coordx >= 0) {
path_horizontal[counter] = nnum;
coord_excess[nnum][0] = coordx;
coord_excess[nnum][1] = coordy;
int totalNumMatPoint = nnum;
float coord[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) {
for (int i = 0; i < totalNumMatPoint; i++) {
coord[i][j] = coord_excess[i][j];
int numFam[totalNumMatPoint] = {0};
int pointFam[totalNumMatPoint] = {0};
float PDForce[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float bodyForce[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float PDforceold[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float PD_SED_Distortion[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float surCorrFactorDilatation[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float surCorrFactorDistorsion[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float disp[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float totalDisp[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float vel[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float velhalfold[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float velhalf[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float massvec[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float PD_SED_Dilatation[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
float PD_SED_Dilatation_Fixed[totalNumMatPoint][2] = {0.0};
int checkTime[timeInterval] = {0};
float steadyCheck_x[timeInterval] = {0.0};
float steadyCheck_y[timeInterval] = {0.0};
float relPositionVector = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) {
for (int i = 0; i < totalNumMatPoint; i++) {
coord[i][j] = coord_excess[i][j];
std::cout << coord[i][j] << std::endl;
Your code, as is, is not "outputting" anything. I compiled and ran your code and added std::cout statements below and above your comment "AFTER THIS POINT DOWNWARDS, NO OUTPUTS WILL BE GENERATED". This successfully writes to stdout.
If, for example, you wanted to output all the values in the coords array you could do something like this while you are building it:
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) {
for (int i = 0; i < totalNumMatPoint; i++) {
coord[i][j] = coord_excess[i][j];
std::cout << coord[i][j] << std::endl;
I used another PC with a different OS (i.e. Ubuntu) and it is running fine. Not sure what the problem was. Probably something run with my compiler and/or editor on the first computer.

Anderson Darling Test in C++

I am trying to compute the Anderson-Darling test found here. I followed the steps on Wikipedia and made sure that when I calculate the average and standard deviation of the data I am testing denoted X by using MATLAB. Also, I used a function called phi for computing the standard normal CDF, I have also tested this function to make sure it is correct which it is. Now I seem to have a problem when I actually compute the A-squared (denoted in Wikipedia, I denote it as A in C++).
Here is my function I made for Anderson-Darling Test:
void Anderson_Darling(int n, double X[]){
sort(X,X + n);
// Find the mean of X
double X_avg = 0.0;
double sum = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
sum += X[i];
X_avg = ((double)sum)/n;
// Find the variance of X
double X_sig = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
X_sig += (X[i] - X_avg)*(X[i] - X_avg);
X_sig /= n;
// The values X_i are standardized to create new values Y_i
double Y[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
Y[i] = (X[i] - X_avg)/(sqrt(X_sig));
//cout << Y[i] << endl;
// With a standard normal CDF, we calculate the Anderson_Darling Statistic
double A = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
A += -n - 1/n *(2*(i) - 1)*(log(phi(Y[i])) + log(1 - phi(Y[n+1 - i])));
cout << A << endl;
Note, I know that the formula for Anderson-Darling (A-squared) starts with i = 1 to i = n, although when I changed the index to make it work in C++, I still get the same result without changing the index.
The value I get in C++ is:
The value I should get, received in MATLAB is:
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Here is my whole code:
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
double *Box_Muller(int n, double u[]);
double *Beasley_Springer_Moro(int n, double u[]);
void Anderson_Darling(int n, double X[]);
double phi(double x);
int main(){
int n = 2000;
double Mersenne[n];
random_device rd;
mt19937 e2(1);
uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(0, 1);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
Mersenne[i] = dist(e2);
// Print Anderson Statistic for Mersenne 6a
double *result = new double[n];
result = Box_Muller(n,Mersenne);
return 0;
double *Box_Muller(int n, double u[]){
double *X = new double[n];
double Y[n];
double R_2[n];
double theta[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
R_2[i] = -2.0*log(u[i]);
theta[i] = 2.0*M_PI*u[i+1];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
X[i] = sqrt(-2.0*log(u[i]))*cos(2.0*M_PI*u[i+1]);
Y[i] = sqrt(-2.0*log(u[i]))*sin(2.0*M_PI*u[i+1]);
return X;
double *Beasley_Springer_Moro(int n, double u[]){
double y[n];
double r[n+1];
double *x = new double(n);
// Constants needed for algo
double a_0 = 2.50662823884; double b_0 = -8.47351093090;
double a_1 = -18.61500062529; double b_1 = 23.08336743743;
double a_2 = 41.39119773534; double b_2 = -21.06224101826;
double a_3 = -25.44106049637; double b_3 = 3.13082909833;
double c_0 = 0.3374754822726147; double c_5 = 0.0003951896511919;
double c_1 = 0.9761690190917186; double c_6 = 0.0000321767881768;
double c_2 = 0.1607979714918209; double c_7 = 0.0000002888167364;
double c_3 = 0.0276438810333863; double c_8 = 0.0000003960315187;
double c_4 = 0.0038405729373609;
// Set r and x to empty for now
for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++){
r[i] = 0.0;
x[i] = 0.0;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
y[i] = u[i] - 0.5;
if(fabs(y[i]) < 0.42){
r[i] = pow(y[i],2.0);
x[i] = y[i]*(((a_3*r[i] + a_2)*r[i] + a_1)*r[i] + a_0)/((((b_3*r[i] + b_2)*r[i] + b_1)*r[i] + b_0)*r[i] + 1);
r[i] = u[i];
if(y[i] > 0.0){
r[i] = 1.0 - u[i];
r[i] = log(-log(r[i]));
x[i] = c_0 + r[i]*(c_1 + r[i]*(c_2 + r[i]*(c_3 + r[i]*(c_4 + r[i]*(c_5 + r[i]*(c_6 + r[i]*(c_7 + r[i]*c_8)))))));
if(y[i] < 0){
x[i] = -x[i];
return x;
double phi(double x){
return 0.5 * erfc(-x * M_SQRT1_2);
void Anderson_Darling(int n, double X[]){
sort(X,X + n);
// Find the mean of X
double X_avg = 0.0;
double sum = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
sum += X[i];
X_avg = ((double)sum)/n;
// Find the variance of X
double X_sig = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
X_sig += (X[i] - X_avg)*(X[i] - X_avg);
X_sig /= (n-1);
// The values X_i are standardized to create new values Y_i
double Y[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
Y[i] = (X[i] - X_avg)/(sqrt(X_sig));
//cout << Y[i] << endl;
// With a standard normal CDF, we calculate the Anderson_Darling Statistic
double A = -n;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
A += -1.0/(double)n *(2*(i+1) - 1)*(log(phi(Y[i])) + log(1 - phi(Y[n - i])));
cout << A << endl;
Let me guess, your n was 2000. Right?
The major issue here is when you do 1/n in the last expression. 1 is an int and ao is n. When you divide 1 by n it performs integer division. Now 1 divided by any number > 1 is 0 under integer division (think if it as only keeping only integer part of the quotient. What you need to do is cast n as double by writing 1/(double)n.
Rest all should work fine.
Summary from discussions -
Indexes to Y[] should be i and n-1-i respectively.
n should not be added in the loop but only once.
Minor fixes like changing divisor to n instead of n-1 while calculating Variance.
You have integer division here:
A += -n - 1/n *(2*(i) - 1)*(log(phi(Y[i])) + log(1 - phi(Y[n+1 - i])));
1/n is zero when n > 1 - you need to change this to, e.g.: 1.0/n:
A += -n - 1.0/n *(2*(i) - 1)*(log(phi(Y[i])) + log(1 - phi(Y[n+1 - i])));

How to implement midpoint displacement

I'm trying to implement procedural generation in my game. I want to really grasp and understand all of the algorithms nessecary rather than simply copying/pasting existing code. In order to do this I've attempted to implement 1D midpoint displacement on my own. I've used the information here to write and guide my code. Below is my completed code, it doesn't throw an error but that results don't appear correct.
const int lineLength = 65;
float range = 1.0;
float displacedLine[lineLength];
for (int i = 0; i < lineLength; i++)
displacedLine[i] = 0.0;
for (int p = 0; p < 100; p++)
int segments = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (lineLength / pow(2, 2)); i++)
int segs = segments;
for (int j = 0; j < segs; j++)
int x = floor(lineLength / segs);
int start = (j * x) + 1;
int end = start + x;
if (i == 0)
float lo = -range;
float hi = +range;
float change = lo + static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX / (hi - lo)));
int center = ((end - start) / 2) + start;
displacedLine[center - 1] += change;
range /= 2;
Where exactly have I made mistakes and how might I correct them?
I'm getting results like this:
But I was expecting results like this:
The answer is very simple and by the way I'm impressed you managed to debug all the potential off-by-one errors in your code. The following line is wrong:
displacedLine[center - 1] += change;
You correctly compute the center index and change amount but you missed that the change should be applied to the midpoint in terms of height. That is:
displacedLine[center - 1] = (displacedLine[start] + displacedLine[end]) / 2;
displacedLine[center - 1] += change;
I'm sure you get the idea.
The problem seems to be that you are changing only the midpoint of each line segment, rather than changing the rest of the line segment in proportion to its distance from each end to the midpoint. The following code appears to give you something more like what you're looking for:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
void displaceMidPt (float dline[], int len, float disp) {
int midPt = len/2;
float fmidPt = float(midPt);
for (int i = 1; i <= midPt; i++) {
float ptDisp = disp * float(i)/fmidPt;
dline[i] += ptDisp;
dline[len-i] += ptDisp;
void displace (float displacedLine[], int lineLength, float range) {
for (int p = 0; p < 100; p++) {
int segs = pow(p, 2);
for (int j = 0; j < segs; j++) {
float lo = -range;
float hi = +range;
float change = lo + static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX / (hi - lo)));
int start = int(float(j)/float(segs)*float(lineLength));
int end = int(float(j+1)/float(segs)*float(lineLength));
displaceMidPt (displacedLine+start,end-start,change);
range /= 2;
void plot1D (float x[], int len, int ht = 10) {
float minX = *min_element(x,x+len);
float maxX = *max_element(x,x+len);
int xi[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
xi[i] = int(ht*(x[i] - minX)/(maxX - minX) + 0.5);
char s[len+1];
s[len] = '\0';
for (int j = ht; j >= 0; j--) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (xi[i] == j) {
s[i] = '*';
} else {
s[i] = ' ';
cout << s << endl;
int main () {
const int lineLength = 65;
float range = 1.0;
float displacedLine[lineLength];
for (int i = 0; i < lineLength; i++) {
displacedLine[i] = 0.0;
displace (displacedLine,lineLength,range);
plot1D (displacedLine,lineLength);
return 0;
When run this way, it produces the following result:
$ c++ -lm displace.cpp
$ ./a
* *
* ***
* * * *
* ** **** * **
* *** **** * * * ** *
* * ** ** *** * * * *
** ** *
* * * ***
** ***

C++ SSE2 intrinsics

I just learned that there's a way to achieve some parallelization using intrinsics. I found the following code and wanted to go through it but I could understand much. I was trying make the operations be in single precision but how can I do that?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
inline double pi_4 (int n){
int i;
__m128d mypart2,x2, b, c, one;
double *x = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double));
double *mypart = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double));
double sum = 0.0;
double dx = 1.0/n;
double x1[2] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
one = _mm_set_pd1(1.0); // set one to (1,1)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
x[i] = dx/2 + dx*i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i+=2){
x1[0]=x[i]; x1[1]=x[i+1];
x2 = _mm_load_pd(x1);
b = _mm_mul_pd(x2,x2);
c = _mm_add_pd(b,one);
mypart2 = _mm_div_pd(one,c);
_mm_store_pd(&mypart[i], mypart2);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += mypart[i];
return sum*dx;
int main(){
double res;
printf("pi = %lf\n", 4*res);
return 0;
I was thinking of changing everything from double to float and call the correct intrinsic functions, for instance, instead of _mm_set_pd1 -> _mm_set_ps1. I don't know if this will make the program from double to single precision.
I tried like follows but I'm getting a segmentation fault
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
inline float pi_4 (int n){
int i;
__m128 mypart2,x2, b, c, one;
float *x = (float *)malloc(n*sizeof(float));
float *mypart = (float*)malloc(n*sizeof(float));
float sum = 0.0;
float dx = 1.0/n;
float x1[2] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
one = _mm_set_ps1(1.0); // set one to (1,1)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
x[i] = dx/2 + dx*i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i+=2){
x1[0]=x[i]; x1[1]=x[i+1];
x2 = _mm_load_ps(x1);
b = _mm_mul_ps(x2,x2);
c = _mm_add_ps(b,one);
mypart2 = _mm_div_ps(one,c);
_mm_store_ps(&mypart[i], mypart2);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += mypart[i];
return sum*dx;
int main(){
float res;
printf("pi = %lf\n", 4*res);
return 0;
A few more fixes are needed:
x1 needs to be declared with 4 elements.
The second for loop needs to increment by 4 (this is what caused the segfault).
There need to be 4 assignments to the x1 array.
These changes are all because single-precision packs 4 values into a 16-byte vector register while double-precision packs only 2 values. I think that was it:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
inline float pi_4 (int n){
int i;
__m128 mypart2,x2, b, c, one;
float *x = (float *)malloc(n*sizeof(float));
float *mypart = (float*)malloc(n*sizeof(float));
float sum = 0.0;
float dx = 1.0/n;
float x1[4] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
one = _mm_set_ps1(1.0); // set one to (1,1,1,1)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
x[i] = dx/2 + dx*i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i+=4){
x1[0]=x[i]; x1[1]=x[i+1];
x1[2]=x[i+2]; x1[3]=x[i+3];
x2 = _mm_load_ps(x1);
b = _mm_mul_ps(x2,x2);
c = _mm_add_ps(b,one);
mypart2 = _mm_div_ps(one,c);
_mm_store_ps(&mypart[i], mypart2);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += mypart[i];
return sum*dx;
int main(){
float res;
printf("pi = %lf\n", 4*res);
return 0;
Drum roll...
$ ./foo
pi = 3.141597
A word on the use of malloc(). I think most implementations will return memory aligned on a 16-byte boundary as required for SSE loads and stores, but that may not be guaranteed as __m128 is not a C/C++ type (it is guaranteed to be aligned for "normal" types). It would be safer to use memalign() or posix_memalign().

'std::vector<double>::iterator' has no member named 'begin'

So I am trying to perform recursion ( A very simple code for split radix recursive butterflies) on a large C++ STL vector and I am using iterators to call the recursion but it isn't working as I keep getting errors.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class fft_data{
vector<T> re;
vector<T> im;
void inline split_radix_rec(vector<double>::iterator r,vector<double>::iterator i, int sgn,int N) {
if (N == 1) {
} else if (N == 2) {
for (int k = 0; k < N/2; k++) {
int index = 2*k;
int index1 = index+1;
double taur = *(r+index1);
double taui = *(i+index1);
*(r+index1) = *(r+index) - taur;
*(i+index1) = *(i+index) - taui;
*(r+index) = *(r+index) + taur;
*(i+index) = *(i+index) + taui;
} else {
int m = N/2;
int p = N/4;
double PI2 = 6.28318530717958647692528676655900577;
double theta = -1.0 * sgn * PI2/N;
double S = sin(theta);
double C = cos(theta);
double PI6 = 3.0*6.28318530717958647692528676655900577;
double theta3 = -1.0 * sgn * PI6/N;
double S3 = sin(theta3);
double C3 = cos(theta3);
double wlr = 1.0;
double wli = 0.0;
//T wl2r = (T) 1.0;
//T wl2i = (T) 0.0;
double wl3r = 1.0;
double wl3i = 0.0;
double tau1r,tau1i,tau2r,tau2i;
double ur,ui,vr,vi;
for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) {
int index1 = j+m;
int index2 = index1+p;
int index3 = j+p;
tau1r = *(r+index1);
tau1i = *(i+index1);
tau2r = *(r+index2);
tau2i = *(i+index2);
ur = tau1r + tau2r;
ui = tau1i + tau2i;
vr = sgn* (tau2r - tau1r);
vi = sgn* (tau2i - tau1i);
*(r+index2) = *(r+index3) - vi;
*(i+index2) = *(i+index3) + vr;
*(r+index1) = *(r+j) - ur;
*(i+index1) = *(i+j) - ui;
*(r+index3) = *(r+index3) + vi;
*(i+index3) = *(i+index3) - vr;
*(r+j) = *(r+j) + ur;
*(i+j) = *(i+j) + ui;
int main() {
vector<double> u,v;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
int sgn = 1;
int N = 256;
return 0;
Here are the errors I am getting
main.cpp:93:21: error: 'std::vector<double>::iterator' has no member named 'begin'
6 Identical errors on lines 93,94,95 (the three split_radix_rec() functions called from within the split_radix_rec function). This is part of a much larger code so I want it to work for STL vectors. What am I doing wrong?
As the error states, you are calling begin() on a std::vector<double>::iterator.
You should call that on a std::vector<double>, so that it could return you a std::vector<double>::iterator.
r,i are itself iterators(begins) in your code.
There is way too much code to give you a concise answer, but the error clearly states that you are calling begin() on a vector iterator instead of a vector. And that happens at the split_radix_rec recursive call. You may have intended this instead: