Get comments of public facebook post - facebook-graph-api

I'm trying to download every comment on a public facebook post (it's one of those "can you do this basic algebra problem" posts - I want to see what percent of the comments get it right).
The Graph API Reference shows that I should be able to just GET{object-id}/comments.
I believe the object-id of this post is {user-id}_{post-id}, where post-id is the id in the url. So given this url:
The user-id of is 1101752663 (from, and the post-id is 10207885721596563 (from the url), which makes the object-id="1101752663_10207885721596563".
When I try in the Graph API Explorer, though, I get:
"data": [
What am I doing wrong? Is there another way to get the comments? There are close to a million so loading them all in the browser and scraping with javascript would be unfeasible.

That is a user profile. You can only get data of a user profile if that specific user authorized your App. In that case, you would need to authorize with the user_posts permission. Just because it is public, does not mean you can get the data - that would only work for Pages.


facebook graph api pages post message

I wanted to make a facebook API request that will post a message to page that I am admin of. Here i found out how can i do that but after trying it out in facebook graph api explorer with this scheme:
assuming I have a developer account linked to my page and publish_pages and manage_pages permissions are enabled and page-id and acces-token are replaced with my real ones. The problem is that I get a response of latest post on that website, the same as if I would write just and there is no new post on my page.
I dont know if the recent facebook API update removed or modified that or if its just not possible.
trying it out in facebook graph api explorer with this scheme
You are making a GET request here - and GET is for reading data, not creating it.
Creating data requires a POST request. So you can either switch the request method from GET to POST via the dropdown there, and then click + Add parameter to add your parameters and values;
or you can add &method=post to the end of your GET request query string here - that is a way the API offers to explicitly overwrite the request method in environments, where you can only make GET requests.

Unable to retrieve data from facebook graph url for a page

Check out:
It is a page of an NGO.
Correspondingly, I should be able to find data of the page in:
This does not seem to work. Any clues?
Please note: I am doing a simple http call and it usually works for other pages, for example, if i do the same thing for another page:teachforindia
The error message is quite clear:
"error": {
"message": "Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at",
"type": "GraphMethodException",
"code": 100
You need to add at least an App Access Token. See
For pages that are published, you need:
An app or user access token is needed to view fields from fully public pages.
A user access token is needed to view fields from restricted pages that this person is able to view (such as those restrict to certain demographics like location or age, or those only viewable by Page admins).
A page access token can also be used to view those restricted fields.
I am not able to access that page (get a 404 error). Maybe the page is still hidden? Then you will not be able to access it via the graph API imho.

How to programmatically post like and comment an URL on facebook?

This is confusing. So just to clarify:
REQ #1: To fetch basic stats for a URL, you send GET request to:
(alternatively, FQL can be used to fetch stats for a URL, but that doesn't return the OpenGraph Object)
REQ #2: To fetch comments for a URL, you do a GET:
REQ #3: To fetch likes for a URL, you GET:
But how do you comment on / like a URL programmatically?
I guess, likes can be created using Open Graph API, right?
where 1234 is the OpenGraph Object ID of an article (as returned by REQ #1).
But this requires an approval process, the like action has to be approved by Facebook.
Is there a better way to do this? Can I use for example the Graph API for all these things?
My goal:
Currently I'm using the Facebook like button and comments plugin to create likes and comments. But these use the JS SDK, which is huge, and they generate a lot of external requests. I wanna get rid of them and just send an AJAX request to my server, which would then asynchronously talk to Facebook, and it would post the Like / Comment.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
I read through the Facebook docs briefly and I don't believe you can do this other than the way you indicated with authenticating.
You should also take a look at this thread: 'Like' a page using Facebook Graph API
You would need to authorize every single user before he would be able to like something, and you would need to go through a review process on Facebook. And i am pretty sure you would not get the required permissions approved just because you want to get rid of the JavaScript SDK overhead, to be honest.
The Social Plugins are asynchronously, so the overhead for downloading the SDK is irrelevant as it happens in the background and it is non-blocking.
I have an idea, to do this. You can use long term access token, Once you login you receive short term token. After receiving short term token you need to request your long term access token. Save that token in DB or file.
Then you can use Graph Api, to make requests. This will eliminate the need for access requirement every time you request api.
Just use access token you saved before.
Refer this documentation from Facebook for further clarity.
Happy Coding!
Atul Jindal

Facebook api-why do i need a token?

I have read almost all the graph API and i don't get this thing at all .
I am some user, who needs to get some other public page photos . thats it,very simple.
So to do that, i can just : id/photos/uploaded/
Which is works great. gives a json with the photos .
BUT ,Facebook is always talks about this tokens everywhere. you need a token to everything .
So after so much frustration i have got this token i created to some app i made.
Problem is, what i do with this token ?? i don't see any place in the API where i put this token in the http request .
Take this request i showed here for example, it works for any page without a token. so where goes the token? why do i need it ?
Why when talking about getting images of some page they always say you must be the admin of that page? NO I DONT want to be the admin of a page, i just want to get photos of other page, that i don't own, with a simple http request.
Everything is messed up for me .
You can apply an access_token to any Graph API request by appending ?access_token=xxx to the URL. In your example, the resulting URL would be: id/photos?access_token=xxx
The access_token is typically used to access any data that isn't public. While its true that you don't need an access_token or be an Admin of a page to get Photos, you may still need an access_token to access pages with location or age restrictions.
For example, I can easily get public photos from the Coca Cola page:
But not for this protected page (since you must be 18+ to access this page):

access_token expires? I'm trying to query a public post w/JS. Easier way?

Beginner here, and I've been getting lost in the Facebook developer docs and Google for hours. I'm sure this is a simple question, but I just need some direction.
What I'm trying to do: query latest post of a page owner from a public Facebook page with JavaScript and parse it to display within my own HTML (can't use a Social Plugin - I need custom control over HTML/CSS).
What I've got working so far:
var token = '<my_token>';
var query = 'fields=posts.limit(1)';
var request = '[mypage]?' + query + '&access_token=' + token;
$.getJSON(request, function(response) {
This does work, however, the Access Token debugger says my access_token is going to expire in 2 months. Why? It's a public Facebook page, and I only want to query the page owner's latest comment. Do I really need to create a Facebook App and login via PHP to just to access this public information?
I'm doing the exact same thing with a Twitter feed and all I had to do was $.getJSON, completely in JavaScript.
It seems getting similar information from Facebook is much more difficult, but perhaps I'm going about it the wrong way?
This does work, however, the Access Token debugger says my access_token is going to expire in 2 months. Why?
Because that’s what user access tokens do.
Do I really need to create a Facebook App and login via PHP to just to access this public information?
For pages that are restricted in any way (based on age, country or for alcohol related content) you have to use a user access token, because that’s the only way Facebook can figure out whether you’re actually allowed to see the content or not.
If it’s your own page, then you could generate a page access token – those don’t expire by default, if you use a long-lived user access token to get them.
But you don’t want to expose that kind of token in client-side JavaScript, because everyone visiting your site could steal it from there and act on behalf of your page then.