Data isn't being saved in the text file (C++ Fstream library ) - c++

I've been trying to save the score of the player in the game in a text file, but it doesn't do so.
This is the code I'm using:
//some code above
std::fstream TextScore ("Ranking.txt");
// some code above
if (Player->getFinal(Map) == true)
{"Ranking.txt", ios::out);
TextScore << Player->getPoints();
//some code below
Then I check the text file and nothing has been saved, the file is empty.
I would like to know what I'm missing or doing wrong.
Thanks in advance.

std::fstream TextScore ("Ranking.txt");
This opens the file, as if"Ranking.txt"), std::ios::in|std::ios::out) was called."Ranking.txt", std::ios::out);
This opens it again.
The combination is not going to work if the file already exists. The first open will succeed and the second one will fail. After that, all I/O operations will fail. Open it just once, either in the constructor or in a separate open call. The most idiomatic C++ way would be
std::fstream TextScore ("Ranking.txt", std::ios::out);
TextScore << Player->getPoints();
No need to close the file explicitly thanks to RAII.

Opening the same file twice is certainly going to cause problems. Move the definition of TextScore into the body of the if statement in place of the call to And then you can remove the call to TextScore.close(); the destructor will close the file.


how to Read/Write multiple objects from file in C++?

When i try this writing multiple objects to file is done properly.
but while i try to Read multiple objects from file it show only data of last object.
Write Multiple objects to file:-
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
ofstream file("Simple.txt");
cout<<"File created"<<endl;
cout<<"File not Open../"<<endl;
where, s is object
used in for loop as generating multiple objects.
When you execute ofstream file("Simple.txt"); you are opening a file in write mode.
And that you are doing for every iteration.
It means every time you write a file it is writing from beginning. ie, you are overwriting your file everytime.
You should try opening in append mode.
That might help.
Also as the first comment suggested, it is not a good idea to open and close a file in every iteration.
Hope this helps.
std::ofstream file;"Simple.txt" | std::ofstream::app);
You have to open the file in append mode.
You could also declare the file handle before the loop, and then just read in the values, then after the loop close the file handle.

c++ filestream problems when opening file in read write mode

Consider the following code snippet:
const char * filePath = "C:/blah.mtt";
fstream fs(filePath, ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
if (
std::cout << "Failed to open the file!\n";
the check succeeds always. Does it mean that I can't open a file in both read write mode at the same time?
Creating an empty file first and then running the above code, is false always. What is the rational for such a behavior by the fstream class?
Note: I do have requisite permissions for creating the file. I am trying this on windows 10 using VS2015
Does it mean that I can't open a file in both read write mode at the same time?
No, you can do this, but the question is whether you can create a file by doing so.
Generally you'll need to add the trunc flag (ironically one of the options for how to handle an existing file), or remove the in flag (see here).
Yes, this is a bit of a pain, but it comes from how the original POSIX APIs work. Blame them!
Creating an empty file first and then running the above code, is false always. What is the rational for such a behavior by the fstream class?
You can always open a file that exists (well, subject to permissions). That behaviour makes sense.
the check succeeds always. Does it mean that I can't open a file in both read write mode at the same time?
Refer to #Lightness Races in Orbit's answer for a better explanation.
Creating an empty file first and then running the above code, is false always. What is the rational for such a behavior by the fstream class?
If you look at the constructor definition of fstream you can see that mode defines the way you open it. It has other options like app to append to an existing file. If you open up a file using the following code:
fstream fs(filePath, ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
You are saying create a new file if it doesn't exist. Which fails if you pre-created it. You should add the app, ate or truncflag if you want it to open successfully. This depends on what exactly you want to do. However, do note that in between the steps of creating and then opening it doesn't guarantee that the file is still there. You should try to do it in one swoop and let exception handling do its work, since you can never go around the errors anyway.

Writing at the beginning of a file, keeping file contents

I have a text file where I want to write. I want to keep the file content always. I want to write following a "FIFO" (last write always on the top line of the file).
I try using"filename"); with ate mode to keep file content, after that use seekg(0) trying to take back writing cursor to the begining of the file. Didn't work.
The unique way I found to do that I think it's so time-expensive, copy all the file content to a temporary file. Write want I want to write and after that write the content of the temp file at the end of the target file.
There must be an easy way do this operation?
Jorge, no matter what you will have to rewrite the entire file in memory. You cannot simply keep the file where it is and prepend memory, especially since it's a simple text file (maybe if there was some form of metadata you could...)
Anyways, your best chance is to flush the old contents into a temporary location, write what you need and append the old contents.
I'm not sure what you're asking for. If you want to add a
line to the beginning of the file, the only way is to open a
new, temporary file, write the line, copy the old file into
after the new line, then delete the old file and rename the
If the original line has a fixed length, and you want to replace
it, then all you have to do is open the file with both
ios_base::in and ios_base::out.
First, you should realize that files are historically streams, i.e. they can only be read and written in one direction. This comes from the times when files were stored on tapes, which could move in one direction (at that time).
However, if you only want to prepend, then you can just store your file backwards. Sounds silly? Maybe, but this would work with just a little overhead.
Apart from that, with current OS's you will need to make a copy to prepend. While files are not streams anymore, and can be accessed randomly on a harddisk, they are still made to grow in one direction. Of course you could make a filesystem, where files grow in both directions, but I have not heard of one.
With <fstream> you may use the filebuf class.
filebuf myfile; ("test.txt", ios::in | ios::out);
if (!myfile.is_open()) cout << "cannot open" << endl;
myfile.sputn("AAAA", 4);
filebuf myfile2; ("test.txt", ios::in | ios::out);
if (!myfile2.is_open()) cout << "cannot open 2" << endl;
myfile2.sputn("BB", 2);
write to a string in order you want, then flush to the file

ifstream: how to tell if specified file doesn't exist

I want to open a file for reading. However, in the context of this program, it's OK if the file doesn't exist, I just move on. I want to be able to identify when the error is "file not found" and when the error is otherwise. Otherwise means I need to quit and error.
I don't see an obvious way to do this with fstream.
I can do this with C's open() and perror(). I presumed that there was a fstream way to do this as well.
EDIT: I've been notified that this does not necessarily indicate a file does not exist, as it may be flagged due to access permissions or other issues as well.
I know I'm extremely late in answering this, but I figured I'd leave a comment anyway for anyone browsing. You can use ifstream's fail indicator to tell if a file exists.
ifstream myFile("filename.txt");
//File does not exist code here
//otherwise, file exists
I don't think you can know if "the file doesn't exist". You could use is_open() for generic checking:
ofstream file(....);
// error! maybe the file doesn't exist.
If you are using boost you could use boost::filesystem:
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
int main()
boost::filesystem::path myfile("test.dat");
if( !boost::filesystem::exists(myfile) )
// what do you want to do if the file doesn't exist
Since the result of opening a file is OS-specific, I don't think standard C++ has any way to differentiate the various types of errors. The file either opens or it doesn't.
You can try opening the file for reading, and if it doesn't open (ifstream::is_open() returns false), you know it either doesn't exist or some other error happened. Then again, if you try to open it for writing afterwards and it fails, that might fall under the "something else" category.
A simple way from
ifstream ifile(filename);
if (ifile) {
// The file exists, and is open for input
You can use stat, which should be portable across platforms and is in the standard C library:
#include <sys/stat.h>
bool FileExists(string filename) {
struct stat fileInfo;
return stat(filename.c_str(), &fileInfo) == 0;
If stat returns 0, the file (or directory) exists, otherwise it doesn't. I assume that you'll have to have access permissions on all directories in the file's path. I haven't tested portability, but this page suggests it shouldn't be an issue.
A better way:
std::ifstream stream;
stream.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit);, std::ios::binary);
With C++17 you can use std::filesystem::exists.
Let's me give example with real running:
file does't exist:
file exist:
see for more information about its public function.
Straight way without creating ifstream object.
if (!std::ifstream(filename))
// error! file doesn't exist.

Read from file, clear it, write to it

I'm trying to read data from a text file, clear it, and then write to it, in that order using the fstream class.
My question is how to clear a file after reading from it. I know that I can open a file and clear it at the same time, but is there some function I can call on the stream to clear its contents?
You should open it, perform your input operations, and then close it and reopen it with the std::fstream::trunc flag set.
#include <fstream>
int main()
std::fstream f;"file", std::fstream::in);
// read data
f.close();"file", std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
// write data
return 0;
If you want to be totally safe in the event of a crash or other disastrous event, you should do the write to a second, temporary file. Once finished, delete the first file and rename the temporary file to the first file. See the Boost Filesystem library for help in doing this.