MVS Community and cURL c++ - c++

Good afternoon,
I've been browsing google looking for a comprehensible guide to installing and adding the dependencies of cURL for Visual Studio Community with no real progress.
I've downloaded and extracted the package to C:\curl\curl-7.47.1 and built it by using the Developer Command Prompt from the winbuild\ (nmake /f mode=dll).
The problems start as I try to find the libraries and includes that I am supposed to add to MVS' dependencies.
The three builds are built with no issues and added to the root of the cURL directory, but there is no release\ or debug\ in the package that I can add to my dependencies (the lib\ only has two libcurl files in it).
I've attempted to use a trial/error approach to finding the correct dependencies in a test project, but can't seem to get rid of the errors (ie. not having the correct dependencies).
I'm not sure if this has to do with the fact that I am using VS community, or if I simply am making some sort of errors in the "installation" process, and since none of the guides that I have found seem to help me I thought I'd turn to you guys.
cURL seems to be a somewhat commonly used library (if not the best URL-library?) and should see quite frequent use, but I can't for the love of me find a solution to the above mentioned problem(s).
Thank you for your help and please do tell me if you need any further information!

This was solved by looking into the (un)marked answer of one of many questions of SO.
Look at mtlynch's answer at:
Getting LibCurl to work with Visual Studio 2013


Why did Visual Studio break after .NET Framework package installation?

I've seen similar questions posted before but none of the solutions solved my issue.
Basically: I had a new windows form up and running, the build ran just fine.
I started a new project a few days later, that required .NET to be installed. So naturally, I installed the package. After that, none of my projects would build. Now, none of my projects will render.
I get error codes and failure to build.
I have made changes to the project's properties, however, this sis nothing. In fact, it created a few more LNK errors. I'm assuming this will be a path issue, I have done the code enough to know the dangers of my second-guessing.
If you need me to provide more detail, please ask.

Why is OpenDDS failing to compile?

My friend is trying to compile OpenDDS from here:
OpenDDS Insall Directions
I have no code.. but i need this to make pastebin work?
She has followed that link to a T. And it produces these errors:
Here is the full output from Visual Studio:
The interesting part:
I can compile it just fine using the instructions from that link in the top. I have done more coding than she, so something is installed that is allowing it to compile without issue, she has a clean install of Visual Studio Community, I have Visual Studio Enterprise (Both 2019) - I do not think the versions should matter, but shared for better understanding.
From what I can gather from the errors, there is a problem locating files on her machine, and not mine. Why it can't find files? I have no idea... I am really confused with why it works for me not her.
I even went and made a VirtualBox Machine with windows 10 on it, and I get the same errors there.
Any and all help is super appreciated, thank you!
This was fixed in this PR:, but that hasn't made it into a release yet. I can't comment in the comment chain above, but dxiv is correct that this is caused by an include dependency that broke in VS2019. It's only in the dds/DCPS/Serializer.h header though, so just having your friend change that file to how it is in the PR should allow it to build.

Build C++ Universal App from command line without MSBuild

In the same spirit as the question Can I download the Visual C++ Command Line Compiler without Visual Studio? I would like to see if it is easy to bundle the appropriate part of Visual Studio to build Universal App written in C++. Following the answer by #Alek to the aforementioned question, I managed to create an archive where I can basically unzip and use. But this is for traditional desktop (I would say, command-line) programs. I tried to do similar thing for Universal App and there are a couple of issues
The official way (i.e. what Visual Studio does under the hood) is to use MSBuild. Unfortunately, I do not know what are and how to get all of its dependencies. It seems to require significant configuration effort as well.
There is no documentation on how to build resources (e.g. generate C++ source and headers from XAML), how to generate the .appx. If possible, a Makefile template is very much appreciated.
The reason to ask for this is because Visual Studio failed me so many times. For instance, the November Update messed up my entire system; the SDK installer fail at 96% and rolled back. Previously, the upgrade to VS2015 (from 2013) also messed me up entirely. It seems that the only solution to these problems is complete uninstall. Having a portable archive where I can just unzip and restore my production environment back to health is something I would say extremely desirable.
Note: I do not care about the IDE. I only need the ability to build apps from source code on the command prompt.

building curl 7.46.0 on windows without cmd

curl being new to me, I am figuring out an easier way to compile it on Windows. I've managed to find a good documentation explaining in layman's terms all the steps, however this doc is based on curl-7.9.6.
It was simpler since curllib.dsw which is the Visual Studio Project file for curllib was found in folder curl-7.9.6\lib. So building it was resulting in libcurl.dll + libcurl.lib
Unfortunately this project file is no more in the latest version 7.46.0, and I would not like to mess around using other techniques I am not familiar with, compiler other than msvc (e.g MinGw), and if possible without resorting to cmd.
I have already done some researches online before posting this thread, but we never know maybe someone has written on this topic very simple documentation that everyone could understand and willing to share it publicly to get both the static library file and DLL (raised just above) or have found a way to get back the project file (.dsw) in the latest release which will a priori be straightforward to compile using Visual Studio 2013 (v120)

OpenCV - How do I get started?

I just don't seem to be able to get OpenCV to work properly. Here's what I want to accomplish:
Use CodeBlocks (which I installed using codeblocks-10.05mingw-setup.exe) with OpenCV (installer: OpenCV-2.4.2.exe) on my Windows x64.
I've tried a lot of different configurations which will only bother you if I posted them all, so I hope you don't mind if I just ask the simple question: how do I get this to work?
I think I'm missing the smallest detail right now, so a detailed description of how to get started would be welcome.
If the OpenCV installer did the job, you should have by now OpenCV libraries and headers already installed in your system.
I would then go ahead and try to compile a hello world basic code, like the one you can get from here. If you would like to program using an IDE, like VisualC++ in Windows, you can follow this guide that will help you setting up the environment.
OpenCV team just introduced their new web site. There you can find Introduction to OpenCV section with installation instructions, including detailed instructions for Windows. Don't forget to cleanup your system before installation to avoid problems with mixing different install options. If you still can't get it working with CodeBlocks, follow Dan's advice and try compiling from command line.
When you are done with installation, go on and read there great new tutorials!