Build Amazon AMI from virtualbox - amazon-web-services

Just would like to know how can I build an Amazon AMI from ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 machine.
Also would like to know after creating an AMI how can I upload to Amazon and use the same.
Would be great to know if we anyone has done it prior to this.
Chand Prakash

You need packer.
Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. "Packer is a modern tool that embraces best benefits. It's completely automated, simply run a a packer build, no human touches it, packer builds it for you. " - Mitchell Hashimoto (Creator)
We build AMI images via packer template and it is really good and simplify the whole processes.
If you need know more about packer and how it works, please refer:
If you need a quick start from samples, you can go through this github repo:


How can I make an AMI (ASG instance) start with the code from a github branch?

I already configure the Code build/CI/CD pipeline when pushing in a branch in Github, but when an instance launchs from the ASG it starts with no code, the only approach i can think of is with an AMI, but how can i make this AMI start with the latest code in Github? I already installed the git client in an instance but i am afraid that each time this will ask for known host in the boot process, can anyone help me with this please. Thanks!
For that you have to setup user data. You have to write script for the user-data which will perform all initialization that you require at instance launch. This may include download, compiling and running latest versions of programs from git.

Node.JS native addons on LINUX [duplicate]

I'm using AWS Lambda, which involves creating an archive of my node.js script, including the node_modules folder and uploading that to their infrastructure to run.
This works fine, except when it comes to node modules with native bindings (using node-gyp). Because the binding was complied and project archived on my local computer (OS X), it is not compatible with AWS's (Amazon Linux) servers.
How can I cross-compile/install a node module (specifically, node-sqlite3) so when I upload it to another server arch it runs?
While not really a solution to your problem, a very easy workaround could be to simply compile the native addons on a Linux machine.
For your particular situation, I would use Vagrant. Vagrant can create virtual machines and configure them within seconds.
Find an OS image that resembles Amazon's Linux distro (Fedora, CentOS, others that use yum as package manager - see Wiki)
Use a simple configuration script that, when run by Vagrant on machine startup, will run npm install (optionally it might also remove the node_modules folder before to ensure a clean installation)
For extra comfort, the script can also create the zip file for deployment
Once the installation finishes, the script will shutdown the VM to avoid unnecessary consumption of system resources
It might require some tuning if the linked libraries are not at the same place on the target machine but generally this seems to me like the best and quickest solution.
While installing the app using Vagrant might be sufficient in some cases, I have found it necessary to build the app on Linux which is as close to Lambda's Amazon Linux AMI as possible.
You can read the original answer here:
Steps to make it work:
Spawn new EC2 instance. Make sure it is based on exactly the same image as your AWS Lambda runtime. You can review Lambda env details here: In our case, it was Amazon Linux AMI called amzn-ami-hvm-2015.03.0.x86_64-gp2.
Install nvm and use it to install the same version of Node.js as on the AWS Lambda. At the time of writing this, it was v0.10.36. You can refer to again to find out.
You will probably need to install git & g++ compiler on the EC2. You can do this running
sudo yum install git gcc-c++
Finally, clone your app to your new EC2 and install your app's dependecies:
nvm use 0.10.36
npm install --production
You can then easily download the node_modules using scp or such.
Same lines as Robert's answer, when I had to work on my MAC in a different OS I use vm ware like Oracle's free virtualizer VirtualBox to get a linux on my mac, no cost to me. Or sign up for a new AWS account, you get a micro for a year free. Use that to get your linux box, do whatever you need there.
AWS has a page describing how to deal with native NPM modules:

Is it possible to use output from a script run on the packer provisioners to create tags for the generated AMI?

I am using packer to generate AMIs that are preconfigured with some programs - both installed from apt and compiled from source. I would like to be able to tag the generated AMI with the versions of the installed programs but I can't figure out how I would do that.
On the provisioned machine I would run:
program --version
and get something like
The problem is I'm not able to run this until after the machine is provisioned and install so I am unable to add that information to the template file prior to running packer build.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can accomplish this?
for the software versions you know up ahead, you can use the tags property "amazon-ebs" builder.
if it's going to be dynamic/ install latest available version, then you can have a script that prints out the software version to a file and use the File provisioner
with direction set to "download", so the file is available on the host.
Then you can read the file and run "aws ec2 create-tags" command to add additional tags to the ami.

How to run pdftk on elastic beanstalk

I am trying to run pdftk on an Elastic Beanstalk. The first problem I run into is that I cannot install pdftk on an instance of a Amazon Linux AMI because one of the dependencies (gcj) is not supported.
One of the options I am looking at is creating my own AMI and using that for my Elastic Beanstalk. Amazon recommends not doing this, and there are no community images for EB and Ubuntu.
Another option is using Docker. I am not as familiar with Docker, but I think I would be able to install pdftk in a container and then deploy that to EB. I am using Codeship for deployments and it looks like they have some options for Docker. (This is the options I'm currently exploring)
The last option I can think of is writing a library for encrypting pdfs on my own. I had a look at the encryption specifications for pdfs and I think this is not a time efficient option.
Has any one had a similar problem and found a good solution to the problem?
After some more research I discovered that the issue was not with Amazon Linux bug with Fedora. Fedora dropped gcj because there was a lack of maintainers on the project, then dropped pdftk because it depends on gcj.
If you need another pdf tool kit I have found podofo to be a good replacement for what I've needed.
First I apologise for resurrecting an old thread! Recently we wanted to create an Elastic Beanstalk worker environment that uses pdftk. Of course we also stumbled on the same issue, so this is what we did and it works for us so far. I hope it'll work for others too.
In the .ebextensions folder add the linked configs:
The needed LaTeX packages:
You'll also need to add the el5 library in order to install libgcj.
Next add this config with the commands to install libgcj, pdftk and pdfjam
And that should be it.
In case anyone comes here having problems with pdftk - poppler-utils also cover some tasks done by pdftk (in my case it was pdf splitting) and can be easily set up on an EB instance through .ebextensions:
poppler-utils: []

How to achieve consistency of re-baking an AMI

I am wondering what would be the best approach for baking an AMI. Although it offers a lot of consistency, it is hard to achieve a level of consistency when you need to re-bake your AMI because of a small security update or new package version because more than likely you will end up updating the other packages you don't need to update and that can cause something to break.
So far I am baking all my package installs including docker and pulling base images (like Ubuntu for example).
I know it is possible to specify exactly what package version you need when you do apt-get install or its cfn-init equivalent, but what if it is no longer supported? Should I put my packages in an S3 bucket? But then what about all the dependencies? Are there any simple ways of doing apt-get install from s3 instead of going out to the 3rd party repo?
I just answered a similar question about baking resources into an AMI vs. using a configuration management tool like Chef, Puppet, etc.
Short answer is to try and not bake software into the AMI but rather build on top of base images with repeatable "recipes" (Chef term).
As for the specific versions of packages to install, you certainly can pin software dependencies to specific versions. If you aren't doing anything special with them I would strongly advise to use the native package managers where you can. As for packages not being available anymore, with Ubuntu LTS that hopefully shouldn't be much of an issue.
See the full answer here.