MFC get modal dialog list - c++

I am working on unit test with MFC. My software is a SDI.
I have 2 threads : the first one is the graphic thread and the second one a unit test procedure which reproduce a user behavior.
It is working well when there isn't modal dialog, I use SendMessage (to simulate click on button, or change text, etc.) which is blocking until the message has been treated so I haven't any sync issue.
But when the button opens a Modal CDialog I can't use SendMessage because the unit test thread is going to be blocked as long as the modal dialog is opened. So I use PostMessage and Sleep. And now my problem is to get the pointer of the current opened CDialog.
Here is the code of the unit test
bool UnitTestBoite()
// Here I am in unit test thread
CFrameWnd *pMainFrame = (CFrameWnd *)AfxGetMainWnd();
// Post Message to notify the button ID_INSERER_BOITE is clicked
// In the handler of ID_INSERER_BOITE
// there is something like CDialog dlg(pMainFrame, IDD_BASE_BOITE); dlg.DoModal();
UINT myModalTemplateId = IDD_BASE_BOITE;
To get modal dialog pointer I tried :
CWnd* pChild = pMainFrame->GetWindow(GW_CHILD);
while (pChild != nullptr)
// Retrieve template ID
UINT nResourceId = GetWindowLong(pChild->GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_ID);
if (nResourceId == myModalTemplateId )
pChild = pChild->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT);
if (pChild == nullptr)
return false;
HWND hwndForeGround = ::GetForegroundWindow();
// Retrieve template ID
UINT nResourceId = GetWindowLong(hwndForeGround, GWL_ID);
if (nResourceId != myModalTemplateId )
return false;
CWnd *pModal = pMainFrame_->GetForegroundWindow();
// Retrieve template ID
UINT nResourceId = GetWindowLong(pModal->GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_ID);
if (nResourceId != myModalTemplateId )
return false;
None of these code snippet worked...
The last solution I have thought was to make all my CDialog classes inherits from a custom class and register all opened CDialog, but it is a bit invasive...
Is there an "elegant" means to do that ?
Thank for reading,


How to display a modal dialog window from another process?

I have a 32-bit MFC application that uses a custom library that would be a nightmare to re-compile into x64. In general the app doesn't really need to run as 64-bit, except in one case -- and that is to render contents to display in a dialog window, which can benefit from a larger addressing space.
So my goal is to "imitate" CDialog::DoModal method but for a dialog in another process.
I built that dialog window as a standalone x64 MFC dialog-based application. It takes a file path as it's input parameter, does all the work internally, and returns simple user selection: OK, Cancel.
So I do the following from my main parent process:
//Error checks omitted for brevity
CString strCmd = L"D:\\C++\\MyDialogBasedApp.exe";
HWND hParWnd = this->GetSafeHwnd();
sei.cbSize = sizeof(sei);
sei.nShow = SW_SHOW;
sei.lpVerb = _T("open");
sei.lpFile = strCmd.GetBuffer();
sei.hwnd = hParWnd;
DWORD dwProcID = ::GetProcessId(sei.hProcess);
//Try to get main Wnd handle for the child process
HWND hMainChildWnd = NULL;
for(;; ::Sleep(100))
hMainChildWnd = getHwndFromProcID(dwProcID);
HWND hPrevParWnd = ::SetParent(hMainChildWnd, hParWnd);
//Wait for child process to close
::WaitForSingleObject(sei.hProcess, INFINITE);
//Reset parent back
::SetParent(hMainChildWnd, hPrevParWnd);
where getHwndFromProcID is taken from here.
This kinda works, except of the following:
(1) There are two icons on the taskbar: one for my main app, and one for the child app. Is there a way not to show a child icon?
(2) I can switch focus from child window to parent and vice versa. In actual modal dialog window one cannot switch back to parent while child is open. Is there a way to do that?
(3) If I start interacting with the parent, it appears to be "hung up" and the OS will even show it on its title bar.
So I was curious if there's a way to resolve all these?
you need pass pointer of own window to child process
you need process windows messages, while you wait on child process
exit. WaitForSingleObject unacceptably here - need use
child process must set your window as self owner window at create
time - you not need call SetParent
with this all will be worked perfect. in your 32-bit MFC application you need use next code :
BOOL DoExternalModal(HWND hwnd, PCWSTR ApplicationName)
STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(si) };
WCHAR CommandLine[32];
swprintf(CommandLine, L"*%p", hwnd);
if (CreateProcessW(ApplicationName, CommandLine, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &si, &pi))
MSG msg;
for (;;)
switch (MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(1, &pi.hProcess, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT, 0))
return TRUE;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
while (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
default: __debugbreak();
return FALSE;
in MyDialogBasedApp.exe let use MessageBox as demo dialog. we will be use your MFC window as first argument to it.
void ExeEntry()
int ec = -1;
if (PWSTR CommandLine = GetCommandLine())
if (CommandLine = wcschr(CommandLine, '*'))
HWND hwnd = (HWND)(ULONG_PTR)_wcstoi64(CommandLine + 1, &CommandLine, 16);
if (hwnd && !*CommandLine && IsWindow(hwnd))
ec = MessageBoxW(hwnd, L"aaa", L"bbb", MB_OK);
with this code:
(1) There are only one icon on the taskbar for your main app
(2) You can not switch focus from child window to parent and vice versa. all work as actual modal dialog window
(3) parent not "hung up" because it processing windows messages (MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx) - your code is "hung up" because you not do this, but wait in WaitForSingleObject
A modal dialog box does two things that make it "modal":
The dialog's "owner" is set to the parent window.
The parent window is disabled.
I played around with this a little bit and while you can do these manually, the easiest way is to just pass the parent window handle to the DialogBox function (or the CDialog constructor in MFC).
Instead of doing all the work after ShellExecuteEx in the parent process, your child process can use FindWindow (or a similar mechanism) to get the parent window handle and use that to display the dialog.
What you are trying to do cannot safely be done. The blog entry Is it legal to have a cross-process parent/child or owner/owned window relationship? explains, that installing a cross-process owner/owned window relationship causes the system to call AttachThreadInput, and - as we all know - AttachThreadInput is like taking two threads and pooling their money into a joint bank account, where both parties need to be present in order to withdraw any money. This creates a very real potential for a dead lock. You can only safely prevent this from happening, if you control both participating threads. Since at least one thread uses a 3rd party application framework (MFC in this case), this is off limits.
Since we have established, that your proposed solution cannot safely be implemented, you need to look into alternatives. One solution might be to delegate the work to a 64-bit process for computation, and have the results passed back to your 32-bit process for display.

Open a MFC dialog in a std::thread

I would like to show a dialog to inform the user that the application is busy. To avoid blocking of the main thread, I was thinking to use a std::thread to show the dialog. Consider the following code:
InProcDlg inProcess;
std::thread t([ &inProcess ] {
delete inProcess;
// wait till process has finished
::PostMessage(inProcess.m_hWnd, WM_USER + 1, 0, 0);
if (t.joinable()){
ON_MESSAGE(WM_USER + 1, &InProcDlg::close)
LRESULT InProcDlg::close(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return 0;
Running this code the dialog is shown properly. The dialog is also closed, but the main dialog is not shown, the application hangs in CreateRunDlgIndirect(). Trying to step in, while setting some breakpoints the main dialog is shown properly back again. Very strange. I would be very happy for any advices where I have to dive deeper in.
In the next step I would also like to show the process to the user, by sending an integer indicating the current state of process.
int *percent;
::PostMessage(inProcess.m_hWnd, WM_USER + 2, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(percent));
How I can gain evidence that the dialog is already existing, before sending or posting a message?
I'm using Visual Studio 2013.
I can think of two ways to do that:
Modeless dialog
User thread (UI thread)
Creating a brother to the main UI thread (CWinApp) by using CWinThread. Most important is to assign CWinThread::m_pMainWnd member, with a pointer to a Dialog. If the dialog is Modal you return FALSE right after the call to DoModal, and return TRUE for Modeless.
class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd {
// pointer to thread
CWinThread* m_pUserThread;
start thread
m_pUserThread->m_bAutoDelete = TRUE;
headr file**
class CUserThread : public CWinThread
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL InitInstance();
virtual int ExitInstance();
virtual ~CUserThread();
// Generated message map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
CUserMsg* m_pDlg;
source file
#define DO_MODAL
BOOL CUserThread::InitInstance()
#ifdef DO_MODAL
// create and assign Modeless dialog
CUserMsg dlg;
m_pMainWnd = &m_pDlg;
return FALSE;
#ifdnef DO_MODAL
// create and assign Modal dialog
m_pDlg = new CUserMsg();
m_pDlg->Create( IDD_USER_DLG, AfxGetMainWnd() );
m_pMainWnd = m_pDlg;
return TRUE;
int CUserThread::ExitInstance()
// check for null
m_pDlg->SendMessage( WM_CLOSE ) ;
delete m_pDlg;
return CWinThread::ExitInstance();
to terminate the thread
// post quit message to thread
// wait until thread termineates
For both ways I would highly recommend making the dialog as a top most window:
BOOL CLicenseGenDlg::OnInitDialog() {
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
SetWindowPos( &wndTopMost, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | WS_EX_TOPMOST );
return TRUE;

CInvalidArgumentException when checking class in PreTranslateMessage

The case: I'd like to make shortcuts with numpad so users can use my application fast. I implemented this in PreTranslateMessage and this worked.
But the case is that I have an Edit Control where the user should enter some number. So at the time the user has focus on a Edit Control (CEdit), the shortcuts should be disabled.
To cover this, I added
CWnd* pControl;
pControl = this->GetFocus();
But now whenever my application dialog loses focus, it closes (see video) and I get the following exeption:
This is the full code:
// Handles keypresses for fast acces of functions
BOOL COpenFilesDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg){
CWnd* pControl;
pControl = this->GetFocus();
if(!(pControl->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CEdit)))){ //when this statement is commented the program doesn't crash
if(pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN)
if((pMsg->wParam == 0x31 || pMsg->wParam == VK_NUMPAD1))
else if((pMsg->wParam == 0x33 || pMsg->wParam == VK_NUMPAD3)){
return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
Now is my question: Why does my program crash when it is not in focus and how do I check if the focus is on a Edit Control in a proper way?
CWnd::GetFocus returns a pointer to the window that has the current focus, or NULL if there is no focus window.
pControl = this->GetFocus();
if ( pControl != NULL )
Another way is to compare pControl value with pointer to CEdit class member (or members) of the dialog class. For example, if CEdit m_edit is edit box class member, test:
if ( pControl == (CWnd*)&m_edit )
// focus is on m_edit control

Creating Responsive Windows winapi c++

I am just learning to create a gui using the winapi, but i have run into an issue. I can create a window like this
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
int main()
MSG msg;
while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
But the windows will not close when the close button is clicked, and the window can not be dragged around or moved. I was wondering how i would enable these features of the window.
Static windows are not there for normal windows, you should try and look up how to register and handle your own class with RegisterWindowEx then use the same class name to create a window. You have to have your own window procedure in order to handle messages.
All window classes registered by the system run their own default window procudure and as far as I know none of them handle WM_CLOSE ( that is the close button ) this is why you can't close it.
For you main windows always use something like WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW so it'll be clear if it's okay or not and from that eliminate the flags you don't need.
How you set it up :
HWND hMainWnd;
// Register your own window class
wndcls.hIcon=hMainIcon; // or just LoadIcon(hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAIN_ICON))
if (RegisterClassEx(&wndcls)==0)
// failed to register class name
return false;
// Create window with your own class
"myWndClass","widnow title",\
if (hMainWnd==(HWND)NULL)
// failed to create main window
return false;
Then your main loop :
bool bAppMainLoop=false
This is a bit more than usual setup, so let me explain , in order to not burn CPU, you wait for a message with WaitMessage, it'll block until something happens, like move window, click, paint etc. PeekMessage will return true if there is a message so calling it in a while loop will make sure it drains the message quene, GetMessage will obtain the message if it returns 0 it means that your app called the PostQuitMessage(0) so a WM_QUIT arrived was found in the message loop that means it's time to break out from the message loop. The rest Translate and Dispatch does what it name says.
Finally you need your own window procedure :
if (uMsg==WM_CLOSE)
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam);
DefWindowProc is essential that handles all commonly occurring messages from the system, thus you don't need to handle those here. You simply respond to the WM_CLOSE message which is sent when you want to close the window and post a quit message into the message loop that you will catch and exit.
Additional info :
It's not required to release your stuff since windows does that for you so it wont be locked the next time you start your program , but it's a good practice to at least Unregister your window class after your main loop.
Btw that is the wrong main function : WinMain that is the correct one. Plus to avoid even more bugs make sure you compile a windows GUI application.

CPrintDialog::OnInitDialog does not get called every time

I am using MyPrintDialog extended CPrintDialog.
The problem is:
OnInitDialog() method of MyPrintDialog does not get called on first time when the application try to open Print dialog.
I am trying to set the Printer name in the Print Dialog from the OnInitDialog() method.
Printer name is specified by the user in the application which I want to use for the Printing.
My OnInitDialog() method
CComboBox *wndCmbBox = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem( IDC_PER_USER ); /*IDC_PER_USER which is ID of Prin Dialog combo */
if( wndCmbBox != NULL )
wndCmbBox->SelectString( -1, PrinterName );
Or is their any way to set the user choice Printer name in the Print dialog..?
Please Explain.
Yes, by onInit() I mean OnInitDialog()
I am using VS 2012 with Win7 32 bit. I am facing this issue only first call of DoModel(). Next consecutive DoModel() methods calls OnInitDialog().
I have debug the issue and found something
if (message == WM_INITDIALOG)
// special case for WM_INITDIALOG
CDialog* pDlg = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CDialog, CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(hWnd));
if (pDlg != NULL)
return pDlg->OnInitDialog();
return 1;
return 0;
The above is the function of dlgcore.cpp. When issue is reproduced I observed that DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST returns NULL.
Please note that I have customized CPrintDialog and added one check box in it. I doubt if it is creating the issue.
If you meant to say OnInitDialog() instead of OnInit(), then it's possible that your problem is explained by this MSKB article although it seems to have been fixed after VC6 SP1.