Access external IP google cloud windows instance - google-cloud-platform

I have got the info as:
Each instance can also have an external IP address, which is routable over the Internet.
described here. But when I click the following arrow:
It shows The connection has timed out while I have enabled HTTP/ HTTPS access in console.
The firewall rules that have been applied are:
I have promoted external IP address to static but no success to get internet access for my Oracle Apex application.

Hope this help
The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is a host-based firewall that runs on Windows Server 2012 and is turned on by default. Firewall
settings within Windows Server 2012 are managed from within the
Windows Firewall MMC (Microsoft Management Console). To review and set
Firewall settings perform the following:
Open the Server Manager from the task bar.
List item Click the Tools menu and select Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
From the right side of either the Inbound Rules or Outbound Rules
**tab click **New Rule.
Select Custom from the Rule Type radial button and click Next.
Select the Program association for the Custom Firewall Rule as either All programs or the path to a program and click Next.
From the Protocol type field select the protocol type and click Next.
Select an IP address association for both local and remote addresses and click Next.
Select an action to take on matching traffic and click Next.
Select the profiles associated with the custom rule and click Next.
Provide a name for your Firewall rule and an optional description and click Finish.
Once created, the rule will be enabled. The firewall rule can be found on the corresponding Rule tab, either inbound or outbound
depending on the type created. To disable or delete the rule find the
rule in the MMC, right-click it, and select either Disable Rule or


How to enable access to a web service hosted on GCP VM instance

I built a web app, that runs and listens on port 5000 using .netcore (default app in VS).
I created a VM instance on GCP, and allowed http and https traffic in the configuration.
I ran the app, and used the exteral ip(which I succeeded to ping) to access it from the browser:
But I got no response, this should have opened the site.
I added a firewall rule to allow traffic but still didn't help:
I'm sure many people encountered this, any help?
I have the same opinion as #Iñigo, it could be the firewall.
You can create the rule with the following command:
gcloud compute --project=my-project firewall-rules create rule-for-netcore --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:5000 --source-ranges=
The output should be something like:
Creating firewall...⠹Created [].
Creating firewall...done.
rule-for-netcore default INGRESS 1000 tcp:5000 False
Edit 1
Also you need to open the port in your windows firewall:
From the Start menu, click Control Panel, click System and Security, and then click Windows Firewall. Control Panel is not configured for 'Category' view, you only need to select Windows Firewall.
Click Advanced Settings.
Click Inbound Rules.
Click New Rule in the Actions window.
Click Rule Type of Port.
Click Next.
On the Protocol and Ports page click TCP.
Select Specific Local Ports and type a value something like 5000-5010 (this is only an example you need to add the ports needed)
Click Next.
On the Action page click Allow the connection.
Click Next.
On the Profile page click the appropriate options for your environment.
Click Next.
On the Name page enter a name of like “Open port for test”
Click Finish.
Restart the Instance.
At the end you would see the rule like this:
You can consult the following link for more information.
The firewall is dropping your traffic.
You should open port 5000, not http(port 80) or https(port 443).

AWS EC2 Server Connection from Windows Network Error: Connection timeout error

I have created new EC2 instance set HTTP, HTTPS, SSH anywahere, get Pair, pem file, and tried to connect from window machine using putty.
Putty giving error:
Network Error: Network Error: Connection timeout error
I have tried same procedure from same laptop, same network, same firewall on different AWS account working fine.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
In security gruop I allowed SSH TCP 22 in inbound rule.
To troubleshoot the connection, see: Error connecting to your instance: Connection timed out
Check security groups
Check route table
Check Network ACL
Check corporate network
Check CPU load
A timeout error normally indicates that your computer is unable to reach the target computer (as opposed to the target computer rejecting the connection).
Things to check:
The EC2 instance should be running Linux
The security group on the instance should be permitting inbound access on port 22 either from your IP address, or all IP addresses- The EC2 instance should be in a public subnet (defined as a subnet with a routing table entry pointing to an Internet Gateway)
The Network Access Control Lists (ACLs) are preferably unchanged
Your (corporate) network permits SSH access to the AWS network range
Given that you are able to connect to "a different AWS Account", it sounds like your laptop and local network configurations are find. It would have something to do with the instance, security group or VPC configuration.
Have you tried allowing connections on port 22?
Go to your EC2 Instance and click on it so the radio button turns
blue. Scroll down to the bottom and check for Security Groups.
Click on View Inbound Rules and see if Port 22 is enabled. If not
click on the link directly above View Inbound Rules. Screenshot below:
You will see the tabs as shown in the screenshot below:
Click on Edit then Add Rule Button.
Enter the values as shown in the screenshot below:
Click on Save then try connecting to your instance again.
If that does not work, once you go to your EC2 instance, there is a Connect button. Click on that and see a list of possible warnings why you might be unable to connect to your instance.
Check your security group rules. You need a security group rule that allows inbound traffic from your public IPv4 address on the proper port.
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
In the navigation pane, choose Instances, and then select your instance.
In the Description tab at the bottom of the console page, next to Security groups, select view inbound rules to display the list of rules that are in effect for the selected instance.
For Linux instances: When you select view inbound rules, a window will appear that displays the port(s) to which traffic is allowed. Verify that there is a rule that allows traffic from your computer to port 22 (SSH).
For Windows instances: When you select view inbound rules, a window will appear that displays the port(s) to which traffic is allowed. Verify that there is a rule that allows traffic from your computer to port 3389 (RDP).

Google Cloud Compute Engine - Windows VM

I'm somewhat of a noobie to GCP VMs, so please excuse me if this question is a little too basic.
I've recently created 2 VMs - both Windows 2016. The first one, I created without any template, pretty basic. The second one I created using a template that my company had set up. I don't believe that I've done anything significantly different in the creation of the two other than one being from a template and one not. All of the details within the VM seem to match.
The issue I'm having is this:
With the first one (non-template), I was given an external IP, was able to RDP from both the GCP console and the RDP app on my local machine, and I had an internet connection upon connecting.
With the second one (template), I was not given an external IP (it says "none" on the GCP console), I'm unable to RDP through the GCP console (the RDP button is greyed out and doesn't allow me to select it), and I do not have an internet connection upon connecting through the RDP app.
I've tried stopping/starting the VM, but other than that I'm not entirely sure what to do. Does anyone know a possible way to fix this?
If you have created a VM without external IP, in Google Console it rdp (or ssh) button will be grayed out.
When you say you are using templates, are you referring to this?
Probably your instance template doesn't have external IP.
Review your firewal rules:
In your VM details, under Network interfaces you should check Network details (view details). Checkout if the firewall rules for 3389 are there. Also make sure that the Target name you see in the firewall rule is present in the network tags in VM instance details.
To get a remote connection to your VM (without setting up peering or VPN tunnels), you'll need to add an external IP address to your VM so that it can NAT your traffic to your instance.
It looks like the template you used does not have an external IP attached in its settings. You will need to click on the VM instance, then edit the settings, and then expand the 'Network Interfaces' section. Once there, you can choose an ephemeral external IP address assigned to your VM.
Bear in mind, that all of the traffic is enforced by the project firewall-rules, so check that RDP is enabled on your firewall setting. If you do not have firewall rules and using the default network, then the RDP firewall rule will be created for you.

Amazon 500150 : Unable to connect to Redshift Cluster

I followed all the steps mentioned on here
to connect to Redshift through Workbench J.
I am not using SSH to connect, so have left SSH settings alone.
When I select Security after selecting Redshift, I see :
Your account does not support the EC2-Classic Platform in this region. Cluster Security Groups are only available when the EC2-Classic Platform is supported. Instead, use VPC Security Groups to control access to your clusters. Go to the EC2 Console to view your VPC Security Groups. For more information, see Amazon Redshift Documentation on Supported Platforms and Managing Clusters in VPC.
My cluster is under a Security Group which has the following Inbound rule :
Type: Redshift
Protocol: TCP
Port Range: 5439
Source: Custom (Experimental, just to test,
I will replace this with my IP address)
When I do a Netstat on the host from my machine with -Pn. I get a
Host is up.
5439/tcp filtered unknown
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.22 seconds
I have already gone through several similar questions and none of these is working for me.
Double check your Security Group settings:
In the Redshift console, go to the Configuration tab.
Click on the link next to VPC security groups
Should take you to Security Groups in the EC2 console with the correct security group selected.
Select the Inbound tab for the security group and click the Edit button (a dialog box opens).
In the dialog box, click the Add Rule button then:
Select Redshift from the Type dropdown menu
Select Anywhere from the Source dropdown menu
Come back and change this to My Ip once your connection works!
Click the Save button (the dialog closes)
You now have 2 new Redshift rules ( AND ::/0)
Then in SQL Workbench's "Select Connection Profile" dialog:
Click "Manage Drivers" at the bottom left and to add the Redshift JDBC driver.
SQL Workbench configures these automatically but check that Classname is like and Sample URL is jdbc:redshift://host:port/name_of_database.
Next, configure the connection
Select the new Driver you just created from the drop down.
Copy the JDBC URL from the Redshift console Configuration tab and paste it into the URL field.
Must use the correct port: jdbc:redshift://
Add your Username and Password
Test the connection! (Bottom right)
Please let me know in the comments if this doesn't work for some reason and I'll help you get it working.

How to open a specific port such as 9090 in Google Compute Engine

I have 2 Google Compute Engine instances and I want to open port 9090 in both the instances. I think we need to add some firewall rules.
Can you tell me how can I do that?
You need to:
Go to
Go to my Console
Choose your Project
Choose Networking > VPC network
Choose "Firewall"
Choose "Create Firewall Rule"
To apply the rule to select VM instances, select Targets > "Specified target tags", and enter into "Target tags" the name of the tag. This tag will be used to apply the new firewall rule onto whichever instance you'd like. Then, make sure the instances have the network tag applied.
Set Source IP ranges to allow traffic from all IPs:
To allow incoming TCP connections to port 9090, in "Protocols and Ports", check “tcp” and enter 9090
Click Create (or click “Equivalent Command Line” to show the gcloud command to create the same rule)
Update Please refer to docs to customize your rules.
Here is the command-line approach to answer this question:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create <rule-name> --allow tcp:9090 --source-tags=<list-of-your-instances-names> --source-ranges= --description="<your-description-here>"
This will open the port 9090 for the instances that you name. Omitting --source-tags and --source-ranges will apply the rule to all instances. More details are in the Gcloud documentation and the firewall-rule create command manual
The previous answers are great, but Google recommends using the newer gcloud commands instead of the gcutil commands.
To get an idea of Google's firewall rules, run gcloud compute firewall-rules list and view all your firewall rules
This question is old and Carlos Rojas's answer is good, but I think I should post few things which should be kept in mind while trying to open the ports.
The first thing to remember is that Networking section is renamed to VPC Networking. So if you're trying to find out where Firewall Rules option is available, go look at VPC Networking.
The second thing is, if you're trying to open ports on a Linux VM, make sure under no circumstances should you try to open port using ufw command. I tried using that and lost ssh access to the VM. So don't repeat my mistake.
The third thing is, if you're trying to open ports on a Windows VM, you'll need to create Firewall rules inside the VM also in Windows Firewall along with VPC Networking -> Firewall Rules. The port needs to be opened in both firewall rules, unlike Linux VM. So if you're not getting access to the port from outside the VM, check if you've opened the port in both GCP console and Windows Firewall.
The last (obvious) thing is, do not open ports unnecessarily. Close the ports, as soon as you no longer need it.
I hope this answer is useful.
Creating firewall rules
Please review the firewall rule components [1] if you are unfamiliar with firewall rules in GCP. Firewall rules are defined at the network level, and only apply to the network where they are created; however, the name you choose for each of them must be unique to the project.
For Cloud Console:
Go to the Firewall rules page in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Click Create firewall rule.
Enter a Name for the firewall rule.
This name must be unique for the project.
Specify the Network where the firewall rule will be implemented.
Specify the Priority of the rule.
The lower the number, the higher the priority.
For the Direction of traffic, choose ingress or egress.
For the Action on match, choose allow or deny.
Specify the Targets of the rule.
If you want the rule to apply to all instances in the network, choose All instances in the network.
If you want the rule to apply to select instances by network (target) tags, choose Specified target tags, then type the tags to which the rule should apply into the Target tags field.
If you want the rule to apply to select instances by associated service account, choose Specified service account, indicate whether the service account is in the current project or another one under Service account scope, and choose or type the service account name in the Target service account field.
For an ingress rule, specify the Source filter:
Choose IP ranges and type the CIDR blocks into the Source IP ranges field to define the source for incoming traffic by IP address ranges. Use for a source from any network.
Choose Subnets then mark the ones you need from the Subnets pop-up button to define the source for incoming traffic by subnet name.
To limit source by network tag, choose Source tags, then type the network tags in to the Source tags field. For the limit on the number of source tags, see VPC Quotas and Limits. Filtering by source tag is only available if the target is not specified by service account. For more information, see filtering by service account tag.
To limit source by service account, choose Service account, indicate whether the service account is in the current project or another one under Service account scope, and choose or type the service account name in the Source service account field. Filtering by source service account is only available if the target is not specified by network tag. For more information, see filtering by service account vs. network tag.
Specify a Second source filter if desired. Secondary source filters cannot use the same filter criteria as the primary one.
For an egress rule, specify the Destination filter:
Choose IP ranges and type the CIDR blocks into the Destination IP ranges field to define the destination for outgoing traffic by IP address ranges. Use to mean everywhere.
Choose Subnets then mark the ones you need from the Subnets pop-up button to define the destination for outgoing traffic by subnet name.
Define the Protocols and ports to which the rule will apply:
Select Allow all or Deny all, depending on the action, to have the rule apply to all protocols and ports.
Define specific protocols and ports:
Select tcp to include the TCP protocol and ports. Enter all or a comma delimited list of ports, such as 20-22, 80, 8080.
Select udp to include the UDP protocol and ports. Enter all or a comma delimited list of ports, such as 67-69, 123.
Select Other protocols to include protocols such as icmp or sctp.
(Optional) You can create the firewall rule but not enforce it by setting its enforcement state to disabled. Click Disable rule, then select Disabled.
(Optional) You can enable firewall rules logging:
Click Logs > On.
Click Turn on.
Click Create.
You'll need to add a firewall rule to open inbound access to tcp:9090 to your instances. If you have more than the two instances, and you only want to open 9090 to those two, you'll want to make sure that there is a tag that those two instances share. You can add or update tags via the console or the command-line; I'd recommend using the GUI for that if needed because it handles the read-modify-write cycle with setinstancetags.
If you want to open port 9090 to all instances, you can create a firewall rule like:
gcutil addfirewall allow-9090 --allowed=tcp:9090
which will apply to all of your instances.
If you only want to open port 9090 to the two instances that are serving your application, make sure that they have a tag like my-app, and then add a firewall like so:
gcutil addfirewall my-app-9090 --allowed=tcp:9090 --target_tags=my-app
You can read more about creating and managing firewalls in GCE here.
I had the same problem as you do and I could solve it by following #CarlosRojas instructions with a little difference. Instead of create a new firewall rule I edited the default-allow-internal one to accept traffic from anywhere since creating new rules didn't make any difference. >> select project >> Networking > VPC network >> firewalls >> create firewall.
To apply the rule to VM instances, select Targets, "Specified target tags", and enter into "Target tags" the name of the tag. This tag will be used to apply the new firewall rule onto whichever instance you'd like.
in "Protocols and Ports" enter tcp:9090
Click Save.
Run this command to open port
gcloud compute --project=<project_name> firewall-rules create firewall-rules --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:<port number> --source-ranges=
I had to fix this by decreasing the priority (making it higher). This caused an immediate response. Not what I was expecting, but it worked.