Facebook App versus Facebook Owner Profile - facebook-graph-api

I'm planning to build an app that gets my friends (I am the app owner). I don't need people to login or anything. The app is just for me. Question: do I need to ask for permissions or an app id and app secret should suffice? Facebook documentation for developers does not seem to cover this specific case...
Thank you in advance!


Facebook App Review instagram_basic not being tested properly

Currently I am trying to get my app approved by Facebook.
My app allows users to connect their instagram account. I use data like instagram_profile_picture and followed_by_count to complete their profile with reliable data.
For that, I request the permission instagram_basic within the Facebook-login process. Obviously the process only works if a instagram account is connected to the Facebook account which they are logging in with.
Facebook rejected my app because they could not test the permission properly. But they say that my screencast shows a valid use case (where my FB account is connected to a instagram account). I have checked the test-user they have used to review my app and it is not connected to a instagram account. What makes requesting the permission pretty useless.
I thought that Facebook is smart enough to understand that, but I guess that's not the case.
Can anyone help me?
Facebooks test-user-system is a mess. But you have to try (I tried several times) creating an Instagram-account using the fb test user, you should then try to connect the instagram account in the instagram mobile app to the fb test user. This worked out for me.

My website have only login with facebook feature, can I submit it for app review?

I made a website using Django.
The only way to log into it is the facebook login.
When I had to submit my app for review in the facebook developer console. They are asking me testing id and password. Since the only way to login is facebook, and it won't work till they test.
And they are asking how to open this website for testing. It's kind of a loop.
Is there another way out?
I don't want to use other ways of logging in (is in accordance with my idea)
I believe you can test your app with your own login credentials according to Facebook:
You do not need to submit your app if it will only be used in
Development Mode by you or someone with a role on your app. Any
account listed in the Roles tab in your App Dashboard, such as admins,
developers, and testers, can use all permissions but will only be able
to access their own data, that of test users, and test pages belonging
to them.
You can use any of these accounts to test your app and create a
See this similar answer.

How to set privacy policy url for a fb app when working on localhost?

I am working on a local application that needs to retrieve data from user's Facebook profile. As long as I can see, by default I can only get name, picture and age range, but I need many others information like education, location, likes and so on. I tried to submit approval for these items, but Facebook won't set my submission because I don't have a Privacy Policy URL added. I don't know what Privacy Policy URL to add because I'm working on localhost.
Please help me figure it out and excuse me if my question is wrong, it's the first time when I work with fb api. Also, if there is another way to retrieve this items, I would be more than happy to hear about it.
Have a look at
It's saying that
in order to help you craft your Facebook Login experience, your app's developers will be able to see, and grant, any permission without requiring review by Facebook.
Also, if you're the developer of an app and are the only person using it, then your app doesn't need to go through review. Since you're the developer, all app capabilities should be available. You will still need to take your app out of developer mode, but you should be able to do that without going through review.
So, to be able to develop your app and request extended permissions, you don't need to pass your app to review, as long as you test with an app admin/developer/tester.

Android-App using Facebook Graph Api

in my android app I use the facebook graph api. I need specific permissions for "user_likes".
for example the request could look like this: me/likes?fields={anyField}
such a request works in facebook graph api explorer but not in my own app because I have no permissions. I have to fill out a form to get this permissions:
Fill out the form below to submit your app for approval. You must
include usage information about your app for the review team. Your app
will be reviewed for compliance with our Platform Policy and Review
my app is under construction, I would like to have something like a "sandbox mode" is such a thing available?
I hope you understand what i mean...i do not really know how to explain it precisely.
You donĀ“t need to get anything reviewed for testing, user_likes will work for everyone with a role in the App (Admin, Developer, Tester), without the need to go through the review process.
If it does not work in your App, even as App Developer, you must have done something wrong in the login process: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/android/login-with-facebook/v2.2?locale=en_GB

Can I create a facebook app automatically(from a java program) using any api from a java program or servlet?

I am searching for an automated mechanism to create a facebook app from my java program/servlet.
Usually, I have to go to developers.facebok.com, then click the "Apps" link at the top, then hit the "Create new App" button and create an app by providing the site url etc.
I am having a requirement where a user enters his facebook id in my site and hits the "Create App" button. My site will authenticate with facebook using OAuth 2.0 and will have to create an app in the users account. The app generally points to the user's profile page of my site.
Is it possible to do this? Can any one help me?
Thank you all in advance.
In short, no you can't. You have to verify that you are a human when you create an app, and facebook intentionally do not provide a way to programmatically create apps.