Running google test in visual studio 2013 express - c++

We've just switched to using google test for unit testing due to deficiencies in our previous framework.
In Visual Studio, I have a solution with multiple projects. Each project contains unit tests using google test for a specific class (or collection of linked classes) within our application. We only use VS for managing and running google tests and reference the test classes found elsewhere.
When I want to run all tests, I set startup projects to multiple, then press ctrl-f5. This pops ups 1 console window per project with the standard google test output. This is great! I have to click a key to close each of the output windows, though. It sure would be nice to integrate into "Test Explorer" within VS2013 express.
I've found this script runner:
It appears to be exactly what I want, but apparently express editions don't allow extensions? (I'm new the land of visual studio.) Anyway, we're using express instead of a different version because we're commercial. My fallback solution is spending the money on a full version of VS. However, I'd much rather find a free solution so I don't have to justify purchase, then deal with licensing visual studio for every new person that joins the group.
Has anyone figured out a solution to this?

Our team also tried using "Google Test Runner" extension. The
integration with VS Test Explorer was great but we did not like
the fact that we could not see gmock warnings. This means that
some tests can pass with warnings and you will simply let that
slip by and create problems in the future. The same problem
exists when trying to use XML output generated by gmock.
Since viewing output in console is a poor option, we've decided to
parse the output of executable that runs the tests and display them
in a browser. To this end, we've modified the project so that it directs
its output to a file ( "> test_output.txt" in Debugging -> Command
Arguments) and modified the main function to parse the output,
insert it into a html file template, save this html file and then open
it in default browser using:
ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, "test_output.html", "", "", SW_SHOW);
This also enabled us to make some customizations to the way results
are displayed using javascript.
You can use this approach in you case by creating a simple project which
will run last in the list of multiple startup projects, parse the output
of other executables and display it in a browser. I know this solution has
its drawbacks, but it is (in my opinion) better than ignoring warnings.


Get test list in MSTest via Command-Line [duplicate]

I just installed Visual Studio 2013 Premium and was having a good time playing with it and writing unit tests (using MS unit tests). However, the "Test Lists" window and some other Test related windows suddenly disappeared AND they have disappeared from the menu item
Test->Windows. In fact I remember Test->Windows having 4 items under it and now I only see two: Test Explorer, Code Coverage Results. i stress they WERE present in Visual Studio 2013. Clearly, I hit some key combination that made them disappear or something happened to make them disappear. How do I get Test List back? Please don't see they are under Tests->Windows, because for me, they are not (at least now. they were!)
Anyone else seen this? Any solutions? I tried restarting Visual Studio, rebooting.
Also, previously, under the "Test" menu, there was a Debug->"Test in Context" and a Run->"Test in Context", or something like this. It was very handy. If your cursor was with in some test, you could run just that one. I'm guessing this is related.
For all I know, these features have been "optimized" into the new test-window... a.k.a. they have been removed. Some other unit test related features are also gone (the context menu item for "create unit tests" is gone for example, yet can still be called via the command window)
Personally I think this is Microsoft's way of pushing everybody towards the Team Foundation Server but that's just my two cents.
I just had the same issue. In my case I needed to install the NUnit plugin ("Nunit test adapter"). After restarting the tests came back.
Start Developer Command Prompt:
cd to UnitTest-folder\bin\Debug which contains .dll
enter command: mstest /testcontainer:UnitTestMyTest.dll
(this creates the test-result)
in VS:
menu View / Other Windows / Test Results
manage Test Runs: window Test Runs -> connect to Test Run
browse to test-folder\bin\Debug\TestResults

How to run C++ test on visual studio online

I have test cases that are executable (*.exe files). There is no user interface involved.
How do I use Team center /visual studio online to run these test cases on server.
For now, either on demand running or scheduled running will work for me.
(Currently I have no test case that runs on server. So you may mention the basic setup. )
I have written some test cases (they are exe files). I can run them locally line any other exe file.
My code is in C++.
My test cases are in C++.
You could run them as part of your build. Just configure a build in VSO for your solution, and then modify the msbuild project file to call your tests and send the output to the build folder so it gets uploaded as part of the drop. If you are using VS, you would get a better experience using the VS unit testing support (i.e., get results in VS):

Code coverage for cpp

[I am very much new to the visual studio environment. After working with visual studio for 2-3 days I was able to get some knowledge about it.]
Well. I am working in a testing team. I just wanna setup a code coverage for cpp code developed in visual studio 2010. There are merely 2 doubts I wanna ask
1.My company has purchased visual studio 2010 ultimate edition and using that I was able to generate the code coverage for a sample test project (.dll) created using Test Project template in visual studio.
The problem here is that developers had written a test project using
cppunit as an .exe. So will I be able to get the code coverage for
an .exe too (with PROFILER enabled) using the usual method to get
the code coverage in visual studio ultimate edition. Or should I ask
them to write the unit tests using the Microsoft's unit test
framework(ie .dll). I just cant simply say do it, I need to present
them the genuine reason to do so.
2.The second thought I had was, there are lot more open source tools to get code coverage for cpp compiled using gcc or g++. So I thought of compiling the cpp code using g++ and use the open source tools to get code coverage. Is this a good idea?
When I shared this idea with a senior developer he said there are lot
more cpp code designed to be MSDN specific, you cant do by this way.If
you wanna do so you should make the code cross platform compatible or
portable[something I couldn't understand].
So here is the final thing, I am trying to present them a immediate solution of getting code coverage using the visual studio ultimate edition which we have. And later on search for the best way to achieve this without purchasing any paid tools like ncover, squish coco, bullseye coverage, etc only so I opted for the above mentioned second option.
My ultimate aim is to display the final report in the Jenkins so that everyone is able to see it without any manual intervention after the build process [which is not possible using the visual studio I guess,].
There is a plugin called MSTestRunner plugin for jenkins which can generate unit tests report but not the coverage report.
I think I made it clear. If this is a duplicate question please mention me the link to.Thanks in advance
I forgot to say this I was also able to find some tool called vcxproj2cmake I think it is clear from the name itself. So if i use this tool to generate a cmake corresponding to the actual vcxproj will i be able to the my second choice?
As for as now, I created a test project (lets say, SampleTestProject) as said in method 1 which has
only one test method (lest say, TestMethod) which in turn triggers all the unit tests written
using cppunit by the below mentioned method.
I asked the devs to make the .exe (which they have already with cppunit unit tests written) as .dll in a specific format like it
should contain a class called TestInitiator which contains the
CppUnit::TextUI::TestRunner (the runner instance which triggers the
cppunit tests, ideally this method should be present in order to trigger cppunit tests) with all the test methods defined in a suite.
This method is called by the above mentioned TestMethod in the SampleTestProject and thereby obtaining the code coverage
By this way the code coverage was obtained with very less change done to the code.Hope you like it!

Running unit tests

In our solution we have several test projects. Most of them contain unit tests that run fast but some are for integration, acceptance and UI tests which take quite some time to finish.
Now I'd like to have a convenient way of running only the unit tests. Either by using the hotkey to run all or using the new feature to run tests after each build.
Unfortunately VS also runs all the slow tests as well. In VS10 I grouped the tests in Test View by project and selected only the ones containing unit tests. It's not as easy as I wished it to be but at least it was possible. Now there doesn't seem to be a way around running all tests in a solution.
The only alternative that I see at the moment is to remove all but the unit tests from the solution but this would limit the refactoring capabilities.
So does anyone know how to easily group and run only unit tests in the new VS?
In Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 CTP, Test Explorer has added the option to group tests by Project or Traits (Categories).
Please go to this link to see what's new there.
You can use the search filter in Unit Text Explorer.
In the new Test Exlorer shipped with 2012, you can group tests by 'Test Results', 'FileName',... etc but in RTM build group/search by 'TestCategory' is not present from Test Explorer. However there is a filter in commandline and TeamBuild based on TestCategory (Running selective unit tests in VS 2012 RC using TestCaseFilter) in VS2012.
From a member of VS dev Team, they understood the importance of this missing feature. It is in the backlog, and it should be available in furutre builds/updates.
The following blog provides more details:
As of Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 (currently on CTP) now we are able to run a subset of unit test using "Playlists" or based on "Lists & Classes". More information here:
Original Answer:
AFAIK, The new unit testing framework in VS2012 "supports selective execution based on filtering condition through TestCaseFilter". Unfortunately, currently there is not support to do this through the user interface but it is in the product group's backlog. You can use this approach through Test Build or command line. Please refer to the following blog:
EDIT: Following the MSDN documentation to use test categories to group tests.
Also, refer to this question: How to exclude certain tests in the Visual Studio 2012 Test Runner?
It shows an example of filtering based on the test path.
I'd recommend using TestDriven.Net. Group all Unit Testing projects in one solution folder, and all other tests in another. Then just right click the "Unit Tests" folder and choose "Run All Tests". I always favor this great test runner of the VS native testing tools.
Another approach is using NCrunch - It runs all you tests in the background while you code. It handles integration tests pretty well, as they run in parallel, in the background so it doesn't block you (you also choose which test projects are run). One catch though - I believe it doesn't support VS2012 yet, but probably soon.
I was also missing this feature... (We did the same as you did: grouping by project or sometimes by namespace). But I found that I could somehow workaround this using the test explorer search capabilities:
In my case I could identify the specific tests I needed to run using the search filter on FullName (use dropdown on search box, or type FullName:"UnitTest")
Its not the same, but it works for me

Visual Studio Questions/C++

I'm a hobbyist developer and have a background with Java (IDE of choice was Eclipse). I'm using Visual Studio Express 2010 and wanting to learn C++.
Few questions:
I create a "HelloWorld" in C++ and compiles/runs in VS/Windows. When I try to compile it under Linux/GCC, it obviously throws tons of errors. Default windows console project includes windows specific files; but if just create an "Empty Project" it throws tons of linker/build errors. What's the best practices here to keep my code portable?
Why is it creating 47 files for 8 lines of code?
How do you format code? You can do Edit->Format Selection, but the hotkeys don't work?
How do I output to VS's 'Output' Window? ( like eclipse does when you run a console java app )
It keeps reverting my "Project Location" to my "home directory" every time I restart. How do you change it? Is it a bug? Because it's Express edition?
Is there a way to keep it from switching to Debug view when it runs?
I create a "HelloWorld" in C++ and
compiles/runs in VS/Windows. When I
try to compile it under Linux/GCC, it
obviously throws tons of errors.
Default windows console project
includes windows specific files; but
if just create an "Empty Project" it
throws tons of linker/build errors.
What's the best practices here to keep
my code portable?
For portable code, avoid VS wizards entirely. Use Make/NMake if you're starting with rocks and sticks, or the portable build system of your preference (Ant, CMake, etc.) Some of these will spit out a VS solution/project file for you to use.
Why is it creating 47 files for 8
lines of code?
Wizards are magical like that.
How do you format code? You can do
Edit->Format Selection, but the
hotkeys don't work?
Ctrl-K Ctrl-F (under Edit, Advanced)
How do I output to VS's 'Output'
Window? ( like eclipse does when you
run a console java app )
Lookup OutputDebugString() for the debug window. Output window should get all cout/cerr output.
It keeps reverting my "Project
Location" to my "home directory" every
time I restart. How do you change it?
Is it a bug? Because it's Express
Probably hidden in options somewhere - don't know that one, sorry.
Is there a way to keep it from
switching to Debug view when it runs?
Launch using Ctrl+F5 to run without the debugger attached.
Have fun!
I create a "HelloWorld" in C++ and compiles/runs in VS/Windows. When I try to compile it under Linux/GCC, it obviously throws tons of errors. Default windows console project includes windows specific files; but if just create an "Empty Project" it throws tons of linker/build errors. What's the best practices here to keep my code portable?
It's fairly difficult to keep your code truly portable if you're writing Windows applications. Standard C++ will obviously work on either platform, but Linux can't run Windows applications, and vice versa. Remember that console applications are also considered Windows applications. They're not any more "pure" just because they are text-based, rather than graphical. Windows applications have their own entry point, different from the standard main function found in ANSI C++ (technically, main is still there, but it's hidden and called internally by the Windows libraries).
The best thing to do is not to link to any of the Windows headers. Unfortunately, you won't be very satisfied with the results. About all that you'll be able to generate is library code. You can't get a UI on the screen unless you use the Windows functions to do it.
An "Empty Project" is just what it says—empty. I assume the build errors are because you're trying to call functions that aren't defined anywhere. You'll find that you need to include windows.h to get off the ground, which instantly makes your code non-portable.
Why is it creating 47 files for 8 lines of code?
This is obviously an exaggeration; none of the wizards produce anywhere near that many code files. Especially not the "Empty Project", which doesn't create any at all.
A Win32 console application includes the following 5 files:
stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp — these files are used to enable "precompiled headers", meaning that Visual Studio will compile all of your headers once, and only recompile them when they change, rather than recompiling them each time you build the project. This used to provide enormous speed boosts, and still does on large projects. You probably don't need or care about this for small projects, but it's not a bad idea to get familiar with their usage if you're going to be developing in Visual Studio.
A targetver.h file, whose only purpose is to specify the earliest version of Windows that you want your application to run on. This is necessary because later versions of Windows add additional functionality that wasn't available in previous versions. Your app won't run if you link to functions or libraries that don't exist. Set this up once and then forget about it.
A <projectname>.cpp file, which is the implementation code for your application. This is pretty standard stuff—it includes the _tmain function, which is the entry point for a console app.
A ReadMe.txt file, which you can immediately delete. It contains some introductory information and describes the files that have been added to your project. (Yes, reading this yourself could have answered this question.)
A Win32 application would have a few more files, but most of the same ones as well. In particular, you'll see a resource file (with the extension .rc) that contains the icons, dialogs, bitmaps, cursors, etc. used in your program.
If you don't like this structure, you can either forgo the use of a wizard, or modify it yourself. There's nothing set in stone about it.
How do you format code? You can do Edit->Format Selection, but the hotkeys don't work?
Formatting code works fine. I'm not sure why people are telling you that Visual Studio doesn't support this, or that you'll need a third-party plug-in. There's no "Format Document" command as there is in C#, but the "Format Selection" command works just fine. The only difference is, you have to select something in order for it to be enabled.
The default keyboard extension for that command is CtrlK, Ctrl+F. It also works fine, right out of the box. My typical workflow is to hit Ctrl+A first to select all.
How do I output to VS's 'Output' Window? ( like eclipse does when you run a console java app )
I don't know what Eclipse does, nor do I know anything about Java. What do you want this to do? When and what things do you want to get written to the "Output" window? A console application will run in a console window, not in the "Output" window. That's not what it's for.
It's intended for debugging purposes. The OutputDebugString function is one way of utilizing it. The output of the standard cerr keyword should be automatically redirected to the "Output" window.
It keeps reverting my "Project Location" to my "home directory" every time I restart. How do you change it? Is it a bug? Because it's Express edition?
This isn't a bug, it's a feature. Visual Studio is designed for working with projects and solutions, not one-off code files. So by default, it prompts you to specify a project folder, a location to store your files. And what better place for the default location than your home folder?
If you don't like that location, you can change it. Under the "Tools" menu, select "Options". Expand the "Projects and Solutions" category, and click the "General" item. Then, change the path of the "Projects location" (the top textbox). Couldn't get much simpler than that.
Is there a way to keep it from switching to Debug view when it runs?
I frankly don't understand how this question makes any sense at all. When you run an application with the debugger attached, Visual Studio switches to a different window layout specifically optimized for debugging. I just answered a similar question. The upshot is that there's no way of telling Visual Studio to use the same window layout for both design and debug view, but I also can't imagine why you'd want to, either. Different things are useful, depending on what you're currently doing.
The two window layouts are customizable, and your changes are remembered. I've customized mine heavily from the defaults; it's very likely that your tastes vary as well. There are lots of great features, like the "Locals" window, which shows a listing of all the values of the local variables in scope at the point where you break into your program's execution.
Also remember that the default "Debug" and "Release" build configurations have nothing to do with whether or not Visual Studio automatically attaches the debugger to your application's process. If you want to start your app without the debugger attached, select "Start without Debugging" from the Debug menu, or press Ctrl+F5. There are lots of side effects to this though, and it's probably not what you wanted. Without the debugger attached, you lose most of what Visual Studio provides to you as an IDE. You might as well just run the app from Windows Explorer without even launching VS.
Finally, if you prefer Eclipse (or at least are already accustomed to its nuances and prefer not to learn Visual Studio's), you can still use it for C++ development. Download it here.
If you're just wanting to learn C++ and you don't necessarily care about the platform, I would probably avoid using Visual Studio to start with. Visual Studio provides some functionality for managing projects and builds, but honestly, I think you're better off learning how to manage code files and use the compiler on the command line first, then working up from there.
If you're on Windows, I'd recommend installing Cygwin and getting the GNU compiler tools through the Cygwin setup utility (gcc or g++).
This is a bit of an opinionated answer, but my experience with C++ on Windows leads me to believe that you'd be better served trying to learn C++ from more of a unix-like angle. Windows C++ adds a whole layer of crap that will just confuse you when you're getting started.