Why are buttons when not using wxSmith flat? - c++

I'm new to wxWidgets. I'm using Code::Blocks (MSW compiler), version wxWidgets-3.0.2 on Windows 7.
I started learning this, but I got stuck when I found out that I couldn't develop a good looking wxButton when I write the codes myself without using wxSmith.
All I get as output are flat wxButtons and toolbars that look like buttons. I thaught it was my fault, then I created a little frame with wxButton in it, then compiled. The output suits my taste.
I copied the exact code for this little frame and created another project file without wxSmith and I pasted them in their corresponding file. When I compile this same code, all I get is a flat wxButton.
If I hover the mouse over it, it won't turn blue as it does in wxSmith compiled code. I also noticed that anything, e.g, toolBars that is likely to be clickable, will look flat, but not menus.
What am I missing?

It seems like you need to add the manifest to your application. The manifest is the thing that describes your application needs to system: what visual style you want to use, which OS are your app compatible with, etc.
The most simple way to do it with wxWidgets is to add a resource file (*.rc) to your project (or if you already have one then edit the one you have) and put this line of code there:
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
You may need to change the path to wx.rc file depending on your project settings. File location is:
<wxWidgets directory>\include\wx\msw\wx.rc
wx.rc will include correct manifest based on your build type:
x86 -> "wx/msw/wx.manifest"
x64 -> "wx/msw/amd64.manifest"
ia64 -> "wx/msw/ia64.manifest"
If you don't want to use wxWidgets default manifest files, then you need to:
create a file name your_app_name.exe.manifest (or your_dll_name.dll.manifest) and fill it manually (you can find description of application manifests and an example here: MSDN: Application Manifests (Windows);
place this manifest file in the folder with your executable file (just to be clear, if your app name is MyCoolApp.exe, then manifest must be named MyCoolApp.exe.manifest) or embed manifest into executable with mt.exe tool (mt.exe is shipped with Visual Studio, you can find the tutorial on how to use it to work with manifests here: MSDN: How to: Embed a Manifest Inside a C/C++ Application.


NSCameraUsageDescription needed for C++ projects in Xcode for MacOS Mojave

I am trying to run OpenCV projects in Xcode and it seems like there's a new need to provide an info.plist for C++ applications NSCameraUsageDescription.
2018-09-28 00:03:15.181948+0800 k_nearest_detector_v2[23505:710470] [access] This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSCameraUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Program ended with exit code: 9
How do I go about creating a .plist file for a C++ project as it has never been needed before.
Found a solution. Put the file with the desired NSCameraUsageDescription, NSMicrophoneUsageDescription (or others) with the assembled file from XCode (See screen shots below). For the Release and Debug versions.
You can even automate the steps described by #Valery Gromov. Just copy the file in the Build Phases. Uncheck the Copy only when installing checkbox to be able to run it directly from Xcode.

How do I turn my C++ code into a .app file? [duplicate]

I am building a C++ OpenGL card game in Xcode 4.3.3, with the intention of running it on both 64-bit and 32-bit Macs, which is not my problem. My problem is that I have reached a point in the development of the program where I would like to test that it works on a different 32-bit Mac (mine is 64-bit) without having to install Xcode. This, obviously, requires me exporting it as an .app. I can find and run the exported Unix Executable File from my project, after some cd'ing, through Terminal, but that is undesirable for me and the intended audience of the program. I have trawled the google and Stack Overflow, looking for anything to help me, but all the things mentioning Archiving seem to have been unsuccessful with my particular project, and I think that's because it's a C++ command line tool project. So, can someone please help me export my project as a .app?
Thanks in advance.
The simplest way of doing this would be to create a Cocoa project, go to 'build phases' and remove all the objective-c frameworks from the 'link with libraries' build phase, remove any objective-c files added by the template (app delegate, etc.) and then replace main.c with your main.cpp file.
There's nothing really special about a Cocoa project except for the fact that it links against Cocoa and calls NSApplicationMain() from its main() function.
There are also a bunch of .plist entries used by Cocoa which you'll no longer need. But they won't affect the way OS X treats your application.
I'm searching for an XCode Settings solution but here's my current way to create an app:
You have to take your binary file (let say myapp) and put it in "MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/myapp" then it can now be launched as a .app. That's a trick.
Just go to the targets folder in the file navigator on the left, and there will be an executable listed there. Left click on that executable and click "show in finder". (I'm describing from memory so I may have the exact details wrong.) The file path is ridiculously long (there is an arbitrary alphanumerical pathname involved, I have no idea why), so you probably won't be able to find it with the command line.
If you want you can change the extension of the file from nothing to ".app", it shouldn't affect the nature of the file at all. Also if you want a custom icon, you can "get info" on it in the finder, then click on the icon in the info window, and use Cmd-V to paste it in (obviously you have to have your icon copied to the clipboard). There is also a way to do this inside of Xcode, but I don't remember it.

What type of Visual Studio project should I use?

I am going to be making a project with OpenCV and (probably) Qt for GUI and I was just wondering what kind of project I should create in visual studio? Would it be the Win32 Project or Win32 Console Application or just an Empty Project? A lot of them are quite obvious as I am not making a Dll or makefile but do not know the difference between the others. Thanks in advance.
Which type of project you decide to pick in Visual Studio depends what will best fits your needs. Since I do not know your exact needs, the best answer I can give is explain the difference between the types of Project Options and give examples when you would choose to use the given project:
Win32 Project: A Win32 Project is one of the options Visual Studio provides to you, and if chosen will provide the user with template code that generates a "window", that window being just like any other window (browser window, folder window, etc), but one that your program controls.
Examples: Making a calculator, making an application that needs a window with buttons for the user to communicate with the program, etc.
Win32 Console Application: In this option, Visual Studio provides a Command Prompt interface where the user can input data and also where output can appear. Basically it's the black window where you can input commands and receive information of what is happening in your program.
Examples: When testing out code (it makes debugging easier in some cases), when the program really doesn't need to be too elaborate, etc.
There are other options available, thou these two were mentioned in your post and are probably the most popular among developers.
After installing Qt and maybe a Qt-VisualStudio-Plugin you have some new options when creating a New Project:
You should choose Qt Application in most cases. Not sure if you can use a GUI with Qt Console Application, but you'll get a terminal/console in that case.
After choosing project name, you can easily choose the Qt Modules you'll need. This adds them to your project settings, so you don't have to add the manually (but I guess you can do so later if you need more modules).
The project will create a .ui file which you can open/edit with QtDesigner. The project will perform all the moc and uic compile steps automatically and you don't have to add those things manually.
I think this is the easiest way to use the combination of Qt and Visual Studio.
Adding OpenCV to Visual Studio is easy:
Just add the include directories and the correct OpenCV libraries.
The question whether to use a consolse application or not depends on your needs.
Personally, I like printing development output to a console, but maybe you don't want that in your final project ;)

Visual Studio - unsure about exporting projects

I'm new on here, but not a total beginner to programming. I got a book on creating a 2D DirectX game engine so I could expand my programming knowledge, however I am new to C++ and DirectX itself, so I'm afraid I'm a bit clueless on working with multiple project files and headers. I decided to develop my game engine in a proper development environment, so I got VS2013 Professional though the Dreamspark program.
As I said, I haven't worked with something like VS before, so I'm hitting issues with getting my game engine running and I'm not sure what to do. The book said that if I get all my code down correctly (in 3 .cpp source files, 3 headers and 1 main .cpp source file to initialize my engine in a blank game project) the program should compile fine, and it does. The issue is that I only get the resultant .obj files and the project's static library file to appear in my project folder. I don't know what I have to do to get the project to compile the executable needed to actually run this 'blank game' with the engine.
The actual project solution was taken from the disk which came with the book, I wrote my code on top of that solution as my own was causing linker errors. The project properties show that the project is defined as a .lib project, so how is this supposed to work?
I apologize if this is a simple problem, but I'm only used to working with 1 file console applications in C, this is a big jump for me but I'd like to understand how I'm meant to get an .exe created from this project, I would appreciate it if someone could explain to me how this sort of .lib project works. I can post the code if it's necessary, but there's 7 files of it so it's quite long. Thanks!
Solution 1:
As the project contains a main.cpp it looks like it is not meant to be a library-project.
In VS2013 you can switch the type of a project by
In your Solution Explorer (on the left side by default) rightclick onto the project
Select the item Properties from Context Menu (should be on the bottom)
Select the category General
In the section Project Defaults change the Configuration Type to Executable (.exe)
Solution 2:
It could be possible that the executable is stored somewhere else after a successful build. Check what is configured as output directory:
In your Solution Explorer (on the left side by default) rightclick onto the project
Select the item Properties from Context Menu (should be at the bottom)
Select the category General
In section General there should be an Output Directory defined (At the top of the configuration). Per default it should be something like $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\
I'm using VS2013 Express, but it should work with Prof too. I'm also using a German edition, hope I translated everything well.

How do I add an icon to my C++ compiled executable when using Eclipse?

So i'm creating a small program and I want to use a custom icon for it's .exe. I'm using the Microsoft Visual C++ toolchain in Eclipse.C/C++ Any help is much appreciated!
Got it figured out! I created a file called icon.rc and added the following line:
id ICON "\path\to\icon.ico"
It automatically compiled it and added it to my executable.
Executable icons are handled differently for different operating systems.
I assume that you are writing a Windows C++ program (your question doesn't have a tag for your target OS or OSes).
In Windows, the icon is stored in a "resource", which can be separate or part of your executable.
I think a little reading is necessary on your part, though I'll offer search suggestions:
visual c++ [version] resource editor
eclipse windows resource icon