C++ creating a graph out of dot coordinates and finding MST - c++

I'm trying to make a program in which the user inputs n dot coordinates, 0 < n <= 100. Supposedly, the dots have to be connected, lets say, with ink in a way that you can get e.g from point A to point X while following the inked line and using the least amount of ink possible.
I thought of using Prim Algorithm or something like that to get the MST but for that I need a graph. In all the webpages I've looked they don't really explain that, they always already have the graph with its edges already in there.
I need help specifically creating a graph in C++ out of a bunch of (x, y) coordinates, like the user inputs:
0 0
4 4
4 0
0 4
Please note I'm just starting with C++ and that I can't use any weird libraries since this would be for a page like CodeForces where you only get to use the native libraries.
(For the ones that are also doing this and are here for help, the correct output for this input would be 12)

To assume a complete graph may be most appropriate as suggested by "Beta".
Following code may creates edges between every pair of two dots from a list of dots in the array dots and returns the number of edges created.
After execute this code, you may be able to apply Prim Algorithm for finding MST.
// Definition of Structure "node" and an array to store inputs
typedef struct node {
int x; // x-cordinate of dot
int y; // y-cordinate of dot
} dots[100];
// Definition of Structure "edge"
typedef struct edge {
int t1; // index of dot in dots[] for an end.
int t2; // index of dot in dots[] for another end.
float weight; // weight (geometric distance between two ends)
} lines[];
// Function to create edges of complete graph from an array of nodes.
// Argument: number of nodes stored in the array dots.
// ReturnValue: number of edges created.
// Assumption: the array lines is large enough to store all edges of complete graph
int createCompleteGraph(int numberOfNodes){
int i,j,k,x-diff,y-diff;
k=0; // k is index of array lines
for (i=0; i<numberOfNodes-1; i++) {// index of a node at one end
for (j=i+1; j<numberOfNodes; j++) {// index of a node at another end
lines[k].t1 = i;
lines[k].t2 = j;
x-diff = dots[i].x - dots[j].x;
y-diff = dots[i].y - dots[j].y;
lines[k].weight = sqrt(x-diff * x-diff + y-diff * y-diff) // calculate geometric distance
return k;


How to find largest bi-partite subgraph in the given graph?

Given an undirected unweighted graph : it may be cyclic and each vertex has given value ,as shown in image.
Find the size of largest Bi-Partite sub-graph (Largest means maximum number of vertices (connected) in that graph) ?
The largest graph is the orange-coloured one, so the answer is 8.
My approach:
#define loop(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
int vis[N+1];
vector<int> adj[N+1] // graph in adjacency vector list
int dfs(int current_vertex,int parent,int original_value,int other_value){
int ans=0;
vis[current_vertex]=1; // mark as visited
// map for adding values from neighbours having same value
map<int,int> mp;
// if curr vertex has value original_value then look for the neighbours
// having value as other,but if other is not defined define it
int v=adj[current_vertex][i];
else if(other==-1){
//else if the current_vertex has other value than look for original_value
int v=adj[current_vertex][i];
// find maximum length that can be found from neighbours of curr_vertex
map<int,int> ::iterator ir=mp.begin();
return ans+1;
calling :
// N is the number of vertices in original graph : n=|V|
for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
But I'd like to improve this to run in O(|V|+|E|) time. |V| is the number of veritces and |E| is the number of edges and How do I do that?
This doesn't seem hard. Traverse the edge list and add each one to a multimap keyed by vertex label canonical pairs (the 1,2,3 in your diagram, e.g. with the lowest vertex label value first in the pair).
Now for each value in the multimap - which is a list of edges - accumulate the corresponding vertex set.
The biggest vertex set corresponds to the edges of the biggest bipartite graph.
This algorithm traverses each edge twice, doing a fixed number of map and set operations per edge. So its amortized run time and space is indeed O(|V|+|E|).
Note that it's probably simpler to implement this algorithm with an adjacency list representation than with a matrix because the list gives the edge explicitly. The matrix requires a more careful traversal (like a DFS) to avoid Omega(|V|^2) performance.

Unable to Input the graph

I am solving the problem http://www.spoj.com/problems/SHOP/ in C++ but I am unable to figure out how to input the graph to furhter apply Dijkstra algorithm in it.
Here is the graph format-
4 3
X 1 S 3
4 2 X 4
X 1 D 2
First line indicated the columns & rows of the grid ,"S" & "D" -indicates source and destination respetively Numbers -indicates the time required to pass that block,"X"-indicates the no entry zone.
HOw to convert the following graph in nodes and edges as required by DIjkstra algorithm.I don't know how to convert the map into a graph.
There is no need to convert. Just imagine that you are in some point (i,j). (I assume that you have four moves allowed from each square). Then, you can go to either (i + 1, j), (i, j + 1), (i - 1, j), (i, j - 1) if:
1) That index is inside the table
2) That index is not marked with X
So, you give the position of square S to your Dijkstra algorithm. And each time you add the new set of allowed squares to your data structure. Once your reach the position of D you print it.
Besides, this problem does not seem weighted to me so you can use a simple BFS as well using a queue. But if you want to use Dijkstra and going to different squares has different costs. The you use a priority queue instead of queue.
For example, you can use a set data structure like this:
int dist[][]; // this contains the cost to get to some square
//dist is initialized with a large number
struct node{
int i, j; //location
node(int ii, int jj){
i = ii;
j = jj;
bool operator < (node &n)const{ //set in c++ will use this to sort
if(dist[i][j] == dist[n.i][n.j]) return i < n.i || j < n.j; //this is necessary
return dist[i][j] < dist[n.i][n.j];
set <node> q;
int main(){
//initialized dist with large number
dist[S.i][S.j] = 0; //we start from source
q.push(node(S.i, S.j));
//pick the first element in set
//this element has the smallest cost
//update dist using this node if necessary
//for every node that you update remove from q and add it again
//this way the location of that node will be updated in q
//if you see square 'D' you are done and you can print dist[D.i][D.j]
return 0;
There is no need to convert the matrix into nodes and edges.
You can make structure which contain (row number,column number ,time ) where time will represent how much time taken to reach this coordinate from source. now make a min heap of this structure with key as time. now extract element (initially source will be in min heap with time as 0) from min heap and push the adjacent elements into min heap(only those elements which are not visited and do not contain a X) set visited of extracted element true.Go on like this until extracted element is not destination.

Use map instead of array in C++ to protect searching outside of array bounds?

I have a gridded rectangular file that I have read into an array. This gridded file contains data values and NODATA values; the data values make up a continuous odd shape inside of the array, with NODATA values filling in the rest to keep the gridded file rectangular. I perform operations on the data values and skip the NODATA values.
The operations I perform on the data values consist of examining the 8 surrounding neighbors (the current cell is the center of a 3x3 grid). I can handle when any of the eight neighbors are NODATA values, but when actual data values fall in the first or last row/column, I trigger an error by trying to access an array value that doesn't exist.
To get around this I have considered three options:
Add a new first and last row/column with NODATA values, and adjust my code accordingly - I can cycle through the internal 'original' array and handle the new NODATA values like the edges I'm already handling that don't fall in the first and last row/column.
I can create specific processes for handling the cells in first and last row/column that have data - modified for loops (a for loop that steps through a specific sequence/range) that only examine the surrounding cells that exist, though since I still need 8 neighboring values (NODATA/non-existent cells are given the same value as the central cell) I would have to copy blank/NODATA values to a secondary 3x3 grid. Though there maybe a way to avoid the secondary grid. This solution is annoying as I have to code up specialized routines to all corner cells (4 different for loops) and any cell in the 1st or last row/column (another 4 different for loops). With a single for loop for any non-edge cell.
Use a map, which based on my reading, appears capable of storing the original array while letting me search for locations outside the array without triggering an error. In this case, I still have to give these non-existent cells a value (equal to the center of the array) and so may or may not have to set up a secondary 3x3 grid as well; once again there maybe a way to avoid the secondary grid.
Solution 1 seems the simplest, solution 3 the most clever, and 2 the most annoying. Are there any solutions I'm missing? Or does one of these solutions deserve to be the clear winner?
My advice is to replace all read accesses to the array by a function. For example, arr[i][j] by getarr(i,j). That way, all your algorithmic code stays more or less unchanged and you can easily return NODATA for indices outside bounds.
But I must admit that it is only my opinion.
I've had to do this before and the fastest solution was to expand the region with NODATA values and iterate over the interior. This way the core loop is simple for the compiler to optimize.
If this is not a computational hot-spot in the code, I'd go with Serge's approach instead though.
To minimize rippling effects I used an array structure with explicit row/column strides, something like this:
class Grid {
shared_ptr<vector<double>> data;
int origin;
int xStride;
int yStride;
Grid(int nx, int ny) :
data( new vector<double>(nx*ny) ),
yStride(nx) {
Grid(int nx, int ny, int padx, int pady) :
data( new vector<double>((nx+2*padx)*(ny+2*pady));
origin(nx+3*padx) {
double& operator()(int x, int y) {
return (*data)[origin + x*xStride + y*yStride];
Now you can do
Grid g(5,5,1,1);
Grid g2(5,5);
for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
for(int j=0; j<5; ++j) {
// Convolve (note we don't care about going outside the
// range, and our indices are unchanged between the two
// grids.
for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
for(int j=0; j<5; ++j) {
Aside: This data structure is awesome for working with transposes, and sub-matrices. Each of those is just an adjustment of the offset and stride values.
Solution 1 is the standard solution. It takes maximum advantage of modern computer architectures, where a few bytes of memory are no big deal, and correct instruction prediction accelerates performance. As you keep accessing memory in a predictable pattern (with fixed strides), the CPU prefetcher will successfully read ahead.
Solution 2 saves a small amount of memory, but the special handling of the edges incurs a real slowdown. Still, the large chunk in the middle benefits from the prefetcher.
Solution 3 is horrible. Map access is O(log N) instead of O(1), and in practice it can be 10-20 times slower. Maps have poor locality of reference; the CPU prefetcher will not kick in.
If simple means "easy to read" I'd recommend you declare a class with an overloaded [] operator. Use it like a regular array but it'll have bounds checking to handle NODATA.
If simple means "high performance" and you have sparse grid with isolated DATA consider implementing linked lists to the DATA values and implement optimal operators that go directly to tge DATA values.
1 wastes memory proportional to your overall rectangle size, 3/maps are clumsy here, 2 is actually very easy to do:
T d[X][Y] = ...;
for (int x = 0; x < X; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < Y; ++y) // move over d[x][y] centres
T r[3][3] = { { d[i,j], d[i,j], d[i,j] },
d[i,j], d[i,j], d[i,j] },
d[i,j], d[i,j], d[i,j] } };
for (int i = std::min(0, x-1); i < std::max(X-1, x+1); ++i)
for (int j = std::min(0, y-1); j < std::max(Y-1, y+1); ++j)
if (d[i][j] != NoData)
r[i-x][j-y] = d[i][j];
// use r for whatever...
Note that I'm using signed int very deliberately so x-1 and y-1 don't become huge positive numbers (as they would with say size_t) and break the std::min logic... but you could express it differently if you had some reason to prefer size_t (e.g. x == 0 ? 0 : x - 1).

Read in a matrix and build a graph

I have a rectangular room; its' floor is coverd with floor boards, some of them are broken.
The dimensions of the room are N and M: 1 <=N,M<=300.
I read N and M from stdin, and then I read N strings of length M, which look like this:
and so on, where . is a good floor board and * is a broken one.
I intend to replace the broken floor boards with new one, and I only have two types of those: two-by-ones and one-by-ones. I can't cut the two-by-ones into two one-by-ones.
To find a way to do this, I paint the floor like a checkerboard, so that the halves of a broken two-by-one are of different color.
Then I mean to build a bipartite graph (consisting of a white and a black part) from the resulting matrix, and I'd like to build and analyse it with this code.
What's the best way to do that?
I think that I shouldn't keep all the matrix in memory (since it can be rather large). Ideally I should be able to read in strings and update the graph on the run.
My code should like this:
int main()
int N, M;
std::cin >> N;
assert (( N >=1) && (N <=300));
std::cin >> M;
assert (( M >=1) && (M <=300));
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
std::cin >> // that's where I have to read the string
//...and the next string
// use these 2 strings to update a graph
// with prGraph.AddEdge()
return 0;
If it is really so important not to store the entire matrix in memory, you can read it line by line and store only the current and the previous line because it is sufficient to construct a graph properly.
A naive graph construction using an adjacency matrix would take 300x300 ^2, which is tough to fit in memory.
You can take advantage of the fact that each vertex can have at most 4 edges - you would only need space on order of 300 x 300 x 4 using adjacency lists for your maxflow instead, as long as you change the graph traversal accordingly.

Is a 2D array of C++ vectors suitable for keeping track of a 2D array's dynamic domain values?

Writing a C++ backtracking with CSP algorithm program, to solve a Sudoku puzzle.
Variables are mapped to a 9X9 grid (81 variables), so the program is row/column oriented.
To make backtracking smarter, the program needs to keep track of the possible values that each variable on the 9X9 grid can still accept.
(The list of numbers is 1 - 9 for each of the 81 variables and is constantly changing.)
My initial thought is to use a 2D array of vectors - to map to each variable.
For example vector[1][5] will contain all the possible values for variable[1][5].
In terms of efficiency and ease of use - is this the right container or is there something else that works better?
Using an std::vector for this sounds unnecessary and overkill. Since you know the exact domain of your variables, and it's only the numbers 1-9, I suggest using a two dimensional array where each position works as a bitmap.
Code sample (untested):
short vector[9][9] = { 0 };
/* v must be in the range [1-9] */
void remove_value(int x, int y, int v) {
vec[x][y] |= 1 << v;
int test_value(int x, int y, int v) {
return (vec[x][y] & (1 << v));
int next_value(int x, int y) {
int res = 1;
for (int mask = 2;
mask != (1 << 10) && (vector[x][y] & mask);
mask <<= 1, res++)
; /* Intentionally left blank */
return res;
Think of vector[x][y] as a binary integer initialized to 0:
The meaning is such that a bit i set to 1 means you have already tested number i, otherwise, you haven't tested it yet. Bit counting, as usual, is right to left, and starts from 0. You will only be using bits 1 to 9.
remove_value() should be called everytime you finished testing a new value (that is, to remove this value from the domain), and test_value() can be used to check if v has ever been tested - it will return 0 if v has not been used yet, and something that is not 0 otherwise (to be precise, 1 << v). next_value() will give you the next value to test for a position [x,y] sorted in ascending order, or 10 if every value in the range 1-9 has already been tested.