How to measure the rate of rise of a variable - c++

I am reading in a temperature value every 1 second/minute (this rate is not crucial). I want to measure this temperature so that if it begins to rise rapidly above a certain threshold I perform an action.
If the temperature rises above 30 degrees ( at any rate ) I increase the fan speed.
I think I must do something like set old temperature to new temp and then each time it loops set old temp to the current temp of the engine. But I am not sure if I need to use arrays for the engine temp or not.

Of course you can store just one old sample, then check difference like in:
bool isHot(int sample) {
static int oldSample = sample;
return ((sample > 30) || (sample - oldSample > threshold));
It's OK from C point of view, but very bad from metrology point of view. You should consider some conditioning of your signal (in this case temperature) to smothen out any spikes.
Of course you can add signal conditioning letter on. For (easy) example look at Simple Moving Avarage:
If you want control the fan speed "right way" you should consider learning a bit about PID controller:
Simple discrete PID:
class PidController
double sim(double y);
void UpdateParams(double kp, double ki, double kd);
void setSP(double setPoint) { m_setPoint = setPoint; } //set current value of r(t)
double m_setPoint; //current value of r(t)
double m_kp;
double m_ki;
double m_kd;
double m_outPrev;
double m_errPrev[2];
#include "PidController.h"
m_errPrev[0] = 0;
m_errPrev[1] = 0;
m_outPrev = 0;
void PidController::UpdateParams(double kp, double ki, double kd)
m_kp = kp;
m_ki = ki;
m_kd = kd;
//calculates PID output
//y - sample of y(t)
//returns sample of u(t)
double PidController::sim(double y)
double out; //u(t) sample
double e = m_setPoint - y; //error
out = m_outPrev + m_kp * (e - m_errPrev[0] + m_kd * (e - 2 * m_errPrev[0] + m_errPrev[1]) + m_ki * e);
m_outPrev = out; //store previous output
//store previous errors
m_errPrev[1] = m_errPrev[0];
m_errPrev[0] = e;
return out;


C++ Calculating shipping cost based on weight

Part of a program that I'm working on implements a function that takes in the package weight as an argument and calculates the shipping cost based on that weight. The criteria for the cost/lb is as follows:
Package Weight Cost
-------------- ----
25 lbs & under $5.00 (flat rate)
26 - 50 lbs above rate + 0.10/lb over 25
50 + lbs above rate + 0.07/lb over 50
I used an if-if else-if to make the calculations, but feel like its a bit repetitive:
const int TIER_2_WEIGHT = 25;
const int TIER_3_WEIGHT = 50;
const float TIER_1_RATE = 5.00;
const float TIER_2_RATE = 0.10;
const float TIER_3_RATE = 0.07;
float shipPriceF;
if(shipWeightF <= TIER_2_WEIGHT)
shipPriceF = TIER_1_RATE;
else if(shipWeightF <= TIER_3_WEIGHT)
shipPriceF = ((shipWeightF - TIER_2_WEIGHT) * TIER_2_RATE) +
shipPriceF = ((shipWeightF - TIER_3_WEIGHT) * TIER_3_RATE) +
return shipPriceF;
So, the question is... is this the best way to accomplish this task, or should I be looking for a different solution?
First at all, you code looks clear and ok as it is.
Of course, you could deduplicate the redundant parts of the formulas by using a cumulative approach:
float shipPriceF = TIER_1_RATE; // to be paid anyway
if (shipWeightF > TIER_2_WEIGHT) // add the tier 2 if necessary
shipPriceF += (min(shipWeightF, TIER_3_WEIGHT) - TIER_2_WEIGHT) * TIER_2_RATE;
if(shipWeightF > TIER_3_WEIGHT) // add the tier 3 if really necessary
shipPriceF += (shipWeightF - TIER_3_WEIGHT) * TIER_3_RATE);
Well, this could even be simplified further:
float shipPriceF = TIER_1_RATE
+ max(min(shipWeightF,TIER_3_WEIGHT)-TIER_2_WEIGHT,0) * TIER_2_RATE
+ max(shipWeightF-TIER_3_WEIGHT,0) * TIER_3_RATE;
For 3 scales, it's probably ok with this synthetic formula. If you want more flexibility however, you could think of iterating throug a vector of rates instead of using constants. This would allow for a variable number of scales. If you're sure that the formula is always progressive (eg. "above + new unit price for what's exceding") use then the cumulative approach.
I think there are a lot of nearly identical lines in the code but not real duplicates. If you add more rates you can easily copy the wrong macro definitions or mix the values from the wrong rate.
My code itself removes the if/else replications and avoid the need of using the correct global definition. If you add a new rate to my code you simply add a raw to the table.
Only to give an idea what else can be done:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
// first we define a entry of a table. This table contains the limit to which the ratio is valid and
// a function which calculates the price for that part of the weight.
struct RateTableEntry
double max;
std::function<double(double, double)> func;
// only to shrink the table width :-)
constexpr double MAX = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
// and we define a table with the limits and the functions which calculates the price
RateTableEntry table[]=
// first is flate rate up to 25
{ 25, [](double , double )->double{ double ret= 5.00; return ret; }},
// next we have up to 50 the rate of 0.10 ( use min to get only the weight up to next limit
{ 50, [](double max, double weight)->double{ double ret= std::min(weight,max)*0.10; return ret; }},
// the same for next ratio. std::min not used, bedause it is the last entry
{ MAX, [](double , double weight)->double{ double ret= weight *0.07; return ret; }}
double CalcRate(double weight)
std::cout << "Price for " << weight;
double price = 0;
double offset = 0;
for ( auto& step: table )
// call each step, until there is no weight which must be calculated
price+=step.func(step.max- offset, weight);
// reduce the weight for that amount which allready is charged for
// make the table more readable, if not used this way, we have no max values but amount per step value
if ( weight <= 0 ) break; // stop if all the weight was paid for
std::cout << " is " << price << std::endl;
return price;
int main()
CalcRate( 10 );
CalcRate( 26 );
CalcRate( 50 );
CalcRate( 51 );
CalcRate( 52 );
CalcRate( 53 );
If C++11 is not available, you also can use normal functions and function pointers instead of lambdas and std::function.

simulated annealing algorithm

I implemented simulated annealing in C++ to minimize (x-2)^2+(y-1)^2 in some range.
I'm getting varied output which is not acceptable for this type of heuristic method. It seems that the solution is converging but never quite closing in on the solution.
My code:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
double func(double x, double y)
return (pow(x-2, 2)+pow(y-1, 2));
double accept(double z, double minim, double T,double d)
double p = -(z - minim) / (d * T);
return pow(exp(1), p);
double fRand(double fMin, double fMax)
double f = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
return fMin + f * (fMax - fMin);
int main()
srand (time(NULL));
double x = fRand(-30,30);
double y = fRand(-30,30);
double xm = x, ym=y;
double tI = 100000;
double tF = 0.000001;
double a = 0.99;
double d=(1.6*(pow(10,-23)));
double T = tI;
double minim = func(x, y);
double z;
double counter=0;
while (T>tF) {
int i=1;
while(i<=30) {
if (z<minim || (accept(z,minim,T,d)>(fRand(0,1)))) {
cout<<"min: "<<minim<<" x: "<<xm<<" y: "<<ym<<endl;
return 0;
How can I get it to reach the solution?
There are a couple of things that I think are wrong in your implementation of the simulated annealing algorithm.
At every iteration you should look at some neighbours z of current minimum and update it if f(z) < minimum. If f(z) > minimum you can also accept the new point, but with an acceptance probability function.
The problem is that in your accept function, the parameter d is way too low - it will always return 0.0 and never trigger the condition of acceptance. Try something like 1e-5; it doesn't have to be physically correct, it only has to decrease while lowering the "temperature".
After updating the temperature in the outer loop, you should put x=xm and y=ym, before doing the inner loop or instead of searching the neigbours of the current solution you will basically randomly wander around (you aren't checking any boundaries too).
Doing so, I usually get some output like this:
min: 8.25518e-05 x: 2.0082 y: 0.996092
Hope it helped.

Timing based transition code between variable numbers

I'm hoping someone out there might have an idea on how I could better solve this problem I've created for myself :) I'm currently looking for a way to program this logic:
Imagine I have a control slider, that a user controls and goes from 0 to 255, and imagine I have a timing slider, from 0 milliseconds to 20,000 milliseconds.
Now, if I set the timing slider to 20,000, and move the control slider from 0 to 255, I would expect that the code will output a transition point between 0 to 255 over 20 seconds. I have code that does this fine, and it will be attached below.
However, lets say 10 seconds into that transition period the user moves the control slider from the 255 back to 0. At 10 seconds in, the transition point, x, should be at 127. What I want to happen is for the x value to move over the remaining 10 seconds to the new control slider point, in this case, 0. Ideally this should work for any number of movements over that 20 second period.
Once the x reaches the control slider point, the transitioning code deactivates until the next movement.
Here's the code that handles the first part of the problem I'm trying to solve:
class Fader {
float newFaderValueSetTime;
float newFaderValue;
bool transitionInMotion;
float lastReturnedValueWhenNewFaderValueWasSet;
bool newFaderValueSet;
float lastOutputValue;
Fader(void) {
lastReturnedValueWhenNewFaderValueWasSet = 0;
newFaderValue = 0;
lastOutputValue = 0;
transitionInMotion = false;
int getValue(float delayAmount) {
float currentTime = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() ;
float timePassedSinceNewFaderValue = currentTime - newFaderValueSetTime;
if(timePassedSinceNewFaderValue >= delayAmount) {
transitionInMotion = false;
if(transitionInMotion) {
lastOutputValue = ofMap(timePassedSinceNewFaderValue, 0, delayAmount, lastReturnedValueWhenNewFaderValueWasSet, newFaderValue);
} else {
lastOutputValue = newFaderValue;
return lastOutputValue;
void setFaderValue(int val, float delayAmount) {
if(delayAmount > 0 && !transitionInMotion) {
transitionInMotion = true;
newFaderValueSetTime = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis();
lastReturnedValueWhenNewFaderValueWasSet = lastOutputValue;
newFaderValue = val;
This is in c++ using OpenFrameworks, hence the of prefix for some of the functions. Anyway, I hope I've been specific enough about the problem.
The main point of code that is at issue, I think is the way the mapping of value ranges functions - for example, take this line:
lastOutputValue = ofMap(timePassedSinceNewFaderValue, 0, delayAmount, lastReturnedValueWhenNewFaderValueWasSet, newFaderValue);
This line takes the amount of time passed as the temporal position, makes it relative to delay amount, then remaps its the value from the lastReturnedValueWhenNewFaderValueWasSet to the newFaderValue.. e.g.,
If at time of transition, the fader value was at 0, and moves to 255, then
lastReturnedValueWhenNewFaderValueWasSet = 0, and newFaderValue = 255;
However, at the 10 second mark, the lastOutputValue will be 127, and if I then move the newFaderValue from 255 to 0, then lastReturnedValueWhenNewFaderValueWasSet will still be 0, and the mapping will be from 0 to 0, rather than from the current position of the transition point, x.
I hope this explains the logic a bit better. Cheers!
I've solved the problem I set out. Here is a rundown of the logic and the code for those looking for a solution to this sort of problem.
x will increase if the destination is greater than x
x will decrease if the destination is less than x
x is defined as the value set before the timer is initiated
if the timer is active if and only if
timer is greater than zero
The destination is greater than or less than x
The increase amount is defined as the distance between x, the destination, divided by the time left to reach the destination multiplied by the difference since the last time x was set.
lets say x is 127, and destination is 200. The time remaining is 10,000 milliseconds
positive difference = 200-127 = 73 over 10,000
divided by the time remaining, multiplied by the time change since last update.
(200-127 / 10,000) * 60 (milliseconds since last update)
= amount to increment...
lets say x = 200 and the destination is 90. The time remaining is 10,000 milliseconds
positive difference is 200-90 = 110.
(110 / 10,000) * 60 (milliseconds since last update) = 0.66.. which is to be removed from x...
and because x is decreasing in this case, an additional calculation of (0.66 * -1) to produce the negative value.
And the code:
class Fader {
float newFaderValueSetTime;
float destination;
float lastUpdateTime;
float x;
bool transitionInMotion;
Fader(void) {
transitionInMotion = false;
lastUpdateTime = -1;
x= 0;
destination = 0;
float positiveDifference(float x1, float y1) {
if(x1>y1) {
return x1-y1;
} else {
return y1-x1;
int getValue(float delayAmount) {
float currentTime = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis();
float timePassedSinceNewFaderValue = currentTime - newFaderValueSetTime;
if(timePassedSinceNewFaderValue >= delayAmount) {
transitionInMotion = false;
if(transitionInMotion) {
float timeRemaining = delayAmount - timePassedSinceNewFaderValue;
float diff = positiveDifference(x, destination);
float tempX = (diff / timeRemaining);
if(lastUpdateTime == -1) {
lastUpdateTime = currentTime;
} else {
tempX = tempX * (currentTime - lastUpdateTime);
if(destination > x) {
x = x + tempX;
} else if (destination < x) {
x = x + (tempX*-1);
} else {
x = destination;
if(x > 0) {
ofLogNotice("Output Value of fader is: " + ofToString(x));
lastUpdateTime = currentTime;
return x;
void setFaderValue(int val, float delayAmount) {
if(delayAmount > 0 && !transitionInMotion) {
transitionInMotion = true;
newFaderValueSetTime = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis();
lastUpdateTime = -1;
destination = val;

Optimization method for finding floating status of an object

The problem to solve is finding the floating status of a floating body, given its weight and the center of gravity.
The function i use calculates the displaced volume and center of bouyance of the body given sinkage, heel and trim.
Where sinkage is a length unit and heel/trim is an angle limited to a value from -90 to 90.
The floating status is found when displaced volum is equal to weight and the center of gravity is in a vertical line with center of bouancy.
I have this implemeted as a non-linear Newton-Raphson root finding problem with 3 variables (sinkage, trim, heel) and 3 equations.
This method works, but needs good initial guesses. So I am hoping to find either a better approach for this, or a good method to find the initial values.
Below is the code for the newton and jacobian algorithm used for the Newton-Raphson iteration. The function volume takes the parameters sinkage, heel and trim. And returns volume, and the coordinates for center of bouyancy.
I also included the maxabs and GSolve2 algorithms, I belive these are taken from Numerical Recipies.
void jacobian(float x[], float weight, float vcg, float tcg, float lcg, float jac[][3], float f0[]) {
float h = 0.0001f;
float temp;
float j_volume, j_vcb, j_lcb, j_tcb;
float f1[3];
volume(x[0], x[1], x[2], j_volume, j_lcb, j_vcb, j_tcb);
f0[0] = j_volume-weight;
f0[1] = j_tcb-tcg;
f0[2] = j_lcb-lcg;
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
temp = x[i];
x[i] = temp + h;
volume(x[0], x[1], x[2], j_volume, j_lcb, j_vcb, j_tcb);
f1[0] = j_volume-weight;
f1[1] = j_tcb-tcg;
f1[2] = j_lcb-lcg;
x[i] = temp;
jac[0][i] = (f1[0]-f0[0])/h;
jac[1][i] = (f1[1]-f0[1])/h;
jac[2][i] = (f1[2]-f0[2])/h;
void newton(float weight, float vcg, float tcg, float lcg, float &sinkage, float &heel, float &trim) {
float x[3] = {10,1,1};
float accuracy = 0.000001f;
int ntryes = 30;
int i = 0;
float jac[3][3];
float max;
float f0[3];
float gauss_f0[3];
while (i < ntryes) {
jacobian(x, weight, vcg, tcg, lcg, jac, f0);
if (sqrt((f0[0]*f0[0]+f0[1]*f0[1]+f0[2]*f0[2])/2) < accuracy) {
gauss_f0[0] = -f0[0];
gauss_f0[1] = -f0[1];
gauss_f0[2] = -f0[2];
GSolve2(jac, 3, gauss_f0);
x[0] = x[0]+gauss_f0[0];
x[1] = x[1]+gauss_f0[1];
x[2] = x[2]+gauss_f0[2];
// absmax(x) - Return absolute max value from an array
max = absmax(x);
if (max < 1) max = 1;
if (sqrt((gauss_f0[0]*gauss_f0[0]+gauss_f0[1]*gauss_f0[1]+gauss_f0[2]*gauss_f0[2])) < accuracy*max) {
sinkage = x[0];
heel = x[1];
trim = x[2];
int GSolve2(float a[][3],int n,float b[]) {
float x,sum,max,temp;
int i,j,k,p,m,pos;
int nn = n-1;
for (k=0;k<=n-1;k++)
/* pivot*/
for (p=k;p<n;p++){
if (max < fabs(a[p][k])){
if (ABS(a[k][pos]) < EPS) {
writeLog("Matrix is singular");
if (pos != k) {
/* convert to upper triangular form */
if ( fabs(a[k][k])>=1.e-6)
for (i=k+1;i<n;i++)
x = a[i][k]/a[k][k];
for (j=k+1;j<n;j++) a[i][j] = a[i][j] -a[k][j]*x;
b[i] = b[i] - b[k]*x;
writeLog("zero pivot found in line:%d",k);
return 0;
/* back substitution */
b[nn] = b[nn] / a[nn][nn];
for (i=n-2;i>=0;i--)
sum = b[i];
for (j=i+1;j<n;j++)
sum = sum - a[i][j]*b[j];
b[i] = sum/a[i][i];
return 0;
float absmax(float x[]) {
int i = 1;
int n = sizeof(x);
float max = x[0];
while (i < n) {
if (max < x[i]) {
max = x[i];
return max;
Have you considered some stochastic search methods to find the initial value and then fine-tuning with Newton Raphson? One possibility is evolutionary computation, you can use the Inspyred package. For a physical problem similar in many ways to the one you describe, look at this example:
What about using a damped version of Newton's method? You could quite easily modify your implementation to make it. Think about Newton's method as finding a direction
d_k = f(x_k) / f'(x_k)
and updating the variable
x_k+1 = x_k - L_k d_k
In the usual Newton's method, L_k is always 1, but this might create overshoots or undershoots. So, let your method chose L_k. Suppose that your method usually overshoots. A possible strategy consists in taking the largest L_k in the set {1,1/2,1/4,1/8,... L_min} such that the condition
|f(x_k+1)| <= (1-L_k/2) |f(x_k)|
is satisfied (or L_min if none of the values satisfies this criteria).
With the same criteria, another possible strategy is to start with L_0=1 and if the criteria is not met, try with L_0/2 until it works (or until L_0 = L_min). Then for L_1, start with min(1, 2L_0) and do the same. Then start with L_2=min(1, 2L_1) and so on.
By the way: are you sure that your problem has a unique solution? I guess that the answer to this question depends on the shape of your object. If you have a rugby ball, there's one angle that you cannot fix. So if your shape is close to such an object, I would not be surprised that the problem is difficult to solve for that angle.

Arduino mega queue

I wrote this simple code which reads a length from the Sharp infrared sensor, end presents the average meter in cm (unit) by serial.
When write this code for the Arduino Mega board, the Arduino starts a blinking LED (pin 13) and the program does nothing. Where is the bug in this code?
#include <QueueList.h>
const int ANALOG_SHARP = 0; //Set pin data from sharp.
QueueList <float> queuea;
float cm;
float qu1;
float qu2;
float qu3;
float qu4;
float qu5;
void setup() {
void loop() {
cm = read_gp2d12_range(ANALOG_SHARP); //Convert to cm (unit).
queuea.push(cm); //Add item to queue, when I add only this line Arduino crash.
if ( 5 <= queuea.peek()) {
float read_gp2d12_range(byte pin) { //Function converting to cm (unit).
int tmp;
tmp = analogRead(pin);
if (tmp < 3)
return -1; // Invalid value.
return (6787.0 /((float)tmp - 3.0)) - 4.0;
float average() { //Calculate average length
qu1 += queuea.pop();
qu2 += queuea.pop();
qu3 += queuea.pop();
qu4 += queuea.pop();
qu5 += queuea.pop();
float aver = ((qu1+qu2+qu3+qu4+qu5)/5);
return aver;
I agree with the peek() -> count() error listed by vhallac. But I'll also point out that you should consider averaging by powers of 2 unless there is a strong case to do otherwise.
The reason is that on microcontrollers, division is slow. By averaging over a power of 2 (2,4,8,16,etc.) you can simply calculate the sum and then bitshift it.
To calculate the average of 2: (v1 + v2) >> 1
To calculate the average of 4: (v1 + v2 + v3 + v4) >> 2
To calculate the average of n values (where n is a power of 2) just right bitshift the sum right by [log2(n)].
As long as the datatype for your sum variable is big enough and won't overflow, this is much easier and much faster.
Note: this won't work for floats in general. In fact, microcontrollers aren't optimized for floats. You should consider converting from int (what I'm assuming you're ADC is reading) to float at the end after the averaging rather than before.
By converting from int to float and then averaging floats you are losing more precision than averaging ints than converting the int to a float.
You're using the += operator without initializing the variables (qu1, qu2, etc.) -- it's good practice to initialize them if you're going to use += but it looks as if = would work fine.
For floats, I'd have written the average function as:
float average(QueueList<float> & q, int n)
float sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
sum += q.pop();
return (sum / (float) n);
And called it: average(queuea, 5);
You could use this to average any number of sensor readings and later use the same code to later average floats in a completely different QueueList. Passing the number of readings to average as a parameter will really come in handy in the case that you need to tweak it.
Here's how I would have done it:
#include <QueueList.h>
const int ANALOG_SHARP=0; // set pin data from sharp
const int AvgPower = 2; // 1 for 2 readings, 2 for 4 readings, 3 for 8, etc.
const int AvgCount = pow(2,AvgPow);
QueueList <int> SensorReadings;
void setup(){
void loop()
int reading = analogRead(ANALOG_SHARP);
if(SensorReadings.count() > AvgCount)
int avg = average2(SensorReadings, AvgPower);
float gp2d12_to_cm(int reading)
if(reading <= 3){ return -1; }
return((6787.0 /((float)reading - 3.0)) - 4.0);
int average2(QueueList<int> & q, int AvgPower)
int AvgCount = pow(2, AvgPower);
long sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<AvgCount; i++)
sum += q.pop();
return (sum >> AvgPower);
You are using queuea.peek() to obtain the count. This will only return the last element in queue. You should use queuea.count() instead.
Also you might consider changing the condition tmp < 3 to tmp <= 3. If tmp is 3, you divide by zero.
Great improvement jedwards, however the first question I have is why use queuelist instead of an int array.
As an example I would do the following:
int average(int analog_reading)
#define NUM_OF_AVG 5
static int readings[NUM_OF_AVG];
static int next_position;
static int sum;
if (++next_position >= NUM_OF_AVG)
for(int i=0; i<NUM_OF_AVG; i++)
sum += reading[i];
average = sum/NUM_OF_AVG
Now I compute a new rolling average with every reading and it eliminates all the issues related to dynamic memory allocation (memory fragmentation, no available memory, memory leaks) in a embedded device.
I appreciate and understand the use of shifting for a division by 2,4 or 8, however I would stay away from that technique for two reasons.
I think readability and maintainability of the source code is more important then saving a little bit of time with a shift instead of a divide unless you can test and verify the divide is a bottleneck.
Second, I believe most current optimizing compilers will do a shift if possible, I know GCC does.
I will leave refactoring out the for loop for the next guy.