Grabbing variable text under fixed heading - regex

I have a log file like the sample below:
Pool id 1000c2
signal sizes 8
sig_conf 63 127 255 511 1663 4095 9247 65535
sig_alloc 214 8 38 1 4 0 0 0
stack sizes 8
stk_conf 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 65536
stk_alloc 0 0 0 8 6 10 6 0
fragment info
fragment baseaddr lastaddr size sigsize stksize unused watermark_used%
0 018ae000 01d72b40 5000000 651680 245760 4102560 17
Current Pool Usage Info
Total_Pool_Size Current_Used_Pool Current_Used_Pool%
5000000 252535 5
30111a 2010f0 29010d0 6000c0
I need the value under the heading "Current_Used_Pool%". There are a number of such logs and the values are varying but the heading remains constant.
I tried to use awk but have failed so far. Please help.

Another approach:
awk '/Current_Used_Pool%/{N=NR+1;next} NR==N{print $3}'

The common, idiomatic awk approach is to just set/test a flag:
awk 'f{print $3;f=0} /Current_Used_Pool%/{f=1}'
See for more examples of how to print records relative to some other record.
#slyclam I see under a different answer you wrote got syntax error awk: syntax error near line 1 awk: illegal statement near line 1 - that error message means you are using old, broken awk (/bin/awk on Solaris). Never use that awk is it is, well, old and broken. On Solaris use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk or, slightly inferior, nawk.

You can use this awk command to search for the value under a fixed column heading:
awk -v col="Current_Used_Pool%" '$0 ~ col {
for(i=1; i<=NF; i++)
if ($i == col) {
} NR==n {
print $c
}' file


How do I convert s.st_dev to /sys/block/<name>

I want to determine whether a file is on an HDD or an SDD.
I found out that I could check the type of drive using the /sys/block info:
prompt$ cat /sys/block/sdc/queue/rotational
This has 1 if it is rotational or unknown. It is 0 when the disk is an SSD.
Now I have a file and what to know whether it is on an HDD or an SDD. I can stat() the file to get the device number:
struct stat s;
stat(filename, &s);
// what do I do with s.st_dev now?
I'd like to convert s.st_dev to a drive name as I have in my /sys/block directory, in C.
What functions do I have to use to get that info? Or is it available in some /proc file?
First of all for the input file we need to file on which partition the file exists
you can use the following command for that
df -P <file name> | tail -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1
Which will give you output something like this : /dev/sda3
Now you can apply following command to determine HDD , SDD
cat /sys/block/sdc/queue/rotational
You can use popen in your program to get output of these system commands
Okay, I really found it!
So my first solution, reading the partitions, wouldn't work. It would give me sbc1 instead of sbc. I also found the /proc/mounts which includes some info about what's mounted where, but it would still not help me convert the value to sbc.
Instead, I found another solution, which is to look at the block devices and more specifically this softlink:
The <major> and <minor> numbers can be extracted using the functions of the same name in C (I use C++, but the basic functions are all in C):
#include <sys/types.h>
std::string dev_path("/sys/dev/block/");
dev_path += std::to_string(major(s.st_dev));
dev_path += ":";
dev_path += std::to_string(minor(s.st_dev));
That path is a soft link and I want to get the real path of the destination:
char device_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
if(realpath(dev_path.c_str(), device_path) == nullptr)
return true;
From that real path, I then break up the path in segments and search for a directory with a sub-directory named queue and a file named rotational.
advgetopt::string_list_t segments;
advgetopt::split_string(device_path, segments, { "/" });
while(segments.size() > 3)
std::string path("/"
+ boost::algorithm::join(segments, "/")
+ "/queue/rotational");
std::ifstream in;;
char line[32];
in.getline(line, sizeof(line));
return std::atoi(line) != 0;
The in.getline() is what reads the .../queue/rotational file. If the value is not 0 then I consider that this is an HDD. If something fails, I also consider that the drive is an HDD drive. The only way my function returns false is if the rotational file exists and is set to 0.
My function can be found here. The line number may change over time, search for tool::is_hdd.
Old "Solution"
The file /proc/partition includes the major & minor device numbers, a size, and a name. So I just have to parse that one and return the name I need. Voilà.
$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
8 16 1953514584 sdb
8 17 248832 sdb1
8 18 1 sdb2
8 21 1953263616 sdb5
8 0 1953514584 sda
8 1 248832 sda1
8 2 1 sda2
8 5 1953263616 sda5
11 0 1048575 sr0
8 32 976764928 sdc
8 33 976763904 sdc1
252 0 4096 dm-0
252 1 1936375808 dm-1
252 2 1936375808 dm-2
252 3 1936375808 dm-3
252 4 16744448 dm-4
As you can see in this example, the first two lines represent the column names and an empty.The Name column is what I was looking for.

How to calculate expected core file size

How can I calculate the expected size of a coredump?
I have a truncated core file(coredump) from arm64 target. And I can find expected size of a core file(coredump), from output of gdb-multiarch.
BFD: warning: /home/.../core-m is truncated: expected core file size >= 748728320, found: 518127616
From above, I can find expected size of a coredump is 748728320 and its actual size is 518127616.
Now, I wonder how gdb-multiarch calculates the expected size of a coredump.
I can find size of each section, using readelf -e and I thought the sum of each section's size will be same with expected size of a core file. So I get the sum, but it is not equal to expected size of the coredump.
the sum: 748680864
expected size by `gdb-multiarch`: 748728320
How can I calculate this, correctly?
I've just got to know I can find the expected size of a coredump, from output of readelf -e. readelf -e shows offset and size of each segment. I got the result from my truncated coredump.
Program Headers:
Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr
FileSiz MemSiz Flags Align
NOTE 0x000000000000b2f8 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x000000000002b6a0 0x0000000000000000 0x0
LOAD 0x0000000000037000 0x000000556af44000 0x0000000000000000
0x0000000000001000 0x00000000008cc000 R E 0x1000
LOAD 0x000000002c831000 0x0000007fca9c5000 0x0000000000000000
0x00000000001da000 0x00000000001da000 RW 0x1000
From above, I can find offset and size of last segment. Offset is 0x2c831000, and size if 0x1da000. And expected size of dump will be 0x2c831000 + 0x1da000 = 0x2CA0B000(748728320). This is same with one from gdb-multiarch.
This approach can be used only if readelf is available. And I can't explain how the expected size of dump is calculated, still. I hope someone give me the explanation.
I use the following script, seems to work quite well. As the comment explains, we simply find the largest LOAD section end offset in the file. (Note that it accounts for sparse files.)
If I remember correctly, I lifted the technique from GDB's corefile loading code (or some similar standard tool that warns about corefile truncation).
trap 'exit 1' ERR # Abort script on error.
if [[ $# != 1 ]] ; then
echo "$( basename $0 ) <coreFile>"
exit 1
# Examine all LOAD sections in the corefile, calculate the file offset of each section's end,
# and find the largest offset.
expectedSize=$( readelf -l ${coreFile} | grep -A 1 LOAD |
while read type offset etc && read fsize etc ; do
echo $(( $offset + $fsize ))
done | sort -n | tail -n 1 )
actualSize=$( du --block-size=1 --apparent-size ${coreFile} | cut -f1 )
physicalSize=$( du --block-size=1 ${coreFile} | cut -f1 )
if [[ ${actualSize} < ${expectedSize} ]] ; then
echo "Physical size ${physicalSize}"
echo "Expected logical size ${expectedSize}"
echo "Actual logical size ${actualSize}"
exit 2

bash: clean and merge data

I have three csv files containing different data for a common object. These represent data about distinct collections of items at work. These objects have unique codes. The number of files is not important so I will set this problem up with two. I have a handy recipe for joining these files using join -- but the cleaning part is killing me.
File A snippet - contains unique data. Also the cataloging error E B.
B 547
J 65
EB 289
E B 1
CO 8900
ZX 7
File B snippet - unique data about a different dimension of the objects.
B 5
ZX 67
SD 4
CO 76
J 54
EB 10
Note that file B contains a code not in common with file A.
Now I submit to you the "official" canon of codes designated for this set of objects:
Note that File B contains a non-canonical code with data. It needs to be captured and documented. Same with bad code in file A.
End goal: run trend and stats on the collections using the various fields from the multiple reports. They mostly match the canon but there are oddballs due to cataloging errors and codes that are no longer in use.
End goal result after merge/join:
B 547 5
J 65 54
EB 289 10
CO 8900 76
ZX 7 67
So my first idea was to use grep -F -f for this, using the canonical codes as a search list then merge with join. Problem is, with one letter codes it's too inclusive. It would seem like a job for awk where it can work with tab delimiters and REGEX the oddball codes. I'm not sure though, how to get awk to use a list to sift other files. Will join alone handle all this? Maybe I merge with join or paste, then sift out the weirdos? Which method is the least brittle and more likely to handle edge cases like the drunk cataloger?
If you're thinking, "Dude, this is better done with Perl or Python ...etc.". I'm all ears. No rules, I just need to deliver!
Your question says the data is csv, but based on your samples I'm assuming it's tsv. I'm also assuming E B should end up in the outlier output and that NA values should be filled with 0.
Given those assumptions, the following may be sufficient:
sort -t $'\t' -k 1b,1 fileA > fileA.sorted && sort -t $'\t' -k 1b,1 fileB > fileB.sorted
join -t $'\t' -a1 -a2 -e0 -o auto fileA.sorted fileB.sorted > out
grep -f codes out > out-canon
grep -vf codes out > out-oddball
The content of file codes:
$ cat out-canon
B 547 5
CO 8900 76
EB 289 10
J 65 54
ZX 7 67
$ cat out-oddball
E B 1 0
SD 0 4
Try this(GNU awk):
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}ARGIND==1{c[$1]++;}ARGIND==2{b[$1]=$2}ARGIND==3{if (c[$1]) {print $1,$2,b[$1]+0; delete b[$1];} else {if(tolower($1)~"[a-z]+ +[a-z]+")print>"error.fileA"; else print>"oddball.fileA";}}END{for (i in b) {print i,0,b[i] " (? maybe?)";print i,b[i] > "oddball.fileB";}}' codes fileB fileA
It will create error.fileA, oddball.fileA if such lines exists, oddball.fileB.
Normal output didn't write to file, you can write with > yourself when results are ok:
B 547 5
J 65 54
EB 289 10
CO 8900 76
ZX 7 67
SD 0 4 (? maybe?)
Had a hard time reading your description, not sure if this is what you want.
Anyway it's easy to improve this awk code.
You can change to FILENAME=="file1", or FILENAME==ARGV[1] if ARGIND is not working.

Remove new line after pattern and newline between 2 pattern

I have to parse and filter in linux command line only some log files.
after applying some awk and sed commands
awk -v RS='+++ ' '!/Diameter|REPT OM BLOCKED|REPT OM STARTING/ { print f $0 } {f=RT}' ./snmplog* | grep -v '+++' | grep -v '++-' | sed -e 's/^\s*//g' | sed -e '/^$/d'
I got an output like this which look like an xml file:
<SpecificProblem>KPI OUTSIDE OF CRITICAL THRESHOLD</SpecificProblem>
<AlarmTime>Wed Mar 11 00:15:10 2015</AlarmTime>
<SpecificProblem>KPI OUTSIDE OF CRITICAL THRESHOLD</SpecificProblem>
(RcvTCAPabortRatio^0-0-11 = 19) OUTSIDE OF CRITICAL ALARM THRESHOLD (10)</
<AlarmTime>Wed Mar 11 00:15:10 2015</AlarmTime>
<SpecificProblem>ZERO DENOMINATOR</SpecificProblem>
<AlarmTime>Wed Mar 11 01:00:10 2015</AlarmTime>
I would like to have after threatment something like this:
<Alarm><AlarmIndex>8771</AlarmIndex>...<OMText>REPT MEAS KPI
CALCULATION OF (SuccStandaloneISDRatio) FAILED FOR ZERO DENOMINATOR</OMText><AlarmCode>922041</AlarmCode>...</Alarm>
I have to remove all new line after > and keep new line between tags.
As you can see in my log I have an issue in the tag </OMText> in which I can have a new line also and it should be removed.
I already try with many sed regex found here, but without success
How can I do this?
As requested, please find below the original log file:
+++ FE01 2015-03-11 00:25:35 SNMP /SNM001 #310852 0-0-1 >
<SpecificProblem>CLR error,Diameter</SpecificProblem>
<AdditionalText>The destination MME is not reachable</AdditionalText>
<OMText>CLR error,Diameter Peer:p3.mmeccd.3gppne</OMText>
<AlarmTime>Wed Mar 11 00:25:35 2015</AlarmTime>
END OF REPORT #310852++-
+++ FE01 2015-03-11 00:25:58 SNMP /SNM001 #310853 0-0-1 >
<SpecificProblem>OM BLOCKED AILogger.C</SpecificProblem>
<AlarmTime>Wed Mar 11 00:25:58 2015</AlarmTime>
END OF REPORT #310853++-
First I have to discared messages which contains within tags: "Diameter", "REPT OM BLOCKED" "REPT OM STARTING" then keeping only the message between the tags ...
awk '
/<Alarm>/,/<\/Alarm>/ {
sub(/^[[:blank:]]+/, "") # trim leading blanks
sub(/[[:blank:]]+$/, "") # trim trailing blanks
if (/>$/) # if the line ends with a tag
printf "%s", $0 # print it with no newline
/<\/Alarm>/ {print ""} # add a newline after each Alarm block
' log.file
<Alarm><AlarmIndex>1119</AlarmIndex><ObjectName>0-0-3#destMMENotAvail</ObjectName><SpecificProblem>CLR error,Diameter</SpecificProblem><ProbableCause>CommunicationsSubsystemFailure</ProbableCause><NotificationIdentifier>1119</NotificationIdentifier><Severity>Minor</Severity><AlarmType>CommunicationAlarm</AlarmType><AdditionalText>The destination MME is not reachable</AdditionalText><OMText>CLR error,Diameter Peer:p3.mmeccd.3gppne</OMText><AlarmCode>50906</AlarmCode><AlarmSource>SDM#RTLTE</AlarmSource><AlarmTime>Wed Mar 11 00:25:35 2015</AlarmTime><RepeatCount>0</RepeatCount><OMDBKey></OMDBKey><AutoClear>1</AutoClear></Alarm>
<Alarm><AlarmIndex>8914</AlarmIndex><ObjectName>0-0-14#2AILogger.C!81</ObjectName><SpecificProblem>OM BLOCKED AILogger.C</SpecificProblem><ProbableCause>QueueSizeExceeded</ProbableCause><NotificationIdentifier>8914</NotificationIdentifier><Severity>Minor</Severity><AlarmType>QualityOfServiceAlarm</AlarmType><AdditionalText></AdditionalText><OMText>REPT OM BLOCKED FOR PROCESS PDLSU1
</OMText><AlarmCode>906065</AlarmCode><AlarmSource>PLATFORM</AlarmSource><AlarmTime>Wed Mar 11 00:25:58 2015</AlarmTime><RepeatCount>0</RepeatCount><OMDBKey>/CR065</OMDBKey><AutoClear>1</AutoClear></Alarm>
To pipe (should be modified from original file like you post later)
sed '
# don t care out of section
/<Alarm>/,\#</Alarm># !d
# in section
/<Alarm>/,\#</Alarm># {
# keep line in hold buffer
# if not the end, loop (cycle to next line and start of script)
\#</Alarm># !b
# clean current buffer
# exchange buffer (current/hold)
# remove first new line (extra due to first keep)
# remove first new line
# reformat first part until OMText
# reformat between AlarmCode and /Alarm
# print result at output
}' YourFile
Self explain, posix version

Parsing (partially) non-uniform text blocks in Perl

I have a file with a few blocks that look like this in a file (and in a variable, at this point in the program).
Vlan2 is up, line protocol is up
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255^M
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 49w5d
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
L3 out Switched: ucast: 17925 pkt, 23810209 bytes mcast: 0 pkt, 0 bytes
33374 packets input, 13154058 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 926 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts)
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
3094286 packets output, 311981311 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Here's a second block, to show you how the blocks can slightly vary:
port-channel86 is down (No operational members)
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 31w2d
147636 unicast packets 0 multicast packets 0 broadcast packets
84356 input packets 119954232 bytes
0 jumbo packets 0 storm suppression packets
0 runts 0 giants 0 CRC 0 no buffer
0 input error 0 short frame 0 overrun 0 underrun 0 ignored
0 watchdog 0 bad etype drop 0 bad proto drop 0 if down drop
0 input with dribble 0 input discard
0 Rx pause
147636 unicast packets 0 multicast packets 0 broadcast packets
84356 output packets 119954232 bytes
0 jumbo packets
0 output error 0 collision 0 deferred 0 late collision
0 lost carrier 0 no carrier 0 babble 0 output discard
0 Tx pause
0 interface resets
I want to pick out certain data elements from each block, which may or may not exist in each block. For example, in the first block I posted I may want to know that there are 0 runts, 0 input errors and 0 overrun. In the second block, I might want to know that there are 0 jumbo packets, collisions, etc. If a given query isn't in the block, it's acceptable to just return na, as this is designed to be processed uniformly.
Each block is structured in a similar way to the two I posted; newlines and spaces delimiting some entries, commas delimiting others.
I have a few ideas as to how this might work. I'm unaware if there is any kind of "look back" function in Perl, but I could attempt to look for the field names (runts, "input errors", etc) and then grab the previous integer; that seems like it would be the most elegant solution for this, but I'm unsure if it's possible.
Currently, I'm doing this in Perl. Each "block" that I'm processing is actually several of these blocks (separated by double newlines). It doesn't have to be done in a single regular expressions; I believe it can be done by applying several regular expressions per block. Performance is not really a factor, as this script will run maybe once per hour.
My goal is to get all of this into a .csv file (or some other data format that's easily graphable) in an automated fashion.
Any ideas?
Edit: example output in CSV as I mentioned, which would be written line by line (for multiple entries like this) to a file as the end result. If a particular entry isn't found in the block, it is marked na in the corresponding line:
Simple hash of properties and numbers.
sub extract {
my ($block) = #_;
my %r;
while ($block =~ /(?<num>\d+) \s (?<name>[A-Za-z\s]+)/gmsx) {
my $name = $+{name};
my $num = $+{num};
$name =~ s/\A \s+//msx;
$name =~ s/\s+ \z//msx;
$r{$name} = $num;
return %r;
my $block = <<'';
Vlan2 is up, line protocol is up
my $block2 = <<'';
port-channel86 is down (No operational members)
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
print Dumper {extract $block};
print Dumper {extract $block2};
I don't think a single regex could do it, nor would I want to support it if it could.
Using multiple regexes, you could easily use something like:
(\d+) runts
(\d+) input errors
A simple array of property names and a loop could solve this pretty quickly and with very little fuss.
If you can strip down the input to smaller chunks with some preprocessing, you would be less likely to get false positives.
Here is one way to do it in awk, but this needs lots of tweak to be perfect.
But again, use SNMP.
awk '{
printf $1
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if ($i" "$(i+1)~/Input queue:/) printf ",%s",$(i+2)
if ($i~/runts/) printf ",%s",$(i-1)
if ($i~/multicast,/) printf ",%s",$(i-1)
print ""
}' RS="swapped out" file