Package Qt5GStreamerQuick-1.0 not found - c++

Did anybody got the luck to know the reason for:
"Project ERROR: Package Qt5GStreamerQuick-1.0 not found".
I have installed: qt-gstreamer-dev package
Not working even after manually adding PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR:
export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/home/manojsahu/qt-gstreamer-1.2.0/src/QGst/
I have also added PKGCONFIG alternatively in .pro file like:
PKGCONFIG += Qt5GStreamerQuick-1.0
PKGCONFIG += QtGStreamer-1.0
Can anybody help to resolve this error.
I am trying to compile example in below mentioned link:

Thanks, I have got one work around to solve "Project ERROR: Package Qt5GStreamerQuick-1.0 not found".
"Qt5GStreamerQuick-1.0" has dependency with "gstreamer-1".
Download "gstreamer-1.6.3" and perform
make then
make install.
Download the qt-gstreamer code, extract freshly and navigate to extracted folder. In my case it is
cd ~/home/manojsahu/qt-gstreamer-1.2.0/
cmake CMakeLists.txt then
make then
sudo make install
Image of the qmlplayer built
Now the example qmlplayer gets built.
But facing error "Failed to create qtvideosink. Make sure it is installed correctly".
Perhaps It did not installed properly. Any workaround to build completely would be appreciated highly.


get Tiramisu submodules llvm for Halide failed with .//3rdParty/llvm: No such file or directory error

Hi i'm trying to install tiramisu compiler.
and once trying install it's sub-modules ( (ISL, LLVM and Halide) by using this command
dina#dina-VBox:~/tiramisu$ ./utils/scripts/ ./
and i get in the end this error
Done installing isl
#### Installing LLVM ####
cd .//3rdParty/llvm
.//utils/scripts/ line 6: cd: .//3rdParty/llvm: No such file or directory
even one i do ls i find it
dina#dina-VBox:~/tiramisu/3rdParty$ ls
clang Halide isl llvm
and this is llvm content
dina#dina-VBox:~/tiramisu/3rdParty/llvm$ ls
bindings CMakeLists.txt configure docs include LICENSE.TXT README.txt resources test unittests
cmake CODE_OWNERS.TXT CREDITS.TXT examples lib LLVMBuild.txt projects RELEASE_TESTERS.TXT runtimes tools utils
What should i do to fix this problem.
Can you try to install as follows
./utils/scripts/ $PWD
$PWD returns the full path of the current directory unlike ./ which does not return the full path. The next steps in the installation seem to require the full path.
The solution shown above fix the problem of 3rdParty folder not found.
But even i fixed this problems many others problem appear and the installation always stop in 66% or 99% . :,(
All the dos lead to closed way :(.
So if you may get in same trouble i shared here in related question of the installation of tiramisu some important tips that should be token into consideration to avoid to fix all this troubles at once and live happy :D :D .
here is the link.

Private Headers issue compiling QtWebKit 5.212 against Qt 5.10.1

On Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015, I'm building QtWebKit (5.212) against Qt 5.10.1, and I'm running into an error during the configuration part of the build.
Here is the command line I use:
perl Tools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --release --only-webkit --no-ninja --cmakeargs="-Thost=x64 -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64" -G \"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64\" --prefix=E:\Qt-5.10.1\QtWebKitBin -v
Here is the error:
-- Performing Test Qt5Gui_PRIVATE_HEADER_FOUND
-- Performing Test Qt5Gui_PRIVATE_HEADER_FOUND - Failed
CMake Error at Source/cmake/OptionsQt.cmake:75 (message):
Header private/qhexstring_p.h is not found. Please make sure that:
1. Private headers of Qt5Gui are installed
2. Qt5Gui_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS is correctly defined in Qt5GuiConfig.cmake
Call Stack (most recent call first):
Source/cmake/OptionsQt.cmake:612 (CHECK_QT5_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS)
Source/cmake/WebKitCommon.cmake:50 (include)
CMakeLists.txt:139 (include)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
The private header that it's using to do the test does exist in the Qt5 include directory, as one would expect, in this location:
The Qt5GuiConfig.cmake file exists only in the E:\Qt-5.10.1\QtBin\lib\cmake\Qt5Gui directory of the Qt installation (not in the QtWebKit source installation). I don't know if it's making use of this in any way.
What do I need to do to make the build find this directory as desired? Adding 'include\QtGui\5.10.1\QtGui\' to the INCLUDE env var doesn't work, but I don't believe that's the correct solution anyway.
Here are the parts of my environment related to the Qt directories:
INCLUDE = ...;E:\Qt-5.10.1\QtBin\include;E:\Qt-5.10.1\qt-everywhere-src-5.10.1\include
LIB = ...;E:\Qt-5.10.1\QtBin\lib;E:\Qt-5.10.1\qt-everywhere-src-5.10.1\lib
PATH = E:\Qt-5.10.1\qt-everywhere-src-5.10.1\qtbase\bin;E:\Qt-5.10.1\qt-everywhere-src-5.10.1\gnuwin32\bin;E:\Qt-5.10.1\QtBin\bin;...
QtBin is the directory with my compiled Qt 5.10.1.
qt-everywhere-src-5.10.1 is the Qt 5.10.1 source package
Thanks in advance for any help. I couldn't find any answers searching Google or StackOverflow.
According to the wiki, you should try to define CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to point to your Qt installation
For example :
perl Tools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --release --only-webkit --no-ninja --cmakeargs="-Thost=x64 -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\5.6\msvc2015" -G \"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64\" --prefix=E:\Qt-5.10.1\QtWebKitBin -v
Build on Windows using build-webkit fails because it was unable to find the location for this header file qhexstring_p.h. How to fix this error and although is not a standard way but it works.
Located the file qhexstring_p.h in your prefix directory, or your
preferred Qt Installation SDK
Go to this file Source\cmake\OptionsQt.cmake and change this
From this CHECK_QT5_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS(Gui private/qhexstring_p.h)
to this below
The path here must match the path to your Qt installation and to the exact location the missing file is located. This ensures the test to look for the private director for the Qt installation is successful.
Then locate the file Qt5GuiConfig.cmake in your Qt installation directory and set the variable Qt5Gui_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS to the location were you private headers are found with this below.
set(Qt5Gui_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS "${_qt5Gui_install_prefix}/include/QtGui/${Qt5Gui_VERSION_STRING}/QtGui" "${_qt5Gui_install_prefix}/include/QtCore/${Qt5Gui_VERSION_STRING}/QtCore")
And note this version QtWebKit (5.212) of is known to have several
bugs, so its best you go for those stable ones.
The Save and run
perl Tools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --release --only-webkit --no-ninja --cmakeargs="-Thost=x64 -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\5.6\msvc2015" -G \"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64\" --prefix=E:\Qt-5.10.1\QtWebKitBin -v
As you wanted, that should be able to run as expected.

Missing xfeatures2d.hpp in opencv2 folder?

I just installed via cmake (OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULS_PATH) and mingw530 (Qt)
mingw32-make install
Filestructur is
opencv/release (compile folder)
But if I try to insert
#include "opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp"
it does not find it.
The same problem is already descript here:
But I don't understand the solution
"#Bhatt, on win, you will have to build the INSTALL project. this will copy headers/libs/dlls to your install folder".
My fallback is to insert
#include "E:/PROGRAMS/opencv/opencv_contrib-3.4.2/modules/xfeatures2d/include/opencv2/xfeatures2d/nonfree.hpp"
then it works. Can someone explain me what's going wrong?
For who is interested: The equivalent to VS+INSTALL project is mingw32-make install. The clue is the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in cmake where this files (headers/libs/dlls) are saved. Add to your Qt .pro file INCLUDEPATH += \install\include.

Why is this happening with cmake

I am working on a c++ project and I am using cmake as the build system, so my workflow here is make changes to code. then,
rm -r build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
Now I added glew as a dependency to the project, so whenever I try to run make I get an error saying SDL.h not found(this was working before).After sometime I decided to check CMakeCache.txt.opened it using vim then :wq that's all I did now if I run make, my project is building successfully, I am not sure why this is happening, Can anyone tell me why?
ps: added gif of this event, check it out to get a clear picture
(the code i am working on is linked as well, this exact issue is in this commit "dd4452b45c733e0612bc5f3c632e9d1a08be8072")
link to gif
link to code
variables in cmake are limited to the scope of the directory they are in plus their subdirectories.
This, calling find_module() in the gamelib subdirectory does not find that module for use in the main directory.
The preferred way to propagate include directory dependencies is to add them to the target (in the gamelib directory), like this:
target_include_directories(gamelib BEFORE PRIVATE
target_include_directories(gamelib SYSTEM BEFORE PUBLIC
then you don't need to even mention them in any executable that uses gamelib.

XCode4 cannot include head file in <>

i'm building , it depends on freetype ,so we need " #include " in some files.
I always get the build error : 'ft2build.h' not found.
have tried ,but didnt work for me.
Have you installed the freetype package? If not, and you have MacPorts, you can install with sudo port install freetype. ft2build.h will then be located at /opt/local/include/ft2build.h.
You will need to follow the instructions on the StackOverflow question you mentioned on how to add /opt/local/include to the User Header Search Paths in Xcode.