how character sets are stored in strings and wstrings? - c++

So, i've been trying to do a bit of research of strings and wstrings as i need to understand how they work for a program i'm creating so I also looked into ASCII and unicode, and UTF-8 and UTF-16.
I believe i have an okay understanding of the concept of how these work, but what i'm still having trouble with is how they are actually stored in 'char's, 'string's, 'wchar_t's and 'wstring's.
So my questions are as follows:
Which character set and encoding is used for char and wchar_t? and are these types limited to using only these character sets / encoding?
If they are not limited to these character sets / encoding, how is it decided what character set / encoding is used for a particular char or wchar_t? is it automatically decided at compile for example or do we have to explicitly tell it what to use?
From my understanding UTF-8 uses 1 byte when using the first 128 code points in the set but can use more than 1 byte when using code point 128 and above. If so how is this stored? for example is it simply stored identically to ASCII if it only uses 1 byte? and how does the type (char or wchar_t or whatever) know how many bytes it is using?
Finally, if my understanding is correct I get why UTF-8 and UTF-16 are not compatible, eg. a string can't be used where a wstring is needed. But in a program that requires a wstring would it be better practice to write a conversion function from a string to a wstring and the use this when a wstring is required to make my code exclusively string-based or just use wstring where needed instead?
Thanks, and let me know if any of my questions are incorrectly worded or use the wrong terminology as i'm trying to get to grips with this as best as I can.
i'm working in C++ btw

They use whatever characterset and encoding you want. The types do not imply a specific characterset or encoding. They do not even imply characters - you could happily do math problems with them. Don't do that though, it's weird.
How do you output text? If it is to a console, the console decides which character is associated with each value. If it is some graphical toolkit, the toolkit decides. Consoles and toolkits tend to conform to standards, so there is a good chance they will be using unicode, nowadays. On older systems anything might happen.
UTF8 has the same values as ASCII for the range 0-127. Above that it gets a bit more complicated; this is explained here quite well:
wstring is a string made up of wchar_t, but sadly wchar_t is implemented differently on different platforms. For example, on Visual Studio it is 16 bits (and could be used to store UTF16), but on GCC it is 32 bits (and could thus be used to store unicode codepoints directly). You need to be aware of this if you want your code to be portable. Personally I chose to only store strings in UTF8, and convert only when needed.

Which character set and encoding is used for char and wchar_t? and are these types limited to using only these character sets / encoding?
This is not defined by the language standard. Each compiler will have to agree with the operating system on what character codes to use. We don't even know how many bits are used for char and wchar_t.
On some systems char is UTF-8, on others it is ASCII, or something else. On IBM mainframes it can be EBCDIC, a character encoding already in use before ASCII was defined.
If they are not limited to these character sets / encoding, how is it decided what character set / encoding is used for a particular char or wchar_t? is it automatically decided at compile for example or do we have to explicitly tell it what to use?
The compiler knows what is appropriate for each system.
From my understanding UTF-8 uses 1 byte when using the first 128 code points in the set but can use more than 1 byte when using code point 128 and above. If so how is this stored? for example is it simply stored identically to ASCII if it only uses 1 byte? and how does the type (char or wchar_t or whatever) know how many bytes it is using?
The first part of UTF-8 is identical to the corresponding ASCII codes, and stored as a single byte. Higher codes will use two or more bytes.
The char type itself just store bytes and doesn't know how many bytes we need to form a character. That's for someone else to decide.
The same thing for wchar_t, which is 16 bits on Windows but 32 bits on other systems, like Linux.
Finally, if my understanding is correct I get why UTF-8 and UTF-16 are not compatible, eg. a string can't be used where a wstring is needed. But in a program that requires a wstring would it be better practice to write a conversion function from a string to a wstring and the use this when a wstring is required to make my code exclusively string-based or just use wstring where needed instead?
You will likely have to convert. Unfortunately the conversion needed will be different for different systems, as character sizes and encodings vary.
In later C++ standards you have new types char16_t and char32_t, with the string types u16string and u32string. Those have known sizes and encodings.

Everything about used encoding is implementation defined. Check your compiler documentation. It depends on default locale, encoding of source file and OS console settings.
Types like string, wstring, operations on them and C facilities, like strcmp/wstrcmp expect fixed-width encodings. So the would not work properly with variable width ones like UTF8 or UTF16 (but will work with, e.g., UCS-2). If you want to store variable-width encoded strings, you need to be careful and not use fixed-width operations on it. C-string do have some functions for manipulation of such strings in standard library .You can use classes from codecvt header to convert between different encodings for C++ strings.
I would avoid wstring and use C++11 exact width character string: std::u16string or std::u32string

As an example here is some info on how windows uses these types/encodings.
char stores ASCII values (with code pages for non-ASCII values)
wchar_t stores UTF-16, note this means that some unicode characters will use 2 wchar_t's
If you call a system function, e.g. puts then the header file will actually pick either puts or _putws depending on how you've set things up (i.e. if you are using unicode).
So on windows there is no direct support for UTF-8, which means that if you use char to store UTF-8 encoded strings you have to covert them to UTF-16 and call the corresponding UTF-16 system functions.


What exactly can wchar_t represent?

According to's doc on wchar_t:
wchar_t - type for wide character representation (see wide strings). Required to be large enough to represent any supported character code point (32 bits on systems that support Unicode. A notable exception is Windows, where wchar_t is 16 bits and holds UTF-16 code units) It has the same size, signedness, and alignment as one of the integer types, but is a distinct type.
The Standard says in [basic.fundamental]/5:
Type wchar_­t is a distinct type whose values can represent distinct codes for all members of the largest extended character set specified among the supported locales. Type wchar_­t shall have the same size, signedness, and alignment requirements as one of the other integral types, called its underlying type. Types char16_­t and char32_­t denote distinct types with the same size, signedness, and alignment as uint_­least16_­t and uint_­least32_­t, respectively, in <cstdint>, called the underlying types.
So, if I want to deal with unicode characters, should I use wchar_t?
Equivalently, how do I know if a specific unicode character is "supported" by wchar_t?
So, if I want to deal with unicode characters, should I use
First of all, note that the encoding does not force you to use any particular type to represent a certain character. You may use char to represent Unicode characters just as wchar_t can - you only have to remember that up to 4 chars together will form a valid code point depending on UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32 encoding, while wchar_t can use 1 (UTF-32 on Linux, etc) or up to 2 working together (UTF-16 on Windows).
Next, there is no definite Unicode encoding. Some Unicode encodings use a fixed width for representing codepoints (like UTF-32), others (such as UTF-8 and UTF-16) have variable lengths (the letter 'a' for instance surely will just use up 1 byte, but apart from the English alphabet, other characters surely will use up more bytes for representation).
So you have to decide what kind of characters you want to represent and then choose your encoding accordingly. Depending on the kind of characters you want to represent, this will affect the amount of bytes your data will take. E.g. using UTF-32 to represent mostly English characters will lead to many 0-bytes. UTF-8 is a better choice for many Latin based languages, while UTF-16 is usually a better choice for Eastern Asian languages.
Once you have decided on this, you should minimize the amount of conversions and stay consistent with your decision.
In the next step, you may decide what data type is appropriate to represent the data (or what kind of conversions you may need).
If you would like to do text-manipulation/interpretation on a code-point basis, char certainly is not the way to go if you have e.g. Japanese kanji. But if you just want to communicate your data and regard it no more as a quantitative sequence of bytes, you may just go with char.
The link to UTF-8 everywhere was already posted as a comment, and I suggest you having a look there as well. Another good read is What every programmer should know about encodings.
As by now, there is only rudimentary language support in C++ for Unicode (like the char16_t and char32_t data types, and u8/u/U literal prefixes). So chosing a library for manging encodings (especially conversions) certainly is a good advice.
wchar_t is used in Windows which uses UTF16-LE format. wchar_t requires wide char functions. For example wcslen(const wchar_t*) instead of strlen(const char*) and std::wstring instead of std::string
Unix based machines (Linux, Mac, etc.) use UTF8. This uses char for storage, and the same C and C++ functions for ASCII, such as strlen(const char*) and std::string (see comments below about std::find_first_of)
wchar_t is 2 bytes (UTF16) in Windows. But in other machines it is 4 bytes (UTF32). This makes things more confusing.
For UTF32, you can use std::u32string which is the same on different systems.
You might consider converting UTF8 to UTF32, because that way each character is always 4 bytes, and you might think string operations will be easier. But that's rarely necessary.
UTF8 is designed so that ASCII characters between 0 and 128 are not used to represent other Unicode code points. That includes escape sequence '\', printf format specifiers, and common parsing characters like ,
Consider the following UTF8 string. Lets say you want to find the comma
std::string str = u8"汉,🙂"; //3 code points represented by 8 bytes
The ASCII value for comma is 44, and str is guaranteed to contain only one byte whose value is 44. To find the comma, you can simply use any standard function in C or C++ to look for ','
To find 汉, you can search for the string u8"汉" since this code point cannot be represented as a single character.
Some C and C++ functions don't work smoothly with UTF8. These include
The argument for above functions is a set of characters, not an actual string.
So str.find_first_of(u8"汉") does not work. Because u8"汉" is 3 bytes, and find_first_of will look for any of those bytes. There is a chance that one of those bytes are used to represent a different code point.
On the other hand, str.find_first_of(u8",;abcd") is safe, because all the characters in the search argument are ASCII (str itself can contain any Unicode character)
In rare cases UTF32 might be required (although I can't imagine where!) You can use std::codecvt to convert UTF8 to UTF32 to run the following operations:
std::u32string u32 = U"012汉"; //4 code points, represented by 4 elements
cout << u32.find_first_of(U"汉") << endl; //outputs 3
cout << u32.find_first_of(U'汉') << endl; //outputs 3
Side note:
You should use "Unicode everywhere", not "UTF8 everywhere".
In Linux, Mac, etc. use UTF8 for Unicode.
In Windows, use UTF16 for Unicode. Windows programmers use UTF16, they don't make pointless conversions back and forth to UTF8. But there are legitimate cases for using UTF8 in Windows.
Windows programmer tend to use UTF8 for saving files, web pages, etc. So that's less worry for non-Windows programmers in terms of compatibility.
The language itself doesn't care which Unicode format you want to use, but in terms of practicality use a format that matches the system you are working on.
So, if I want to deal with unicode characters, should I use wchar_t?
That depends on what encoding you're dealing with. In case of UTF-8 you're just fine with char and std::string.
UTF-8 means the least encoding unit is 8 bits: all Unicode code points from U+0000 to U+007F are encoded by only 1 byte.
Beginning with code point U+0080 UTF-8 uses 2 bytes for encoding, starting from U+0800 it uses 3 bytes and from U+10000 4 bytes.
To handle this variable width (1 byte - 2 byte - 3 byte - 4 byte) char fits best.
Be aware that C-functions like strlen will provide byte-based results: "öö" in fact is a 2-character text but strlen will return 4 because 'ö' is encoded to 0xC3B6.
UTF-16 means the least encoding unit is 16 bits: all code points from U+0000 to U+FFFF are encoded by 2 bytes; starting from U+100000 4 bytes are used.
In case of UTF-16 you should use wchar_t and std::wstring because most of the characters you'll ever encounter will be 2-byte encoded.
When using wchar_t you can't use C-functions like strlen any more; you have to use the wide char equivalents like wcslen.
When using Visual Studio and building with configuration "Unicode" you'll get UTF-16: TCHAR and CString will be based on wchar_t instead of char.
It all depends what you mean by 'deal with', but one thing is for sure: where Unicode is concerned std::basic_string doesn't provide any real functionality at all.
In any particular program, you will need to perform X number of Unicode-aware operations, e.g. intelligent string matching, case folding, regex, locating word breaks, using a Unicode string as a path name maybe, and so on.
Supporting these operations there will almost always be some kind of library and / or native API provided by the platform, and the goal for me would be to store and manipulate my strings in such a way that these operations can be carried out without scattering knowledge of the underlying library and native API support throughout the code any more than necessary. I'd also want to future-proof myself as to the width of the characters I store in my strings in case I change my mind.
Suppose, for example, you decide to use ICU to do the heavy lifting. Immediately there is an obvious problem: an icu::UnicodeString is not related in any way to std::basic_string. What to do? Work exclusively with icu::UnicodeString throughout the code? Probably not.
Or maybe the focus of the application switches from European languages to Asian ones, so that UTF-16 becomes (perhaps) a better choice than UTF-8.
So, my choice would be to use a custom string class derived from std::basic_string, something like this:
typedef wchar_t mychar_t; // say
class MyString : public std::basic_string <mychar_t>
Straightaway you have flexibility in choosing the size of the code units stored in your container. But you can do much more than that. For example, with the above declaration (and after you add in boilerplate for the various constructors that you need to provide to forward them to std::basic_string), you still cannot say:
MyString s = "abcde";
Because "abcde" is a narrow string and various the constructors for std::basic_string <wchar_t> all expect a wide string. Microsoft solve this with a macro (TEXT ("...") or __T ("...")), but that is a pain. All we need to do now is to provide a suitable constructor in MyString, with signature MyString (const char *s), and the problem is solved.
In practise, this constructor would probably expect a UTF-8 string, regardless of the underlying character width used for MyString, and convert it if necessary. Someone comments here somewhere that you should store your strings as UTF-8 so that you can construct them from UTF-8 literals in your code. Well now we have broken that constraint. The underlying character width of our strings can be anything we like.
Another thing that people have been talking about in this thread is that find_first_of may not work properly for UTF-8 strings (and indeed some UTF-16 ones also). Well, now you can provide an implementation that does the job properly. Should take about half an hour. If there are other 'broken' implementations in std::basic_string (and I'm sure there are), then most of them can probably be replaced with similar ease.
As for the rest, it mainly depends what level of abstraction you want to implement in your MyString class. If your application is happy to have a dependency on ICU, for example, then you can just provide a couple of methods to convert to and from an icu::UnicodeString. That's probably what most people would do.
Or if you need to pass UTF-16 strings to / from native Windows APIs then you can add methods to convert to and from const WCHAR * (which again you would implement in such a way that they work for all values of mychar_t). Or you could go further and abstract away some or all of the Unicode support provided by the platform and library you are using. The Mac, for example, has rich Unicode support but it's only available from Objective-C so you have to wrap it.
It depends on how portable you want your code to be.
So you can add in whatever functionality you like, probably on an on-going basis as work progresses, without losing the ability to carry your strings around as a std::basic_string. Of one sort or another. Just try not to write code that assumes it knows how wide it is, or that it contains no surrogate pairs.
First of all, you should check (as you point out in your question) if you are using Windows and Visual Studio C++ with wchar_t being 16bits, because in that case, to use full unicode support, you'll need to assume UTF-16 encoding.
The basic problem here is not the sizeof wchar_t you are using, but if the libraries you are going to use, support full unicode support.
Java has a similar problem, as its char type is 16bit wide, so it couldn't a priori support full unicode space, but it does, as it uses UTF-16 encoding and the pair surrogates to cope with full 24bit codepoints.
It's also worth to note that UNICODE uses only the high plane to encode rare codepoints, that are not normally used daily.
For unicode support anyway, you need to use wide character sets, so wchar_t is a good beginning. If you are going to work with visual studio, then you have to check how it's libraries deal with unicode characters.
Another thing to note is that standard libraries deal with character sets (and this includes unicode) only when you add locale support (this requires some library to be initialized, e.g. setlocale(3)) and so, you'll see no unicode at all (only basic ascii) in cases where you have not called setlocale(3).
There are wide char functions for almost any str*(3) function, as well as for any stdio.h library function, to deal with wchar_ts. A little dig into the /usr/include/wchar.h file will reveal the names of the routines. Go to the manual pages for documentation on them: fgetws(3), fputwc(3), fputws(3), fwide(3), fwprintf(3), ...
Finally, consider again that, if you are dealing with Microsoft Visual C++, you have a different implementation from the beginning. Even if they cope to be completely standard compliant, you'll have to cope with some idiosyncrasies of having a different implementation. Probably you'll have different function names for some uses.

streams with default utf8 handling

I have read that in some environments std::string internally uses UTF-8. Whereas, on my platform, Windows, std::string is ASCII only. This behavior can be changed by using std::locale. My version of STL doesn't have, or at least I can't find, a UTF-8 facet for use with strings. I do however have a facet for use with the fstream set of classes.
When I say "use UTF-8 internally", I'm referring to methods like std::basic_filebuf::open(), which in some environments accept UTF-8 encoded strings. I know this isn't really an std::string issue but rather some OS's use UTF-8 natively. My question should be read as "how does your implementation handle code conversion of invalid sequences?".
How do these streams handle invalid code sequences on other platforms/implementations?
In my UTF8 facet for files, it simply returns an error, which in turn prevents any more of the stream from being read. I would have thought changing the error to the Unicode "Invalid char" 0xfffd value to be a better option.
My question isn't limited to UTF-8, how about invalid UTF-16 surrogate pairs?
Let's have an example. Say you open a UTF-8 encoded file with a UTF-8 to wchar_t locale. How are invalid UTF-8 sequences handled by your implementation?
Or, a std::wstring and print it to std::cout, this time with a lone surrogate.
I have read that in some environments std::string internally uses uses UTF-8.
A C++ program can chose to use std::string to hold a UTF-8 string on any standard-compliant platform.
Whereas, on my platform, Windows, std::string is ASCII only.
That is not correct. On Windows you can use a std::string to hold a UTF-8 string if you want, std::string is not limited to hold ASCII on any standard-compliant platform.
This behavior can be changed by using std::locale.
No, the behaviour of std::string is not affected by the locale library.
A std::string is a sequence of chars. On most platforms, including Windows, a char is 8-bits. So you can use std::string to hold ASCII, Latin1, UTF-8 or any character encoding that uses an 8-bit or less code unit. std::string::length returns the number of code units so held, and the std::string::operator[] will return the ith code unit.
For holding UTF-16 you can use char16_t and std::u16string.
For holding UTF-32 you can use char32_t and std::u32string.
Say you open a UTF-8 encoded file with a UTF-8 to wchar_t locale. How are invalid UTF-8 sequences handled by your implementation?
Typically no one bothers with converting to wchar_t or other wide char types on other platforms, but the standard facets that can be used for this all signal a read error that causes the stream to stop working until the error is cleared.
std::string should be encoding agnostic: - so it should not validate codepoints/data - you should be able to store any binary data in it.
The only places where encoding really makes a difference is in calculating string length and iterating over string character by character - and locale should have no effect in either of these cases.
And also - use of std::locale is probably not a good idea if it can be avoided at all - its not thread safe on all platforms or all implementations of standard library so care must be taken when using it. The effect of this is also very limited, and probably not at all what you expect it to be.

Does encoding affect the result of strstr() (and related functions)

Does character set encoding affects the result of strstr() function?
For example, I have read a data to "buf" and do this:
char *p = strstr (buf, "UNB");
I wonder whether the data is encoded in ASCII or others (e.g. EBCDIC) affects the result of this function?
(Since "UNB" are different bit streams under different encoding ways...)
If yes, what's the default that is used for these function? (ASCII?)
The C functions like strstr operate on the raw char data,
independently of the encoding. In this case, you potentially have two
different encodings: the one the compiler used for the string literal,
and the one your program used when filling buf. If these aren't the
same, then the function may not work as expected.
With regards to the "default" encoding, there isn't one, at least as far
as the standard is concerned; the ”basic execution character
set“ is implementation defined. In practice, systems which don't
use an encoding derived from ASCII (ISO 8859-1 seems the most common, at
least here in Europe) are exceedingly rare. As for the encoding you get
in buf, that depends on where the characters come from; if you're
reading from an istream, it depends on the locale imbued in the
stream. In practice, however, again, almost all of these (UTF-8,
ISO8859-x, etc.) are derived from ASCII, and are identical with ASCII
for all of the characters in the basic execution character set
(which includes all of the characters legal in traditional C). So for
"UNB", you're likely safe. (but for something like "üéâ", you almost
certainly aren't.)
Your string constant ("UNB") is encoded in source file encoding, so it must match the encoding of your buffer
Both string parameters must be the same encoding. With string literals the encoding of the C++ source (platform encoding). For Unicode, UTF-8 the function has another problem: Unicode has accented letters with diacritics but these can also be encoded as basic letter plus a combining diacritic symbol. é can be one letter [é] or two: [e] + [combining-´]. Normalisation exists.
For Java it is becoming usance (a very silent development) to explicitly set the source encoding to UTF-8. For C++ projects I am not aware of such conventions becoming widespread.
strstr should work without a problem on UTF-8 encoded unicode characters.
with this function, data is encoded in ASCII.

How do I get STL std::string to work with unicode on windows?

At my company we have a cross platform(Linux & Windows) library that contains our own extension of the STL std::string, this class provides all sort of functionality on top of the string; split, format, to/from base64, etc. Recently we were given the requirement of making this string unicode "friendly" basically it needs to support characters from Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc. After initial research this seems fine on the Linux side since every thing is inherently UTF-8, however I am having trouble with the Windows side; is there a trick to getting the STL std::string to work as UTF-8 on windows? Is it even possible? Is there a better way? Ideally we would keep ourselves based on the std::string since that is what the string class is based on in Linux.
Thank you,
There are several misconceptions in your question.
Neither C++ nor the STL deal with encodings.
std::string is essentially a string of bytes, not characters. So you should have no problem stuffing UTF-8 encoded Unicode into it. However, keep in mind that all string functions also work on bytes, so myString.length() will give you the number of bytes, not the number of characters.
Linux is not inherently UTF-8. Most distributions nowadays default to UTF-8, but it should not be relied upon.
Yes - by being more aware of locales and encodings.
Windows has two function calls for everything that requires text, a FoobarA() and a FoobarW(). The *W() functions take UTF-16 encoded strings, the *A() takes strings in the current codepage. However, Windows doesn't support a UTF-8 code page, so you can't directly use it in that sense with the *A() functions, nor would you want to depend on that being set by users. If you want "Unicode" in Windows, use the Unicode-capable (*W) functions. There are tutorials out there, Googling "Unicode Windows tutorial" should get you some.
If you are storing UTF-8 data in a std::string, then before you pass it off to Windows, convert it to UTF-16 (Windows provides functions for doing such), and then pass it to Windows.
Many of these problems arise from C/C++ being generally encoding-agnostic. char isn't really a character, it's just an integral type. Even using char arrays to store UTF-8 data can get you into trouble if you need to access individual code units, as char's signed-ness is left undefined by the standards. A statement like str[x] < 0x80 to check for multiple-byte characters can quickly introduce a bug. (That statement is always true if char is signed.) A UTF-8 code unit is an unsigned integral type with a range of 0-255. That maps to the C type of uint8_t exactly, although unsigned char works as well. Ideally then, I'd make a UTF-8 string an array of uint8_ts, but due to old APIs, this is rarely done.
Some people have recommended wchar_t, claiming it to be "A Unicode character type" or something like that. Again, here the standard is just as agnostic as before, as C is meant to work anywhere, and anywhere might not be using Unicode. Thus, wchar_t is no more Unicode than char. The standard states:
which is an integer type whose range of values can represent distinct codes for all members of the largest extended character set specified among the supported locales
In Linux, a wchat_t represents a UTF-32 code unit / code point. It is thus 4 bytes. However, in Windows, it's a UTF-16 code unit, and is only 2 bytes. (Which, I would have said does not conform to the above, since 2-bytes cannot represent all of Unicode, but that's the way it works.) This size difference, and difference in data encoding, clearly puts a strain on portability. The Unicode standard itself recommends against wchar_t if you need portability. (§5.2)
The end lesson: I find it easiest to store all my data in some well-declared format. (Typically UTF-8, usually in std::string's, but I'd really like something better.) The important thing here is not the UTF-8 part, but rather, I know that my strings are UTF-8. If I'm passing them to some other API, I must also know that that API expects UTF-8 strings. If it doesn't, then I must convert them. (Thus, if I speak to Window's API, I must convert strings to UTF-16 first.) A UTF-8 text string is an "orange", and a "latin1" text string is an "apple". A char array that doesn't know what encoding it is in is a recipe for disaster.
Putting UTF-8 code points into an std::string should be fine regardless of platform. The problem on Windows is that almost nothing else expects or works with UTF-8 -- it expects and works with UTF-16 instead. You can switch to an std::wstring which will store UTF-16 (at least on most Windows compilers) or you can write other routines that will accept UTF-8 (probably by converting to UTF-16, and then passing through to the OS).
Have you looked at std::wstring? It's a version of std::basic_string for wchar_t rather than the char that std::string uses.
No, there is no way to make Windows treat "narrow" strings as UTF-8.
Here is what works best for me in this situation (cross-platform application that has Windows and Linux builds).
Use std::string in cross-platform portion of the code. Assume that it always contains UTF-8 strings.
In Windows portion of the code, use "wide" versions of Windows API explicitly, i.e. write e.g. CreateFileW instead of CreateFile. This allows to avoid dependency on build system configuration.
In the platfrom abstraction layer, convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16 where needed (MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte).
Other approaches that I tried but don't like much:
typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> tstring; then use tstring in the business code. Wrappers/overloads can be made to streamline conversion between std::string and std::tstring, but it still adds a lot of pain.
Use std::wstring everywhere. Does not help much since wchar_t is 16 bit on Windows, so you either have to restrict yourself to BMP or go to a lot of complications to make the code dealing with Unicode cross-platform. In the latter case, all benefits over UTF-8 evaporate.
Use ATL/WTL/MFC CString in the platfrom-specific portion; use std::string in cross-platfrom portion. This is actually a variant of what I recommend above. CString is in many aspects superior to std::string (in my opinion). But it introduces an additional dependency and thus not always acceptable or convenient.
If you want to avoid headache, don't use the STL string types at all. C++ knows nothing about Unicode or encodings, so to be portable, it's better to use a library that is tailored for Unicode support, e.g. the ICU library. ICU uses UTF-16 strings by default, so no conversion is required, and supports conversions to many other important encodings like UTF-8. Also try to use cross-platform libraries like Boost.Filesystem for things like path manipulations (boost::wpath). Avoid std::string and std::fstream.
In the Windows API and C runtime library, char* parameters are interpreted as being encoded in the "ANSI" code page. The problem is that UTF-8 isn't supported as an ANSI code page, which I find incredibly annoying.
I'm in a similar situation, being in the middle of porting software from Windows to Linux while also making it Unicode-aware. The approach we've taken for this is:
Use UTF-8 as the default encoding for strings.
In Windows-specific code, always call the "W" version of functions, converting string arguments between UTF-8 and UTF-16 as necessary.
This is also the approach Poco has taken.
It really platform dependant, Unicode is headache. Depends on which compiler you use. For older ones from MS (VS2010 or older), you would need use API described in MSDN
for VS2015
std::string _old = u8"D:\\Folder\\This \xe2\x80\x93 by ABC.txt"s;
according to their docs. I can't check that one.
for mingw, gcc, etc.
std::string _old = u8"D:\\Folder\\This \xe2\x80\x93 by ABC.txt";
std::cout <<;
output contains proper file name...
You should consider using QString and QByteArray, it has good unicode support

(Encoded) String handling in C++ - questions / best practices?

What are the best practices for handling strings in C++? I'm wondering especially how to handle the following cases:
File input/output of text and XML files, which may be written in different encodings. What is the recommended way of handling this, and how to retrieve the values? I guess, a XML node may contain UTF-16 text, and then I have to work with it somehow.
How to handle char* strings. After all, this can be unsigned or not, and I wonder how I determine what encoding they use (ANSI?), and how to convert to UTF-8? Is there any recommended reading on this, where the basic guarantees of C/C++ about strings are documented?
String algorithms for UTF-8 etc. strings -- computing the length, parsing, etc. How is this done best?
What character type is really portable? I've learned that wchar_t can be anything from 8-32 bit wide, making it no good choice if I want to be consistent across platforms (especially when moving data between different platforms - this seems to be a problem, as described for example in EASTL, look at item #13)
At the moment, I'm using std::string everywhere, with a small helper utility to convert to UTF-16 when calling Unicode-APIs, but I'm pretty sure that this is not really the best way. Using something like Qt's QString or the ICU String class seems to be right, but I wonder whether there is a more lightweight approach (i.e. if my char strings are ANSI encoded, and the subset of ANSI that is used is equal to UFT-8, then I can easily treat the data as UTF-8 and provide converters from/to UTF-8, and I'm done, as I can store it in std::string, unless there are problems with this approach).
For a shorter answer, I would just recommend using UTF-16 for simplicity; Java/C#/Python 3.0 switched to that model exactly for simplicity.
I've always expected wchar_t to be 16 or 32bit wide, and many platforms support that; indeed, APIs like wcrtomb() do not allow an implementation to support a shift state for wchar_t*, but since UTF-8 needs none, it may be used, while other encodings are ruled out.
Then, I answer the question about XML.
File input/output of text and XML files, which may be written in different encodings. What is the recommended way of handling this, and how to retrieve the values? I guess, a XML node may contain UTF-16 text, and then I have to work with it somehow.
I'm not sure, but I don't think so.
Mixing two encodings in the same file is asking for trouble and data corruption.
Encoding a file in UTF-16 is usually a bad choice since most programs rely on using ASCII everwhere.
The issue is: an XML file might use any single encoding, maybe even UTF-16, but then also the initial encoding declaration has to use UTF-16, and even the tags then. The problem I see with UTF-16 is: how should one reliable parse the initial declaration? The answer comes in the specification:, § 4.3.3:
In the absence of information provided by an external transport protocol (e.g. HTTP or MIME), it is a fatal error for an entity including an encoding declaration to be presented to the XML processor in an encoding other than that named in the declaration, or for an entity which begins with neither a Byte Order Mark nor an encoding declaration to use an encoding other than UTF-8. Note that since ASCII is a subset of UTF-8, ordinary ASCII entities do not strictly need an encoding declaration.
When reading that, note that also an XML file is an entity, called the document entity; in general, an entity is a storage unit for the document. From the whole specification, I'd say that only one encoding declaration is allowed for each entity, and I'd convert all entities to UTF-16 when reading them for easier handling.
Webography:, XML spec., Annotated XML spec.
String algorithms for UTF-8 etc. strings -- computing the length, parsing, etc. How is this done best?
mbrlen gives you the length of a C string. I don't think std::string can be used for multibyte strings, you should use wstring for wide ones.
In general, you should probaby stick with UTF-16 inside your program and use UTF-8 only on I/O (I don't know well other options, but they are surely more complex and error-prone).
How to handle char* strings. After all, this can be unsigned or not, and I wonder how I determine what encoding they use (ANSI?), and how to convert to UTF-8? Is there any recommended reading on this, where the basic guarantees of C/C++ about strings are documented?
Basically, you can use any encoding, and you will happen to use the native encoding of the system on which you are running on, as long as it's an 8-bit encoding. C was born for ASCII, and locale handling was an afterthought. For years, each system understood mostly one native encoding, say ISO-8859-x, and files from another encoding could even be non-representable.
Since for UTF-8 strings one byte is not always one character, I guess that the safest bet is to use multibyte string for them. The C manuals I used described multibyte string in abstract, without details on those issues (in particular, on the used encoding). For C, see functions like mbrlen and mbrtowc. On my Linux system, it is noted that their behaviour depends on LC_CTYPE, and this probably means that the native type of multibyte strings. From the documentation it can be inferred that their API supports also encodings where you can shift from one-byte to two-bytes and back.
How to handle char* strings. After all, this can be unsigned or not,
If you rely on signedness of char, you're doing it wrong. Signedness of chars only matters if you use char as a numeric type, and then you should always use either unsigned or signed chars; in fact, you should pretend that plain char is neither unsigned nor signed, and that an expression like a > 0 (if a is a char) has undefined semantics. But what would it be useful for, anyway?