wxWidgets: How to adjust size of indent of wxDataViewCtrl? - c++

I am using the Gtk port of wxWidgets 3.0.2.
I have a wxDataViewCtrl displaying it's data model in a tree-like fashion. Is it possible to make the size of how much child nodes are indented underneath its parent node bigger?
I know there's a wxDataViewCtrl::SetIndent() method, but that doesn't seem to do anything. Indeed, when I look at source code for SetIndent(), it calls out to a DoSetIndent() method and for Gtk, this method is actually a no-op :-(.

Currently this is impossible, but it actually seems simple to do using gtk_tree_view_set_level_indentation(), so I've just done this and SetIndent() will work in wxWidgets 3.1.0 to be released soon.
In the meanwhile, you can do the same thing in your own code using wxWindow::GetHandle() to retrieve GtkTreeView widget from the control.


Why is my listbox not resizing? (Dynamically resizing dialog components)

My app is Win32; I'm using VS 2015. I have a dialog box that contains a listbox. I set the listbox to be dynamically resized, but it does not change when the dialog is resized.
Here are the listbox' attributes:
The listbox is owner-drawn:
This is the default size of the dialog:
This is what the dialog looks like when I stretch in Test mode in the Resource Workshop Dialog Editor. Notice the inside listbox expands too, exactly as hoped:
However, when it's actually running, stretching the dialog does not increase the size of the listbox:
Why is this not working? Is there some additional voodoo I have to invoke to get it to actually work? Does this only work in MFC? What is the Win32 equivalent of CWnd::ExecuteDlgInit?
Note: I have already looked at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt270148.aspx and http://mariusbancila.ro/blog/2015/07/27/dynamic-dialog-layout-for-mfc-in-visual-c-2015/, wherein I did not find an answer.
Does this only work in MFC?
Indeed, this only works when using MFC1.
What is the Win32 equivalent of CWnd::ExecuteDlgInit?
MFC is a library built on top of the Windows API. The windowing system in the Windows API does not provide any sort of layout management. If you want to see the Windows API equivalent, it's literally what is implemented in MFC.
So, why is this supported in the graphical resource editor then? Because that is where the layout information is generated. It's ultimately placed into a custom resource of type AFX_DIALOG_LAYOUT, where MFC picks it up to do its magic. If you aren't using MFC, that resource is simply ignored.
That's not to say that - in theory - you wouldn't be able to implement your own solution that reads the generated resource. As long as you can find documentation for the custom resource used by MFC. I didn't, but a look into the MFC source revealed, that it's pretty simple (a version WORD, followed by pairs of WORDs for horizontal and vertical move and size settings).
1 Or a library that understands the implementation details, such as the WTL.
This functionality is also supported in Windows Template Library!
If you have a look at the CDynamicDialogLayout class you can see how it works, and if you are using WTL you can even use the functionality yourself.
For the record, I was looking for the solution to this as well, when I resized a control on my dialog all of the dynamic resizing stopped working, although it worked fine in the Test Mode.
To fix it, in the the second link you posted there's a section on adding a function:
void CMFCDynLayoutDemoDlg::SetupDynamicLayout()
Where you re-setup the Dynamic Layout manager
Once I did this, it started working in the live version for me.
Very similar answer is in this post too:
Recalculate dynamic layout properties

Painting zone using wxWidgets and FormBuilder

I have task to create client (best if it will be possible to build it for Windows & Linux) for some tools and printing hexagonal map.
I chose wxWidgets to use for that. I downloaded WxFormBuilder, that perfectly helps to create forms and code for them.
But I have to paint hexagonal map somewhere in that form. And I didn't found what item from instrument panel I have to use for that. I can add something like wxPanel one by hands in sources that was automatically created for me, but that is bad idea, because after every change from wxFormBuilder I will need to parse result again by hands.
I'm new with painting and graphic, but believe there have to be solution for that in wxFormBuilder, isn't it?
That's the thing about computer programming: at some time you always have to settle down and write some code. All those applications that promise to write code for you have to be abandoned at some point and you actually have to do some work: you have reached that point. ( Here is a link to more about this )
Here is a brief introduction to writing code to paint the application window in wxWidgets, with a minimal sample code: http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/WxDC

Filling text in qwidget using win32 api

I have a problem. I am using C++ to develop an application in Win32 that among other scopes automatize some user input process in an external app in order for the user to be ready to operate.
Particularly I would like to use Win32 API to fill some text in a Qt QWidget control. I wrote a DLL in pure C to get this task done. I tested it on a MFC application and it works very well.
Anyway I could not get it to work for Qt QWidget controls.
I was able to get the right handle via the EnumChildWindows function (stored in the struct Field).
SendMessage(Field.hFound,WM_SETTEXT,(WPARAM)NULL,(LPARAM)_T("bla bla bla"));
But the SendMessage doesn't seem to work because maybe the control (most probably a QLineedit) supports other messages to get this job done.
Is there any specification for these events, I googled a lot but I could not find anything suitable.
What is the most straightforward way to get this code working? Is there an Event table mapping for Qt I could use? Do I have to use some Qt headers and link it against a DLL (this could be a problem because of licensing)?
Thanks in advance.
Qt, at least 4.8 and 5.x, uses foreign controls. None of the widgets, beyond the window, have native handles. Your EnumChildWindows is most likely not finding what you think it's finding.
If you don't have access to the Qt application's source code, there's nothing else you can do, short of injecting your own code into the running application. If the application is dynamically linked, you can figure out what version of Qt it's using, and what compiler it was compiled with, and the likely set of Qt configuration options. You can then compile your own code with the same compiler and using same Qt version, and inject it into the running application. You can then enumerate visible windows, and their children, and find the control you're after.

Qt mac switch between panels without changing window

I extensively researched this topic, mainly hindered by that I'm not sure I'm using the right words to describe my issue.
So the point is I'm developing a GUI application in C++ with Qt. The app is being developped on Mac and ftm it's intended only for mac deployment.
I want my app to behave much like System Preferences on Mac, thus accessing different views/panes by clicking buttons on the toolbar.
What I want to avoid is to have one separate window for each pane.
The closest thing I found seems to be QStackedWidget however I'm not sure what's the best way for implementing it.
Should I use it as the main class of my application? Or can I treat it as an object of MainWindow? I'm not a Qt Expert so any further insight or suggestion will be much appreciated. Thanks
QStackedWidget is definitely the way to go. Use it as your main 'container' for your widgets and implement a default main panel widget which contains your entry items, then when you click on one you can push it to be the currently displayed widget in the stack. You could try more complicated solutions to achieve it, but it's significantly easier to do with a QStackedWidget and then focus on how the interaction is handled.

How do you programatically update the UI in Qt?

I'm fairly new to Qt, and am trying to wrap my head around signals and slots. Though I've figured out how to create custom slots, I've yet to figure out how do update the GUI from my C++ code. I realized that the entire UI, which I created in the designer, is only written in what appears to be XML based UI code. Do I have to handwrite my own Qt C++ UI in order to update the interface, or can I somehow use C++ to update the XML based UI? I'm just looking to add a widget to the main form on a button click. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
To add a widget to a form you can simply do
ui->layout()->addWidget(new Widget);
XML is used by QtDesigner as a mean to create, update, and persist your GUI, enabling a visual approach to development, but in the end you can build your application entirely without it.
you dont havfe to update the xml of UI . you can inherit the ui into your own class using setupUi
now in your C++ class you can update the widgets like changing label text, lineEdit text, setting up spinbox value using Signals & slot.
That xml is used by Qt designer and outside of designer it's only used by uic as a source to generate C++ code, so everything that you do in the designer end-up as C++ code, so it can be updated (or done completely) in C++ code (you can look into the code and see that you most likely have a member called ui that is most likely a pointer, but it can also be an instance of a C++ class that is generated for you by uic, and trough that ui member you can access the widgets and layouts that you created in the designer).
A generic resource that i recommend you to read can be found here and then (if you still can't figure it out) ask a specific question about what exactly are you trying to achieve.
LE: that link contains 3 methods to use the generated code into C++ code, don't try all of them into your working project, you may choose one method or use the default one (ui member pointer)